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56473327 No.56473327 [Reply] [Original]

Girls are constantly on luxurious vacations, owning boats, eating out in nice restaurants, have tons of fashion in their closets, always the newest accessoires etc., yet they are in college too, rarely have to study, never work etc. Meanwhile, I am some mid twenties guy working my ass off to get a degree, have almost no free time or money, work part-time to afford food, maybe I can afford the same lifestyle when I am 50 years old and wrinkly. What the fuck?

>> No.56473338

The sell their dignity. As a man, you should stop crying about things you can't control.

>> No.56473341

Parents think that girls being NEETs is an acceptable career path, and they subsidize their stupidity. Tough luck being the wrong gender in these generation I guess

>> No.56473346

>travelling the world just to see the same sand and water but in different places

>> No.56473365

The girls I know who do this just take on massive debt as soon as they can and go traveling. Seems surprisingly common. Men just put their borrowed money into different things, i.e. men don't value experiences as much.

>> No.56473388

It doesn't matter. When they come back with a 20+ bodycount and great memories she will just go on and marry a guy like OP who stayed home, worked hard to get an education/career, invested money and is inexperienced with sex and dating. He will pay for her debt because she sucked his dick half-heartedly after Date 5.
I don't know why normal men don't just kill themselves.

>> No.56473395

i agree except last part. men value experiences just as much, but we don't get them from travelling

>> No.56473401

not shown: thousands of hours worth of footage of her taking Ooga Booga Island native BBC, dog dick, and various illicit drugs.

>> No.56473402

i know a bitch that did work and travel, she basically worked 10 hours per day in burger bars and then slept in dorm rooms with 10 other people, earning just as much money to buy booze and travel.
they only portray the good times tho and dont show the times they cry and loose themselves. but i guarantee you its almost one time per day. that being said the sole purpose is to fuck around 50 dudes in anplace where nobody can call you a bitch afterwards because everything that happens in vegas stays in vegas

>> No.56473403

Must be nice having parents that support you and want you to do well. Mine are fucking retards and don't understand shit. I don't even know how they managed to not die driving vehicles, much less find one another and fuck successfully. They literally have lost at everything I've ever witnessed them perform. They have never won once.

>> No.56473416

Smart ones do not have to take on debt.
If you want proof, make a fake acc of an 8 girl on shit like MissTravel and watch the 100dms flow in of guys who’re ready to take you on a first class, all expense paid trip to wherever the fuck you want.
Trust is, if you’re not fat and well groomed girl, life’s on ez mode.

>> No.56473435

You know, all the things she showed in the vid was one trip...with her parents.

I'm going to pretend you guys aren't actually stupid and didn't fall for it.

>> No.56473437

not even sand and water. its all about (culture). and with culture i mean mcdonalds and primark

>> No.56473602


>> No.56473619

If you can get airline employee benefits, then it can be done pretty cheaply. It could be cheaper than many people’s mortgages

>> No.56473625

>and with culture i mean various shades of dick

>> No.56473671

There are multiple shots of the same activity. She didn't do as many things as the video makes it look like.

>> No.56473674


But i have come to accept that is how life works. Men have to work hard to get women, and women basically get to pick from the top shelf of men as soon as they turn 16. No one said life is fair.

But the flipside of the coin is, if you are a man that can provide reasonable well, you should except to get someone young and fresh that is not run through. But because literally 95% of women use their teens/twenties so sleep around, you have maybe 5% good women for which lets say 40% of provider men compete, so even the good women can pick men way above their level, and the remaining have successfully been psyopped into thinking that a ran-through 25+ yo women is all they should expect.

Nope! If you fall for this psy-op, YOU are the reason that enables women to have their cake and eat it too.

>> No.56473983

>you should except to get someone young and fresh that is not run through
Not possible anymore in this economy. Your career path would need to be set in stone from 16 onwords to have enough resources to get a decent girl.
>16-18 work part-time while in high-school
>18-21 premed
>21-25 medschool
>full blown doctor at 30
This is a 0.00001% path.

