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56495963 No.56495963 [Reply] [Original]

Your answer says a lot about you

>> No.56495973

x10 is enough
5% is also good

>> No.56495979

i take 1000 since 500 is less then a percent

>> No.56495983
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Dinner with JayZ

>> No.56495992

they gave you a $50 loan
you won $100
you pay back the loan and half your winnings

>> No.56495993

Whatever we've agreed upon when I received that money, and a little extra just to make him feel good about me winning, he is my friend after all

>> No.56495996

I'd give him all of it. I am a nice guy

>> No.56496004


>> No.56496005

All of it. It's not about the money, it's about the grind. Dumb NEETS on 4chan wouldn't get it, but the hustle of getting money is a much bigger high than ever actually using it. I'll put it in you plebs language, it's like new game plus. I already know how to grind, I just like slaying a few slimes after beating the final boss.

>> No.56496015

It wasn't a loan, it was a gift from a friend.

>> No.56496017


I want people around me to make it big too

>> No.56496025

>I won in a casino once so I can keep winning forever
I see so that's how casinos work.

>> No.56496028

I put it in better words for you, you like to slave and make the government rich by taxes.

>> No.56496038

i'd probably give them 10 grand

>> No.56496043

If he's your friend give him 1k and then buy drinks and hookers end of story everyone is happy

>> No.56496051


>> No.56496061
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>> No.56496062

50k because he/her is my friend. If it was a loan from someone else then $50 + interest.

>> No.56496063

I use the $100,000 to buy them dinner with Jay Z

>> No.56496064

Any decent western man: 30% for taxes 50/50 split with friend

Jew: $50

Nigger: nothing.

>> No.56496069

What the fuck is 150k even gonna do in todays economy. I can't buy a house unless i wanna live near blacks that try to rob and kill me, i could buy a decent car but still nothing that screams wealthy, it would also be a depreciating asset that would crush my finances to take care of anyway. There's no point in buying land since all the good land has already been bought by the top 1%. Investing would also be retarded to do right now with the way things are, so no stocks/crypto/real estate/shops of any kind

And saving it would also be retarded since the value of the dollar is decreasing by the second

I guess I'd book us both first class flights to the most luxurious resort possible where we'd fuck top notch whores and get intoxicated? Thats not even what i wanna do, it just sounds like the most logical usage of that amount of money

>> No.56496083

C. $1,000 plus the $50 dollars back.

>> No.56496091
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This is a retarded scenario. Why would I have to borrow $50 from my gf? Also women are just inherently shitty with large sums of money. So, on paper I would give her the $50 back. But in reality I'd use the $100,000 to fund both of our lives so she's basically getting $50,000

>> No.56496092


>> No.56496151

it doesn't say anything about a girl. it just says friend. you're just subconsciously desperate and seeing things that aren't there.
they get nothing, because they need to be taught a lesson about encouraging and even facilitating gambling.

>> No.56496171

If I didn’t have any money of my own and I otherwise wasn’t going to gamble, I’d give them half minus taxes I’d have to pay.

But if they just were like “here’s $50 dude have fun” and I didn’t actually need that I’d rub in their face how much I won and just treat us to some nice meals and a couple of fun activities.

>> No.56496193

damm these zoomers are retarded nowadays. can't understand what he's implying and need things spelled out for you

>> No.56496206

>your friend takes you to a casino
>feels ashamed of his gambling habit
>gives you $50 so he doesn't feel like a degenerate
>you win $99,950
>gambling addict expects more than $50 back

>> No.56496243

I'd give him 10,000, half is ridiculous and if he was really my friend I'd end up paying for shit for him in the future anyways

>> No.56496270
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You give him the whole thing, make him decide on how it should be split, if at all. It's a next level power move. Few here will understand.

>> No.56496284

read the question again

>> No.56496287

12k i'd give em

>> No.56496290

I give nothing back because I am the alpha male

>> No.56496295

I give him all but $50 back. Then I do it again and keep all of it.

