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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 360 KB, 910x1286, 1698494051644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56492900 No.56492900 [Reply] [Original]

Are you ready to give your entire financial life in the hands of Elon Musk?

>> No.56492922

>"Just give me all your money"
>"just have your employer deposit all your paychecks and all your earnings directly into my company"
>"I'll take care of your money"
this sounds like a typical megalomaniac with a savior complex.
when do we get offered the Bill Gates Microsoft version i wonder?

i bet they just cant wait to be in total control of when where what how you spend your money

>> No.56492956

>having your bank account linked to the random shit you say online
Thanks but no thanks

>> No.56492973

bullish for my crypto bags

>> No.56492978

Might be that all the debt Elon has accumulated is finally coming to ahead. At this point the guy must be desperate to get more funds to stave it off.

>> No.56492983
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Come on, he isn't desperate. He's just a savy businessman.

>> No.56492986

Better to Elon than to Apple, just sayin

>> No.56493031

Is it not the most obvious thing ever that XRP takes this over?

>> No.56493040
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it's so obvious at this point it isn't even funny

>> No.56493054

if you read any of leaked chats between elon and jack dorsey, you will see that jack completely orange pilled elon.
in the chats elon even had rather faggy npc talking points about (((climate concerns))) with btc which jack countered.
no doubt this news has its roots in those leaked conversations as elon was basically asking jack to join him in bringing then twitter to next level.
tldr. buy bitcoin

>> No.56493060

it was always his plan all along...even before he bought twitter.

more like stellar

>> No.56493061
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Correct. However, this only works if you can get on X without KYC. Otherwise, it's just PayPal with spicy content linked to your SSN.

>> No.56493085

Here's the deal bucko.
You aren't private with anything you do if it goes through globohomo internet tubes.
It's fast and basically free and saves everyone time and money.
LE REVOLUTION will not be in open public markets. You will be able to get your child porn and drugs somewhere else without KYC.

>> No.56493089

Banks freeze accounts at will and won't explain why. That cannot stand.
Fuck them, hope X rekts them all

>> No.56493093

wat is XLM?

>> No.56493100


>> No.56493101
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XLM doesnt have X as logo retards

>> No.56493105

That was obviously the play behind buying twitter, he's trying to hook normies up to crypto wallets without normies actually understanding what the fuck is happening. And after it happens the normies will go oh shit this just werks and their fear will be gone. And w'allah just like that the bullrun begins

>> No.56493108

low iq take

>> No.56493112

where is full self driving and autonomous robots
how long can this nigger sell vaporware before they put him in prison
this guy has to be some kind of racial jew, no gentile would be allowed to get away with this for this long.

>> No.56493117

I've been in this since $3 btc. Learn to figure out what is real, what is practical, and what are marketing sell points to people looking to dump on you and just make money for themselves.

The tubes, all your devices, and all service providers are run by globohomo. You aren't doing anything that goes through those tubes that they don't know about.
>muh vpn
>muh non kyc
>muh encryption
They know exactly who you are and exactly what you are doing and if they don't they will within 15 minutes of turning their eye on you.

>> No.56493118
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>> No.56493119

whats stopping him from using Doge or his own coin?

>> No.56493125

To be clear since you are dumb. Use cash and act in real life if you want to be anonymous.
The bullshit you've fallen for is specifically designed so that you eschew the only real anon option which is cash purchase between two individuals with no other person or machine involved at all.

>> No.56493127

>where is full self driving and autonomous robots
the absolute huge humor of the ai-revolution is they had it all backwards. they imagined self-driving trucks....those are probably never going to happen.
what they got instead was instant paralegals, medical research assistants, graphic designers, and coders.

>> No.56493130

This is real shit now, he's not calling the shots. This is a prong of the new financial system that they have been working on for over a decade.
Doge and BTC will be available of course, but the mechanics underpinning it will be XLM. That is why it was created.

>> No.56493133

Except this one is not really technically advanced at all, it's just crypto wallets tied to X accounts, it's not hard to do at all. And it could put him in charge of the next paypal and make him a shitload of money. So I don't see why he wouldn't do it

>> No.56493134



>> No.56493135

Unironically, from a big picture that doesn't care about human ego, driving a truck is harder than all of those other things because of the unending amount of variables that need satisfied to complete the job.

