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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 171 KB, 2272x1160, 981 billion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56497984 No.56497984 [Reply] [Original]

$981,000,000,000 GOING TO INTEREST

>> No.56497989

Just print it away newfag lmao

>> No.56497992

Have they tried turning the economy off and turning it back on again?

>> No.56498002

Are you telling me that bond yields are inflationary? What the fuck? Why are the yields so high then?

>> No.56498011

Yes actually

>> No.56498017
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>> No.56498029

This is from "printing."
Every day the fucking jews on NPR have been talking about how "the real problem here isn't deficit spending but the tax cuts." They're not going to inflate it away and it's looking more and more like the fed won't cooperate with that.
It's going to be way worse than people think.

>> No.56498034

the plan :
1. finance a terrorist group inside a concentration camp
2. organize a rave party in the desert next to a concentration camp
3. turn off camp surveillance cameras and make the soldiers monitoring the camp look away
4. tell the terrorist group everything has been green lit, and give em go pros to film them
5.terrorists do the terrorizing
6. start crying on TV, muhh 60 gorillion, muh holocost, muhh muhhh
7. start eliminating every single baby, woman father in the cencetration camp, all while crying on TV
8. call papa eagle for help, papa eagle sends 6 fucking warships to help you kill people with rocks
9. get the fucking countries around you to attack you, but you have papa eagle here to help you
10. papa eagle finally has a valid excuse the erase all the debt they owe to asia, the middle eat and russia, by bombing all of the middle east, and get FREE OIL FOR FOREVER
11. claim that you did all of this for ISRAEL
12. write in history books that you are a hero, and saved jewish people from a second hoolocaust
13. WIN

>> No.56498035

FPBP, boomers and chuds will seethe but nothing happens

>> No.56498042
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>> No.56498049

>Have they tried turning the economy off and turning it back on again?

I mean wasn't the pandemic just that,basically?

>> No.56498066

Who does this “interest” actually get paid to?

>> No.56498074
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who indeed

>> No.56498076

It cannot be fixed. This is why usury and debt is evil, why countless civilizations banned it and expelled the jews.

>> No.56498090

Treasury holders. American citizens, banks and other financial institutions, corporations, foreign governments etc.
>American citizens
Yes a lot of that money is going back to Americans directly or indirectly, and is a form of inflation and hidden stimulus. It’s also taxed, and is a somewhat significant source of tax receipts, ironically.

>> No.56498102

Ezra Pound is that you?

>> No.56498106

I owe taxes, but I don't own anything so I don't give a shit lol. What are they gonna take? My generation was fucked. They can print it. I'll stay at my moms and eat chicken nuggets. They want to send me to prison? Okay. They can pay for my room and board and 3 meals a day. They really can't do anything to me, you can't take from a man that has nothing. lol, lmao

>> No.56498107

Unfortunately this is the bear trap.
Welcome to the debt century.
Soon banks will offer baby loans- Loans you can take out when pregnant because having children will be so financially unviable.

>> No.56498109

>deficit spending from war will fix this.
We got here by doing war time levels of deficit spending. War will only exacerbate the problem now.

>> No.56498116

Having children is free. The socialization involved is what costs money. If that happened people would just have children themselves and wouldn't register them with social security.

>> No.56498125

i have 65k in treasuries. you will pay me my interest.

>> No.56498127

Yes but in the mean time there will be serious deflationary hell.

>> No.56498133

who are they paying debt to?

>> No.56498147

that's the whole point of the great reset no? resetting all the debt and starting fresh from the start. a ww3 could erase all the debt.

>> No.56498160

to the people who lended money to the usa by buying bonds?

you dont know what bonds are?

>> No.56498164

yeeeaah im still just gonna pay my taxes and eat goyslop. comfy this way.

>> No.56498195
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jimmy zhong, who was always a federal agent and played the role of crazy rich "bitcoin OG" in the latest crypto promoting documentary psyop, supposedly only got a year sentence in adult day care center for "wire fraud" and no charges of tax evasion for what looks to be much more than any of us on this board could ever dream of cashing out.

he will end up having a more pleasant time in prison than being free. he will regain a disciplined lifestyle and reassess his degenerate lifestyle choices, all the while sobering up and making friends with genuine people inside that he could never find in the "real world." jimmy, if he fr fr (he is not), will come out of prison a changed man and live a much more rational life with cold wallets that have gained in fiat value and leave him without any financial worries.

>> No.56498213

Hopefully it reaches 2 trillion by the end of next year.

>> No.56498226
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Heres my plan:
Pass a bill in congress that ends the fed and resets the dollar on gold or oil or something like that issued by the treasury. Before the fed is ended they create enough money to liquidate all debt. Easy peasy.

>> No.56498248

The United Kingdom paid off all its extant WW2 debt like 7 years ago dude, think again.

>> No.56498263

>hurr durr wars erase debt!
>WW3 will erase the debt!

>have to spend 10-30 billion a ship getting the US navy to WW2 comparitive levels
>$200+ billion for every new Corps size element that isn't composed primarily of the lightest of light infantry
>$100+ billion to generate another Armored Division - and we'll need like 4 more of them bitches because 1st Cavalry and 1st Armored can't be everywhere at once

>> No.56498636

Dont they print new money for paying the interest on debt. I doubt tax money directly goes into paying interest .Its a good comparison nonetheless

>> No.56498664

muh debt

>> No.56498716

Money is "printed" by borrowing. If we printed money to pay interest that would mean we're borrowing money to pay back older debt.
This is a de facto default. We're not there yet.

