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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56491957 No.56491957 [Reply] [Original]

I am desperate. Owing a month of electricity, with nothing to eat in the fridge. I'm literally broke. I am unemployed and trying to find a job. I ask for your help to continue trying, as I need to feed myself and pay for electricity to continue sending resumes and pay the rent, as I still don't have the rent money, to continue surviving by trying for some opportunity. I didn't know my father and my mother doesn't have money at all (I help buy her medicines when I have some money)

Any amount would help me a lot, as I live in a 3rd world country where the dollar is highly valued. Even $10 would be very valuable and useful to save me from this endless abyss. So I ask you, if you have some money remaining, to donate me any amount...

>> No.56491960

my wallets are:

eth wallet:

btc wallet:


ltc wallet:



>> No.56491966


>> No.56491972

no begging, nigger

>> No.56491974


>> No.56491977

I know this shit is annoying. sorry for polluting the catalog, but I only have you, you are my only alternative

>> No.56491999

>I didn't know my father
no wonder you're a loser

>> No.56492004

I don't consider myself a loser. TO BE a loser is a permanent state. I am in a momentary STATE of failure, especially financially. But I will continue trying, and of course, with 4chan help and advises too will overcome this misery state

>> No.56492018

Get a seasonal job at UPS for 21$ an hour. Work as many shifts as possible. Work for a year part-time. Then become a package car driver, you top out in 5 years at 49$ an hour. Stop buying Chuck E Cheese tokens.

>> No.56492030

I live in a country where if I could by some divine miracle get a job that paid me even $3 an hour I would consider myself the luckiest person on earth.
Even approximately 70 or 80 dollars would eliminate all my debts and allow me to eat well for 1~2 weeks

life sucks

>> No.56492045


>> No.56492050

the same begging thread you always make. How much money have you made off of /biz/?

>> No.56492058

Lazy nigger.
Take a job making $1.5 an hour then.
1.5 x 40 = 60
60 x 4 = $240
You can eliminate all your debt in a month + much more

>> No.56492062


Hey man, hello.

You are certainly confusing me with someone else, . because It's been three months since I asked for money here because I was going through a similar situation, and an anon saved me. Today, unfortunately, I have to beg again to survive. It's not something I'm proud of doing, but I only have you guys. No family, no friends. Only 4chan

What surprises me is that someone has so much free time to 1. monitor what someone actually posts on an anonymous forum 2. save every moment they supposedly make a thread

That's kind of scary. You need to occupy your head with healthy things instead of chasing people you don't even know. Peace, brother.
And whoever can help, I'm very grateful. I am really in need of any amount. Again, even 10$ would help a lot. Thank you

>> No.56492075

You know the rules. sharpie in the asshole with timestamp

>> No.56492079

You're the same begging faggot that always post.
You beg in LTC, ETH, BTC, and DOGE (which gives you away)
And you're always asking for $10.
>1. monitor what someone actually posts on an anonymous forum
Reading threads? Kill yourself retard
>2. save every moment they supposedly make a thread
I don't save your shit threads, but I call you out in every single on of them

>> No.56492084

Go be a a man and rob someone, bitch.

>> No.56492095

>knows english
>do not have a job in a 3rd world country
Vai carpir um lote, macaco.

>> No.56492105

today was the first time I asked in doge, lol. never had a transaction in doge before. but i dont know.. Is it forbidden to have a Doge wallet? sorry

>> No.56492111


Mono, tienes edad suficiente para saber que las habilidades no importan si no hay oportunidad laboral, si??

>> No.56492117
File: 63 KB, 661x721, morebegging.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you retarded or what?

>> No.56492118

How did you get in this situation? Where are your family?

>> No.56492124


Oh, I forgot about that. I didn't even remember those 15 dollars, anyway, as you may noticed, I have absolutely nothing in my wallet. I just wanted to eat something, guys. 5, 10 dollars...

>> No.56492126

You should go beg on reddit theyre probably more easy prey.
Begging on 4chan anonymously probably isnt very successful because most people here are malicious trolls and you could easily just be a jeet or a lazy neet who just wants to buy a new videogame.
/biz/ has an above average amount of sociopaths who are the type to make rugpull shitcoins and scam everyone.
Sent btw enjoy ;)

>> No.56492128

why don't you learn to grow plants

>> No.56492138

>oopsie! Just happened to have forgotten about the time I actually did use DOGE! Hehe
>Oh, it being $15 means nothing! I just happened to of gotten that from uh.. umm. sucking cock! Not from starting a thread begging for $10! I swear!

