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File: 729 KB, 1125x1679, 81AB3E49-ED42-4836-900F-8B3051063330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56503079 No.56503079 [Reply] [Original]

Where were you when you realized the boyscouts were euphoric about going from 90% down to 80% down. Pathetic

>> No.56503090
File: 753 KB, 1125x1620, 179B6F58-E839-4CEF-9455-AD6895D3420E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2020 eth: $300
2020 link: $20

You set yourself back decades by joining a cult

>> No.56503098

You hold link

>> No.56503110

I'm still up 1100% though in 5 years, here's your reply nigger

>> No.56503235
File: 27 KB, 500x500, Laughing_Pepe_1618929361361 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

twitter faggot getting 0 likes on twatter, comes on biz to post his tweet and begs for (you)s

>> No.56503269

That dude such a retard. He owns LINK but constantly shits on it. Imagine shitting on your own investments. Stupid retard

>> No.56503275
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>> No.56503346

don't sell marines, ccip is great! $1000 eoy is fud, to the moon

>> No.56503835

You just made me purchase more LINK, which was your plan. Great job, now do something else, LINK holder. LINK doesn't require retail market buys.

>> No.56504011

How's your dick doing? Think you could actually cum by fucking a real woman, or has the death grip just ruined that for you?

>> No.56504038

Everyone else is up 2200%. Pathetic, to be, honest.

>> No.56504041
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>everyone else

>> No.56504259
File: 12 KB, 532x175, 5634543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont forget to charge when CCIP comes out!

>> No.56504770

How many coins and avg price? Lets calc the loss from ‘21 due to cuckold cult

>> No.56504784

Similar to Cringe Barrett. How does it feel to know your donation money goes to a retarted guy’s twitter account that gets 6 likes per post. The worst part…YOU fund his entire lifestyle. You’re the ultimate cuckold

>> No.56504792

Woah what w creep. Hahaha this guy keeps track of random dudes beating off. Dad wasnt around much eh

>> No.56504807

>he thinks relevence in the market is the number of likes you get on twatter
>he thinks im not 5500% up from my investment
im not funding shit, chris my wage slave, he works for me

>> No.56504852

Based Lpl chads stay winning. No poolers are getting desperate. Pools closed chuddie. Seethe!

>> No.56505189

>graphic from 2018
Pathetic, quite. Tbh.

>> No.56505264

Feel free to tell me how the bagholders of iotex, hydro and Revain are going these days.

>> No.56505315
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Advocates and fudders are equally gey

>> No.56505360
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kys niggerfaggot

>> No.56505414

boy I sure am glad it's 2018, the greatest year ever. I will continue holding gems such as Bitcoin SV, Chainlink, Basic Attention Token, and Holo! I love Moeda Loyalty Points too!

>> No.56505458
File: 46 KB, 607x814, 1694311802496097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Adem Kayser, the porn addicted fudcuck, begs for attention on twitter via 4chan once again
>he's so unemployable that the best job he can get is "crypto investor" at "The Success Factory," a known MLM scam company that also railed a failed dagcoin ponzi on the side
i'm looking forward to you turning up dead on the news with half your fingernails removed because you were so dumb that you doxxed yourself as a "crypto guy" while being a poorfag stacklet desu

>> No.56505561

also ran a* derp

>> No.56507295

>cherrypicked shitcoins
Pathetic, very.

>> No.56507498
File: 501 KB, 1125x1906, 81D101F9-6F88-4817-B1B3-F9204B5BC74C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youre the biggest loser on biz

>> No.56507525
File: 777 KB, 1125x1589, 15549210-723E-44C7-9462-6BA1ACC68C2A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i i in two more weeks my elite autist dangerous network w w will get le jackoff guy

This sage fag thinks life is a video game. What a fucking loser

>> No.56507569


Bought @ 50 cents
Sold @ 13.50

Bought back in @ 5.50
Sold @ ???

>> No.56507587

uh oh adem melty

>> No.56507656


>> No.56507679

Another thread where copefags are losing their sleep over other peoples' token holdings.

Never understood why you fags keep getting triggered over linkies. You remind me of those poors who obsess over iPhone unboxing videos because they can't have one lmao

>> No.56507738


>> No.56507776

thank you for caring about linkies financial well being. I'm sure you have the best intentions for them, also please post short.

>> No.56507807

Kek sage is a wannabe gangster

>> No.56507933


>> No.56508373

they probably just want to get a rise out of the marines because some are insecure losers, but we are smarter than that. wagmi

>> No.56508452

Tough shit. I'm financially stable from my occupation, so anything I make from unloading my stinkies is a fucking cherry on the cake in front of me.

Larpfags such as Thomas will unavoidable end up necking themselves with us living rent free in their head lmao

>> No.56509688
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Based LPL chads.
>me holding my LPL (pools closed)

>> No.56510053
File: 877 KB, 1125x1874, 64EC50F6-207C-4716-B28D-D13CA6F2EA53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohhhhhhhhhhh linnnnnkie

>> No.56510075
File: 215 KB, 2428x678, regret.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Great Regret

>> No.56510203

Bingo cards are a 5x5 grid this meme is dumb