>> No.56474043

If its not possible then reject the offer.

>> No.56474059

Son, that’s not a nice thing to say about your mom and I. Do your homework please and then go to bed or I’ll take the wifi router.

>> No.56474141

Rich parents. What's a lot of money to someone that age is pannies to rich boomer parents.

>> No.56474160

Women have a brief window in which they're desirable and live life on easy mode. From around 16 to 30 but tailing off towards the end. Whenever people talk about how easy women have it they forget to mention the average 40 year old woman who nobody gives a fuck about.

>> No.56474167

Many seem to do it on credit, in the hopes their parents or some future husband will pay it for them later. This hope, unfortunately, is not unjustified.

>> No.56474205

Women can get a decent boyfriend/husband easily when they are 16-30, the average man cannot get a decent girlfriend/wife at ANY stage of his life.

>> No.56474220

>How do young girls afford their lifestyle?
Someone else pays for it. Next thread.

>> No.56474460

they sleep with older wealthier men. Who do you think is recording?

>> No.56474515

And yet still some beta bux will subsidize her terrible life choices after she’s been ran through. Women are like children, do you expect children to make rationale life choices? Destroy the simps that enable this shit and pull the weed directly from the root. Women have done a marvelous job using a hive mind like social psy op to band together and call anyone that criticizes women of anything an incel so they can be complete retards and never accept responsibility. We should counter it and bully simps off the internet/face of the earth.

>> No.56474546

Yeah, because men can't just go anywhere and get favorable treatment for having a pussy. They have to be established before collecting experiences on a luxury basis.

>> No.56474719

its called having a dad, sorry for you anon

>> No.56474763
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How many times do some of you people need to be told "Social media is not real life" before you'll finally get the message? You are seeing these things because they have been curated for consumption, not a disinterested view of objective reality. Girls with rich and permissive parents who debtmaxxx to fuck around are not somehow normal, and if they were, the algorithms wouldn't bother curating them for you because it wouldn't be interesting enough to drive up engagement.

>> No.56474837

Sad, many such cases

>> No.56474872

Because they date and fuck richer, more interesting people than you

>> No.56474903

> is inexperienced with sex and dating
Incel projection right there. Who says that studying hard, investing, building yourself up, and dating and having sex are mutually exclusive? Stop browsing incel forums and hit the gym you pathetic pompous faggot.

>> No.56474907

The vast majority of girls (in college) travel, hook up with tons of guys and graduate with a big bodycount as well as massive sexual experience, this is not social media, this is the reality.

>> No.56474909

Going from place to place being a whore and taking pictures of everything for social media isn't an experience

>> No.56474942

>Whenever people talk about how easy women have it they forget to mention the average 40 year old woman who nobody gives a fuck about.

This is just cope, I have fat 50 year old aunts who go through multiple boyfriends per month, one of them just came back from a month long vacation in Italy paid for by her boyfriend who she dumped after they got back.

>> No.56474961

No they don't you pathetic incel. You clearly missed out on key developmental milestones in life and you life in a distorted reality because you're so terminally removed from normal life. Get off 4chan, hit the gym, and actually get invited to parties and you'll see that this really isn't the case. Most girls in college aren't like that at all lol, a few are total sluts sure, but the majority just want to date future doctors and engineers who actually have social skills so they go out to bars and parties.

>> No.56474987

>Source: Tiktok and reddit coomer fantasies

>> No.56475012

the ones I know, which is alarmingly many such cases, are given money by their parents, sell their body on OF or have a rich simp bf. Mostly rich boomer parents that have saved and invested money and given that to their little princess when she turned 18. Most men just work their asses of on low income jobs just to break even, when the girls are going to yacht parties during summer, lmao!