>> No.56492139

I've basically been unemployed for a while now. I had an emergency fund that ran out in a few days because my cat got sick (he survived and is doing well), and I haven't been able to get a job since. I never knew my father and my mother is an elderly woman who needs my help too, which makes my burden of failing financially even heavier.
But I'm trying to look for jobs. I'm alone (no one can give me money or help me) at the moment, but I'll keep doing this next week.

>> No.56492146

>i wholeheartedly believe in big medicine and will give every last penny to buying my cat mommy and myself all the pharmas

>> No.56492149
File: 8 KB, 236x202, 1698477192183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just play old school runescape and sell the gold like any other respectable venenzuelan.
Get a VPN and go to runescape discords and people will pay your to grind their accounts. Do something besides just begging.
There are people walking the streets daily picking up garbage over there and that is far more respectable than begging.
I think the easy money from begging for sympathy for you 3rd world fags has spoiled you. Why do any hard work when you can just beg some rich cuck for a month of your salary each time huh?

>> No.56492155



Fear, dread and despair blind us. As I said, the fact that I don't even have money to buy something to eat makes me first think about how to have that money and then find sustainable ways to continue earning money and surviving.

I really appreciate your suggestion. Is it still applicable? How soon would I start to actually make money from scratch?

I'm more familiar with tibia and I tried to make money with tibia that way, but I would need to invest some money and/or some time to get a good level. Is it possible to come up with a plan to make money with tibia yet? I'm willing to try.

>> No.56492159

You should've seen the time he started making fun of the cucks that gave him money.
He kept this act on for a little while longer, but once enough people were calling him out he started talking shit and laughing at the people who were sympathetic for him and gave him $10

>> No.56492167


Is this whole show because I said you needed treatment?
Were you hurt, man? I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. You are special. Believe me.

>> No.56492179

If you are actually venenzuelan then you can probably find a ton of info about it because thats what most of them do, venenzuelan runescape goldfathers make more then doctors.
You can play the game f2p and build up an account,
1m GP = $0.40
In the late game you can easily make 5-10m per hour so $5, but the real money is probably doing services for people like finishing quests and training skills, they can pay 20m+ so $10 per hour
You can play the game right now from your phone.

Or you can do literally anything, pirate some software and teach yourself photoshop, then offer to make graphics, cad designs etc on fiverr.
You can download a DAW and make music / beats and post them on youtube and sell them to niggers.
Theres a lot of shit you can do besides begging.
You need to become the fisherman who knows how to fish, instead of the guy who gets given a fish so he can eat for a day

>> No.56492188


I appreciate the suggestion, man.
I'm more familiar with tibia. Is it possible to make a living earning money with tibia these days? What and how much would I need to invest?

and taking advantage of your help, another question: I remember I won some money for food in Crypto Royale or something like that... are there games where I can win crypto with 0 initial investment? suggest me some?

>> No.56492193

I just sent you $100 friend. God bless.

>> No.56492194

kys. you're fucking retarded and deserve to starve to death.
>Just do A
>can I do B?

>> No.56492197

I hope the cucks were embarrassed lmao. Everyone should know by now not to fall for some anonymous sob stories.
I think someone actually already sent OP $5 in eth 1 hr ago, the donaters are the real suckers because OPs peers do honest backbreaking manual labor for a fraction of that. He didnt even post sharpie BAKA

>> No.56492199


>> No.56492207

lol, are you seriously taking into consideration what this unpaid sociopath janny (just monitors anonymous without getting anything in return for it) says? lmao

I don't even know what this idiot is talking about and he keeps repeating the same thing for almost an hour, it's pathetic and I can't laugh about it for some reason

>> No.56492214
File: 380 KB, 990x906, 1698479039444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont know about tibia.. Never heard of it, the game shouldn't matter if youre just trying to make money right? Are you too lazy to even bother to learn how to play the most profitable game?
And youre asking if theres any free crypto gambling sites that let you gamble for free so you can win a million dollars with no risk...
Yikes I even try to give you guys the benefit of the doubt but it seems like brown people are just very dumb

>> No.56492216

They said something along the lines of "blah blah blah, never being nice again"
I guess some people have to learn the hard way.
Where's your sharpie and timestamp, begger?