>> No.56493136

lmao that's right
learn to drive suckas

>> No.56493137

XLM was created by glowfag to try and undermine XRP. Seethe harder.

>> No.56493141

XRP is for wholesale, XLM is for retail i.e. the proles

>> No.56493142
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this is how americans say voilà

>> No.56493145

You're a disinfo shill. Die in a fire you squirt of baboon diarrhea

>> No.56493151

>driving a truck
yes full self driving is very very hard to solve and may never arrive.
there will probably be some hybrid tho, like ai-assisted driving. probably in 10 years there will be a human "truck driver" (ie. video game player) hooked up to vr headset in amazon wagie-cage driving 3 or 4 trucks at same time.

>> No.56493152

What's disinfo? Jed isn't a glowie?
No one trust glowie faggots.
They trust Ripple.com TM Corporation run by the smiling Brad Garlichouse.
Sit and spin.

>> No.56493159

two more weeks until Elon goes bankrupt and gets arrested thundersisters

>> No.56493168

I'd say what's most likely to happen is it'll be a crypto wallet with full support of everything but one coin will be treated as "native" to X and will give you perks on the platform. That's going to be a coin Elon controls and can gain a lot from pumping. Elon's attempt to control Doge seems to have failed so it might be Doge but I think it's more likely to be something new that Elon has full control over. He doesn't need to meme his way into victory when he controls your wallet

>> No.56493173

Anyone knows what programming languages they use? Old Twitter was Java/Scala (I think). Would be surprised if they'd use it for new things. For xAI he's betting on Rust. Same for X?

>> No.56493189

sounds very Revelationy

>> No.56493200

>elon wants to be regulated by the sec constantly.
nah. wrong take.
the days of minting your own shitcoin to power your platform is a 2018 idea.
he will simply use the most decentralized least controllable hardest money known to man.
>bb.bbb...bbbbut he wants to make money off it
yes of course. he simply takes a "network fee" of .1% automatically in the wallet for every transaction.
all the pluses and non of the minuses of 2018 shitcoin minting.

>> No.56493208
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Yes because Elon is making the mark of the beast system.

>> No.56493215

If there's 1 man who can win the regulation battle it's the richest man on the planet who also already won a similar battle with paypal. I'm pretty sure he'll at least try to win that battle because he stands to gain a shitload of money if he does. Imagine being in control of the worlds money, it's way better than being US president for a few years.
>"network fee" of .1%
Peanuts compared to how much you can make by manipulating your own currency. Visa has a "transaction fee", The Fed and the US government control the currency, who's in charge, is it Visa?

>> No.56493220

ah yes, i will trust the platform with shadow bans and scam bot accounts spamming my notifications, from the genius mind who endorses doge coin of all cryptos and is partly owned by cz, with my entire financial informations

>> No.56493221

>The letter or symbol X is historically called a mark
yeah, I see your point there

>> No.56493225
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>> No.56493229

even that is pretty fucking bullish. I understand that prompting is important but a lot of the code I see this shit spit out is sub pajeet tier. It is impressive for what it is and compared to what it was but I wonder what the peak is. And worry that moving into AI like this will reduce the potential for novel approaches to old problems since all it does is reference what already exists.

I think the ultimate result is a lot of low end white collar jobs get trashed. Similar to what Microsoft Office did without anyone really noticing. My agency used to have a word processing department back in the 80s, that went away since word processing software got easy enough for even the most retarded boomers to figure out. We used to have like 20+ secretaries with various responsibilities and now we have 5. We used to have a mail room and that went away too.

>> No.56493234
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>> No.56493235
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already a big fan of doge, i bet he allows these memecoins on x for the lols

>> No.56493242
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It’s deeper than that.

Revelation 12 sign just happened as well.

>> No.56493245
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>trusting literally anyone from africa

>> No.56493250

considering he seems to only get slaps on the wrist over constant violations of finance and labor regulations i guess why not.

