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56488035 No.56488035 [Reply] [Original]

>I am financially bored.
>Emotionally bored.
>Spiritually bored.
>Culturally bored.
how can I profit from this.

>> No.56488068

lmao get on my level, add these and you have my levels of bored :

- intimately bored, have gf, don't even want to have sex or hug and touch
- internet bored. I literally am bored of internet, but i can't stop using it.
- wisdom bored
- gains bored
- family bored ( suddenly not interested in having a family anymore)

its so over.

>> No.56488074
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everything is so boring. is is clinical depression bros? is this what a global depression is?

>> No.56488088

Just do what I do when I get bored. Spend money. You're not a poor person, are you?

>> No.56488091

>Spend money.
sounds boring, on what?

>> No.56488131

I just bought some tickets to go see a well known comedian
and I'm now eyeing up a swiss made watch
Yesterday I just bought a whole new wardrobe for winter
I think if you have to ask on what, then you probably don't have the money to splash around

>> No.56488216

no, in fact I haven't worked for the past 2 years and have been travelling. I'm actually currently in a foreign country and my foreign gf is in the couch next to me. I have freedom and still I'm bored. Everything is boring. I'm so bored that I decided to go to an island and meditate on the beach for a month in total isolation, as i have to leave this country as my 90 days visa free travel is almost finished.

its so over you don't even realize how over it is. I have 22 bitcoins

>> No.56488243

holy fuck your spendings sound NPC as fuck. also you are the poor fag in this thread

>> comedian
>> watches
>> wardrobe

holy fuck what a poorfag cope spending. wagie npc tier cope consumer. lmao. you are not bored because you are poor as fuck.

>> No.56488318

Lmao, Cope & Seethe.
You fell for the travel meme, looking for "meaning" elsewhere, with a stinky foreign gf, is her arsehole shit stained too?
I make my fun here, in my home country and have everything I need and buy whatever I fancy. Do you even have friends bro? Do you do any real shit? And no, isolating yourself on an island like a complete sperg doesn't count. No wonder you're bored.
Oh wow by the way, 22 whole beeteecees? Invite me to your super yacht party pls?