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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56501479 No.56501479 [Reply] [Original]

I'm not looking to be super rich, just wondering what the best path to take is if I want to be comfortable.
Is it STEM degree or a trade so long as it won't be automated within 10 years? Do you have any advice? Thanks

>> No.56501498

Electrical engineering, computer engineering, computer science, nursing, medical school

>> No.56501529

The best path is to learn how to think for yourself and stay on top of fringe information

>> No.56501538

just focus on your real life (defeating china in the coming and final global war) once it begins. youll do great alphie

>> No.56501544

Dude, just do the boomer shit. Get a good degree, good job, avoid debt, invest aggressively, take opportunities when they come your way and adopt a mindset of continuous improvement and adaptation. Simple as. I wish I had heeded this advice when I was 20. My entire life would be vastly different now.

>> No.56501558

Just have rich parents. That is all.

>> No.56501559

Paper round > dog walking > radio engineer > comedian

Seems to be the proper route these days

>> No.56501569
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Look at geopolitical trends and demographics and plan accordingly. The biggest meme is to study something you really like (but barely has any jobs). After 5 years you realize you paid a large sum of money for a hobby.

If I was 21 and would need to study something I would go into something that could easily lead to a start-up (coding but only if your already good at it and got the tism), some green (washing) study or something that never can be automated.

I sold my soul early in my career to enterprise software because that was where the money was. Good choice, in the end you will hate every job, better be one that pays decently.

>> No.56501594

Study CS + Math and become a quantitative trader. Have fun making 300k+ straight out of college

>> No.56501593

I appreciate the replies. Thank you.

>> No.56502146
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Explore and do what you love while taking advantage of the opportunities that come your way
Everything else will happen naturally >>56501569
People who work jobs that make them miserable are the worst
If you do something you love it’s easy to make good money in that or a similar field.

>> No.56502159

A computer science degree. Programming gives you so much more job security (both within companies and by being able to get new jobs) than other white collar work. The jobs are everywhere in both large corporations and small companies, are well paid, allow for remote work much more than other jobs, and allows you to start your own company.

I regret not doing a CS degree so much. All other white collar work requires you to suck up to normies to advance or even keep your job.

>> No.56502265

Best advice

>> No.56502275


>> No.56502326
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>> No.56502621

Join Andrew Tate's hustlers university

>> No.56502656

Don’t let the internet rot your brain.
Go to college, get married in your early to mid twenties, have a few kids, get a decent job, or else you wind up like the losers on here. Like me!

>> No.56502720

Success in life comes down to how good you are at building relationships, and the quality of the opportunities you get from those relationships.

If I could go back I would have done a year or two of sales, while still doing a hard skill in something you enjoy, then aggressively start businesses.

>> No.56502762

All of these except computer science.
Computer science is for people who can't choose.
Get better at choosing then get a degree.
I'd rather you said Networking. Boomers can't network so you name your price to plug cords in and make machines talk to each other.

>> No.56502771


No. If you aren't from Ivy League and have great connections, you won't get an opportunity. That degree set isn't a bad idea though.

Also this.

No. This is what produces the modern debt slaves. I have a relative with a PhD in Dance. Do you think it's easy for her to make good money? I'm a CS monkey with the twist that I love the CS theory behind programming. I spend a lot of free time studying that. That has done nothing monetary for me other than helping me pass a FAANG interview. I still find no interest in any job and hate them. I am also still not rich.

>> No.56503495

Become a pilot

>> No.56503765

remind yourself of where you want to get once a month, some introspection. No regrets just looking at what you did, where you are and what your next steps could be to get where you want to get. Even if its just temporary goals, you make sure to stay active in your own life about these decisions.

>> No.56503779

Anything STEM (math, physics, chemistry or biology with analytical focus), learn programming but don't make it your sole focus (I.e ideally with the previously mentioned topics), electrical/mechanical/material/micro engineering if you like this stuff. Or any job where you know you will provide a valuable service to a large number of people (and where barrier to entry is high) like doctor or specialised health, pilot, etc.

>> No.56503794

what's pilkington up to these days?

>> No.56503804

>get married in your early to mid twenties
Do not do that though. I would honestly say if you have the chance to have many opportunities (not only work, it can be many things) experience them as long as you can. Get married in your 30s, otherwise you ll become a bitter old man (what if I had done this? Experienced that? If only I didn't settle so young, etc.)