>> No.56493259

yep. good points.
i think the "hybrid model" is where its at. Look at self-checkout....it didn't eliminate the position totally (like secretaries) but simply made 1 cashier oversee 10 self-checkout stations.
this is inherently bullish for blue-collar jobs tho...shit pipes still need to be fix because the shit still needs to flow.

>> No.56493260

islamophobe swine

>> No.56493270
File: 130 KB, 1024x1011, IMG_1885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck would anybody give this autist control of their money? I mean holy fucking kek, my account is already suspended for unknown reasons and I’m supposed to feel comfortable putting money on X? Welcome to the social credit system.

>> No.56493275

kek, the only thing islam fears is literally swine

>> No.56493282


>> No.56493283

He's an agent moron. Which is why XRP is the obvious winner as well.
You don't "win". You are chosen or you go along.

>> No.56493289

If you want to be a globohomo faggot then you have to do it.
If you don't you can always just not participate like the vaccine campaign and lockdowns.

>> No.56493300

X MARKS the spot.

>> No.56493321



>> No.56493341

Why would they go away from scala

If anything probably javashit because thats the only thing diversity hires can write

>> No.56493347
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>leaked chats between elon and jack dorsey,
gib sauce

>> No.56493349

Yep. It's already kind of arrived. My plumber makes more than I do from my 9 to 5. But I also actually work like 20 hours a week, getting paid by the boss man while I trade and work my side hustle/hobby and am not climbing under houses fighting shit leaks and centipedes. Any actual human has no problem with people who work hard, real jobs getting paid more than people who got a piece of paper from some Jew institution to push buttons on a keyboard doing some bullshit.

>> No.56493371

Musk fired the diversity hires.

>> No.56493386

Twitter was ruby (the best language), not sure now.

>> No.56493388

>more like stellar
Probably both. They are bother and sister after all. You can't split them up.

>> No.56493390
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>You aren't private with anything you do
I wonder how many people still don't get it...more than 95 percent?

>> No.56493439
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>everyone in the entire world is conspiring to shill my coin
That's what every shill says

>> No.56493453

I think normies are actually more up to speed on this than crypto fags. Crypto fags have deluded themselves into somehow thinking that a system specifically designed to record every tx forever is somehow going to keep them anonymous just because the didn't put their name somewhere.

Normies know they are fully traced and recorded and have opted not to care at all.
But yes, the number is very high that think they can do things online in "super secret" ways and not be traced.
VPNs are basically only good for avoiding targeted ads at this point.

It's mostly that POST FACTO if they want you they will find you very easily.
Yes you can go around doing small potato loser stuff and be "anonymous" and no one will bother you.

>> No.56493460

You need to go back (to the land where things just happen and patterns mean nothing).

>> No.56493474
File: 76 KB, 243x250, 1634863708598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Patterns mean that everyone is conspiring to shill my coin, not your coin. It's not hard to be a schizo see

>> No.56493485

There isn't just an AI on the blockchain. Your whole life was front run by AI. Cry about it when you eventually arrive at the conclusion, then just stop caring.

>> No.56493534

yeah we may be moving to a U shaped income-distribution curve.
Very high income for those successfully harnessing ai systems (single law wiz with ai paralegal bot farm) and high income for essential blue-collar. The middle-tier will be vast wasteland of subsistence level salary.

>> No.56493539

So just twitterpay everything using a smart phone. Got it.

>> No.56493543

It’s not that he’ll go bankrupt.
It’s just that he’s getting desperate.

His Tesla shares are already more of a liability than an asset because he leveraged all of them to buy twitter.

When this fails, he’s gonna IPO SpaceX.

When lawsuits eat away at his SpaceX IPO money, he’ll IPO neuralink before they even have a working product.

>> No.56493573

He said it outright, he wants to make X the Western WeChat - ie, backdoored government control and surveillance of your communications, shopping and p2p transactions... Elon is a clear deep state chike

>> No.56493579

This bank is just going to have a partnership with an actual bank the holds the money. All modern software is like that these days just a thin layer made up of api calls. Very lame

>> No.56493598

Yes. Doge will be used for the front end to spend BTC ont he back end. This was told to us years ago anon. BUt yes, doge is a meme scam and I am a scammer.
Captch: eat a dick.

