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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56501555 No.56501555 [Reply] [Original]

How do you deal with corporate psychopaths?

I wish I could record some of the board meetings I’ve been in. These people are fucking insane. The things they say and the way they treat people and the things they’re willing to do for money is disgusting. These freaks should never have any degree of power. Some of these people would gladly slit your throat for a dollar.

>> No.56501567

Trying to be a decent person in the corporate world will get you nowhere. These vampires can smell weakness. If you don’t push back on them or if they sense that you’re not confident about something, they’ll walk all over you and milk you for everything you got.

>> No.56501576


> corporate psychopaths

ok like what?

>> No.56501579

how did I deal? i quit

>> No.56501580

If you're near Clearwater/Tampa Florida there's a good chance you might work for scientologists

>> No.56501583

>Some of these people would gladly slit your throat for a dollar.
It's actually closer everyone.
I thought my family were good people until my grandparents passed, then they fought over the estate and became demons. We don't talk anymore.

>> No.56501588

like what

>> No.56501673

I work in financial services. We are a Fortune 500 company. I’m going to keep the nature of my business vague and anonymous.

>customer pays for several monthly services
>customer calls in asking if we offer any discounts because inflation is really hurting him
>discounts are maxed out
>wants to cut one of his products
>boss tells me “Idk tell him to sell his car or a something, but don’t let him cancel.”
Yeah just sell your car so you can keep affording our product. That makes sense.

>customer complains about their monthly bill going up (let’s say $20 a month)
>boss wants me to sell him another financial service that will give him a discount on his existing product
>even with the discount, this brings the combined total up $5 HIGHER than the $20 increase
>boss says “Yeah, but he’s getting an extra product for only $5 more.”
Totally missed the point.

>customer calls needing to cancel their subscription
>their bill is only like $20 a month
>says they can’t afford it
>boss laughs “Who the hell doesn’t have $20 a month?”
>“That’s so pathetic”
>keeps laughing walking back to his office

>> No.56501679
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I work for a non-profit children's hospital. Nobody acts like this at all. You are a faggot probably.

>> No.56501702

Boss will constantly say things like “just get more money” when people are struggling. They could be a single mother, laid off, recently divorced, just got out of the hospital, etc and the attitude is always “Just stop being a poor subhuman loser and buy more of my products.”

>> No.56501703

Cut their brake lines

>> No.56501762

>boss laughs “Who the hell doesn’t have $20 a month?”

Boy ur boss is BASED as fuck. Single moms lol

>> No.56501767

ok sorry but it sounds like your boss is really good at his job. and you, as the designated empathetic bitchboy salesman at the company, are really good at your job for feeling bad for the customer.

this is how capitalism works, its a sick system, but realize that you are a bitchboy subordinate to the logical man in charge of the company, and without him your income would be zero.


>> No.56501792

Empathy goes a long way with people. Nobody is going to remain your customer if you treat them like shit. If you listen to people and treat them with respect, they’ll remain loyal.

>> No.56501809

kek, what company, boss sounds like an absolute madlad. Your problem OP is not realising that 99% of people have been born into this world mearly to be paypigs for the capitalist system. They are NPCs, cattle, they have no feelings, and they only exist to have resources extracted out of them.

The final redpill is that they subconsciously know this, and if they dont give their resources to you then they will find someone else to give it to.

>> No.56501818

yeah thats a great attitude. and if you want to profit from this you could look for another sales position at a company offering similar products, and in exchange for a large pay increase, offer to steal your current companies customer base over to the new company. its all psychos anyway

>> No.56501839

>corporate psychopaths
>works in sales

>> No.56502212

change job or career anon. You are someone who wants to have a positive impact on people, you want to provide value, you are not a blood sucker like your boss.

>> No.56502233

Sorry but I don’t feel bad for recently divorced individuals or single mothers

>> No.56502260

>How do you deal with corporate psychopaths?
EZ anon, you kick jews out of industries. Without them things wont be a rat race to the most degenerate policies they can think of.

>> No.56502269

>I've been in board meetings
>I work in a call centre at a Fortune 500
Which one is it?

>> No.56502278

I would gladly slit your throat for a dollar wojakshit spamming subhuman, actually I'd do it for free, actually I'd be fine paying to murder wojakspamming retards

>> No.56502279

CEO of my company told me recently “when my employees tell me things like their parent died I just don’t feel anything. I don’t care. Just do then job.”

>> No.56502290

I believe it. I’ve heard similar things.

