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56510869 No.56510869 [Reply] [Original]

Here's the endgame:

The only true 0 to 1s require two rare attributes:
- Novel value creation outside the commonly predictable scope at time of launch
- Inversion rehypothecation that increases the utility of a commonly available, low value resource

For 1 think social media at time of internet launch, jet fuel at time of oil discovery
For 2 think value of attention, value of crude oil

Decentralized trust has obvious high value use cases
but the 0 to 1 is larger than DTCC, physical gold and the internet combined

Consider the human capital waste intrinsic in maintaining modern societies
You need intelligent disciplined people to create and maintain things
You need aggressive courageous people to fight wars and call bullshit

Generally times of peace favor the former and times of strife the latter

But there's a way to optimize both in all times:
The risk economy

>> No.56510928

spoonfeed a brainlet

>> No.56510999

2 more weeks

>> No.56511005

The internet transmits valueless information that can't be trusted
Chainlink is the trustable internet
And with that comes simultaneous value and information

Once that stack is truly trusted, you can leverage the currently dystonic risk appetite of society into a universally available hedge that benefihadts both types of people in all environments

Gambling addicts will cease to exist as being risk on under this layer is generally +EV
And everyone with the propensity for risk will then become addicted
Just like we are all addicted to the internet's information
The act of daily gambling will be your retirement
Gamified to provide excitement to the risk on base and infinitely customizeable to the disciplined

Predictions for chainlink's network value have been on the same scale as legacy investments. Just like nobody thought google could be worth a trillion, chainlink will cross a quadrillion
The companies who will bring this to market have just launched
Imagine every night there is a free entertainment event with a +EV gamble for everyone with a retirement account
Paid for by the now nonexistent derivatives overhead of American Airlines hedging their fuel cost risk
Or tire makers hedging rubber costs

I'll admit its been fun watching you idiots figure out the first layer of this
We're glad to have you lot along for the ride
Cheers :)

>> No.56511020

dumb it down for me, im a complete retard.

>> No.56511051
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>> No.56511053

Chainlink is going to super-charge the spic-nig cycle

>> No.56511062

Thanks, Steve

>> No.56511094

To put it bluntly for this like my friend here

Entertainment is spending resources for eyeballs
And then monetizing those eyeballs
In the ad supported model this is hard because one only advertises if a product isn't good enough to sell itself
But imagine if the monetization was syntonic with the target audience
Any large risk then becomes a value creation event
Willing to take a 5% haircut hedging a year's worth of lithium prices for a battery maker? That used to be 50mm
Now it's 5mm
2.5 to pay for the event
2.5 overlay to the lovely people out in TV land who you are asking to bet 100 to win 203
With the metric set for provably reliable 50/50 odds

Or say you're tiktok zoomstar
Instead of shilling supplements
You shill baskets of short term bets
That always, over the long term
Make your viewers money
And you too of course

All using real world data and value transfer
Brought to you by the fine people of Chainlink

>> No.56511185


You're totally thinking with the right scale of things to come in due time. I like where your heads at. We can envision an endless sea of new possibilities only made possible by cl. The more you understand the further you can see. Nothing else has given me this logical breakthrough in thought in my life.

>> No.56511276

Okay but when moon

>> No.56511388

This is the content I’m here for.

>> No.56511393

Check the price

>> No.56511394

so chainlink isn't the end, but merely the beginning?

>> No.56511450

>now that the ink is dry
What did you mean by this

>> No.56511472

He’s just finished his book.

>> No.56511473

Yes. It fundamentally enables a new world. What is the value on something like that? Its incomprehensible.

>> No.56511532


>> No.56511553

I wish that was true... powerful forces will fight tooth and nail against this new world. The chainlink vision of the future will probably never come to fruition.

>> No.56511596

No they wont. Because they will benefit. Eg. Tokens allow for the incentivization of behavior.

>> No.56511613

wtf is this thread about

>> No.56511614

It will save the biggest corporations some that yet don’t exist billions annually in costs. It can’t be stopped

>> No.56511700

In the text you provided, the author suggests that there is a way to optimize both intelligent, disciplined people and aggressive, courageous people in all times: the risk economy. Unfortunately, I could not find any information on what the author means by “risk economy”. It’s possible that this is a term that the author has coined themselves.

>> No.56511717

How exactly does Chainlink make information you can “trust”? Yet that same information passing to TCP/IP cannot be trusted. How is the information any different?

