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56484126 No.56484126 [Reply] [Original]

if you're autistic you will endure a lifetime of mistreatment, rejection, and conflict and just have to get used to it otherwise you'll always be wallowing in negativity

>> No.56484133

or just kill yourself
I am going to when the comfy times stop when my parents die.

>> No.56484139

that's the negative side. there's a positive side you should focus on. my autism strain is one that manifests itself as hyper neuroticism and hyper focus on the things i like. use these things to your advantage. forget about others. if you can harness these things, people will flock to you no matter how autistic you are. ngl though it can be misery a lot of the time, but the highs are absolute bliss.

>> No.56484143

Wrong. You can instead find based frens (feds) online and shitpost with them until they psyop you into playing minecraft. It's a comfy ride, trust me
>t fed

>> No.56484147

and yet if given the opportunity i would still choose to be autistic

>> No.56484158

same, i wouldn't have it other way. having spent time with a lot of normies, so many are literally soulless.

>> No.56484192

nothing beats staring at normies with no expression on your face

>> No.56484216

That's what I realized at 32. Before I was literally depressed all the fucking time. Once I accepted I'm gonna be alone and make my own thing I became free.
I know it's hard to believe for most people but you don't need social connections to be happy. Happiness is truly a muscle that you need to train. It's a matter of how you value other's opinions and what perception you have about yourself.

>> No.56484310

Just apply your autism towards learning social skills.

>> No.56484648

I fully relate, OP. No friends or social experiences in school. Gigantic amounts of rejection from job interviews and ostracism at all my jobs.

>> No.56484695
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tfw autistic but no superpowers so im just rarted

>> No.56484725

Most of you faggots aren’t actually autistic you’re just socially awkward introverts who need a mental illness label to feel like you’re part of special club like a fucking woman crying about depression and being oppressed. True it’s much harder being an introvert in an extroverts world but 95% of extrovert normies are mouth breathing, nigger worshipping NPC’s with no passion beyond what their screens tell them to get excited about. Channeling your outcast rage into your hobbies can allow you to accomplish great stuff. Sure you might not be like chad constantly chasing and scoring pussy, but after you fuck a few girls you’ll soon realize how boring they are and how tiresome/wasteful chasing them is despite your biology raging inside for you to chase them. Tame your emotions and mind and transcend.

>> No.56484771

My son is autistic. Don't think he's discovered this place yet. How can I help make the world better for him?

>> No.56484795

Give him money to put into shitcoins as early and young as possible

>> No.56484816
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Don't forget this gem

>> No.56484835

i thought i was an autist and then I met a woman who unfroze my cold dead heart and now it's broken

>> No.56484845

No. He's not ready to hustle "for the tech" bros on /biz/ for gains yet, and by the time he is, the only thing left will be bitcoin.

>> No.56484868
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I am autistic and have depression, this is burning out the few brain cells I have
I'm barely good for business, even if I can make a good profits playing duck race, money is not much good if I can't be happy

>> No.56484930

Isnt this just ADD? I was diagnosed with that and never autism, but I fit the criteria. Its all kind of the same anyway. What I have realized very recently is, even though it is cliche, is that you have to believe in yourself no matter what. Everyone is going to tell you youre doing something wrong, but a lot of the time theyre just jealous. You'll feel some sort of overwhelming desire to fit in and imitate others, but no matter what you have to fight that. Nobody else, not even your parents, not even the popular kids, knows how you should live your life. Also dont drink or do drugs as a habit, ever. You need to let the signal come in loud and clear and that shit fucks it all up. I used to smoke hella pot because I thought it made it easier to focus and be creative, and maybe it kind of did, but the effect really didnt last as long as the side effects so I always, always paid for it later. Just practice being yourself. The greatest gift you have is a strong desire to do what you want to do, even if it just gets you in trouble with the system. So many soulless normie NPCs dont have that so they will just seethe when they realize you do, dont listen to them about anything

>> No.56485101
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it's just
>not a perfect lobotomized office worker drone pod person
i am not implying that those are beneficial traits or that affected people are special and don't need to work on their issues
just that it's been called a "syndrome" or problem as part of an obvious agenda, not at all because it's bad and they care about you
modern public schooling was designed to manufacture the raw material of people into rationalized, identical laborer-consumer-citizens and to weed oddballs out under the guise of "education," it was a bait and switch as they did do some minimal educating in the early phase, but that was just to lure the goyim masses into accepting such an obvious trojan horse (giving up all control of your children's pedagogy, thus of their minds), and they did

>> No.56485776
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i got that tism

>> No.56485803
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That’s why robowaifus will save us

>> No.56485823
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Can I change my Bitcoin entry point to around about 1 cent?

