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File: 12 KB, 243x208, garbage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56477701 No.56477701 [Reply] [Original]

Should people this stupid be given a forced euthanization by the goverment?

I feel like it is a good idea because someone this stupid is a threat to humanity

>> No.56477748

we still need garbage men

>> No.56477764

What causes this sort of behavior? I hear sports athletes do this kind of stuff to.

>> No.56477772

Doesn’t seem stupid to me. I think you mean based

>> No.56477792

I guarantee he had a better more memorable life than you, I or anyone here had. He'll have memories i couldn't even conceive of.

>> No.56477824
File: 133 KB, 1024x1024, F8gT7zcW0AAe0TS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Research on generational involutionary dumbification, basically it is a theory that indicates that the more we expand as a species and the more offspring we have, the more stupid people there are in the world, thanks to social networks we have more and more exposure to these people because they are also the most vociferous. This is normal and your best option is
>A- try to make money out of them. For example the guy who made the Opium Bird meme put out his own crypto and is pummelling even though he has almost no solid base because the zoomies think "hurr durr my funny coin". Do the same
>B- let them die a slow death
The smartest of us will be filtered out of them, it's evolution doing its thing.

>> No.56477831

high time preference and low object permanence
these traits are linearly correlated with intelligence

>> No.56477854

lack of financial education, lack of real world experience. Most people need to come into a large windfall and then blow it all to understand how it was a mistake.

>> No.56477903

It's because he was 19. Kids do stupid shit all the time. His parents should have tried to get him to be conservative with the money to secure their own luxurious retirement.

>> No.56477911

If I ever won that sum of cash the first 20% goes into a high yield investment account. The rest goes to perfecting what a modest living should look like. And yes I will still low ball someone for a 2008 toyota corolla and brag online about the great deal i've had

>> No.56477927

This is unironically the way

>> No.56477941

funny because he could spend 1mil a year and never go broke if he just put it all in an index fund. Even government bonds ffs

>> No.56477949

$15 million is not a life changing amount of money

>> No.56477978

That's more than what a top 2% earner would make in a *lifetime*. Bait was too obvious gotta shut it down before a retard actually gives you a serious reply

>> No.56477984

I don't want to kill the smurf cat he's so cute and huggable :(

>> No.56477990

He literally could have lived "that kind of life" forever, by just living off the dividends from 15 million.
I don't even know how you manage to actually spent that much on bullshit.

>> No.56477995

be, go straight to B, I don't care about A, I just want B

>> No.56478001
File: 295 KB, 500x500, 1401456583450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But did they actually made a coin about it or you're just larping?

>> No.56478010
File: 286 KB, 220x253, 1484984408774.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey at least bro had his best life for a couple years, mad respect

>> No.56478023
File: 237 KB, 1000x1000, 1562390461602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2008 toyota corolla
ah, i see, a man of culture as well

>> No.56478040

Get used to $10k/night hookers. You'll blow through millions easily.

>> No.56478484

he could have taken 5 million and put it in the stock market

now whes broke nad working as a garbage man

if you think this is based you need to be sent to canada for maid program

>> No.56478658

Govenrment NEEDS stupid people.
Govenrment want retards to spend their money to “stimulate” the economy
Govenrment want people to be fat and stupid so they stimulate entertainment and medical industry and die before retirement
This here is the PERFECT citizen in the eye of government
I am pretty sure being healthy and frugal going the stigma of “domestic terrorist” soon enough

>> No.56478663

I know a white NFL player is saved all the money he gets from contracts and only spend the ad money
They are out there

>> No.56478678

Lol people used to manage their household from age 14
Don’t tell me doesn’t understand money management as a WORKER at age 19

>> No.56478692

Lol more like waking up from a good dream to a shitty reality
It’s depressing rather

>> No.56478712

Lol I too sometimes have fantastic dreams and I wake up back to shit reality
We are the same him and I

>> No.56479142

Tom Brady?

>> No.56479169

No another guy
But he is doing well too
Not all athletes are retarded
Mostly the black ones

>> No.56479218

It's genetic you fucking retard

>> No.56479248

A lot of pro athletes are niggers raised by 83 IQ single moms and only know spending money before it even touches your hands. They also get leeched off of by everyone they have ever met showing up and saying they should be a good person and give them a handout. Combine that with tons of child support and GG

>> No.56479283

thats just a garbage man doing garbage man things, why would you want to euthanize him

>> No.56479804

And he lived more than you ever will for that short amount of time.

>> No.56479874

And now he is woken up from a sweet dream, and he will never be able to experience it again