>Sends BS info through the internet
>Sends BS info through a series of computers that all agree on the message of the BS info

What’s the difference?

>> No.56511738

new fag

>> No.56511744

How do tokens “allow for the incentivization of behavior?” That’s what money does, not worthless airdrops.

>> No.56511752

Because tokens are value+data

>> No.56511779

Literally nothing. I used to come to CL threads and hear about interesting potential valuable use cases, now it has devolved to “chainlink will enable tik tokkers to shill investments that always make money” except they dress it up with meaningless verbiage to sound mystical. You’ll never get one of these people to explain a valuable use case in plain English. It’ll always be:

>imagine a scenario of asynchronous risk tolerance amongst huge financial consortia where Party A needs to effectively negate the counterparty risk of B, yet the implicit value of the derivative is intrinsically negative. It seems it would be impossible for party A to profit, but with Chainlink, they can make 10x via superlinear profit sharing.

>> No.56511793

How are tokens “value”?

>> No.56511811

You’re upset that you’re still not spoon fed? Kek.

>> No.56511814

So if SBF built an API to read FTX’s financials from Silverburg Bank into the blockchain and that data passed through A CHAINLINK ORACLE NETWORK, would you trust that data? I mean, it’s true after all if it passed through THE DON, right?

>> No.56511828

No, I’m not upset. I think it’s funny. Can’t wait for the next wave of magic that THE DON enables.

>> No.56511833

bait surely. you can't actually fail to understand how chainlink does this whilst being on biz in 2023.

>> No.56511849

the whole point is that the data needs to be coming from more than one source

>> No.56511851

I hope you realize all of these questions you chalk up and ridicule are easily answerable and basic but its not even worth trying to convince you because of your attitude. GL

>> No.56511855

Lol thats not how it works anon....

>> No.56511859

Data is aggregated for lots of sources and nodes come to a consensus. Entities that provide incorrect data have their staked Link taken away/ slashed.

>> No.56511878

who cares just go along with it

>> No.56511918

I know how it is advertised to work in theory. And that’s great for that hypothetical world of infinite data sources where the data manifests from nothingness.

>> No.56511947

To create definitive truths
Could agreements be made upon both counter parties having their own source of data for the same specific data that the contract operates on , the contract would trigguer only if both counter parties data match and also make it so counter parties actually dont see each others answer before the consensus is made ?

>> No.56511963

>every bet is +ev
assuming the value is notional and the discrepancy between notional and genuinely realizable value is hidden by things that prevent realization of value, okay maybe you have something going for your argument.but this is already the case in all markets with a (notionally) growing gdp or marketcap.

please convince me that you're not just saying "chainlink will financialize everything and create unimaginable illusions of liquid value"

>> No.56511965

Not bait

This is exactly how it works. Look at any of the existing Chainlink “Proof” of Reserves systems.

>TrueUSD API built by Armamino to put bank reserve info onchain!

That just means you need to trust the bank and whomever runs the system feeding the API data.

Yea, in theory that’s how they said it’ll work. And who decides what data is wrong? Especially qualitative data?

>> No.56511988

>Consider the human capital waste intrinsic in maintaining modern societies
It's a feature, not a bug. Developed economies could have switched to 30h workweek in the 80s and to 20h workweek around the year 2000, but the ruling class have other plans for wagies

>> No.56512010

Chainlink actually has a process called "data verification" to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the data that is fed into its network. They use a combination of on-chain and off-chain methods to verify the data.
On-chain verification involves using smart contracts to validate the authenticity and integrity of the data. This means that the data is stored and processed on the blockchain itself, making it tamper-proof and transparent.
Off-chain verification, on the other hand, involves utilizing external oracles to verify the data. Oracles are trusted third-party services that provide real-world data to the blockchain. Chainlink has a decentralized network of these oracles that are responsible for fetching, validating, and delivering the data to the smart contracts.By combining these two methods, Chainlink ensures that the data fed into its network is accurate, reliable, and resistant to manipulation.

>> No.56512031

Q predicted this.

>> No.56512032

i hope the christian infighting starts soon, the schizoposting is getting stale

>> No.56512079

What ink is currently dry? More on this, please.

>> No.56512103

go back to hell

>> No.56512105

Been saying this since 2017.