>> No.56502316

>this is how capitalism works, its a sick system, but realize that you are a bitchboy subordinate to the logical man in charge of the company, and without him your income would be zero.
You forgot the part where without government subsidies the boss cant afford to run his business because he has outdated ideas about people, business, and technology that he refuses to change because "his business is doing great!" (because of the subsidies)
We dont have capitalism, not in the slightest.

>> No.56502374

If even a single industry has subsidies, the entire system cannot be capitalist. If you are an investor looking for a good stable return and know that a particular industry receives subsidies and so has a consistent return because of it...you will have that industry balloon as investors pile into the only "safe" investment. This unbalances the rest of the markets and economy, money will not naturally flow into these other, non subsidized markets, which makes them weaker and eventually the behemoths that are created by the subsidies eventually expand operations and take over these nonsubsidized industries. Its why the same group of stockholders own literally everything. It creates giant monopolies at both the business level, and the investor level. None of this is good for regular people or even the economy at large since it causes cycles to be super charged. Cycles shouldnt even be a thing since we can witness that even in busts, there is growth happening around us, which means that things are still progressing in real life, which is what matters.

>> No.56502408

yeah but at the same time people are retards and will do stupid shit like tulip bubbles because of trends that end up ravaging the economy, instead of investing in airplanes or food, which might not be profitable but are neccessary for countries to function

>> No.56503421

the answer to this is education. Give all citizens an education in finance. Make it an entire subject that needs to be taught so that every citizen graduates knowing at least the basics in accounting, macro/micro economics, monetary policy, personal finance, business finance, etc. Instead, we have literally 0 focus on the learning of subjects for the sake of creating a more informed citizen. Everything we teach is in some way related back to a way to continue the propagation of the current system instead of trying to make progress as we have in the past. The face of society would change overnight if everyone had equal access to a truly capitalist system. Subsidies may even work in limited circumstances, where you incentivize industries that are bleeding edge and hopeful for creating some crazy new product that could transform life for people. Instead subsidies are a way for the current regime to maintain its own power. No one is being done any favors by being disconnected from the realities of the world at broad.

>> No.56503434

meh, I don't make enough money to care about office politics. There nothing at stake, not for me anyway.

>> No.56503576

I recently also realized that 50% of the people I met in 10 years corpo life have clinically provable severe mental disorders. And some of them have considerable power. It’s actually terrifying.

I am amongst wolves

How to survive: 1) make a choice: become one of them or keep your soul
2) if you want to keep your soul: don’t fear them. Don’t fight them. Just keep walking straight. Do your work and focus on staying sane and clean. It’s absolutely possible to survive amongst them

>> No.56503598

Education is putting lipstick on a pig. We need to raise the raw IQ levels so people are less fundamentally retarded, which means killing or sterilizing all the blacks and browns.

>> No.56504151

Your boss sounds based as fuck and you sound gay.
>sob stories
you realize all these people have to do is cancel their subscription to your services right? why is it your job to weigh their various dumb poor person problems and then cancel the product on their behalf?
lmao your boss should fire you for weak performance

>> No.56504154

I denied a raise because they requested via email and talked about how they need more money now that they're trying to settle down, start a family, inflation, etc. I discussed it with our VP and said whole the guy had every reason to deserve a good raise, I rejected his proposal because I felthe was making his personal problems the company companies responsibilities and likely just wants money instead of building a good team, organization, etc. My VP agreed, and we decided to give him no raise and we are now working on replacing him.
That VP later bought my wife and I a steak dinner :)

>> No.56504180

lol they do at the top
>t. worked at non profit hospitals management level

>> No.56504204

if he's a good enough worker to deserve a raise, how does gambling on a potentially worse worker and lowering the morale of the ones you have help the company

>> No.56504214

>How do you deal with corporate psychopaths?
You ignore them. They can't actually hurt you, all they can do at most is get you fired and then you can just get another job.

>> No.56504227

there's always a bully, anon. The same people you feel empathy for would love to take your boss's place and do the same things he does.

>> No.56504237

Business is business. Doggy dog world. You know how it goes, right?

>> No.56504307

Because the employee in question didn't frame it as being deserving of more money, he basically asked his boss to feel sorry for him and pay him more.
Why should his boss give two fucks that he wants to settle into a beta bux role for his disgusting HSV1 and 2 positive roastie wife? He should have explained that he has better offers from other companies that they should match or he'll leave.
Getting rid of him is absolutely the right decision. The guy is clearly lazy and excessively emotional. He'll only get worse as the years go by, his work will suffer and he'll drag down others by bitching about his lame life as a suburban provider for an annoying modern woman.

