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56480607 No.56480607 [Reply] [Original]

specifically the vietnam draft of the 70s

>> No.56480617

Certain dual citizens are exempt apparently.

>> No.56480642

Glad I'm European and don't have to bend over for the government like americucks have lmao

>> No.56480655

Imagine being a zoomer and getting absolutely skullfucked by the government for your entire life and then they turn around and say “uh will you die for us pls”.
Surely nobody is going to fight.

>> No.56480677
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>just die in the Middle East to defend a system where you have zero hope of owning a home, starting a family, or making a decent income bro

>> No.56480761

Dude did you see the fucking vaxx compliance numbers? Even if they were pumped, it was abysmal.

>> No.56480778

Hold on what the fuck - tweet is real - are they putting out feelers to conscript burgers?
Is so then lol but did not think this would actually happen

>> No.56480795

this isn't new, every kid has to do it when they graduate high school basically

>> No.56480803

Like like at 3% right now.

>> No.56480808

>step 1
lose your gunz in a boating accident
>step 2
doctor i dont feel so good i think i am... le suicidal and crazy!

>> No.56480970

Selective service has been required since the 40's this is the most pathetic bobo fud iv ever seen.

>> No.56482325
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Same 4 year cycle shit
Took a bigger dump after the war ended.

>> No.56482365

I don't get the burger way of doing things, the government surely know who you are and the day you turn 18 through your social security info, yet still expects you to tell them you are now old enough to fight? It's the same as their tax, the government knows how much you owe them yet still expects you to figure out your tax bill yourself every year.

>> No.56482394

i wonder if it is the same anon posting drafting threads every fucking day across boards
i don't see the point of a team posting this garbage because i'm not really sure who it benefits.. no one wants to be drafted so i could only see it being used as an 'anti war' tool. but even then, the proportion of people that actually want full scale war is so minimal it makes zero sense for any agency to spam this on a basket weaving forum.
for this reason i think that it is probably a lone autistic anon and some copycats, it makes the most sense given the nature of this place

>> No.56482468
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Humiliation ritual. Dance, goy.
Didn't read; still drafting
Pic rel

>> No.56482470

>says "it's your country" when they need someone to die for it
>imports millions of shitskins that will destroy it from the inside

>> No.56482602

>it is your country take a min to protect it
Israel is not my country

>> No.56482668

Are the people are the same? Whites are less than 40s, shitskins who literally hate America are more.
The same whites are demonized and called domestic terrorists
Many young people are fat, their attention span is low, they are internet addict, can’t have a house, and won’t be able to find a wife or a family.
Hell, even asvab is taking a shit. Navy is so desperate that they are recruiting people with asvab 10 (retard tier)
No one wants to go to war, since there is nothing to defend here anymore.

>> No.56482720
File: 192 KB, 1280x868, IMG_20231027_022450_703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We here at CharlesMansonAlexJonesBeetlejuice1776pitbull(Karen) will be proud to serve our country at a moments notice! 1776 will rise again!

>> No.56482731
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They tried that shit here too, kept shilling it in the algorithms

>> No.56482768

Boomers have been fantasizing for years about a conflict big enough to do a draft. Good thing is nobody under 60 actually cares about Israel. It's not happening unless Hamas somehow starts shelling Greece or something ridiculous like that.

>> No.56483260

Are you the anon saying that women will get drafted too?

>> No.56483301

Zoomers are also brown. Imagine Pvt Tyrone and Jimenez being airdropped in some Iran mountain kek.

>> No.56483309

A few tiktoks from influencers on how it's "fire" to be dropped on some mountain in Iran and they will queue "fr fr on god"

>> No.56483401

Lol they are gonna turn into fertilizers on those mountains kek
I seen the NUsoldiers

>> No.56483451

Boomers exist for one purpose which is to make anyone born after 1965 suffer "adequately" to make up for the fact that the parents of the boomers told them to stop fucking around, walk into the factory, shake the boss's hand and immediately get a job that pays enough for a house and a family of 4- truly unforgivable!

It's crazy that boomers will call you lazy and demand you slave for shekelberg for barely enough to afford rent, but consider what they had in 1985 to be horrible punishment by parents who didn't love them merely because they had to -gasp- work. What boomers considered a prison, everyone younger considers paradise. And for the sin of being young enough to use a cellphone and experience the internet without being a grandpa they will definitely move to conscript everyone under the age of 50, out of spite more than sense. Truly a garbage fucking generation.

>> No.56483457

That pay seems very low; I have a cruisy job in construction here in Canberra where I basically only work 20 hours per week making phone calls and I make $75 grand AUD per year plus super.

>> No.56483755

look it up, it's already happened, you idiot.

>> No.56483783

>pays well over 70% in taxes

>> No.56483828

>only pays 65% in taxes
>gets shot for shlomowitzsteinberg

>> No.56484146

It's a filter for government jobs/benefits. Do the dance or no student loans for you.