Chain Link will create entire new industries we cant even imagine yet.

i really need to focus on my passion now and forget about chainlink for the next 15-20 years... s

>> No.56512160

Literally the most simple conclusion one could come up with. Chainlink is the internet of money. Instead of doing shit for meaningless likes we will be drip fed gambling, which is what all derivatives are anyways. lol OP wants to sound wicked smaht.

>> No.56512177

>Chainlink ensures
>Just trust the oracles bro

Let’s just admit that nothing is really changing. There’s no way to engineer truth or trust. All this same stuff exists in the real world via systems of checks and balances.

Chainlink is a series of servers that make smart contract function calls when it comes down to it.

The “most revolutionary” thing they could enable is faster financial settlement (if the world were to dramatically overhaul its existing system), but all of that settlement is abstracted away from end users already.

>> No.56512184

>literally just buy LPL the thread

How will no pool chads cope when they figure out the following

>SDL was an IQ test

>Token dilation was optional you just had to say no just like the COVID 19 vaccine

>Linkpool is an official source of truth as a Chainlink and still you no pooler chads refused to trust them

You should have just bought LPL like the original poster of this thread said.

The only way we can cut down on disinformation is to have everyone buy LPL and Bancor tokens.

Pool's closed.

>> No.56512185

People give meaningless likes and emojis because it is, as you said, meaningless. No one in the world is going to opt to send real money instead of just clicking a button.

>> No.56512195

>The only way we can cut down on disinformation is to have everyone buy LPL and Bancor tokens.
Jesus Christ I couldn't agree more as a god fearing Christian. Thanks for posting anon you are a braver anon than me

>> No.56512213

Based LPL chud how you doing kiddo?

Very nice to see you again old fren stay basedo and schizo corporation pilled.

>> No.56512219
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>There will always be a need for a truth machine. And that truth machine will be the deciding factor of what happens for those trust minimized applications. A society powered by cryptographic guarantees needs a system of cryptographic truth to prove what happened.
And this is why Eric Schmidt has joined the team. This is the end game. Everything so far is kiddie shit compared to the end stage of Chainlink.

Eric Schmidt already tried to create a definite global truth machine with Google, which he obviously wasn't able to realize without cryptography. Check this 2005 Schmidt interview excerpt and it should all finally click to you as well

>> No.56512257

based pool chadlets stay winning thank anon glad I kept my LPL undilated by the delphi discord trannies.

This post will really really rile them up!

>> No.56512266

>Very nice to see you again old fren stay basedo and schizo corporation pilled.
42 is no freind. We used to have very good threads discussing link. He came and shit them up on purpose to stop discussion

>> No.56512275

>42 was summoned by this thread

>> No.56512276


>> No.56512308

You are mistaken because non Catholics aren't Christian.
Good example is joe biden Winning the election. Sure both trump and Joe are two sides of the same coin, but it's was suspicious as hell..

The real benefit is tampeproof data. Defi hacks are a perfect example of why this is needed.

>> No.56512319

> “But the fact that you could build something as a developer that could not be shut down, that could not cheat. You would write the code and it would run as is. So you get immediate, instant trust from everyone that your service will run as expected and that could carry massive amount of value” – Kemal El Moujahid (Chief Product Officer, Chainlink)

>> No.56512361

This is retarded. For basically all qualitative questions, there is no “right” answer. For example:

>What can you tell me about the Holocaust?

Do you really expect Chainlink oracles to be able to travel back in time, record and process all measurable data relating to concentration camps, process that data into a standardized and accepted response, and transmit that data into your brain?

Eric Schmidt just sounds like an idiot with that response. That may have been relevant in 2005 when people used Google to ask things like “in what year did Columbus set sail for America?”

If “wrong answers” are “bugs,” by that extension, any ideas outside of the standardized and acceptable ones are “wrong.” So you’re excited about some technology that aspires to standardize “truth.”

At best blockchains are good for authenticity/origin attestation. Not “truth.” And “oracles” are not good for authenticity/origin attestation.

Blockchains exist in an abstract/non-existent, deterministic realm where all data can be known. That isn’t how the reality in which we operate works. See Heisenberg uncertainty principle and other bla bla bs.

If the financial world doesn’t adopt blockchains for settlement, Chainlink’s use case is allowing useless meme coins to be burned/minted on different chains and for hobbyists to let external servers make SC calls instead of just having their local application do it.

I’d love to be proven wrong, but I’ve been following this tech for like 7 years now. I make a living off of “this space.”

