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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56523828 No.56523828 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.56523834
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Is this you?

>> No.56523846

>No debt
I'm poor and have no debt, that's a shit metric

>> No.56523851
File: 57 KB, 460x460, 1697638317448406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>is this you?


>> No.56523878

>healthcare: you have access to premium healthcare
>first economy in the world and they can't even afford a fucking doctor
amerifat hands typed this, lmao

>> No.56523881

Why are boomers obsessed w this word?

>> No.56523903

>be europoor
>get infection
>die of sepsis while on waiting list to see a doctor

>> No.56523913

lol no

>> No.56523959

You forgot number 16:
Jealousy: Wagies just can't stand the fact that you're better with money than they are. Chances are you probably made the same amount of money that they did, but you chose to invest it rather than piss it away on a $900 a month car payment. You probably have a whole new group of friends now that you no longer need to associate with these niggers.

>> No.56524017

So to summarize:
>Amerimutts have to work at least 2 jobs
>They can't afford education because they're cucked by corporations
>They can't afford basic healthcare for the same reason
>They can't afford vacations
>They can't afford home
>They are full of debts
>They spend more than what they gain on a regular base
Fuck how can be a country so cringe?

>> No.56524038

as long as your entire personality isn't the other extreme of penny pinching, then yes this is pretty accurate
plenty of people who are upper middle class by income have nothing left over every month, except maybe their home equity.

>> No.56524159

No, I trusted the retards at chainlink and they made me miss this lifestyle when I should've trusted the shitcoin peddlers

>> No.56524337

This stupid tripfag posts the worst threads I've ever seen. Kill yourself.

>> No.56525100


Maybe stop being mean to people?

>> No.56525110

the lower the iq the harder it is to cope with the unknown
boomers are also older and therefore more fragile and less flexible
stability is seen as a prime virtue

>> No.56525112

You forgot that even if you see a doctor you die because they're drafted in from India because no-one wants to be a doctor for £30k a year

>> No.56525132
File: 60 KB, 561x591, 1683525598022496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do nothing fun in your teens to get into good schools
>grind your 20s away
>land THE JOB in your 30s and be comfortable with your six figures
>invest that shit and continue to do nothing fun
>you can retire in your 40s, but you missed out on your youth and you wouldn't know what to do
>so you just keep investing and dreaming of that sexcapade to bali with the boys from the office who did the same thing
Go for it, warren buffet.

>> No.56525141

Indian doctors+waiting list.
Your specialist is outside your network so you pay 20k instead of 20 dollars if he was in your network.
Kys lol

>> No.56525143

17) Solid gold house

>> No.56525207

t. non europoor

Never read a headline like that here, in muttland on th other hand...
>no insurance? Pls die

>> No.56525225

I haven't seen your dog shit tier threads in awhile. The wonders of filters are too strong.
I'll make sure to add you to this computers filters too
Make sure to kys, tranny freak

>> No.56525430

>Moved Beyond The Middle Class
do not be a feminigger brained retard that supports the latest kike ideas and you are already aeons ahead of them, finances and anything else does not matter

>> No.56525461


We really do live in these people's heads rent-free 24/7, 365.

>> No.56525476

>you own a house