>> No.56493604

> ruby (the best language)
I'm interested in ruby, care to share your general thoughts about it? I've mostly worked in solidity and rust

>> No.56493642

>backdoored government control and surveillance of your communications, shopping and p2p transactions.
If he can have this done, I think many would consider it cause the likes of PA, CA, and a few others are all fking censored in the US.

But everything still boils down to preference. Many will prefer the existing one to it, regardless of the features. For me, if the fee is lower than that of Tap, I will consider it the next available option.

>> No.56493653

I don't think so. Where is the source of this claim? He hasn't reviewed anything about what will be used. Definitely, BTC will be used along with Fiat. It will likely support all currencies. He's very influential to have that done.

>> No.56493662 [DELETED] 

>it would blow my mind if we don't have that rolled out by the end of the year

sure, musk, where have I heard you say shit like that before.

by the end of next year it would be "actually we always intended to partner with Chase bank and that's revolutionary"

>> No.56493702

You're right. Most startups often rely on partnerships with established banks to handle the actual financial transactions and regulatory compliance, while the fintech company focuses on user experience and innovative digital interfaces.
On the other hand, don't you think if he uses blockchain as a settlement layer, it can mitigate such reliance?

>> No.56493758
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>You aren't private.
Tell me my IP address. Faggot.

>> No.56493831

You are doing the typical total normie thing where you assume an unreal amount of variable based on a small amount of information.
I never said there would just one coin. There is no me vs you retard.

>> No.56493839

>being anon to random idiots online is important relative to being anon to glowies and governments and tax and law enforcement.
I'd suggest you touch grass.

The very second you cause trouble you'll find yourself doxxed.

>> No.56493944

then don't cause trouble? damn people are retarded

>> No.56493950

That wasn't the point. The point is understanding that you aren't anon and you will be found.

>> No.56493952

ABSOLUTELY. Fuck all the kikes and reddit newfaggot niggers in here.

I trust Elon over the kike kartel bankers who literally have my shit locked up right now due to KYC.

Israel has no right to exist.

Kikes are the synagogue of Satan.

Heil Hitler.

Also, Chainlink will power this and I will have over $100MM by next year... fuck you bunch of newfaggot doggy coin holding jeets.

>> No.56493957

you are anon unless you don't deserve to be anon, and thats the way it should be.

>> No.56493970

Nah, you are never anon online. You just have to keep from being worth any trouble.
They can tell I'm no trouble. But they know what I think. They just know I have a business and a family and I'm unlikely to cause any real trouble.
Which is correct.
I will only stir the pot a little because I'm not losing everything just to try and help some faggot retards that can't be bothered to help themselves.

>> No.56493998

>t. paranoid schizo
I am sure nobody is watching you and nobody gives a shit what you think

>> No.56494073

doesn't elon own like 10% of doge? why wouldn't he use that

>> No.56494128

Wouldn't it be funny if he'd implement a DEX for any chain powered by Chainlink, making it easier for normies to buy coins from a creator you follow?

>> No.56494151


>> No.56494181
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like i care what glowkikes think
they unironically cant touch me

>> No.56494246

I have my bags searched at the airport every single time full search every time no matter what for a decade.
If they pull 1/100 people it's me.
If they pull 1/50 people it's me.
The odds are absolutely astronomical that it's random.

I also have an ecommerce business that competes very well with big corporations.
They know exactly who I am.
Last year a glowie with a shitty front website came in trying to chide me into something and I laughed at him congenially and posted online about it and he stopped coming after I posted online about him.

They have tabs on millions of people. I'm not special, it's just true.
My file says "mostly harmless, pays taxes."

>> No.56494254

I never said you should care. Just that it happens and occurs and they know all about you or can within 15 minutes.
They can't touch me either.

>> No.56494255

>mostly harmless
w-what are the threats that you DO pose then?

>> No.56494380

How tf did ancient heebs know what sperm looks like?

>> No.56494448

i'll do it. i trust elon more than banks.

>> No.56494468

>pays taxes
oh so ur an IRS shill? tongue punch my anus, amerilard.