>> No.56484170

reminder that the official propaganda during their shitty revolutions was that the caste of bureaucrats will work for the population and not the contrary. Already by Kennedy's time after WW2 they showed their true colors : Kennedy was an asshole who went to berlin saying ''dont ask what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do to your country'', which means the public servants are here to be served by the population and not the public servants are here to work for the population.

There is the real purpose of the republican revolutions starting in britain, america, france : the caste of bureaucrats and merchants are here to leech off the population as much as possible.

>> No.56484180

>Oh, you don't want become a zogbot ? How about we seize all your assets, ban you from having a job and get your kids out of your now Bank owned home ?

It's so easy for them at this point, it's comical.

>> No.56484188

They're the Vietnam Gen and seriously think we're going to happily walk that same path just because Gen X and older Millennials did. I am begging you white bois to take a page from BLM and make "We are not our ancestors" the mantra.

>> No.56484211

zoomers already have none of those things

>> No.56484234

i have wondered this. in my cunt, there are huge amounts of wealthy immigrants due to immigration policy. would any of these people go to war and die for this country? doubt it. but they seem to be the largest beneficiaries now days.

>> No.56484235

>He thinks his parents won't denounce him like the good boomers they are and he'll still shitpost in their basement.

tik tok, no more tendies, nigger!

>> No.56484261
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>> No.56484299

the vietnam war was started to prohibit link from being developed

>> No.56484326

That's for the newest versions.
>zoomer reading comprehension

>> No.56484355

Its bullshit that women don't have to sign up for the draft. All this talk about equality and social justice ends when it comes to who to send into the horrors of war.
Everytime I bring this up to a woman they immidiately respond with "well, we shouldn't have a draft in the first place :)" as if it won't be too late to discuss this when we need one anyway.
You should not be able to vote unless you're signed up for the fraft.

>> No.56484379

>Pays 65% in taxes
Wait do Euros actually think this is how much we pay?

>> No.56484645

You would be surprised at just how incompetent the government actually is. The left hand never knows what the right hand is doing. I once worked in a new Federal courthouse. One day, the idiots from building maintenance came and installed a security peep hole in the door leading from chambers into the courtroom. The very next week another group of them came and changed out the door with one that had no peephole because they were changing the wood trim in the courtroom and needed a matching door. And they didn't move the peephole into the new door. The government is literally that stupid and incompetent at every level. They basically need you to turn yourself in (or get your neighbor to turn you in) because they are too stupid and lazy to find you. The moment the public decides to say No, the whole thing falls apart. So most of the government's effort is a psyop to try and keep people from saying No.

>> No.56484799
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I am in one of the highest states tax wise making 85k a year. I have no deductions like kids or home, I take the standard deduction. I also choose to invest in my Roth 401k for retirement which makes me pay higher taxes now but no taxes at retirement.

There are hidden taxes not shown like car registration, gas at the pump being higher, sales tax on items etc but I would imagine my pay is still higher then yours and my tax is still lower then yours.

>> No.56485843

Even troons are immune lmao.

>> No.56485878

strike group 2 just hit targets on Syrian boarder. lets get this shit going. all muslims must die!

>> No.56485879

And when men faces the horror of war, the biggest victims are STILL women.
Just ask Hillary clinton

>> No.56485953

>Truly a garbage fucking generation.

The worst imo.

>> No.56486027

Millennial here. As a senior citizen who is too old to be drafted, I shall pray for you zoomzooms and take care of the women while you're fighting for me freedom. Thank you for your service.

>> No.56486178

Millenials too old ? haha. Bro, you're getting first in the meatgrinder.

>> No.56486197

>umm ackshually i identify as a woman now
>free from draft
is it really this easy now?

>> No.56486225

>However, some non-citizens and dual nationals would be exempt from induction into the military if there is a draft, depending on their country of origin and other factors. Some of these exemptions include:
>a non-citizen who has lived in the U.S. for less than one year
>a dual national whose other country of nationality has an agreement with the U.S. which specifically provides for an exemption
they don't tell you which nations have such agreements though

>> No.56486228

No, only the other way around works.

>> No.56486316

Trannies were bitching so hard because their “sisters” had to stay in Ukraine and fight lol
Real women escaped
How can they expect a young white man in USA to fight, when he knows that the government and society hates him for his skin color? What is even the incentive here?

>> No.56486330


see >>56484180

>> No.56486442

So die in battlefield or freeze in street?
I would rather freeze thank you

>> No.56486475

>having home
These are none existence for many young people
Their only “incentive” is death and I rather die here than dying while fighting for people who hate me

>> No.56486495

Blm literally exist because they are allowed to. They are noting special
Just look at 2020 “if you are a nigger for blm, you won’t get covid” event
Their mantras are shit too

>> No.56486513

I'd guess that it starts with is and ends with rael

>> No.56486523

Draft cutoff is 26 zoomy. They have to go through a lot of bodies in your gen before they get to me. Plus I have multiple professional credentials, so I'd be in some sort of support role anyways.

