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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56480809 No.56480809 [Reply] [Original]

Hello sirs.

Guess who is never retiring?

>> No.56480833

There isn’t going to be any incentive to wait to retire at the ‘retirement age’ when they’ve fully raided the social security and there isn’t any left to hand out anyway. Everyone should just assume there is no social security and invest accordingly. Then you can retire when ever the duck you want.

>> No.56481362
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If i'm so poor I need the pension when I retire I'm an heroing

>> No.56481486

People should give up on the idea of retiring in the US.
They should take care of their health the most they can. I accrue every cent they possibly can, and fuck off to a country with surplus labor.
Because when you are old, no one cares about shiny gadgets, the nightlife or big buildings. what people do care about its healthcare and old age help with maintaining and extending their freedom.
You CAN't fucking do that in america. You will get scammed out of your retirement 2 years in this shithole. The only people who are willing to do manual labor in america is the immigrants, and they are barely worth it.
All of your tards here, should learn the language of the place you want to retire in, and should plan accordingly.

>> No.56481497

haha imagine if something happened to her in minecraft

>> No.56481514

>pod has a tranny inside

Why am I not surprised

>> No.56481534
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What's up with Baby boomers wanting to screw over the young adults given what they went through due the Vietnam War?

It's like they're jaded that they're going to die and they don't believe in the afterlife with the way they say it's wrong that aborted babies have an express ticket to heaven.

Look at how the baby boomers let the infrastructure fall apart, let whites become a minority, racked up the debt & unfunded liabilities.

It's as if the baby boomers are salting the fields for the next generation.

They're have a brain aneurysm over a chinese national owning 5 properties but they'll tell you to fuck off as it's a "free market" when one toronto land lord owns 30,000 single family homes when the average toronto house goes for 1 million dollars.

>> No.56481550

Social security is literally a ponzi, it can't work forever, it's mathematically proven to collapse. If you want to retire your only choice is to actually save money yourself, if you think you're going to rely on SS you're ngmi.

>> No.56481551
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>> No.56481558

listen, im just not gonna work then. simple as. you cant make me.

>> No.56481639

lead gasoline

>> No.56481670

Aborted babies go to pergatory

>> No.56481751

Boomers get cushy pensions for decades of retirement, we get to die in our 60s in racial conflict. It is what it is

>> No.56481766
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She's not going to be President so who gives a fuck what the shameless pajeeta whore thinks... since I have as much of a chance to get in the white house as this bitch I propose a solution: abolish the income deduction for anybody under 30 and phase out the program. We don't pay and we won't collect. They spend all of it on bullshit and borrow the money to cut the checks anyway- who cares?

>> No.56481778

There won't be enough jobs by then anyway. The kids will probably start voting to kill the elderly by then so good luck with that.

>> No.56481783
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Nah, conservative whites will keep on white flighting. Their communities have been so atomized by the automobile that their sons now commit mass shootings.

>> No.56481816

I think there will be less conservatives and more nationalists. A lot of older people don't realize just how far gone things are and how different they are

>> No.56481838
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fuck you got mine, as they say. the programming has utterly devastated society.

>> No.56481843

This bitch cares more about israel than any american. Fucking "Nimarata Nikki Haley née Randhawa"

>> No.56481857
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If I had the money I would move to Europe. Boomers and their parents nuked the country so they could engage in consumerism of their day. The automobile was to them the way upgrading cellphones was to our generation.

Men don't have any friends, cars make it impractical to simply go to the bar, and now with changing job markets you don't even have work place friends anymore with how you need to job hop constantly.

>> No.56481877
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All of this expensive infrastructure to get to their generic forgettable communities.

>> No.56482023
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>120,000 sqr mile country has to live in higher density compared to 4,000,000 sqr mile country
>country that has to fit 500 people sqr mile has less free room than country that has to fit 85

>> No.56482115

if Italy were to be a city-state maybe that comparison would make sense, unfortunately, like in most countries, Italy land is mostly unpopulated with no real geographical pressure to have a bigger density, compared to the US.