>> No.56475027

Cope faggot

>> No.56475029

stop using social media

>> No.56475050

soulless. Just look at her eyes. She's a whore that can't feel anything, not even the mountain of dicks she takes in while "traveling" aka taking social media pics/vids in various places.

>> No.56475095

>just want to date future doctors and engineers
>future engineers
I am in electrical engineering and 80% are virgins. Whenever you tell a girl that you are in STEM her pussy dries up completely. You need to look male a male model being 6'3" to compensate for being in engineering.

>> No.56475112

i did a semester abroad in portugal. ditched class for a week with a girl and basically went around europe fucking and taking pictures. i wasn't rich, but i paid for most of it. totally worth it. would do it again in a second.

stop being such little bitches.

>> No.56475140

The guy holding the camera is paying the bill

>> No.56475161

In all honesty being a successful engineering student requires you to have a pretty good gpa and to achieve a master’s. Simply put you don’t have the time to hit the gym, study, have a hobby, and socialize, you can pick two, but three is to your detriment and 4 isn’t really feasible. I wouldn’t sweat it as the juice is worth the squeeze and you will be in a relatively secure field from ai unlike a number of easier and harder majors. As someone in their 30s I’ve never met an unsatisfied engineer in my age group.

>> No.56475165

The best experience a man can have in life, is watching his portfolio moon.

>> No.56475210

>, if you are a man that can provide reasonable well, you should except to get someone young and fresh that is not run through.
Very common entitled delusion
Your genes determine your smv. See marc zuckerberg.

>> No.56475276

>As someone in their 30s I’ve never met an unsatisfied engineer in my age group
So they are satisfied with dying alone or marrying a used up whore girl while being sexless in your entire 20s?

>> No.56475304

It doesn't dry up because you're in STEM it dries up because you have poor social accumen. Go to any fraternity house and you'll see that there are plenty of STEM majors in them: electrical engineers, physics majors, math majors, etc. You're wallowing in self pity like the pathetic worm you are, grow up and be a fucking man. Hit the gym, learn basic social cures, stop wallowing in self pity.

>> No.56475314
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>> No.56475323

She’s obviously fucking her way around the world.

>> No.56475328

Bro, when was the last time you got laid or even went on a date? You're just wallowing in self pity, completely derailing the conversation to dive into your cuck self-pitying fetish like a pathetic parasite. If you 100% believe that you've put yourself on a path to be forced to settle down with some used up goods, why bother complaining about it at all? You're just being a pathetic dweeb.

>> No.56475329

hey man i know you just got to this board because youre talking to the other posters here like they're actual real people. the people that post here regularly suffer from severe brain rot and are terminally online actually terminal. kind of freaks when they do go outside you see some guy in a fast food line that you can visually smell and is just completely off putting. very bullish sign though once there's people like you that start to come in it means the bull run is back to starting.

>> No.56475349

Good point, I haven't been here since like 2019. I used to be active on here from like 2016-2019. Man this place went downhill, when did incels feel comfortable sharing the fact they're pathetic incels on /biz/ instead of just joking about Chads and Staceys?

>> No.56475434

2020 covid. the shut ins became more shut in and radicalized (not politically but insufferable and proud of it) it' a more overarching trend of the shift in social dynamics with a worsening economy and forced isolation, people aren't going outside anymore. i check the board intermittently but it's been like this for a few years. when i first got here i would engage but eventually you realize there is no point these people are suffering and will continue to, and you know it's all self inflicted. good luck on the final bull run with the last multiple x10s

>> No.56475473

There will be no bull run. Its over.

>> No.56475488

Thanks for warning me bro. I just came back because I bought like 100k XRP and 50k Link back in 2017, sold half my Link stack in the 2020 bull run and now I'm coming back because I'm getting notices that it's starting to make moves again.

>> No.56475530

bitches go on one vacation and act like it's the story of the century

>> No.56475531

I have never been on a Date with a girl ever, not even kissed one. I just barely have any time. I have to study during the week and then work on the weekends because I am poor. I try to hit the gym 4-5x per week but it's tough.