>> No.56494605
File: 41 KB, 309x629, Screenshot 2023-10-28 at 12-44-36 Bitcoin price today BTC to USD live price marketcap and chart CoinMarketCap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

666 Top Signal

>> No.56495039

It's a sprouted bean.

>> No.56495057
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I’m listening to the Elon biography right now and this motherfucker is capable of anything. Full stop. He’s been working on X, at least in his mind, since he was in his early 20s.

Doge to 5 bucks

>> No.56495060

>giving twitter access to your cash when they are billions of dollars in debt

>> No.56495093

Good try glowie.

>> No.56495098
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>trusting your money and financial info to a narcissistic bipolar autismo

What could go wrong?

>> No.56495272

it doesnt scale, also few devs

>> No.56495412

I bitch out loud but would never organize a rebellion.
Avoiding taxes is legal, evading taxes is not. I have a business with a large brick building that has $52,000 a year in property tax in a town under 10,000 people.
They know I'm going to play by the rules because I'd have to be retarded not to.

If you are a poor person or a NEET type with no sizable physical assets I encourage you to get out of every tax you can find.

>> No.56496184

>shitpost on twitter
>get banned
>lost access to your bank account
Social credit system in action

>> No.56496322

Elon is doing everything in his power to recoup the amount he was misled into investing in X

>> No.56496346

Wait until you go down the "people with special powers" rabbit hole..... I'll give you a hint, we're not there yet but it's already emerging in the populace and has been for some time and it will intensify, especially as the ponzi Babylonian money magic slowly dies.

>> No.56496361

Elon spent 44 billion on twitter lol stupid retard

>> No.56496399

It's pronounced yallah

>> No.56496426

Elon has declared:
>Self driving vehicles in 2014
>Self driving vehicles in 2015
>Self driving vehicles in 2016
>Self driving vehicles in 2017
>Self driving vehicles in 2018
>Self driving vehicles in 2019
>Self driving vehicles in 2020
>Self driving vehicles in 2021
>Self driving vehicles in 2022
>Self driving vehicles in 2023
>Deliver the cybertruck in 2019
>Deliver the cybertruck in 2020
>Deliver the cybertruck in 2021
>Deliver the cybertruck in 2022
>Deliver the cybertruck in 2023
>put a man on mars in 2011
>put a man on mars in 2012
>put a man on mars in 2013
>put a man on mars in 2014
>put a man on mars in 2015
>put a man on mars in 2016
>put a man on mars in 2017
>put a man on mars in 2018
>put a man on mars in 2019
>put a man on mars in 2020
>put a man on mars in 2021
>put a man on mars in 2022
>put a man on mars in 2023
And so on. Don't get me started on Hyperloop, on his tunnel machine, on his brick c9mpany, on his solar company, on his humanoid robots, on making twitter profitable, and on and on and on

>> No.56496431

Newbies here don’t remember Elon musk was co owner of paypal

>> No.56496432
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>> No.56496439


What’s wrong with that? Facebook is worth at least 200b

>> No.56496533

So you'd rather let the jew control your money? LMAO!

>> No.56496550

>Self driving
The car drives itself
Delivery event next month
maybe some day
Never Elons project
>Tunnel machine
digging tunnels as we speak
>Solar company
Raking in billions sellingBESS
>Humanoid robots
In development for like two years
Only one year since acquisition

>> No.56496568

Wow, you drank the kool aid

>> No.56496620

that is when he registered X com
this was always his reserve plan
he is now committing the reserve
that's usually a bad sign

>> No.56496624

Sounds like an unhinged leftist news article.
>elon man bad

>> No.56496629

well, might not be a bad argument desu

>> No.56496636

Musk's plan is ok on the surface, you get twitter to get people to sell them financial service
twitter is already KYCed so you just transform the account

Elon is missing the state issue and how evil the government is.

>> No.56496666
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>give your money to our golem instead :D

>> No.56496671
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nice get
Musk is a golem indeed

>> No.56497004
File: 1.56 MB, 896x1344, dragon_cody_glowing_colors_black_and_white_and_red_Halloween_ov_2f0fe5e1-8333-4f63-8dac-44d636bed92b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please elaborate, the only real money I’ve ever made in the market has involved money magic

>> No.56497016


>> No.56497039

They don't have nearly enough manpower to monitor even automatically flaged texts, posts, conversations, whatever.