>> No.56496308

D) Deez Nuts

>> No.56496321

I did that I my non longer friend gave me nothing.

>> No.56496330

That was my response when this question was posted last time tehehe

>> No.56496336

>girnding with 100k
gringding with 0

cmon anon i get your point but sucks.

>> No.56496362

I will pay someone $500 to beat him

>> No.56496389

legally nothing. But he is my friend so C.

>> No.56496408


Anyone who says otherwise is a greedy cunt and will die alone.

The casino is luck based. Him giving you the $50 changed the odds to your favor.

Even if a random drunk I don't know gave me $50 and I won the 100k I'd split the profits. Of course I would do the same for a friend.

>> No.56496413

Unless you desperately needed the money and your friend is rich, you will probably lose that friend.

>> No.56496423
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Id give him half because hes been my nigga since kindergarten

>> No.56496444

Followup question:
Does it make a difference to you WHEN the gift was given?
>give friend $50
>you go to the casino THAT DAY
>give friend $50
>go to the casino next year and he finds it in his jacket pocket

>> No.56496468

E. Depending on how it happened how it connects with the gambling I would spend 10% of the money on giving him a gift, something he really wants and with a preference for a fun life experienced doing something fun and memorable together that's more valuable than money.

But this is a difficult scenario that would not happen to me.
The one thing I don't want to do is gamble with someone else's money because it fucks up with everything. Your mindset, energy, friendship...

So what would happen in that situation is F. that I would spend my own $50, but more likely avoid going to the casino because gambling makes me sick and instead propose we do something fun without degeneracy.
After all he he is a friend he should have similar preferences and understand me?

>> No.56496475


>> No.56496487

If I win 100k with friends at a casino we're all goin to party so hard that none of us remember how much I actually won. It will probably all go to hookers that very night and we'll hit the casino with another 50 bucks tomorrow. But really you're a poor faggot if you have to borrow money from friends at least have the decency to commit fraud and steal it from Jews instead.

>> No.56496508

he owe $50 cuz im a gambling addict now

>> No.56496545

Same day I'd give him 50k
If I found that same bill in my pocket a year later I'd probably give him 5 or 10k or something

>> No.56496555

A) because I actually rather like my friends. Hence why we're friends.

>> No.56496911

This is the right answer.

>> No.56496949

I'm the one who successfully gambled it and it was chump change therefore only 1k so he's not too salty about it. If he had bought a winning ticket and gave me the winner though, I'd split that in half

>> No.56497076
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Unironically give him $50k. Anyone that says otherwise is a nigger.

>> No.56497092

I'll give him $50k (half of my winning) + $500 (his money) back

>> No.56497239

1k cash and get us both whores then invest the rest into LINK and when I make it we both move to Thailand and fuck whores until we die

>> No.56497248

You've said a friend. The answer is both nothing and everything. All of the $100,000 I would give them if they needed it, just like the $50 in their wallet they gave me to have fun with.

>> No.56497264

why the fuck would my friend "give" me money to gamble with
why the fuck would I take it
I choose super strength and invulnerability

>> No.56497272

I glad a fellow Anon thinks about this action too, i would choose too the option of split the profit

>> No.56497301

I guess I'm a dumbass because I would give him the $50'000.
He lent me the money, I did the work, a 50/50 split is appropriate. Of course that would only be the case if it was $100'000 after taxes.

>> No.56497309

The fact that you would even gamble at a casino in the first place says a lot about you.

>> No.56497460

I won $40 at the casino and my “friend” was begging me for a cut. I gave him $10 for gas money. Just how Jewish is my friend? We were 21 and poor bastards. Kinda comical. He would even turn off the AC in his car

>> No.56497545

10% = 10k

>> No.56497557

Depends, does he know I won? If yes, 50k. If no, $50.