>> No.56486036

I would agree, except that, if you aren't a middle/upper-class white dude, you need social connections to get and keep a job. It's very easy to be the autistic minority who falls into a spiral of anxiety re: everyone thinks you're too dumb to do a job so you don't get work so you don't develop as a worker so everyone thinks you're too dumb to do a job.
>Fiverr wants me to put up a profile picture
How about Fiverr goes and fucks itself?

>> No.56486042

>he cant mimick normies to blend in socially
Idk about your guys but When I started hanging out with friends in high school I learned to hide the autism.
As long as you dont have down syndrome its easy to realize that being a creepy neckbeard walking around with a trenchcoat isnt gonna go well. All your really had to do was people watch normies interacting with eachother and study this behaviour. Autists are generally good at learning things so I dont get where the problem is.
If you have "social anxiety" its due to watching too much porn and draining your life force away.

>> No.56486112



>> No.56486114

holding a normalfag facade larp mask is extremely taxing though, I can pretend to care only so much

>> No.56486116

This camouflage works if you consciously do it and consistently expose yourself to taxing social situations so your social skills don't get rusty, but it still doesn't fully hide your autism. You can have fun at a party, fit in reasonably well in most situations, seduce girls, etc.
But you can't keep up the mask all the time for your whole life. People will sense your autism, you will still do autistic things, and normies will have a problem with you.

>> No.56486131

Find a way to get Keppra
It is an anti-convulsant used to treat epilepsy, but it has also been found to 'cure' autism
In my experience, it removes all social anxiety and compulsive behavior, restoring my sovereignty

>> No.56486229

Cure as in permanently cure from a single course?

>> No.56486433

this. you have the privilege of knowing when you will die, but that does not mean your death has to be meaningless, in despair. get the high score in the most dangerous game. send the world a message

>> No.56486914

Well if you do it long enough it will be unconcious. Really autism is a made up label, in the past it would just be called eccentric.
Whenever I run into other autists I always get the feeling they are suprised when they realize im autistic and know everything about certain niches and hobbies because my camo comes off as a normalfag.

I think one of the main factors is socialization during adolescence, those that never escape being a shy awkward loner really struggle later in life and turn into the 30 yo wizard.
For many years i was that shy quiet awkward kid until about 15-16 when made friends and started hanging out and doing drugs / weed / Alcohol. Ever since then i was able to get along with normies, im still awkward but i manage

>> No.56486938

kek i am doing the same thing and have been living a carefree life and spending all my money on things i want for fun
the issue is my parents kept asking me to do something with my life and get a job so i can pay them back the money they spent raising me
feel like when they do pass i'd chicken out and make something of my life but at the moment im still being mad at myself for the life i didnt get to enjoy when im younger and let chad fuck all the girls that i like

>> No.56487015

It's not that you're autistic, you're just a cunt

>> No.56487200

Autistics are immune to govt propaganda. Imagine taking the vaxxx (lmao even, no thanks hahah I just don’t wanna get it; simple as). That’s our power, our flaw is social settings, however, this could be easily mitigated by just learning a few wagie NPC phrases and regurgitating them to make the NPC feel good about their decisions. However in higher social settings with rather affluent people (psychopaths) they will see right through this and eat you alive.

>NPC: bruhhhhh just got a new car! Straight out the dealer bruh fuckkk car play so sic
>fireeeeee bruh good shit fr
>psycho: just saved 0.25% in business workflow buy laying off my production line of streamflow marketing
>hahaha yeah you’re ganna use like uhh AI right hahaha ha yeahhhh
>psycho: …

A proper response would’ve been congratulatory, but critical of their decision, offering a better solution, stirring a debating and letting them win said debate (stroke their ego)

>> No.56487208

no, you're just a normalfag

>> No.56488389

I grew up with narcissists (most "psychopaths" are just narcissists; it's not that they lack emotion, it's that their emotional responses are underdeveloped and unexamined), and I continue to fight a losing battle to not succumb to narcissistic tendencies. The last thing I want is to change myself to get and stay in the good graces of more narcissists. That sounds like hell.

>> No.56488474
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Autism and retardation didn't stop me from making it once, what makes you think it'll stop me from making it with kava this time?

>> No.56488496

>Didn't stop me from making it
Have you ever? Really?

>> No.56488538

I'm so sorry to tell you anon, but you're autistic precisely because of those shots KEK

>> No.56488541

Autism and retardation is precisely why you're ngmi

>> No.56488552
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What an uneducated faggot, that's not supposed to stop you in those aspects

>> No.56488581

Everyone has lied to me.

>> No.56488608

Introverts have trouble doing things they find "fake." It's not only difficult to pretend to like someone or something that you don't, but you also feel disdain towards doing it and towards other people you perceive as doing that.

>> No.56488609

autistic : elon musk . Nicola tesla. Alber einshsssttein . Vitalikk buterin. Nnn julain assange

>> No.56488615

This entire thread is proof of why you shouldn't watch ticktock or youtubes. Fucking never-beens in here jerking it to their e-diseases to be trendy and hip with the kids who do nothing but fortnight.

