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56501650 No.56501650 [Reply] [Original]

Post cute and rare Caroline

>> No.56501661

if they only knew, how grippy things could be.

>> No.56501674

i took some nude creepshots of her at several of the bahamanian orgies which i'll never share

>> No.56501677
File: 205 KB, 1019x562, pop goes the weasel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still not selling my GME, Caroline.

>> No.56501681
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Caroline really is the cutest nerdy type

>> No.56501700
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I fucked a girl like that once. She was abandoned nerd, not very attractive, but she ran track and field (2x state champ) and had insanely thick thighs and ass. Her head game was ok, but her pussy game was absolutely unreal. I've never experienced something like that before and after. I don't know exactly how to describe it, but it was a combination of the feel, tightness, how wet she got, and the way she could move that would literally make my eyes roll into the back of the head.

>> No.56501706
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>> No.56501707

*Mean to say a marching band nerd, not abandoned.

>> No.56501710
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>> No.56501721
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damn, i didnt knew women have balding problems, is a comon women problem or just aply to rat people women aka jews?

>> No.56501726

slippy grippy, uh, carrie got the stiffy, uh
Got the grippy, uh, cum, it hold fifty, uh

>> No.56501913

oh shit actually cute. Maybe she's just extremely unphotogenic. Can relate desu

>> No.56501972

Who's got the pasta about her and Sam acting like depraved degenerates in the FTX office? I thi k it's like she's Sam's slave?

>> No.56502012
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>> No.56502018

She's gotta be looking at legitimate jail time, she ages like 10 years.

>> No.56502019

She's not getting jailtime right

>> No.56502029

Idk man, she looks excessively stressed and strung out, like she's fucking fighting for her life.

>> No.56502039

the look of a rat that's been caught in a trap.

>> No.56502041
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like and subscribe

>> No.56502044
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>> No.56502058
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one of the classics

>> No.56502095

hi caroline. i will be your conjugatorial visitor if you'd like. i'll even sneak in some addies and vyvanse for you

>> No.56502128

She really doesn't look that bad at all. You guys exaggerate everything.

>> No.56502303
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where's tabasco?

>> No.56502333

>government exhibit: what the wall done to a young nigga

>> No.56502475

must be really sad for a woman to see herself being so ugly
I respect that she tried to take advantage of the scummy psychopathic financial system

>> No.56502505
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I can dick Caroline down better than Sam or any polycule could. After my BBC beats up her walls, she'd be singing and barely walking.

>> No.56502536

ok seriously /biz/ what do you rate this girl /10? i know youre usually harsh on everything but its a smart white girl we're talking about. cant be worse than 4/10...?

>> No.56502599

that's a clear not-even-on-the-radar. not on the scale, no rating possible. benefits are, you can hang with her like a dude and talk about math and physics.

>> No.56502619

unironic 9/10
i know she's not the "conventional attractive" woman, but something about the way she carries herself despite looking like a naked molerat does things to my pinga

>> No.56504686
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>> No.56504712

fugggg bros i want her so bad

>> No.56504722

for a minute i thought she was the yh loves you poster

>> No.56504735

Lmao what's funny about this is that there's some virgin reading this and saying "why would he hit her bedroom walls?"

>> No.56505796

still can't understand why, of all women a billionaire could pick, SBF chose this inbred horror

>> No.56505894

she's j*w/10

>> No.56507338
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cute and rare


She is THE 10, not just a vulgar random 10
I just want to cuddle her all day long

>> No.56507392


>> No.56507406
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>> No.56507428

You guys are fuckin gross

>> No.56507431

>white girl
she's a yid you retard, not white

even without my rabid anti-semitism, she's a hideous rat face

>> No.56507482

2/10. She's pretty ugly, highly dysgenic features. I have no idea why so many anons are fixating on her

>> No.56507483

Dont give away the fucking secrets you prick. Ugly nerd girls are all we have left, that and certain cougars. Dont go running your cock sucker and ruin it, thats how we lost horse girls

>> No.56507510

> horse girls
better off without em imvhpo
they all come after you later anyway, if you can handle that kind of stress then god bless

>> No.56507730

>baby roof

>> No.56507788

He's the glowie who set this shit up.