>> No.56498717

cool it with the antisemitic remarks

>> No.56498856
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you can make a nice chart on FRED

>> No.56498871


>> No.56499251

To whom? The US

>> No.56499292
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We don't, but at a personal level you should imperatively protect yourself with gold and silver. This will be our only chance at weathering the storm.

>> No.56499340

The tribe that owns White slaves

>> No.56499374

Ah... literally. Now both sides of the Christmas tree are blinking and Joe's dick is stuck in the ceiling fan

>> No.56499407

you are already printing 1,4billion an hour.

>> No.56499408

>he doesn't know about warchest economy
you plunder the other countries, duh

>> No.56499430

deserves a (you)

>> No.56499443

Show chart, because this is not true.

>> No.56499451

Can't the gov just go Fight Club this bitch, factory reset to a new currency and have everybody praise the gov to reset every debt in existence?
Sure, Weimar inflation levels would be horrible.
Though, everybody in the west would be debt free

>> No.56499458

The dollars don't matter, the main thing is the government controls the community's resources and they are going to continue to increase the level of control they have. "Paying back the debt" (releasing the government's control over resources) means having a revolution and getting rid of the regime, there's no other way.

>> No.56499555

government borrows those printed money
has to pay them back, but does not have the magic printer

>> No.56499757

Why am I even working and paying taxes then? Never work again and just 'reset the debt' every so often.

>> No.56499788
File: 265 KB, 750x1154, 40AED28D-9E11-4C9A-9965-954F19B74641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tax revenue going down
Oh oh
Spaghetti oh

>> No.56499844

>that would mean we're borrowing money to pay back older debt.
isn't this how the actual debt is paid back? it's refinanced by creating new bonds to pay off older matured bonds. The interest is what's left over to pay for through other means, but they could simply pay interest with new bonds, further accelerating the total debt.

>> No.56499848

The government is supposed to have a surplus right now and be able to absorb the blow of high treasuries but real Keynesianism is a pipe dream apparently.

>> No.56499860
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Yeah problem is when interest is 5000x higher during refinancing your interest expenses now sky rocket even higher

>> No.56499868
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use the 2 trillion in student loans to pay down 1 trillion in US debt, we've have had surpluses before, Bush Jr used it to start medicare part D FED makes money all the time. republicans love giving welfare to blacks long as it benefits private orgs, well same with dems. there is nothing different they both just want to score touch downs while wearing whatever jersey suits them

>> No.56500046

Well since this situation never happened before, it'd be a historical event in Americas history that'll go into history books.
It's not like they do that every few hundred years.

>> No.56500428

Well, the government caused this.
Hmm mmm
How do we fix this
Gee I wonder how we fix this hmmm

>> No.56500452

> the US will need a way out of this dilemma
Why do you think they implemented BTC?

>> No.56500460
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>pls more gibs to niggers
we can thank this defecating pedofile for this

>> No.56500464

everything is inflationary when government is involved

>> No.56500472
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Let me drop some real numbers

>> No.56500483

pitchforks, torches, rope, lamp posts, guilotines, public examples

>> No.56500489

>''The United States can pay any debt it has because it can always print more money to do so'' -Alan greenspan
What's there to fix? Greenspan said it's fine.

>> No.56500518

>so long as boomers hold all the scare resources, and through that enslave everyone else, everything is fine - all-thus the boomers in power

>> No.56500526

ok, enough. I'm saving in chinese yuan instead. Thank you for the info, jamal

>> No.56500533
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>> No.56500556

So how many wars can we afford 2 or 3?

>> No.56500668

Nah that was just a test run. "WWIII" will be mostly cyberwarfare and result in new currencies and sovereign debt reset. They might even detonate a nuke somewhere in the old world to sell the whole psyop.

>> No.56500674

Yeah its called bankruptcy and is sometimes the best option for long term financial health, for example if you have spent yourself into an impossibly deep hole with retarded spending

>> No.56500735


>> No.56501052

High IQ people that saved and invested would be fucked. You'd just reward people that can't plan ahead and eventually you'd end up in a situation similar to Idiocracy.

>> No.56501475 [DELETED] 

Forced arranged marriages are SO kino.

>> No.56501820

Why not just save in crypto or metals?

>> No.56503523

Don't they actually win, since they invested in assets, instead of those in debt or who believed in paper money?
As >>56500674 stated, sometimes a bankruptcy is the best move, to restart ones business.
I don't see another scenario how else we could get rid of almost 1 trillion $ in debt, besides just nuking everybody who we're owning that cash to or a factory reset to another currency, Weimar-style.

>> No.56503542

No it's paid back with taxes although we're running out of room there.

>> No.56503593

The world is catching up to the scam. America will soon not be able to print itself out of economic problems.

>> No.56503976

Rate cuts are coming before Christmas. Screenshot this

>> No.56504278
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>reset the sovereign debt
What kind value dollar will hold then?

>> No.56504297


>> No.56504340
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>> No.56504418

Needs to be in log, can't see shit. Looks like this chart was doing 2x every 5 years in the 70s and 80s as well, only in the 90s and 00s did it cool off.

>> No.56505093

agreed. from 1980 to 1990, the interest payments tripled