>> No.56503834
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best advice
leave this website and never come back.
this place will rot your mind more than any drug.

>> No.56503913

Let me give you some real advice OP as I am drinking and just recently entered into my 30s:
>1. IMMEDIATELY take the boglehead pill and start investing in an index fund in the retirement account of your choice. After 40 years (by the time you retire) you will be a multi-millionaire and have a comfy ass retirement. If you do not do this then you will be FUCKED because there will be no social security for the younger generations (or a super minor amount).
>2. NEVER go into debt for anything (with the exception of a house mortgage) as it will be always be a noose around your neck that can take a decade or more to cut yourself free of.
>3. The only way you will ever make big $$$ is starting your own business and the added benefit is that it will give you a huge amount of personal freedom. as well. You can learn a skill or a trade (which will help in the beginning if you are not ready to start a business) but your end goal should be is to be your own boss by your 30s. Making $50k a year but you are your own boss and only working part-time is vastly superior to being a wagie making $500k a year but working 40-60 hours a week and have a boss.
>4. Never fuck with options, leverage, or any other high-risk shit because you are too stupid for it and you will piss your money away.

>> No.56503918


>> No.56503953

100% chainlink

>> No.56504004

This. Otherwise, you are literally here forever

>5. Women are everything and nothing at the same time. The only women worth committing to are debt free virgins, otherwise just keep them around as a fuck buddy and never commit. If you don't want to deal with women but need to satisfy those urges just remember prostitutes are unironically cheaper than dating and the sex is better. Never compromise with women as they have the ability to completely ruin your fucking life in every aspect. Love is the best thing in the world and better than sex but only a virgin woman can give you that. Contrary to 4chan, there are tons of based women out there but they expect you to be a man that has his shit together and will not participate in your weird sexual fetishes nor tolerate you being a whiney bitch.
>6. Your health is all you have which means you need to start working out NOW. When you get older all your shit lifestyle choices will comeback and fuck you up including any addictions you have accumulated over the years. Money means fuck all if you are constantly in pain. Eat healthy, exercise, take supplements, and sleep at least 8 hours everyday.
>7. Do your best to preserve your relationships with your friends and family. As you get older it becomes almost impossible to make new friends. Family is also extremely important so try your best to stay in touch with them and make them an active part of your life.

#6 & #7 are extremely important and cannot be bought with money. Most billionaires have neither so keep that in mind about how valuable they are.

>> No.56504013

agree with 6 and 7.

SP is fucked long term. enjoy being boomer exit liquidity. buy LINK. thats it.

>> No.56504021

Also my follow up is that most people are complete cunts nowadays operating on lack like this ass at >>56504013 who have a complete crabs in the bucket mentality and want you to participate in their scam so they feel better. Remember OP it is lonely at the top and the moment you start climbing the mountain you will lose a lot of people.

>> No.56505607

Accountanting, Finance, or FinTech, you have three options. Everything else is memes.

>> No.56505621

And if you fail at college immediately apply to an office government job.

>> No.56505647
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I prefer to be comfortable on the street. That's why every time I get my monthly welfare check I buy CharlesMansonAlexJonesBeetlejuice1776Pitbull(Karen)

>> No.56505891

Computer science at the best school you can get into

>> No.56507109

work in water, either at the treatment plant or in distribution. anyone can take the tests for the certs required, and most job postings I've looked at want a cdl, but a lot of job postings are looking for a high school grad, nothing more, they'll give you time to get certs and cdl. 22 an hour minimum, guaranteed raises when you get more certs. wish I knew about this job option when I graduated.

>> No.56507137

whatever you do, don't fall for "investment communities" that steal your time with promises like "ccip will make the token worth $1000 eoy, just hold a bit longer!" over and over again until you are 30

>> No.56507146

Whatever you fucking do do NOT get a STEM degree. Get an art degree, do basketweaving. You'll be happier.

>> No.56507156

I just checked that the other day in my city haha because I no longer enjoy what I do now

$38/hr full time just for "floor" worker I was shocked actually

>> No.56507238

Just don't get into trades or blue collar shit, it isn't worth it long-term, even if you start your own business eventually. The wealthy tradie shit is unironically a psyop.

