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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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56492364 No.56492364 [Reply] [Original]

>more whales holding than ever before due to staking, they aren't selling
>still less than half the price it was in 2021's bullrun
You do realize it's going to 10k, right anon?

>> No.56492379

You forgot the most bullish part which is that all L2/L3 are using ETH as gas.
But desu I'm still too poor to be full ETH, I need LINK to pump high enough before buying some eth.

>> No.56492394

ETH is sleeper overdue for a big pump imo. A lot of normies are understanding the bullrun has no longer been cancelled and are funneling in to BTC. ETH is slowly pumping naturally out of that. The fact that whales aren't selling due to staking shows that the demand will soon exceed the supply and will be a similar repeat to 2021.

>> No.56492462

bro you shitcoin is over. Eth doesn't have a single unique feature anymore.

>> No.56492484

i guarentee the coin you shill on here depends on ETH, nigger

>> No.56492582

one whale owns >30% of the supply

>> No.56492764

Best tip you'll ever get on this shitboard:
Don't make same mistake and fall for "link is bigger than eth" and not swap it for eth on parabola like me last cycle man, link will go parabolic this cycle and just dump in madness.
Love link to death but nothing have monetary policy and tokenomics as ETH in this space, best long term hold.

>> No.56494098
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SEC steps in and declares it a security, meaning it will only be tradable on shit-ass robinhood.
Nothing personnel.

>> No.56494297
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Yeah, me

>> No.56494321

Yes. I'm already planning for my early retirement in 2025
>stack of 275

>> No.56494397

Hold both, nobody knows what shit is going to happen otherwise they would be billionaires.

>> No.56494443

eth is a security by definition. i mean it was literally a pre-mined ico. there is no possible interpretation of law that concludes that it fails howey test.
vitalik isn't an idiot tho, the main driving force behind move to PoS wasn't "muh fees" it was to mold the project into something that could fit into prevailing federal reserve model.
the shares of the federal reserve is owned by regional banks each who own a pro-rata share based upon total capitalization - ie. a stake.

>> No.56494932

Agree but sell parabolas for other at least some %.
Trust me, I was in Link ico 20ks tack held like champ, at top of euphoria could sell for 35 eth for 1k link than lived to see 3 eth for 1k link in depts of bear, still coping even after this pumps and nice performance last m.

>> No.56495392
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imagine giving 30% of the network to a 2012 bitcoin maxi

>> No.56495551
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Exact same line of thought applies to my Kava bags. Does this mean...?

>> No.56495564

hex is all about holding it. literally. and the all time chart speaks for itself i think

>> No.56495570

ETH will quite literally never be a security.

>> No.56495575

Uh huh.
Monday is like less than 36 hours away, so remember to sleep early and all that, okay? You must go into the office in good spirits.

>> No.56495576

>But desu I'm still too poor to be full ETH

Kek imagine being you. Imagine not having 1.6K to throw at ETH.

>> No.56495580

You will never be a validator. Cope.

>> No.56495584

ERC-20 shitcoins are way too prevalent. Billions must sell.

>> No.56495591
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>> No.56495817

I only buy BTC because I want a full Bitcoin, and I could easily buy a couple ETH every month. When do I start? Also how much extra ETH do you need to buy just to send it to your trezor? That's what I hate about Etherium, I wish it was more simple.

>> No.56495832

ETH devs went full retard. When someone comes up with a decent replacement the price will crash.

>> No.56496252

lol imagine bagholding eth in 2023 like a cuck. Might as well just kys.

>> No.56496610

do you think the mass will buy your etherbag ?
think again.
L2 need ethereum as much di caprio needs 30 YO women

>> No.56496653

sure, but first it will go to $300

>> No.56497724

LINK is about to do an XRP and reverse it's incredible gains until it's $5 again. It's crabbed at $5-6 all year and realistically nothing has changed.

>implying SEC can afford to lose yet another crypto lawsuit

nice. I bought 20 more ETH this week attempting to spot an open in the market that hopefully unfolds this year or next. No matter what people say, ETH always just goes up.

>> No.56497809
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I'll post this again one day.

>> No.56497856

I think holding both is better at this point. I'd do the same if I had the opportunity to, but I keep selling link when I see profit in it to diversify into other alts like sol, fet, and dua. I don't think I will sell eth now, even if it gets to $2k. 10k in ETH is achieveable.

>> No.56497863

It's going to 10k but the real question is does it set a new ath in sats?