Nukes north Korea bomb nigger cia tax evasion tongue my anus

>> No.56497044

>it was always his plan all along...even before he bought twitter.
This. He's been sperging about it for like 20 years.

>> No.56497156

Bitcoin is going to be the base layer of X. This will be the next paradigm as the dollar goes up in smoke over the next two decades.

>> No.56497637

>Bitcoin is going to be the base layer of X.
BTC can't scale to such demand and is too expensive for microtransactions, same with ETH. XRP and XLM are the most likely since Elon and Thiel have stakes in them dating back to opencoin

>> No.56497802

We all know that. Does that mean the fee will be considerably more or less than the existing fintech company or what? I understand fully well that we can't tell now, and probably he has a better approach to this since he was among the major pioneers of PA in the early 2000s or so.

>> No.56498208

You gotta have a horse in both races as they say. You’ve gotta realise that whatever works, you’re gonna be working with it.

>> No.56498214

Glad I never got around to being a Twitter troll if hes going to reinvent online banking. If he becomes the standard over Paypal, ill make a fuckin Twitter (sigh) I hate normies

>> No.56498343

nice try elon

>> No.56498412

>I trust Elon over the kike kartel bankers who literally have my shit locked up right now due to KYC.
he is a U.S. gov asset, has always been, sorry zoom zoom

>> No.56498435

>haha I've got so many billions I can just lose a few and laugh it off. Hey just trust my nonchalant idealism with your entire livelihood.

>> No.56498441

Yeah it's short for 'with allah' isn't it? As in
>with Allah, btc will never be below $30k again

>> No.56498456
File: 1.79 MB, 197x213, 156215317614.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"poopiehead" has been A TERRIBLE SLUR WORD for 2 years
>say "poopiehead" on X
>instantly get your account suspended
>you can't post anymore
>you can't read anymore
>can't buy food
>car won't run because your connection to X is cut
>can't use car to get to job
>lose job
>get thrown out of house because you can't pay the rent

>> No.56498469

u probably just look like a sperg and easy target lol

>> No.56498477

hi barrqn

>> No.56499173

not sure if you've noticed but the trend is clear, a total removal of anonymous internet shitlording is in the works. soon any site that doesnt comply to the new "REAL ID" internet standards will be shut down. their end game is to have every post you've ever made or will ever make linked to your real world ID so that your Social Credit Score can accurately be tallied.

>> No.56499179

>they imagined self-driving trucks....those are probably never going to happen
Already happening, let's see how it's going in another 5-10 years.


>> No.56499211

Mars travel and colonization will only be possible if they drastically reduce travel time (exotic propulsion system) or using autonomous robots. They (the military) already have the technology (antigravity), it's just a question of releasing it. SpaceX will possibly be used as a front for that.

>> No.56499237
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>this sounds like a typical megalomaniac with a savior complex.
based, i'm in.

>> No.56499371
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Seeth, cope, dilate trannies

>> No.56499398
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I rather let charles Manson handle my accounting. My entire net worth is in $Monero anyway

>> No.56499631

Glom Elon's cock more

>> No.56499682

this nigger thinks the game aint rigged from the start i wish i could go back to that kind of blizz

>> No.56499711

"Just comply and we won't fuck you as hard."
"Thanks, now enjoy your booster or we take everything away."
You're like a retarded kulak digging his own grave while hoping the bullet will magically disappear.

>> No.56500608

didnt the same thing happen like 5 years ago, and nothing ever happened after

>> No.56500617

niggers tho

>> No.56500846

the nigger thinks being president means anything besides being the blackmailed fall puppet.

>> No.56500852

>spend your entire zoomer life complaining about banks and being pro-crypto
>elon musk builds something to replace all banks
lmao infants

>> No.56501097
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And Blocklords will become game of the year. Stupid fucking faggot dumbass.

>> No.56501112

Integrate crypto and i keep twitter blue

>> No.56501117 [DELETED] 

This n-word knocked 10% off the value of TSLA because he couldn't stop acting like a cry baby during the last earnings call.