>> No.56497559
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I'll gamble my money on CharlesMansonAlexJonesBeetlejuice1776Pitbull(Karen) thank you very much sir

>> No.56497817


>> No.56497835

i remember a friend told me if he won $50 million in the lottery he wouldn't even give me 10k. He said "what would you even do with 10k?" I had another friend tell me they would buy me an oz of weed.
They aren't my friends anymore, actually I dont think they ever were.

>> No.56497886

Communicate intent to roll $100K on red with pit boss. Call friend to witness it on the high rollers table. Win- split $200K with friend. Loose- Give casino $100K. Either way, I'm producing value.

>> No.56497894

5k now, or 20k in a crypto that im choosing and i hold onto it until its time to sell. i strongly advise him not to take the 5k

if he declines the 5k, i put it all into rlb and give him back 100k once it 5x(1-3 years wait)

>> No.56497900

I would never take $50 from my friend I would gamble with my own money

>> No.56497908
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D. nothing
why would i give him shit
was i supposed owe him money if i lost it all instead ?

>> No.56498046

100k, its their money
plus tip

>> No.56498104

Nothing. Maybe the $50 if he asked for it. If I fucked up with the $50 and owed the casino $100,000 how much is he going to help me out?

>> No.56498110

Does he see me win?

>> No.56498120

This is like astrology for guys who've watched Boiler Room too many times.

>> No.56498142

D Final Answer. 50 dollars? With friends like that who needs enemies.

>> No.56498224
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I value my friendship more than 50k, so a 50/50 split is best. It maintains a healthy relationship / liquidity of obligation.

>> No.56498708


>> No.56498796

I care less about money than having a clean conscience and good vibes, and I know deep down that if I gave him only a tiny amount then the vibes would be very bad for a long time, even if he'd probably try to hide it and act cool.

>> No.56498800

>If I fucked up with the $50 and owed the casino $100,000 how much is he going to help me out?
Huh? What are you talking about?

>> No.56498820

1K is fine with me

>> No.56498862

Give them the 100k. Its their money.

>> No.56498875
File: 433 KB, 498x479, A9DFB07D-642B-41DF-BF16-164FCA0F2148.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself

>> No.56498884

reposting facebook content on 4chan says a lot about you

>> No.56498961

I'm sorry Karen. I didn't mean to misgender.

>> No.56498967

He’s my friend and that’s the best I can give him after I get taxed to hell on my winnings

>> No.56499561

We're done here

>> No.56499995

Holy fuck, the invasion is real.

>> No.56500027

$1000 seems fair

>> No.56500118

a hotel suite and night of creampie

>> No.56501156

$50k or we go in together on a business. I didnt start the day with $100k, neither did he. But we will finish the next 5 years with $5m.

>> No.56501213

If my friend is taking me to a casino he is probably a gambling addict. I would give him 10k for him to blow at the casino, then pay for a nice trip for all the bros, pocketing 30k for myself after all is said and done.

>> No.56501265

They would probably benefit from several grand as I would give him the $50 plus his hotel and a good dinner etc

Not going all out for him but his weekend would be cushy

>> No.56501285

100k on Red. Let's go!

>> No.56501459

I deduct taxes and give him half of what's left. You have a loyal friend for life and the respect of not only yourself but anyone who hears that story.

I bet you can guess the color of my skin.

>> No.56501509

I wouldn't take the $50 to begin with because I'm not poor

>> No.56501573

>no $100,000 answer
i guess ill pick $50,000

>> No.56501600

I’ll help my bro 100x his money. Sure.

>> No.56501609

What if it was for like your birthday or something?

>> No.56501653

ask him, "hey, brah. if i hit the jackpot then, how much do you wanna split it?"
my bud would likely say, "just give me my $50 back and we're good"

then i would split it 50/50 plus give him the extra $50 on top

>> No.56501676

I would share some money i won easily even if i didnt borrow anything from them

But this is quite common behavior. People who are truly good hearted would use the money to help people they dont even knkw who are in need. I'm not a good person

>> No.56501691

Unfortunately, people who are good hearted are also usually poor because of this.