>> No.56488668
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Autism is caused by modern poisons in food, water, products we use, medication.
If youre autistic youre not special and quirky, youre defective. In hunter gatherer days you would be cast-out from the tribe and left to die in the winter.
Blame modernity for making you this way
Oh and dont forget..ywnbaw

>> No.56488705

Boomer alert

>> No.56488720

Here’s the thing guys, I’m in the music business and I’m in my 40s. The music business is the most hyper social game in the world, and your entire success or failure hinges entirely on your being a likable bro. Now when I was much younger this was infuriating to me because I’m far too autistic to fit in that kind of an environment, but I am VERY good at what I do due to being hyper focused on being an excellent musician from very early childhood.

Where I’m going with this- I have developed over a long period of years, the ability to make everyone I come in contact with like me intensely from their first meeting with me. That’s why I’m so successful now. Everyone loves being around me. Everyone calls me first for every gig.

What is the secret? The secret is realizing that even if you are autistic, making people is a LEARNED SKILL, and if you’ll stop being a worthless self pitying sack of shit for 5 minutes and realize that, you can start making progress in this area.

I could have sat down and said “oh woe is me, I’m autistic, nobody likes me, my parents raised me like shit, etc etc etc”. Instead I practiced RELENTLESSLY at making people like me until I got VERY VERY good at it. Sure it’s all fake!!! Who cares??? Certainly not my bank account!!!

Resolve from this moment you are gonna do whatever it takes to learn how to make people like you so you can get the life you want!!!!

The only downside for me was that I was never able to have a wife or kids because if you try to have a relationship it forces you to try to pretend to be someone you are not 24/7 instead of just in short bursts and I find that for me at least that is not sustainable.

>> No.56488798

I feel you, I'm at the same place in life.

Job interviewing sucks a lot

>> No.56488888
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I hate being autistic so much, bros. This isn’t fair.

>> No.56488922
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Just do picrel then. Problem solved.

>> No.56488951

It can be worse, I'm autistic + adhd.
And a bit retarded may I say

>> No.56488983

Depression GET.

>> No.56489031


>> No.56489119

I love when some retard screams at me for "having an attitude" or some shit when I'm just trying to live my life, then I tell them "I actually have autism, do you have a problem with that?" they backpedal so fucking fast when they realize you could accuse them of hate crimes. HFA is fucking based and a blessing to have.

>> No.56489132

tell him to never go here

>> No.56489148

> but after you fuck a few girls you’ll soon realize how boring they are and how tiresome/wasteful chasing them is despite your biology raging inside for you to chase them.
I realized this once I thought of how many women I’d had sex with but never spent the night with them. As soon as you bust a night you lose all incentive to put up with any bullshit and alot of contemporart women are full of it.

>> No.56489267

Not if you find someone who interacts with irl for you (and doesn’t nag you) while you make cash trading 0dte options with your zetabrain

>> No.56489873

same desu. I dont want my synapes pruned like the normis. Of normis werent the majority nobody would like them. They are hypocritical celeb worshiping evil delusional narc psychos who always lie for some odd social climbing. In a world full of autists they would be shunned and fired

>> No.56489953

Autism is high with bittensor. Check it out

>> No.56489979

26 and can't make friends, no gf and cant hold a full time job everyone treats me like an outcast

>> No.56490003

thank you for this bro I've been sending it to people and re-reading it it's very cool

>> No.56490077

He should try warhammer 40k

>> No.56490108
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Wow jannies this thread is really worth keeping up but I get banned consistently for asking what pull up bar to buy??

>> No.56490114

In you are an autist who somehow ended up on /biz/ you will become a millionaire and dab on poorfags like OP for the rest of your life. Enjoy it frens.

>> No.56490120

>you can only change your interpretation of the past, not the past itself.

>> No.56490131

U ironically true

>> No.56490406

Wise words.

>> No.56490426

If you are emotionally dependent on others who do not like you and treat you with contempt then you are not going to get anywhere in life. When society rejects you then you reject society. Otherwise the depression will consume you. Just because you haven't found someone doesn't mean you won't. You need to find the right person and that takes time.

>> No.56490427

Then get diagnosed and then live off autismbux

>> No.56490441


>> No.56490443

i am mildly autistic and married an autist wife
you can make it bros

>> No.56490468

post her autistussy and autistitties

>> No.56490502

The meaning of the past doesn't change. When you speak a sentence, the intent/meaning/purpose is decided before you open your mouth. The past decides the future that it wants, and it manifests it into existence. The meaning can manifest in different ways, but those different ways are just trivial details that are reducible to the same thing on a bigger scale.

>> No.56490938

> You aren’t actually autistic you’re just autistic.

Wow, such insight

>> No.56491012

Get him to Canada and sign up for MAID immediately.