I’m not going to delude myself into thinking it is something that it isn’t. I hope more dumb money that doesn’t understand this shit flows in, I’ll siphon it toward myself.

>> No.56512380

Yes, but “DeFi” is all just meaningless BS. If all of “DeFi” disappeared, it would have the same effect in the world as all “competitive video game leagues” disappearing.


Yea, it sure “could.” Too bad it doesn’t though.

>> No.56512429

>12 pbti

>> No.56512439

Chatgpt spacing.

>> No.56512447

Off-chain verification, on the other hand, involves utilizing external oracles to verify the data. Oracles are trusted third-party services that provide real-world data to the blockchain.
>Oracles are trusted third-party services that provide real-world data to the blockchain.
>Oracles are trusted third-party services
>trusted third-party
So now all TPTB and jews and bankers and Eric Schmidt's can say the same thing together at the same time and retards will go, wow its deterministic truth!
>you guys are idiots

>> No.56512464

any more larps or midwit drivel you'd like to share or are you done?

>> No.56512478

Holy newfag. 42 singlehandedly SAVED many LINK threads from hoards of rampaging delphi discord TRANNIES by shilling LPL and BANCOR like a based king

You should have bought LPL. Pools closed.

>> No.56512485

>This post will really really rile them up!
how did he know frens?

>> No.56512488

kek nobody wants your store brand staking. which LPL token redo are you guys up to now? 3?

>> No.56512489

The problem link solves isn’t a financial problem, it’s a people problem. It’s inherent to everything people do which means it applies to everything that matters to everyone. The use case for link is any instance where trust is valuable, any instance where a party could be harmed by breaking their trust. Obviously these means the end of entire industries like insurance, accounting, payment processing, eventually the legal profession itself. And as op pointed out this results in overhead savings equivalent to putting the white collar workforce out of work in perpetuity. But as I said, it isn’t just a financial problem that is being solved. Imagine two governments that are hostile to eachother but need to determine things like mutual borders, trade, security regimes. Right now that is resolved through diplomacy, military force, espionage ect. Because there is no way to enforce terms between hostile parties without force of some kind. But one can imagine a scenario where each party puts up something they can’t afford to lose, like the Epstein client list, or nuclear secrets, or whatever you can imagine. And this escrow is validated in a decentralized manner by parties which cannot see exactly what they’re validating but in their sum can prove to each party that the escrow is sufficient. Now you have international order underwritten by cryptography making spies and diplomats and armies unnecessary. How much do those things cost society? How much opportunity cost is there in maintaining or even using them? Not that war will ever end or that force will become unnecessary, but these applications such as maintaining international order will no longer be what armies are for. The scope and scale of what is happening is bigger than anyone imagines. It’s less like the invention of the internet and more like the invention of writing. A totally new function that solves a fundamental problem of human existence and frees up energy and resources in unforeseen ways.

>> No.56512508

It’s enabled trillions in $$$ so far in trx with trillions in data points with no failures or down time. It’s already won. Wake up

>> No.56512517

i member this. member wen based 42 went down into the deep underground tunnels with trump to save the children?

t. chad oldfag already retired from LPL and BNT

>> No.56512529

Im autistic. I know how 42 types. the real 42. his writing style is no where close to 42.

i will tell you if the real 42 ever returns.

that guy aint him...

>> No.56512600

fake ass 42. dont post again anon...

>> No.56512613

Can I get his tripcode?

>> No.56512629

>chainlink will cross a quadrillion
>1 Link = 1 million
You know, I'm enjoy some hopium the same as the next guy, but this is why no one takes crypto seriously.

>> No.56513163

>but this is why no one takes crypto seriously.
Link is more than crypto... Nearly everything anon

>> No.56513264


>> No.56513330

It provides transparent, verifiable counterparty payable if the agreed way that the data being passed is compromised. Right now you have to take it on faith.

The data itself could be similarly shorn up with counterparty introduced into its generation before it gets to the passed stage. Taking it on faith, as with TCP/IP is derisked. Not the same as it being guaranteed true but it's the next best thing.

>> No.56513423
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Thanks OP for opening up some new avenues of thought for me about Chainlink. Been a minute since that happened.

>> No.56514014

I agree, I’m more leaning towards the hyper monetization of derivatives themselves where everything is a tradable occurrence. Look at what happened to micro transactions in gaming for instance. Imagine the world traded everything.