>> No.56475636

This. I know people will say these women sell their pussy, which is true but it's not the main reason. I know a girl who said shes 50k in debt at age 23 from travelling the world and living in an expensive apartment during her studies. And this in a country where tuition costs are 2k a month lmao.

>> No.56475642

Well there you go, you have this false abstraction of women as a collective because you don't interact with them. You think of them as this great other when in reality they're just people like you.

>> No.56475646

* a year even

>> No.56475655

>yet another incel thread

>> No.56475660

>they're just people like you
No, they live completely different lifes that could never compare to mine, we discussed this in this thread.

>> No.56475680

Jesus, you really are too far gone. Terminally online brain rot has gotten to you. Enjoy living in your personal hell that you created all on your own.

>> No.56475760


This. Number of countries visited = number of dicks taken. No hymen no diamond no exceptions.

>> No.56475817

God I fucking hate you r9k rejects so fucking much. I hope your investments go under, you fags don't deserve to make it.

>> No.56475869

I come back to this board after like 4 years and /r9k/ has taken over. Wtf happened?

>> No.56475889

Legitimately every board on 4chan is filled with bitter little incels posting unrelated or thinly-vieled women hate threads. It gets boring after a while.

>> No.56475989

Yeah, but that shit used to be contained to like /a/, /r9k/, /b/, and /pol/. There was a little bit of it on /x/ with the tulpa shit and it was mostly a joke on /fit/. Jesus this site has gone downhill. That's a shame, it used to be so much fun back in the day. I was hoping to come back and have some fun like I used to have with the 2017/2018 bull run with all the fun Bodganoff memes.

>> No.56476002

Hey bro she'll definitely notice this

>> No.56476017

I hope nobody ever knows I was on this site. I just know that nothing kills the fun on a site more than a bunch of self pitying schizoid parasites who have the most distorted views of reality whining about problems regarding women that just don't exist. I want this site to be fun again and the first step to making it fun again is to shame incels back into their containment board. Hit the gym, learn to talk to people, and have sex bro. It's not that hard.

>> No.56476059

>No hymen no diamond
none of these women want to marry you by the way

>> No.56476066

i hope no one ever knows im on this site either. used to be a site for mainly silly little stories and some memes but that time is long gone. some good info has been dropped here (bought SOL at $40 sold at 200 last bull run) but you really have to parse through the bullshit and r9k schizo incel nonsense.

>> No.56476075

Either Daddy pays or DADDY ;) pays, you love to see it.

>> No.56476085
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Reddit might be more your speed friendo, it's clear you're not from around here no matter how much you insist to the contrary

>> No.56476092

>men don't value experiences as much.
They don't actually value experiences either. They just want to show their friends on instagram how luxurious and care free their life is. Instagram has been a god send for air travel companies. Lots of young women throwing away their money just to take pictures on a beach somewhere.

>> No.56476105

Daddy pays for it.
Either real daddy or sugar daddy.

>> No.56476122

Travel isnt even that expensive. I am a 21 year old wagie trailer trash and I;ve already traveled to 4 different countries in my life and I'm planning a trip to turkey this year. Just don't go to western europe or east asia and youre good to go

>> No.56476127

They value the foreign dick a lot

>> No.56476147

Guess you've never heard of sugar babbies

>> No.56476152

Woman have it easy, with the internet they can tap into a never ending supply of simps worldwide and get everything they want for free.
They get good meals for free, they get vacations for free, clothes, phones, cars, everything for free paid for by some simp who hopes to get his dick sucked.
Then the Woman moves on to the next cock when she gets bored or wants something new.
Eventually she wants to settle down and will pretend to be all trad and date some incel who had to spend 20 years with self improvement to date this used up, rotten and enlarged and pozzed HPV hole and eventually marry her and pay for all her crap.
as an average Man this is the best you can hope for.