>> No.56482161

Roads and cars are based.
Kill yourself you delusional religious cultist leftoid.

>> No.56482186

Just drink and drive bro. Everybody does it.

>> No.56482217

It will eventually happen and US boomers will go out like the most blessed group in human history

>> No.56482230

>I will an hero when I finally become a liability to the state
Wow you sure showed them!

>> No.56482244

I like how they specify it won't affect boomers or gen x'ers since they know those retards wouldn't vote for it unless it exclusively fucks over millenials and zoomies.

>> No.56482256

you WILL indebt yourself to be able to get to work
you WILL subsidize the automotive industry
you WILL have a single viable mode of transport
and you WILL be happy

It's amazing just how people will defend >muh cars regardless of the consequences it has on their lives.

>> No.56482369

>you WILL indebt yourself to be able to get to work
Paying for "public transportation" costs far more and I don't get to drive my own personal private air conditioned vehicle.
>you WILL subsidize the automotive industry
I don't support subsidizing anything.

>It's amazing just how people will defend >muh cars regardless of the consequences it has on their lives.
Better living standards? Convenience? lol

>> No.56482465

Not sure what an anti-car fag is doing here. Are you a Euro? I fully support expanding public transport but cars are based and I’m grateful to have one. Imagine being some cuck who seethes on 4chan because he overpaid for his debtmobile.

>> No.56482566

Euros are always rabidly anti-car for some strange reason. Likely they don't own one.

>> No.56482627

Was just going to ask if this was a tranny

>> No.56482704

A tremendous amount of taxes goes towards roads and car subsidies. You basically pay for what public transit costs already, plus the cost of a car and all its expenses. You also pay in the garbage air you breathe in traffic, the risk of getting T boned in an intersection some day, and the opportunity cost of having to operate a car rather than do anything else.
Car dependence also makes us more vulnerable to government overreach. Your rights are slashed when driving. A cop can pull you over for basically anything, even making something up well after the fact, and conduct a search after having a drug dog "indicate" on your car. Then they take all your money under civil asset forfeiture. Yes they do this to white people too, and in fact they know they'll get more money on average from them. This can't happen in a sidewalk encounter. You waive many rights by begin even a passenger on the road.
Plus obviously urban areas are completely fucked by car infrastructure. Cities should have just a few parking lots, and they should be at the perimeter of them. Pictures of the late 1800s show a society with spirit we cannot fathoms. You don't even know what they took from you.

>> No.56482740

>and the opportunity cost of having to operate a car rather than do anything else.
public transportation takes longer time

>> No.56482751

Gen X said that though too and they’re fucked now

>> No.56482765

What about walking, you fat fuck?

>> No.56482793

I've been retired since 18 though


>> No.56482794


You forgot "inspection." The annual, state-mandated repairs you pay for to provide (by the state's own admission) no statistical benefit.

In gay ass Virginia, this means you could have a vehicle that runs perfectly. But if you don't pay $1,000 to fix a minor issue, you're in violation of the fucking law. I'm from based Tennessee where if your car runs, no other questions need be asked.

>> No.56482808

People like her kids wont need social security anyway.

It ain't me, it ain't me
I ain't no governor's son, son
It ain't me, it ain't me
I ain't no fortunate one, no

>> No.56482824

>you fat fuck?

>moving goalposts
Like fucking clockworld with you humanity hating subhumans.

>x is actually BETTER for you and makes things more convenient :)
But that means I have to waste more time and energy walking.
>uhhhh ur fat lol xd

>> No.56483841

I'm a leaf but yeah it's the same here. I'm half Polish so in the worst case I could move there, since I do speak the language, but I don't want it to have to come to that point

>> No.56483900

Kraut here. I see more and more of my friends buying cars instead of just borrowing their parents ones. And there is one single reason: they are getting tired of niggers, muzzies and the mentally ill that are cramming public transport

>> No.56483909

Lol this
Same reason usa is so far fanatic and have fucked up public transport system
You will it in Europe
And eventually Asia if they let the niggers in

>> No.56483922

Aha you said All that, but what about dealing with niggers in public transportation?

