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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56508233 No.56508233 [Reply] [Original]

Many people look at the chart on the left as evidence that house prices are set to fall, but in reality, it’s proof that rent prices are set to skyrocket.

How do we know? Well, one merely needs to do the math on how much new builders need to rent their units out for to merely break even…and it isn’t looking good.

>> No.56509084


Except nobody can pay these rates.

>> No.56509147

Wages would need to go up. They broke shit good this time.

>> No.56509248

That would mean boomers would need to pay employees.
But they're leveraged so far that they can barely pay their own monthly business loan interest.
It all goes back to allowing usury and unlimited money printing.

>> No.56509353

This is why I’m winning being a WFHChad who moved to Argentina without telling my job. Now not only am I finally saving money and not broke, I’m balls deep in white racist QTs. Don’t come here if you’re black, the US is the only JBB country. Outside the US pussy prison JBW reigns supreme. The landlord scum are going to run into real income and get rekt though. Before I moved out of the US I made sure to pour grease down the drain every single day.

>> No.56509375

the 85 IQ bourgeois fantasy of being a landcuck is dead. properties bought at today's valuations and interest rates cannot and will not cash flow as there's a very real ceiling on rents (prevailing wages.)

>> No.56509377

Rents are tied to the income of renters, not landlord expenses.

>> No.56509412

Nothing left to do but build... the nimby over regulation zoning shit will have to be rolled back.

>> No.56509434

the zoning argument is retarded. you can't arbitrarily re-zone without real world impact. traffic congestion is a physical issue. electrical, water, and sewer over-use are physical issues. classroom student ratios and emergency room to citizen ratios are physical issues. it goes on and on. this affordability crisis wasn't caused by zoning -- zoning didn't suddenly change during the scamdemic. the problem is purely one of credit availability and the fixed rate nature of mortgages.

>> No.56509465

OK, so we can't build. Guess it's all over. Oh well.

>> No.56509475

bond yields are moving non-retarded investors away from property. retarded investors need to be shaken out by force, with unemployment.

>> No.56509477

wrong, they can just pack in even more people, ever heard of tenements?

plenty of scope for everybody to get cucked harder and harder until the pips squeak

thats why western countries love third world migrants, just imagine how much bbc you can fit in an apartment knowing they're just gonna be living hand to mouth, holy fuck this is gonna be amazing being a landlord, literally 10 bbcs per room, three rooms per apartment, being a landlord is about to become so vastly more lucrative


>> No.56509503

And then Jodie Foster will love us!

>> No.56509509

bond yields are negative in real terms and are going to get increasingly worse every year. property values will continue to increase

>> No.56509512


>> No.56509549

Better import more immigrants.

>> No.56509575

>bond yields are negative in real terms
short term bonds are paying 5.5%, inflation is currently at 3%. you can get a 30 year treasury at 5% today. how many plywood boxes are going up 5% per year for the next 30 years?

>> No.56509604
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>> No.56509667

next level cope & you must be retarded. the rent price is stable, the purchase price is what is volatile. get ready for the race to the bottom. low rates will soon mean nothing when a home was $250k overpriced. if you bought in 2021-22 i hope you did not waive inspections.

>> No.56509699

Rent to me for cheap or rent to Mohammed. Your choice :)

>> No.56509837
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Coming soon to your area

>> No.56510001

>Coming soon to your area
if the housing market continues to be artificially propped up at inflated prices, this is definitely the future. it doesn't matter if the city is not NYC and doesn't have adequate public transit or amenities. the local gov will give tax incentives to some developer to build a "biking path" next to their pod building and then call the area "walkable"

>> No.56510325

so real estate was the chad fad all along?

>> No.56511705

Argentina is much whiter than the US at this point lmao. More importantly, it is much much less black.

>> No.56513140
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Rents are connected to the wages in a given area. Wages is connected to the local job market.

>> No.56514771
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Chekkd and true. I lived like this as a fresh college grad. Expensive area in the suburbs near my first big boy job. The boomer owners installed another kitchen upstairs and a separate staircase outside the house so they could have 3 renters upstairs and 3 downstairs. Rent was $1000/mo. They were making ~65k/yr off of one shitty 100yo house that was falling apart, but housing was limited by zoning laws and geography so no one had much in the way of alternatives.

>> No.56514832

I have enough for a 20% down payment and am looking at houses, I’m so close to just bite the bullet and refinance later I don’t know if prices will ever drop

>> No.56515061
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Correct. Renters cannot pay what they don't have.