>> No.56504332

>We need to raise the raw IQ levels so people are less fundamentally retarded, which means killing or sterilizing all the blacks and browns.
its obvious youre an idiot and have no idea what you are talking about. But I will bite. Like I said, the pillar of everything is going to be education. There is 0 refutation that choices people make and the environments in which they grow up in(polluted vs clean) effect the development of their children. The things that we use so heavily that they are now polluting literally every water source on the planet are lowering IQ by interfering with healthy brain development. It wouldnt be a big issue if we only had a single source of pollution, say lead which reduces IQ by 2-3.5 points on average...but nearly everything we use in our various industries has a cumulative effect of lowering IQ. We arent just talking about the worlds poorest here either, its everyone, you cant escape it. educating people on this, which lead consumers to make smarter choices when purchasing, make those dealing with these pollutants make smarter choices when disposing of them, could jumpstart movements to pursue better innovations for dealing with pollutants, etc. Suddenly we have an average IQ in the world that is 10-15 points higher....thats a huge difference. If you cant tell the difference between an american black (someone whos sound of mind, drug free) and a black from africa...then you have a problem with yourself, the differences in capacity are huge

>> No.56504366

Based boss

>> No.56504431

I was at work when my mom called me and told me my grandmother died. My boss then called me and asked why I didn’t pick up and with a hoarse throat I told him why, and then he told me to get back to work.

There were no big deadlines or anything at the time.

>> No.56504440

You just sound like a pussy, your boss sounds like a nigger and niggers can smell fear/exploit the weak. Go train some combat sports and learn to carry yourself in a manner that lets people know they can’t walk all over you or they risk their physical safety. This doesn’t mean punch anyone for the slightest infraction but learning to have a no nonsense aurora.

>> No.56504496

He's LARPing

>> No.56504531

That's right, get the heck back to work wagie

>> No.56504600

I only have 2 grandmothers (duh). Like this can only happen twice. Not like some mental health day bullshit.

>> No.56504667

what's a good start for someone with zero experience?

>> No.56504696

and that is why the ego exists, some might argue. you cant help people that are so obviously evil and act against your best interests. perhaps a deeper question would be is if the evil that you see around you is a hive mind? could it be parasites in the food that make them act that way? or are we in a simulation/AI that we have been fooled to think is real? there are a lot of events in life that nobody can explain and when you ask about it anywhere you get told you are sick and need to take meds.

>> No.56504705

This. If he'd left all of that shit out, and just stuck with very easily quantifiable bullet points about his performance, he'd have gotten the 10% raise he requested without questioning. I do not engage with people who try to emotionally black mail me.

>> No.56505083
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>customer calls in asking if we offer any discounts because inflation is really hurting him

>> No.56505212

That company will be gone in a few years.

>> No.56505236

>work in sales
>complain about psychopaths

>> No.56506683

Worked with one. Started to go mental. Mental health tanked. Quit job when I started to panic cry.

>> No.56506690

No animals to hunt in the wild. No wars to fight. No crime to commit. All there's left is to be a douchebag at the office.

>> No.56506709

Wtf do you work in sales if you care so much about your cash cattle

>> No.56506713

Thank you. Now I don't have to say it.

>> No.56506741

>Nobody is going to remain your customer if you treat them like shit
The reality is people will remain your customer if you have something to sell them. I'd suggest that you get better at selling the product.

>> No.56506752
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Checked. Yes we know anon but I also wish to ask you, do you think the people at the top aren't aware of this too? When you play a strategy game do care if your units die? I bet not. That's how they view their wagies at the very top. Its called corporate propaganda for a reason. But yes, these people are truly sick, physically, mentally and spiritually. Don't worry there handlers will give them the shock of there life.

>> No.56506832

If it's a big company give them a 1 star anonymous review on glassdoor and write down all the psychopathic behaviors including how they treat the customers. Maybe it will go viral. I did a review on glassdoor of a terrible company I worked for and someone posted it and discussed it on a forum.

>> No.56507247

the point is you don't, psychopathy is real and the ultra elite recruit psychopaths... you can make money doing genuinely good work, making beautiful things... psychopathy isn't needed they smear their souls with shit the psychopaths and really heart based individuals should search and destroy psychopaths if they can't be rehabilitated, if you want a metaphysical take on service to self souls (STS, negatives) vs service to other souls (STO, positives) read the Law of One by Ra

>> No.56507262

in order to avoid these people, work someplace where you can openly say nigger

>> No.56507264
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The ultimate redpill is that the whole world is retarded and this is a shitshow beyond any scope, just enjoy the trainwreck

>> No.56507319

>Law of One by Ra
The entire cucking storyline behind the conjurers turned me off this shit hard. Something will always go wrong when 2 men and a woman are alone in a room together.