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56490313 No.56490313 [Reply] [Original]

There's no future if we don't make it zoomer bros. We got one shot to make it in 2024/2025

>> No.56490399
File: 287 KB, 625x350, literally me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw been in crypto since 2010 and still not made it in 2023

>> No.56490411

>>tfw been in crypto since 2010 and still not made it in 2023

What were your takes on Eth and Chainlink? What were you buying back then and now?

>> No.56490455

the wider market slump after the dotcom bubble and the housing collapse created entire new sectors like bitcoin.
the problem is these things only happen once, and gen z completely missed the last two and didn't even have the technical skills to create or participate early anyway.

>> No.56490471

>buying chainlink now
this is what i mean when i say you guys don't have the skills to successfully participate, you're just cattle being herded by those who were early.

>> No.56490545

Just because somebody knew about crypto doesn’t mean they knew about it as a potential investment strategy. I remember seeing faggots on here posting about how they traded 100 bitcoins for 100m on runescape and other shit like that. Plenty of /fit/ guys used it for roids, etc.

>> No.56490555

i bought bitcoin to buy drugs on silkroad and agora

>> No.56490561

Crypto is in a bear market. You're dumb if you buy it right now. Commodities are positioned to deliver exceptional returns. Gold, silver, oil, uranium, agriculture.

>> No.56490572
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it's not that simple

>> No.56490588

was early in both but fumbled most of my bags along the way

>> No.56490609

same here, bro. i haven't had a good night's sleep in a very long time.

>> No.56490614


>> No.56490639

Used Bitcoin/Monero to purchase LSD on alphabay

>> No.56490648

>you should buy when the price goes up
Are all zoomers braind damaged?

>> No.56490655
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You are right Anon, crypto is the only way to make it now, unless you want to start and OnlyFans. Normie jobs don’t cut it anymore, your best bet is to find a low cap around 100k and hold till millions. A few hundred can go far.

>> No.56490970

>Crypto is in a bear market.
Yep, it’s time to be accumulating.
>You're dumb if you buy it right now.

>> No.56492165

Can you elaborate on what happened here? Lack of conviction on the projects? You got bored and found another project more entertaining?

True. When people say "I wish I purchased bitcoin back in when 201X when I first heard about it", my response has always been "Why would you?". If it's because "It'll make me rich (by hitting X price in Y year)", that's not going to give you the mindset to be able to recognize a new opportunity when it comes your way.

>> No.56492234
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Yawn. More retard drivel on Twitter, the world is not any harder for zoomers, they have way more job opportunities than the milllennials did and are on par with boomer home ownership rates.

>> No.56492391

You joking right?

>> No.56492393


>He doesnt use this in his advantage to slay 18yr old zoomer pussy

I feel bad for you losers

alot of 18yr olds are aware that their current generaton is fucked so they only to try fuck home owners

what a comfy time to be a 30 year old

>> No.56492406

All you had to do was DCA

>> No.56492408
File: 159 KB, 1027x1280, IMG_20231028_013641_182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's easy to make it with Monero

>> No.56492596

this is bait

>> No.56492610

zoomers on twitter are just a bunch of crying fags, just work hard, acquire useful skills, and make some real trades, holding some real bags (XMR, Kava, XRP) is the only way to rise.

>> No.56492706

> I'm so fucked if I don't make it from crypto
Sure, but imagine how fucked you be without magic internet coins. Youre far, far ahead of the pack fella, just play the game well and you'll be fine.

>> No.56492715

>We're still early bro


>> No.56492934

This was the same for millenials. At least zoomers get high paying jobs out of uni. We had none thanks to the GFC we all just fucked around making nothing for 10 years.

>> No.56493041

You will be 25+ one day and will still not have made it, anon.

>> No.56493051

According to this graph, 25% of Gen Z was a homeowner before 20 years old. Lol, lmao even.

>> No.56493684

Good morning! Another great day to kek dumbfuck crypto baggies

>> No.56493735

no way in hell are 25 year old people home owners.

>> No.56493779

The hardest pill to swallow is to simply accept.the fact that majority of us are not going to make it and just live your life without worrying about it

>> No.56493785

I am but only because of NFT bullrun

>> No.56494966

Quickly jump on KIMBER zealy quest for $102,500 in rewards. You sleep on it, you lose.

>> No.56494983

Oh yeah and I'm all out for FGC, HBAR, UTK and Floki, I'm sure gonna make it.

>> No.56495611

why do you think most won't make it? what mistakes are people making?