>> No.56486558
File: 3.81 MB, 1280x720, is rael.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now why would you ever think that anon

>> No.56486561

Blood of Jews is to precious.
goys life are worthless

>> No.56486589

it's pretty funny that ftm trannies don't have to sign up for the draft but mtf trannies do

>> No.56486592

You don’t want to end with bunch of pregnant “dudes” lol

>> No.56486611

live yourself blogposter

>> No.56486639

>they don't tell you which nations have such agreements though
One of the reasons for such an agreement is if the other country has compulsory military service as part of citizenship


>> No.56486686
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if a real meatgrinder starts then it won't take a year to chew through the fighting age population, granted the zog will first chew through the third rate citizens of their empire like the japs, koreans, euros, before they start throwing their bestest goys the americans into the meatgrinder

>> No.56486748

The vaccine was the test for the draft, and it worked, so they WILL be proceeding

>> No.56486768

Why the fuck would you say something so antisemitic you fucking piece of shit.

>> No.56486854

I have faith, I mean really, an infantry war? Shit son, we'd be dumping ordinance on those unlucky fuckers like the 4th of July. I really think it'd be difficult to chew up all the fighting age men in the US the way we do warfare. And if it actually got to that point, the draft would be a moot point cuz shit would be so fucked sideways it'd probably look like a good idea

>> No.56486869

Several European countries have mandatory conscription active right now which the US hasn’t had since the world wars (Vietnam was a limited draft not full conscription). How does it feel to be a slave with no freedom?

>> No.56486907

The woke military shit makes sense now. In the past it would have been:
>I'm a lgbtfaggot+ and don't qualify
and now it will be:
>here's your rifle, spiritual giraffe. God speed

>> No.56487198

In this brave new world of equality, why aren't women required to register with selective service and serve?
Equal rights, equal fights, equal chances to die for Israel.

>> No.56487247

cool it down anon.

>> No.56487348

Because women don't belong on a battlefield, they're too soft and pretty. It's better that they draft all men under the age of 26, and leave the women behind for safety. I'll help protect them

>> No.56487552

Barely anyone dies in war dumbass. Just take cover and don't be a retard.

>> No.56487572

>the way we do warfare
lol the zog war "tactic" is dropping bombs on farmers, it's completely useless against any real military that has air defense and they'll start sending in cannonfodder waves, the nato "trainers" told ukraine to just go around the minefields lmao, they're so clueless against any real military that it's hilarious

>> No.56487888

How did you not realize this immediately? America is a giant grift

>> No.56487925

>will die in a war

>> No.56488008

>It glows.
Take what's useful, leave what's not (you are not useful).

>> No.56488563

Ukies don't have air support. You think American boots on the ground wouldn't? The sky would basically be a no fly zone

>> No.56488595

yeah, you won't have air support against the chinese military or whatever you want to fight, having air support against goat farmers is easy, having air support against air defense batteries is not

>> No.56488851

And what makes you think air defense batteries are invulnerable to missile strikes? You so far into your hate of the US you wishfully forgot we dominate in all aspects of war. The empire can't fall unless Americans decide it will fall.

>> No.56488882

Yeah. They're threatening to take shit from 25 year olds that a 25 year old now can't afford anyway kek.

>> No.56490250

>If I don't count most of my taxes and do some coping it's not that bad!

Good goy!

>> No.56490285

>goy fight for me, the chosen jew
Lol that’s the only thing that they have going for them now

>> No.56490308

>Protect your country against invaders
>Invites millions of hostile niggers and Muslims and gives them your resources

>> No.56490309

It's worse than that, boomers actually think anyone under 40 is entitled and whiny and that things are as good as they were 40 years ago. They're threatening to take things they think you have, but don't, because they're out of touch israel worshiping degenerates.

>> No.56490320

Literally doesn't matter, Russian and Ukraine men barely have any of that shit either and they're still stuck fighting in a pointless ZOG war. Look at how many people went along with scamflu trash and took the vax. The vast majority of people will fold like wet paper under the smallest pressure and will follow along with whatever bullshit ZOG pushes no matter how retarded it is.

>> No.56490322

>No wait, what do you mean trannies can't get drafted???
one or the other

>> No.56490342

Dumbest post ever.

>> No.56490348

kek max denial, normies are stupid as fuck.

>> No.56490351

no draft for me

>> No.56490352

>Barely anyone dies in war dumbass
thats quite possibly the dumbest hing anyone ever said

>> No.56490368

Yep boomers stuck in 40 years ago.
They really don’t get it.
Funny is that Israel have good pensions, universal healthcare and many other perks for its citizens, yet people in USA have none and have to provide Israel with even more money kek
The “vast majority of people” can suck my cock then.
If they want to go die for Israel like good goy vaxxed cattle they are, they are free to do so.
I resisted the vax, and I can resist this too
There is no value with getting align with a “society” that hated you because of your skin color
>oh no you not gonna have any gf
Remember that during covid? What gf kek