>> No.56483989

Can you choose the smell of the nitrogen? Like fresh bread or girl farts would be nice

>> No.56484007
File: 65 KB, 773x967, 82862842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> life expectancies literally reducing
> goy slop and microplastics massively increasing autoimmune disease burdens and hormonal health
> "um goy you better work to 80 because we're in the future so it's not like it was in the 80s!"

>> No.56484019

>you will never own a home
>You will never pay off your school loans
>you will pay $50k for a sedan
>You will beg your boss for a 1% raise
>you will require a master's for an entry level job
>You will have to invest 70% of your income just to retire
>You will not retire before 70
>You will lose it all in an economic downturn
>You will watch your children repeat this themselves
>And you will do nothing about it
America needs to go full French and grind everything to a halt. We are so cucked it's fucking unreal

>> No.56484035

Now compare the real estate prices in Italy vs the US and see how nonsensical your argument is.

>> No.56484066
File: 1.18 MB, 1242x1970, 0D51D8E9-166A-42E5-B31E-B6FEAA57909B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously what is wrong with this woman? How much of a golem can one person be? Doesn't a human brain short circuit once it's received too much programming from Israel masters?

>Work longer!
>Stand with Israel!
>Give Israel your money!

What the fuck? Is it because she's Indian? An inborn desire to serve a master?

>> No.56484105
File: 61 KB, 1125x1066, chud blue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an unreasonable hatred for the Biden administration but I'd probably vote for that disgusting decrepit marionette over Nikki Haley. If the election is Biden vs. Haley, then we'll all know that we have real, serious evil pulling the strings at the top and we're undoubtedly in for another (probably nuclear) World War. Scary times ahead

>> No.56484203

>It's da JOOOOS!
No dumbass, she's a typical self serving politician.

>> No.56484383

why dont prisons use more humane methods like this?

>> No.56484437

Every zoomer thinks like you. The vast majority need a pension income in retirement, even if they're relatively wealthy. Not necessarily to prevent them from starving to death but in order to maintain the lifestyle they're accustomed to.

>> No.56484478
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>> No.56484500

Kanker amerikanen

>> No.56484501
File: 171 KB, 1107x1162, ggqwvxfonyv91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of the boomers consider that with the car dependency their society has they won't be able to function in society once their drivers license gets taken away.

>> No.56484530
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They're a bunch of whores.

>> No.56484542

Vote JFK Jr.

>> No.56484552

the saddest part? the goy chattel dont do anything about it but stay asleep in their fantasy bubbles of (teleprogramming and social media) and drug cocktails so strong you ask yourself if these people are actually even human at all.

>> No.56484578

>self serving politician
Jew puppet
>No dumbass
Yes, retard

>> No.56484581
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>> No.56484624

Israel have literally universal healthcare, and good pension while Americans have to work without retirement, in fear of getting sick. AND still have to give money to Israel
Are we Israel colony or what?

>> No.56484717

>living in a large, comfortable home with privacy and lots of free space is the same thing as living in a two room apartment with four roommates where you’re woken up at 3 AM by the person above you playing loud music
Why do zoomer communists hate privacy, personal space, and individualism so much? Is it just envy of people who can afford cars and houses or are they legitimately devolving into stupid herd animals that need to brainlessly move around in packs?

>> No.56484753
File: 189 KB, 2048x805, MMH_Diagram_Landing_Page-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So are you saying that you don't see your children as individual entities with their own desires but extensions of yourself?

So are you saying that when you lose the ability to drive you want to become a child who's dependent on others to get to achieve basic necessities in life?

>> No.56484809
File: 167 KB, 920x690, mdb_277636_easy-bus_920x690_cp_51x0_1108x793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really don't get America's fetish of wanting to be housed in expensive retirement facilities that will drain their money so quickly they'll have to see their house to black rock.