>> No.56514018

In remote antiquity agreements were sealed with wet ink on paper

>> No.56514041

OP is saying that in the same way we're addicted to web content today, we'll be addicted to no-loss gambling tomorrow courtesy of chainlink. I'm failing to see what asset is being rehypothecated though, OP.>>56510869

Is it people's gambling addiction being used to fund futures contracts?

>> No.56514169

This video made me embrace clown world....and its only going to get weirder.

>> No.56514203

Explain wtf no loss gambling is. OP tried to break it down in his 3rd post, but this shit is still way over my head.

>> No.56514256

Yep. API's that supply data have to be trusted for "truth" to work. If the rubber futures data company verifies shit data, it's still garbage in garbage out. If the API says rubber is $100k, oracles will confirm it's $100k. Even if it's $1200

>> No.56514261

not op here but have had, i guess, similar enough thoughts.
the risk economy , as i understand op to mean it, is pretty much what everybody thinks of intuitively as capitalistic.

buy low, sell high, but there's risk you can't.

make a plan to get logistics in order (risk), make a plan to get margins in order (risk), make a plan to reach consumers (risk) , make a plan for transaction finality (risk) .

invest in future (risk) .

always risk. but chainlink enables a world of derivatives that can offset risk against each other (thanks to smart contracts and smart api data) while at the same time being 'accordingly' (and mathematically) balanced out with / against / for / upon / besides / on top of / under AND ALONGSIDE each other so that the risk is all the way over there after the separation in the mantissa.

I understand this future too OP.

But it's like that often remembered post about that time yet to come in that now forgotten empire speaking of that infamous map of the world, called 'The Cartography of the Now', which was found in the desert and used such exactitude such that its ratio was 1:1, reaching such a peak of copying and perfection that the map of an entire city took up an entire city. In other times such rigour and exactitude in science has been and will be less appreciated so that 'The Cartography of the Now' will fall to pieces, to ruins, and be inseparable from that which it sought to convey cartographically. Still some remains of the map remain, here and there, to and fro, but such exactitude in science will never be reached since.

tldr: we are more than piano keys and the golden palace will be rejected again.

ps. never selling.

>> No.56514414

we are in the years where centuries are happening

>> No.56514507
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Look at the massive IQ on this nerd

> t. another anon that notices and yields to the deep irrationality that governs all men- that force in us that cries out for novelty in a game of fully parsed parameters

>> No.56514537

What does op.mean by EV? Electric vehicle?

>> No.56514559

This text outlines a vision for groundbreaking innovation and economic transformation through decentralized trust technologies like blockchain. The author emphasizes the need for “0 to 1” innovations, which create entirely new value or significantly enhance existing low-value resources. Examples include the emergence of social media at the dawn of the internet era and the transformation of crude oil into valuable products like jet fuel.

The discussion then shifts to human capital, highlighting the different roles people play in society during times of peace and conflict. The author suggests that the “risk economy,” enabled by decentralized trust, can optimize the use of human resources in all situations.

Chainlink, a decentralized oracle network, is presented as a crucial technology in this vision, promising to turn societal risk appetite into a universally accessible financial hedge. This could potentially transform risk-taking and gambling into positive expected value activities, contributing to individual financial stability.

The author imagines a future where nightly entertainment events offer positive EV gambling opportunities, funded by savings from reduced derivatives overhead for companies hedging various risks. This represents a utopian vision where blockchain technology revolutionizes the economy, human capital utilization, and individual engagement with risk. However, the feasibility of this vision depends on the successful implementation of these technologies and a societal shift in risk perception and engagement.

>> No.56514719
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can't be blamed for trying.

>> No.56514816


Wasn't a dig, I meant it

>> No.56514918

Ask me how I know you’re a fucking pothead.

>> No.56515376

More paid Advocate gibberish... Yawn

>> No.56516607
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Thank you. I never thought I'd find myself in a circumstance like this. Honestly, its hard for anyone to really say they're fully deserving of it, but nevertheless I'm incredibly grateful for the opportunity as we all should be.

>> No.56516653

Nano technology, chainlink working at the hardware level, homomorphic encryption, the anti-fraud network cross checking these things in real time, their reputation, them collateralizing their answer as true in some way, idfk the specifics but thats not for me to figure out.

>> No.56516664

This. All the legacy big swinging dicks that matter are already in on it and they have been strengthening their positions by scooping cheap link and suppressing price and news for the last years.

>> No.56516698

Can you just put this in plain English instead of speaking like a total fucking autismo?