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56523753 No.56523753 [Reply] [Original]

Are they still practical in modern times?

>> No.56523769

They're only worth anything because you can physically hold them.

>> No.56523776
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>> No.56523778



>> No.56523793

nope, shiny rocks are worthless.

>> No.56523885

Cope about what? In any post-apocalypse scenario you're envisioning where we'd exchange your gold for my food or whatever, I'd rather just kill you for your supplies and skip the negotiation part.

>> No.56523980

kek you'd be hanged as an example of being that anti-social retard that tried to kill others and steal they're supplies

>> No.56524013

You won't have the legal system to protect you when a group of vigilantes finds you

>> No.56524019

lol you probably think bitcoin would be useful in such a society without electricity and internet too

>> No.56524492

A good delivery bar is slightly bigger than that. No they were never practical

>> No.56524506

Yes you can throw them
Eat them
Hold them
Look at them
Put a leash on them and drag them
Many usecases
Much more than bitcoin

>> No.56524520

If I visit you, would you give me a gold bar please? Just one.

>> No.56524541

only useful for debtmaxxxing and exiting ones shithole regime. holding onto it is stupid.

>> No.56524740

How much worth of gold is that? If I was rich I'd get a stack of gold bars for the living room or something.

>> No.56524833
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buy these in gold and silver and only use these to buy things and if people don't accept them use the f slur

>> No.56524838

>gold is worthless
>I'll kill you to take it
Which one is it, retard?

>> No.56524936

Wouldn't that violate the NAP?

>> No.56525047

Funny thing is the wood would break if you somehow lifted that

>> No.56525126

Gold is pollen from the giant flowers of supernovas. Practical enough to wear and feel differently. Practical enough to split into little bars to exchange for fiat currency worldwide.

>> No.56525942

is gold a "supply", retard?

>> No.56526061

The Central Banks of the world are buying gold at historic rates and they are not making earrings. Paper weights maybe?

>> No.56526425

kek this
>dude stockpiling stuff you need is pointless, ill just risk my life every day and become a criminal to try and steal it instead

>> No.56526459

Nice stash. What’s the estimated resale value of this box? Question I have is, what is a coin shop willing to pay per oz of gold and or silver? I got some bullion I’ve stashed away years ago

>> No.56526500
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What's the feasibility of buying your own mine? Even if it's a small one. Like buying some land in alaska and digging around for ore. Is there a pmg guide for this?

>> No.56526525

well most people dont dig for ore, they pan for it or search cracks in rocks along rivers. And you can do that on public land or even in some cases on private land you dont own (as long as its not fenced off). You can actually find quite a bit doing this

>> No.56526569

^ Dumbass


>> No.56526585

it is precisely worthless when the circumstances change and it is you and a pile of gold vs a thief with a gun. like i said earlier, gold is not something for a person to hold. you are not living in a pre-2009 world where bitcoin was not invented yet.

>> No.56526612

why is a thief stealing my worthless gold, what does he plan to do with it?
where is my gun?
why am i living in a hypothetic scenario that doesnt make sense???

>> No.56526649

>DUMBFUCK boomer orders gold off internet with full kyc or even buys it in a brick and motor with ID
>stores gold at home, some underneath a floor panel, bulk of it like the actor jimmy zhong in his backyard.
>gets suicided one day on the way to get goyslop
>bandits occupy boomers home thru adverse possession, no family ever in contact with dying boomer, no neighbors talk to each other anyway.
>bandits now own the dead boomers home and all the gold buried whereever the fuck the idiot hid it, with years to find it.
>cops have no idea whats going on

>> No.56526653
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>here's your coffee sir, that'll be $4.95 please
>sure i'll just pay with one of these shiny gold bars, thanks
>um, sir, we can't accept your shiny gold bars as payment
>but, wait, what do you mean? they told me gold is real money!

>> No.56526672

i said its circumstances, nigger. the gold has value only to those that can secure it. your average boomer is so vulnerable and unable to secure his shit and becomes a huge target once anyone knows he has bought it.

>> No.56526729
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so... gold is worthless because you could get killed buying mcdonalds and then squatters would wait at your house for 20 years

am i getting this right

and those meds, have you taken them?

>> No.56526764

yup. the number of people that are capable of this is much higher than the number of people that can coerce a seedphrase out of someone that knows their shit.

>> No.56526812

God damn you're stupid.

>> No.56526849

u can archive this now

>> No.56527553

youre going to feel retarded for now swapping half of that for LINK
each of those bars was worth ~10k LINK a few months ago
I estimate about 10 x 8 x 5
4 million LINK
in this picture.
whoever holds this gold will do well but will want to kill themselves for not buying LINK

>> No.56528667

I can't pay in a restaurant with a gold bar, so I'd rather hold BTC that I can easily pay with via crypto cards like the CryptMi card

>> No.56528699
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>> No.56528774

I think this is one of the few crypto cards that is still working in Europe.

>> No.56529335

Bitcoin?nigger I got gold

>> No.56529385

A silver half dollar blocks your path

>> No.56529431


>> No.56529743

quick shitty count:
500 1KG gold bars -> around 30 million $

>> No.56530632

i just like looking at my gold/silver tbqh i havent even checked the price in like a year

>> No.56530753

>Are they still practical in modern times?

Yeah, I'm sure you can just scratch a few splinters off of a gold bar and pay your groceries with it, totally practical.

>> No.56531548

the problem is they can be detected with metal detectors by burglars and stolen without a trace

banks cannot be trusted either

so might as well buy paper gold?

>> No.56531646

>find gold
>goobermint get word of this (they’ll find out, don’t worry)
>gets eminent domain’d (you own the top soil on any given parcel of land, anything below that belongs to the government.)
Thanks for playing.

>> No.56532099
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>> No.56532274

You know its one nigga running a node in a faraday cage with solar panels. Bitcoin can't fully die at this point.