I'd recommend Computer Science/Computer Engineering/Electrical Engineering and specializing in something like Embedded Systems (hardware or software) within the defense industry. You'll be required to get a security clearance for these jobs, which will filter out a lot of competitors and jeets etc. After gaining a few years of experience, get an MBA (even if it's from a meme school like Western Governors University) and try to also get your PMP cert (Project Management Professional). Doing so will allow you to slide into Program Manager/Project Manager jobs that pay $200k+.

>> No.56507323

the easiest and most profitable is by becoming a crypto wagie extremist (anyone who spends 50%+ of every paycheck on RSR)
learn how to join the crypto cult here: www.cwecapital.club

>> No.56507419


Flop out of school with next to no qualifications

Get some gig in hospital radio

Work up career ladder to make producer on "quite a bit of money"

Get allocated to a new team by boss who happen to end up being award winning writers and comedians

Talk absolute bollocks

Quit job and potter around in the garden

Award winning mates start podcast as you talk absolute bollocks

Keep doing fuck all and then get kidney stones

Start a diary, get a TV show traveling around with some little fella called "Warren"

The finally do so some grouting


>> No.56507441

put all your wealth into LINK and then rope yourself in 10 years when sergey has enough shekels and rugpulls it for good

>> No.56507794

combine a skill set of tech and finance and you will always have a job

>> No.56508656

Become an accountant... It's so obvious and in plain sight and never gets mentioned here. Tech is so saturated. The time to learn computer programming was 10 years ago. Wages are going down and competition is going up. A lot of my friends making big money doing web dev and mobile apps and ux 5-10 years ago are unemployed looking for work competing with pajeets now.

>> No.56508795

>I'm not looking to be super rich
Why not you retard? You've already lost without even trying.

>> No.56508948

Safest plan? Go into trades. Monk-mode and save fucking everything you can instead of being a dumb consoomer. After a few years use your savings to open up your own practice.

At this point, a degree is only worth it in certain circumstances.

1. You have a scholarship that makes it basically free
2. You're going to an ivy league and can leverage the prestige and connections to get into a top-tier law/consulting/IB/PE firm
3. You are a top 1% actual genius in STEM and won't become a jaded burnout.

The era when any midwit could just go to college and get a CS degree and work for big tech is kinda over. Market is getting more competitive and low performers are getting weeded out. You don't want to take on a ton of debt only to find out you can't cut it.

>> No.56509042

Paper round > DJ > boxer > hospital radio sound engineer > real radio sound engineer > moaning manc twat

>> No.56509323

i'm 20k in debt with no job at 26 years old. my best propsect is being a janitor at my local university. fuck me huh? what should i do? no college degree btw

>> No.56509348

Too vague
Pretty much. Still a bit vague
This is a recipe for something, no doubt.
Not bad
Hyperbole but not a bad idea to set limits, time limits
Blue collar cheat code. Not bad
Union tradies = middle class, upper middle in ten years if you boomer invest and budget.
Trade apprenticeship
Union only

>> No.56509505

join air force or navy, do IT or other electronics role, get loads of degrees, get free traveling and good mates, come out and get cushy high paying niche job from qualifications or contacts,

invest and boom sorted

>> No.56509514

Real Estate and construction.

>> No.56509532

I work as a tech recruiter and degrees are pointless unless you are going into medicine, architecture or law.

>> No.56509565
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depends if autistic

If you're good looking and not autistic just take a business or finance degree and network like a mother fucker while you're in school. Rub elbows with the local financial and business elite. Get in with the Dean of your faculty. Wait tables for the rich. Graduate with a 120k starting position doing nothing all day for some consulting firm and pivot from there.

If you're autistic and really smart, study engineering physics or medicine. As a doctor, become a surgeon or other specialist and then go to the States where you'll make filthy money. Get As in engineering if you want to succeed.

If you're autistic and a retard, become an electrician. After you know the ropes you can hire a couple of guys and start your own electricical contracting company. You'll make more money than an engineer and even many doctors.

The secret way to make it is included in pic related, though.

>> No.56509570

Terrible advice, getting married in today's age is one of the worst mistakes a man can make.

>> No.56510068

don't listen to these people. If you are white you won't be able to find a job with a STEM degree anymore. I recently finished a CS degree, and I can't even get a job interview.

>> No.56510084

there is no CS degrees for white males anymore. I regret listening to /biz/ and getting a CS degree. I am 21 now and full time neet because after more than 100 apps no company even emailed me back for a interview.