>> No.56507789

Fair enough, theyre like strippers...stay far far away. The last one i was messing with told me she would marry her horse if it was legal, wanted to make a sex tape with her horse..., and she later got caught fucking a 14year old boy

>> No.56507806

SBF testified under oath that Trunkardo was co-CEO

>> No.56508710
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i need all the Caroline

>> No.56508762

She has nice legs, imagine spreading that nerd then smashing her pussy until becomes fish paste... I'm so lonely.

>> No.56508968

I think they’re being ironic

>> No.56509055

true, sbf probably had a lot of easy quality pussy

there's something to be said about having a stimmed sex slave available 24/7 though, convenient + ready for a lot of fucked-up and kinky shit.

captcha: SHAG0

>> No.56509098

Yeah, the band girl with the insane grippy was really crazy, I'm pretty sure she was homeless a few times in her 20's.
This. I hooked up with an absolute ogre of a woman in her 30's. She was built like a wet paper bag but my god she did the absolute sluttiest, kinky, crazy things. She'd suck the soul outta my body and let me practically abuse her (she got mad one time because I didn't slap her hard enough during sex) but the most nut clarity was absolutely brutal.

>> No.56509141

this is why you'll never fuck

girls like this are FREAKS in bed. absolute turbo sluts

>> No.56509167

Correct. That other poor anon poor anon will never know the joys of a woman ravenously making a GLUCK GLUCK GLUCK noise and thanking you for the opportunity. Women like that can make even the most insecure man feel like an absolute Chad.

>> No.56509181


women secretly know their own value, so they make up for it in other ways, like sexual willingness. he probably said yes to every single thing SBF wanted to try

the hot ones don't do this because they know they're hot and can walk out and get a new man instantly

>> No.56509182

Fucking gross

>> No.56509228
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i remember this thread like it was yesterday...

>> No.56509249
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>> No.56509257

Holy shit was that really her?!

>> No.56509272

i choose to believe it was her

>> No.56509576

Her appearence is not a problem for me. Her behaviour is. I can imagine nerdy and cute girl with her face. But she is not nerdy or cute.

>> No.56509599

Serious level of triforcing here. Real oldfaggotry.

>> No.56509664
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>> No.56509754
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>> No.56509828

Imagine it nibbling on your dick and then you deep throat it and it squeaks like a chipmunk

>> No.56511456

Normies can’t understand the thrill of pinning the weasel. Night spent chasing an over amphetamined Caroline around the bean bag forts. Her squealing and gibbering, pouring sweat and on the verge of seizing. Your friends build up an intoxicating, delerious state with Talmudic chantings at the sidelines, hitting the Caroline-toy with brooms if she tries to escape. Sam would be giggling and laughing as the waves of methamphetamine pleasure seem to harmonize with the droning Hebrew verses. He runs through the bean bag maze fat and portly, with his viagra powered penis a driving rod for the weasel. Sweat gushing down his face around his unfocused eyes he laughs and chortles until he gasps “Found you!”. The Mathweasel screeches defensively but Wankman Bankman is upon her in seconds. His penis thrusting blindly into her flank, leg, stomach and ribs unconcerned about anything but the motion. Eventually serendipity finds her mouth and the Cocktube Rodent is placated, suckling contently on Bankman’s dehydrated dick.

>> No.56511522

Holyshit KEK.

>> No.56511762

It's very common for women, and unlike men, they can't do shit about it.
At least men can take finasteride and minoxidil to prevent balding and thinning.

It must be something in the food/atmosphere that's wrecking women's hormones and making them go bald.

>> No.56513816
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Aruba, Jamaica, ooh, I wanna take ya
Bermuda, Bahama, come on pretty mama
Dachau, Warsaw
Baby, why don't we go?

Off the Germany
There's a place called Kokomo
That's where you wanna go
To pay for it all

Bodies in the oven
Gold teeth melting in your hand
We'll be falling in love
To the rhythm of a steel drum band
Down in Kokomo

>> No.56514105
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>not posting the best one

>> No.56514159

anyone post that Caroline song where it's rap and about Caroline?

>> No.56515025

Current FTX president said Caroline is a cold calculating monster and she's playing everyone for a fool with her act.

>> No.56515720
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There it is

>> No.56516498
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>> No.56516541

That's creative, have a (you)