>> No.56501135
File: 151 KB, 677x609, 1657467230978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just say nigger if thats what you mean

>> No.56502071

underrated post
Same to Cook or Bob Igor.

>> No.56503342

Based and bomb nigger cia tax evasion pilled

>> No.56503950

You'll be able to do Bitcoin and Dogecoin payments on it.

>> No.56505962

This is bullish for TSLA.

>> No.56505989

uhh... PayPal??

>> No.56506007

>interstellar space


>> No.56506050

Crazy how right-wingers who oppose things like globalism and the NWO are supportive of a guy like Elon who literally openly wants to centralize and control the world's finances.

>> No.56506467

and have insanely complicated taxes thereby

>> No.56506884
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tell me when Musk gets a XLM account

>> No.56507772

Not just Paypal, I reckon other payment solutions like CryptMi should benefit from this as well.

>> No.56507846

Imagine financing your new Model3 on X with only 3% interest rate.

>> No.56507871
File: 548 KB, 1585x3370, tesla-spyware-full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you dont if they are paid shills or not (they are). what kind of cock sucker is gonna waste their time defending the NWO for free? NOT A SINGLE PERSON ON THIS PLANE.

>> No.56507875
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Inb4 XMR

>> No.56507925
File: 979 KB, 3000x2250, 5364563546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagiune not only selling a remote surveillance device but also a street drone you can uplink to a face recognition AI to "accidently" political opponents.
Whats not to like?

>> No.56507929

Elon please I'm not ready for the tech singularity yet where I own nothing just give me another 10 years so I can try and get property out in the woods somewhere and run away from all these fucks

>> No.56508051

I posted something about people who identify solely based on who they fuck and my account was permanently suspended for "Violence"
twitter is still pozzed, would never trust them with any money

>> No.56508097

This would be quite impressive, i would love to see this being achieved even though i already make payments with Crypto via CryptMi.

>> No.56508143

No, it mean "by the name of God" or "by God", it's how we take an oath in Islam

>> No.56508191

>Yet ANOTHER lie from the conman Musk
>People actually lapping it up on here
This is why you never listen to /biz/

>> No.56508229
File: 423 KB, 908x838, elon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elon is just a copycat.

This is what wechat in china does. Elon bought twitter specifically to turn it into the 'everything app' like wechat. Wechat handles all your banking and payments so elon looked at that and said to his employees

"Steal me dat idea for free"

>> No.56508998

jews or goyim under globohomo promo is essentially the same thing. On one side, at least Elon does whatever the cuk he wants but who's to say he doesn't get compromised soon, if he isn't already?

>> No.56509129

Bro is getting so crushed by those twitter loans he's trying to run the FTX ponzi playbook.

Sasuga elon-san.

>> No.56509219

ur a dumb nigger. everyone "in power" is already a compromised puppet. keep reading forbes cocksucker. keep paying taxes cocksucker. keep sustaining evil cocksucker.

>> No.56509232

XRP is pumping hard guys because of this news I guess

>> No.56509235

I told some guy on twitter to kill himself last night and my account was immediately locked by their automated ban system. Doesn't seem like a place I would want to trust with my money.

>> No.56509315

Can’t wait to get my 4chan bank account

>> No.56509346

X will be out of business by 2024.

>> No.56509354

It's the same centralised shit, how is twitter different from banks?

You both have an account with money on it which you can withdraw.

>> No.56509453

My bank doesn't lock me out if I call someone a nigger on the internet

>> No.56509482

what a fucking retarded way to kill off twitter, financially strangle all your employees out of the job over your aspergers inflated ego

>> No.56509572

wow seems to me you are really smart, I bet you have more money than Elon Musk

>> No.56510505

yeah forcing all your employees to solely use a financial platform you made up on the spot is smart because he's rich, suck that cock harder retard

>> No.56510518

but they do spy on you and keep you in the fiat legacy system. but ur ok with that you skilled cock suck.

>> No.56510759

Something tells me that my bank is a bit more trustworthy than Elon and his soi army.

>> No.56510775

what a fucking retarded way to measure intelligence

>> No.56510828

u dont even know what real money is

>> No.56510857

spoken like a true poor retard