>> No.56510101

why is half this thread giving terrible advice? This isn't 1980s anymore, Chemistry and Bio degrees are worthless, they have zero jobs for just a bachelors.

>> No.56510104

Project Management.

>> No.56510114

accounting right now is the field I know of where my white friends have been able to find a job out of UNI so this is the correct answer. Apparently their companies are flooded with diversity hires that can't do anything so they are forced to hire white man to do their work for them.

>> No.56510131

did you even check government jobs boomer? Canadian government jobs legit won't hire white males because they priority hire shitskins and woman, it says so right on the job postings.

>> No.56510145

this is a correct answer, I regret doing CS and not accounting. Rest of business degrees are a scam tho.

>> No.56510174

CS is still fine, the job market will have rebounded by the time you graduate. Or another niche IT degree, even associate's can be good enough to get your first job.

In demand medical fields that don't require an MD + residency, way lower student loans, better hours, no residency slavery. (e.g. radiology)

Trades are severely lacking capable non 3rd worlders right now, it would be a good time to get formal education/training as an electrician/plumber/carpenter/GE etc., spend some time building expertise, then starting your own business

Whatever you do, always pick something that people actually need and is in demand. Don't just go into something because it "sounds cool" and then rack up tons of debt for it. Always chase high income, live humbly, invest all of your excess and retire early. Or maybe you'll end up loving what you do and just end up rich

>> No.56510284

I have two friends in trades. Both 22 years old, they get paid okay but both hate their jobs. Apparently boomers have abused them since entering the trades workforce. On top of this they both don't have GFs and will never afford a house since its Canada.

>> No.56510350
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>> No.56510531

retard cope, how would they even know your ethnicity unless your name is literally cletus. your resume probably just sucks

>> No.56510551


It's a firmly "you make what you want out of it" profession. You can do it begrudgingly and always have a boss, or you can work to master it and become the boss of others. Not hard to be the boss in an industry full of retards, and then you can start scaling (hiring more and more people while being more of a manager/owner).

>> No.56510936

>how would they even know your ethnicity
last name

>> No.56511452

my main point is its easy to find a job with a accounting degree even if your white. Meanwhile all my white friends that did CS can't find any jobs.

what is LinkedIn where they see your photo? What is the company asking for your race when you apply with your resume? You are retarded.

>> No.56511504

No joke, go down the STEM path and focus on engineering. Join a fraternity so you can make connections with finance bros who will rise up in other organizations. When one of the big engineering cos from Huntsville come to your school leave a good impression with them. If you have any modicum of social skills and above a 3.5 GPA you're pretty much guaranteed to get one. Do a good job at your internship and get a return offer and accept your 90k job in Huntsville Alabama and buy up property there. Build up from there.

>> No.56511549
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The above needs high IQ and is high stress. Not comfortable. Maybe nursing though if you can cope with the stress of cleaning dirty assholes from 300lb obese people and cleaning the fungus from their toes.
If you just want something that pays middle class and is CHILL as FUCK, be a k-12 teacher. Anyone who says teaching is a hard job has down syndrome. An extra chromosome. Easiest middle class job in existence.

THEN what you do is DCA during bear markets and DCA out during bull. Stay away from leverage unless you stick to a paper account because learning TA is useful. But ya, do that and you'll be fine. I don't recommend high stress jobs "just because they pay well" because they'll take their toll in the form of your libido, mental health, and energy. Also trades are a meme. Fyi nursing in particular will probably always have high demand aka easy to get hired. Other jobs will want internships, 3 years experience before graduating, etc. Dystopian horseshit. The teaching one isn't an exception to that, BUT it's so chill yo the point where it's actually worth it. They also get 1/4 months off per year.

>> No.56511628

Trades are a fucking meme, retard. You won't be able to start a business outside of electrical/plumbing and even then you have to wait to become a journeyman first and it also depends where you enter i.e. construction, residential, etc. The work is ass. The pay is ass. Others start a business too and if you're unlucky enough will just be oversaturated anyways. And the trades treats people like SHIIIIIIIT. Biggest meme ever.

>> No.56511642

can confirm, my zoomer friends in trades say the boomers above them abuse them like crazy.

>> No.56511690

Another thing about nursing though, you can pick low volume areas and low volume = lower stress. So for example a nurse for a school or for a mental hospital if you aren't scared of the crazies. That and they can always upgrade to a masters in like.. I legit forgot the name of the field, but basically with a specific masters they can get some easy as shit office job.

