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56519857 No.56519857 [Reply] [Original]

There's been claims on this board that Jimmy Zhong was always a federal agent, or that he never existed, and that his whole documentary was a psyop to advertise for bitcoin.

After watching the documentary online, I would have to agree.

Anything that made you think this way as well?

>> No.56520397

Nobody on this board but bots and paid shills. pathetic.

>> No.56520556

free Ross Ulbricht

>> No.56520784

A true entrepreneur. Innovated free trade, second only to Pablo Escobar himself.

>> No.56520816

life sentence was a bit gratuitous. I don't think he deserved that

>> No.56520819
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I never watched the movie.

>> No.56520872

I'm here, I just don't have anything to contribute.

>> No.56520965

5 years tops

>> No.56522736
File: 83 KB, 720x480, fa3be7095cd4b14813e12c4201302ca5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who? Ross? How do you know he is real? Look at pictures of him. They seem very strange such as this one in the top right corner. Who takes a picture like this? Nobody has ever asked if this guy is a fed/crisis actor himself or completely fictional AI? Has anyone ever visited him in person?

>> No.56523104


>> No.56523680

it would be interesting if all of crypto was part of a big ARG

i have had similar thoughts about the UFO mythos (at least post-Roswell) being a very complex storyline scripted and played out by US military intelligence or something similar

if, after the 2008 crisis, spooks in the US military industrial complex realized that they had to come up with a way to transition to a multipolar global system, away from the USD as a reserve currency, without triggering open uncontrolled warfare which could end life on the planet, and they came up with bitcoin as a nonlinear warfare mechanism, it could explain a lot of things.

if that were the case, Satoshi would actually be an alias used by a team of feds (probably NSA) and stuff like Silk Road, Mt Gox, FTX, the rise of Ethereum and Tether would all be fake- or rather, "real" but artificial in the sense that they are guided or caused to happen in order to achieve desired ends

>> No.56523985

>artificial in the sense that they are guided or caused to happen in order to achieve desired ends
i find that very plausible. i mean how could anybody be presented with info like TOR being a US military invention and think bitcoin and the silk road were anything at all just a random cyberpunk(s) that got the traction so much as it has done today? there is no way the media and tradfi acknowledge something they arent fully informed on/have control over. i have always suspected crypto was controlled opposition against the fiat legacy system and there has been nothing to this day that would convince me otherwise.

>> No.56524280

>No teeth
>Bad teeth were an AI giveaway like hands

>> No.56524287

>nonlinear warfare mechanism
You are gay.

>> No.56524306

>Anything that made you think this way as well?
Yes. Haven't watched it, haven't heard of him, but you're probably right. Everything is fake. It has become obvious. Maybe because I stopped having fluoride two years ago.

>> No.56524350

holy shit i wasnt aware of that. just thought it was such a weird looking fuzzy ai generation.
how about aluminum in deodorants? even laundry dryer sheets are poison to me now.

>> No.56524373

Yep, aluminium's terrible. Everything is so poisonous these days it's insane. And people wonder why everyone is gay and disabled these days. That's the the people who still have enough of their faculties to realise it isn't normal for everyone to be gay.

>> No.56524413

Fed's and fedbots can't nigger post, if you don't reply with nigger you are a confirmed glowie

>> No.56524472

Literally nobody thinks this.
The IRL silk road advertised Bitcoin, not some movie nobody ever watched.

>> No.56524521

the silkroad did a shit job of doing that. nobody knew about crypto until 2016 when all the redditfags got involved. also what is with niggers on here avoiding watching the documentary like its the plague? it has over 2.5M (((views))). i am serious. it looks so fake and gay to anyone that understands bitcoin. they shilled a bunch of other gay shit too (college, alcohol, ticker: PEP).

>> No.56524901


>> No.56525031

Hal Finney is Satoshi and you’re a schizo.
Also, Jimmy did nothing wrong.

>> No.56525635

(((they))) framed the kid

eat shit matrix and all agent smiths

>> No.56525651

interesting fact, Dorian Nakamoto's brother worked with Pablo Escobar
just a crumb for those in the know