>> No.56484841
File: 97 KB, 758x758, g1nr4a5t1vva1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry but I'm not an NPC who can't plan ahead to how they're going to survive as a retiree once their drivers licensee was revoked.

>> No.56484852

Some of us actually believe in taking care of our health. Plenty of old people drive around just fine and when you get too old you can just move to a retirement community, because you helped set up your kids with education and investment in their youths and they will return the favor. Again, keep seething at people living in nice houses in the suburbs, owning nice things like cars and boats and summer cabins, having nice families and kids. That’s really all your “ideology” is, pure envy that other people can afford better lives than you. That’s why you want to force everyone to ride on a bus, live in a shitty apartment with roommates, eat vegan goyslop, and live in the shithole bug hives of the (((big city))), it’s the only thing you can afford so you want to force everyone else to be a gay urbanite communist too

>> No.56484892

>suburbs bad
>cars bad
>white families bad
>white conservatives bad
>being a racially ambiguous metrosexual urbanite communist hopping from apartment to apartment bumming around in public transport is… le good
I’m surprised you find the time to shill online in the current situation, shouldn’t you be off fighting Hamas?

>> No.56484903

They grown up with windows 10, 11 and forced vax and are conditioned to accept breach of privacy for “security”
Hell, zoom zooms are the only people who don’t see ANY issue with paying subscription for anything, including OS.

>> No.56484955

Most normal post here in a while.

>> No.56485049

Is that a heckin commercial district? I’m going insane!

>> No.56485097

Not quite a Boomer but they raised the full pay retirement age from 65 to 67 during my working years. Why? People live longer--thanks to Social Security and Medicare and there were fewer workers to support the number of retirees because of the "Baby Bust" that followed the "Baby Boom." "Full retirement age going to say, 69 from 67 40 years from now for getting the highest amount from Social Security does make sense--and you can start taking it at a lower rate at 62 you whiny niggers--part of the reason it was 65 and 67 was because most workers did hard physical labor from the 30's to 90's. There is far more less manufacturing, mining, fossil fuels-related employment than ever. Finally, the only kind of person who thinks they are "going to retire" on Social Security alone is some poor cleaning lady with no education. Any sane, not nigger knows that Social Security is supposed to be part of a three-tier approach to financial security in old age--it gives a steady, modest base on which you should also have the equity from a house you bought in your 30's and paid off over 30 years, and savings and investments you should have set aside over your working life of at least 40 years. That said, "Nikki" Haley is a complete tool of Israel and so is being propped up as a candidate because like Desantis she will do whatever the kikes ask. Fuck her, even if trying to keep Social Security afloat with changes does make complete sense, no matter what the poor fuckers with persecution complexes here think.

>> No.56485113
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>> No.56485240

>people live longer now!
>life expectancy in the US dumping faster than a jeet shitcoin

>> No.56485257
File: 1.25 MB, 1170x1133, 563EF30B-7BBF-4F89-BF11-42EE3E8B516C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is infected by a very particular mind virus

>> No.56485437

Fuck this bitch. She also wants to send her kids/grandkids to die for Israel and funnel billions more to Israel.

>> No.56485483
File: 141 KB, 468x518, 32yuwrnvgi491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not Ideology. Post-war car dependency is abnormal. Within your life time they'll mandate that once you've hit a certain age you'll have to do yearly drivers license retests, and car ownership will continue to become more expensive.

Even you have the body it's not right to force your kids to be stuck on their parent's property unless the parents literally drive them everywhere.

>> No.56485501

>economy is constantly growing
>importing a gorillion immigrants
>technology constantly advancing
>workers more productive than ever
>but we need you wageslave away till your dead
>can't have retirement be too long goy
what exactly is the point of modern industry and technology is we're all just stuck working more than ever?

>> No.56485545
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They have always been selfish communists. Gen X went full "whatever, DAD" and have lived in the shadows ever since, and millennials are pic related only replace the trains and planes with pop culture brands and race marxism.

