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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 455 KB, 962x615, WagiCry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56487082 No.56487082 [Reply] [Original]

I've been unemployed since I graduated college this past spring. I've interviewed with a few companies going all the way to the last round (4) just to get rejected. I just had my 5th interview with this company and I had hope that I could actually get hired this time. I was being asked specific business problems that I could not figure out and just started feeling like I wasted my time once again, sitting here knowing I will be rejected. I started to tear up and sniffle. He saw me struggling but I hope he didn't notice me crying.
I'm so embarrassed. I don't understand why 4+ interviews are necessary.

>> No.56487113
File: 477 KB, 800x571, 1000007417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what kinda doompill slide is this? Work as a CSR until you build up your resume or some shit. idk. I've been underemployed three years, anon-chan.

>> No.56487133

just be a neet you idiot
why are you playing their game?

>> No.56487272

my mother is in HR. Specifically treasury/finance.
She had to apply to over 200+ jobs, and went to dozens of interviews. But she eventually got a job, and this is fairly recent. I assume you're applying for a job of this level considering the 4 rounds.

Keep trying anon. Do not give up. You will get better at it each time.

>> No.56487787

took me half a year or so before i got my first job. when i quit a job i usually stay jobless for half a year to a year too. cuz im not a wagecuck. people hire me cause im not desperate.

>> No.56488930

Recently took me 4 months, hundreds of applications with cover letters, and 6 interviews and finally got a job. Hang in there. It is tough right now but you will keep getting better and it will eventually come through

Oh yeah but if you voted for Biden then you deserve this pain.

>> No.56489080

nearly 700 applications, 19 interviews, got to the final round 4 times, 0 offers. i have to be blurting out slurs and not noticing.

>> No.56489092

You must have the willpower of a God. I hope you make it anon.

>> No.56489101

boomers never had to do this

>> No.56489106

5 interviews and you're already crying? Holy shit, Zoomers are massive pussies.

OP, grow a fucking pair and get it together.

>> No.56489118

lmao you're a little bitch

>> No.56489133

thanks anon

>> No.56489189
File: 180 KB, 677x678, chigurh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a mechanic, I'll work forever.
Richfag cars are notoriously pieces of shit and break down all the time.

>> No.56489215

one day soon there will be no richfags, banks are insolvent

>> No.56489724

Reading comprehension lil bro... 5th interview with the same company, he must be as pale as snow

>> No.56489733

If you have a business degree then go fucking start a business. Why do you need someone else to provide the work for you?

>> No.56489756

Bro I’m a rich fag and I drive a an 18 year old Hyundai with 250k miles that I fix myself In my 4 car garage. Actual rich fags usually drive dependable cost effective cars. The guys you see driving exoensive cars are typically not that rich because they’re blowing all their money on depreciating assets and even worse paying someone else to fix their depreciating asset.

>> No.56489795


>> No.56490111

Apparently you need to march in there and say "You need me"

>> No.56490141
File: 18 KB, 258x245, 1691031959506052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just spat Dr. Pepper all over my new mechanical keyboard. Thanks asshole.

>> No.56491188

I am a welder and have been accepted at every job I've applied for, immediately

>> No.56491208

Interviewing is a skill that gets better with practice.
I filled out over 100 applications before I started getting decent jobs
Just take small jobs to get your foot in the door and leverage up by applying at other places all the time