>> No.56511693

Add in a bit of dancing and you're golden

>> No.56511709

I think I was thinking of nurse practitioner

>> No.56512151

get a real job, dont spend your time/money on meaninless shit or people, and get some solid coins to hold and trade, like Kava or some shit like that, and avoid memecoins AT ALL COST

>> No.56512426

>avoid memecoins
Ngmi. A healthy portfolio has 1% exposure to memecoins. Leverage on the other hand is the real meme

>> No.56512882

Whatever you do try to care about yourself first than the others. Im broke and about to be homeless for caring and helping too much.

>> No.56513158

This applies to say the mid 2010's but we're well past that time now. CS is now the ultimate meme degree (I say this as someone with a CS degree and went through the hell of having a CS job). To the OP, go for a CS degree at your own peril, and if you choose to do so anyways, NETWORK! It'll save you amongst the hypersaturation that the CS degree has today.

>> No.56514026

Military and bennies like the GI Bill is the only way to save yourself before 30. Gonna suck ass though.

>> No.56515388

Then avoid it. I'd pick blue chips like Matic, Eth, and Btc over them and DCA on Tap directly from my local account.

>> No.56515511

Not the best in the crypto world. Your safest long term bet in the space would be BTC anon. Be sure to lock in a self-sovereign AA wallet for security and accumulate. Check brillionfi

>> No.56515521

If you want to be like me (broke, 26 almost 27, no car, no house, living with your mom) then go to school full time and work full time. Never go without work for too long. And always get an education.

I make it sound bad, but the struggle alone will morph you into a more thick-skinned person.

>> No.56515537

>then avoid it
Why the fuck would I do that? I tasted 6 figs just from one bag alone. You would have to be mentally retarded to ignore their potential

>> No.56515550

Too risky, Anon. I prefer putting my money into undervalued assets. A quick dive into DUA, NXRA, INJ, and WTK will open your eyes.

>> No.56515559

I would say though OP, the key to long term success is having faith in God and reading the bible. You should accept Jesus Christ into your heart and start living for something higher than yourself. It sounds funny, but self-denial is the only way to true happiness.

>> No.56515637

basically this, best job security and retards dont want to do it because its "boring" and instead go for CS while they cant even write fizzbuzz and oversaturate the job market

i have 2 years of experience and i get spammed by recruiters on linkedin

>> No.56516052

Explore and learn more into web3 now especially for the devs cause the QVM tech has given a freedom for them to code in any lang.

>> No.56516067
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>> No.56516113

Genuine advice:
- be nice to people
- force yourself to get into good habits like flossing, using sunscreen, drinking a lot of water, regular workouts
- don't play dangerous sports and avoid injuries in general, they will haunt you for the rest of your life
- have a perfectly ergonomic position in front of your computer, or your back will be fucked within 10 years
- don't worry about getting a degree, literally nobody I know got a job because of their education. all that matters is experience.
- pick a career with lots of branching paths down the line, like anything IT related. just start working and in 3 years make a decision if you want to stick with it and become an expert (after another 5+ years) or make a switch.
- don't waste time and money trying to game the system. trading is gambling.
- don't try meth or heroine. all other drugs are safe to try, but don't use them more than twice a week (including alcohol)

>> No.56516390

Link alone won't achieve this, I believe in a more diversified bag, which is why I added PHA, MEX, and CYMI to mine.

>> No.56516415

for one becoming a wagie isn't the path to making it no matter the career. if you want to make it you have to create your own wealth.

>> No.56516818

Ricky or Karl, either or, love your work. Karl you have the best takes on things, Ricky, Karl is kind of like Steven Marchant or whatever his name is. Keeps your emotions in check. Anyways.

>> No.56516823

Only Asians are good at accounting. Respect to them for their math skills. I suck at maths so Id cock it up big time.

>> No.56517313
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play crypto vidya all day (especially blocklords) and jack off at least three times every day. also smoke weed. you're welcome!

>> No.56518381

being an actor n that

>> No.56520157

This thread is the epitome of the whole “4chan is 99% rotten dogshit and 1% diamond” thing.
Some v sound advice in here amongst the general vasectomy-tier ejaculation.

>> No.56520197

Point them out then.