>> No.56485786
File: 37 KB, 480x360, 87de78b7f46cb632746ad66ecaa739077c05cec7a94eaeb2b7b2f055e4fc1fb3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those boomers only hate the idea of Universal Medicare because they fear that they would get less benefits.

They would gladly let a 25 year old die if it meant that they wouldn't have to delay going to the dentist which is ironic because many haven't gone to the dentist in decades due to cost.

>> No.56485796


I don't know how there are serious conversations about the retirement age when the system is so fucked that most people can't retire in general. My understanding is that the current system pays old people in peanuts, that's why I keep seeing them doordashing or working in fast food. A decade ago old people kept saying how fast food jobs were entry level jobs designed for kids new to the job market to get some experience, now those old people are working those very same entry level jobs because they can't make it on pensions alone. For 30 y.o. boomers like me pensions aren't even discussed anymore, every serious place I've worked at only ever mentions 401(k) plans, which are probably not even enough since most places only encourage you to contribute the bare minimum. The only people in my generation who will retire are people like the /biz/raelis of this board who take an active role in their retirement though things like investing and/or living frugally to save more money for their eventual, potentially early retirement.

>> No.56485859

>Post-war car dependency is abnormal.
Are you retarded? Before the world wars modern cars weren’t even fucking invented and most people couldn’t afford them, no shit they couldn’t depend on them if they didn’t even have them.
>yearly drivers license retests
Will never happen
>it's not right to force your kids to be stuck on their parent's property unless the parents literally drive them everywhere.
Unlike you I’ve actually lived in a suburb, there are sidewalks everywhere and any kid who wants to walk around can. The reason kids aren’t going outside anymore is because they’d rather be on their phone/computer and their helicopter parents are afraid of them being kidnapped or killed, nothing to do with cars. And it’s completely ironic you’re talking about kids, quick question what’s better for a kid : a lawn to run around on, a garage to tinker and play in, and a room where they can grow, maybe a pool or a playground in the backyard, or a tiny 200 square foot apartment cramped in with your parents? You and I both know the answer retard

>> No.56485861

I was able to walk to school when I was eight, and that was about a mile from my parents' house. But I also lived in a somewhat rich neighborhood by modern standards (it was upper middle class, but that doesn't really exist anymore), so there were sidewalks everywhere even though it was in the suburbs. A lot of modern burger neighborhoods don't have sidewalks anymore, you just get out of your house and either face the traffic or drive.

>> No.56485959
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>you will never own a home
But I do.
>You will never pay off your school loans
Never had any.
>you will pay $50k for a sedan
payed that for my taco, own that outright too.
>You will beg your boss for a 1% raise
I am the boss.
>you will require a master's for an entry level job
I barely have a bachlors lol
>You will have to invest 70% of your income just to retire
Best advise is stop wasting money on stupid shit that wont increase in value.
>You will not retire before 70
I probably wont live that long lol
>You will lose it all in an economic downturn
>You will watch your children repeat this themselves
hopefully not
>And you will do nothing about it
Might be too late but have to try.

If you're on /biz/ you've already taken the first step to making it.

>> No.56486146

The correct one is >>56485483. Cars were nearly ubiquitous by the 1930s, the difference between the pre- and post-War eras was a massive and semi-illegal campaign by a cabal of industrialists to dismantle America's public transit infrastructure (having already successfully used the war to do so in Europe) and replace it with a private automobile culture which could profit way more massively off the rubes who bought cars, tires, and gas as individuals, rather than governments who would buy those resources as a collective with considerable amounts of leverage and economies of scale. Even the Ford model - a handful of long-lived, quality products that were manufactured to be affordable - might have worked, but he was beaten out by companies that built in planned obsolescence and constantly rising prices.
>their helicopter parents are afraid of them being kidnapped or killed, nothing to do with cars
>kidnapped or killed
>nothing to do with cars
Are you an idiot?

>> No.56486749

this meme is retarded

>> No.56486767

bottom is much worse