>> No.56476162

I fucking hate reddit, it's the one site that's somehow found a way to get worse than this shithole.

>> No.56476219

>the average man cannot get a decent girlfriend/wife at ANY stage of his life.
false, youre below average and your standards are ruined from porn

>> No.56476272
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lmao, back to facebook you fucking normalscum

>> No.56476872

Having sex makes me normalscum. Jesus this site really has been overtaken by the most pathetic of zoomers.

>> No.56476988

Defending women and worshipping sex makes you normalscum. Sex is easy because women are retarded.

>> No.56477018
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>this thread
jesus fucking christ

>> No.56477067

>Need money
>Take off shirt
>Collect $20,000
>Spend $20,000

>> No.56477164

She used her dads flight miles and her moms Hilton rewards points to travel. Like other anon said you can travel cheap if you do it right. Nothing she’s doing in the video is particularly expensive besides the airfare.

>> No.56477197


That girl travelled to 3 countries, australia, singapore, Bali, not really impressed, he probably travelled for 9 months max or less. Girls love to brag to other girls on Instagram.
Hey /biz/ why are you gaslighting all the Elliot Rodger niggaz in here?

You don't need money to hook up with these girls, you just need to be physically attractive and yeah will require some work. If you're over 6 feet, then you pretty won the jackpot. Girls rather be with a tall ugly guy than a short handsome guy. Height is considered the most attractive feature in all men or all races.

Confidence, game, money, status is overrated if you're trying to get laid, all these features are irrelevant when you're tall. In the end, it's all about PROCREATION, her biology is telling her that you might have the genes that allow the creation of healthy strong good-looking children. But if you want a long-term relationship, money, status, looks, health will matter over time.
My advice is fuck as many women as possible, a lot of women are indeed promiscuous, you just have to make sure that your body count is twice as high with the girl you are engaged with. If you do fall in love with her, at least you have a coping mechanism. You have to max-out your looks, that's the only way you can get laid nowadays.

Remember /biz/ bros, 90% of the guys out there, don't have assets like we do. They don't eat clean, usually overweight, higher than 15% bodyfat ratio, don't do skincare routines, don't try to stay lean, don't cut out sugar, don't drink green tea, don't do cardio. Best to maintain vegetarian diet + some quality protein like salmon during the weekends.

>> No.56477262
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>90% of the guys out there don't have assets like we do
Not even remotely true nowadays, if you ever actually stepped into a gym you'd know. They're fucking packed with zoomers thanks to guys like Tate. Shitloads of young men are now living like ancient grecian philosophers just for the chance of pulling some pudgy 4/10 thot, the dating market is retarded skewed in current year

>> No.56477281

Get help. You're literally obsessed.

>> No.56477376

IMost women prefer lean or athletic types, this comes from a study I read.
You don't need to be like arnold, but you do need to keep your bodyfat ratio in check, it's easy if you can discipline your self to on calorie intake, easier than hitting the gym 4-5x

>> No.56477455
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These zoomers are wasting their time. The ideal body type is pic-rel according to majority consensus (women)
A body like that can be maintained relatively easy if you cut out sugar, salt, eat clean and workout 2-3 times a week, pretty low maintainance.

>> No.56477823

It's usually
>daddies money
>they take out massive debt and don't care
>spend every cent they make (usually while parents still foot all their bills)
>have enough of a social media following where their promos end up covering the trip and their social media posts from said trip also make them money
The world isn't fair kid, get used to it.

>> No.56477878


>> No.56478399

When I dated a girl who did a lot of traveling despite being a minimum wage worker, I found:
- She had no savings. Literally every paycheck sent to her phone, car insurance, and snacks. Everything else was paid for by her parents or via dates/sugar daddies.
- She almost exclusively fucked guys to go on trips. Entire cruises, flights to California, flights to Vegas, etc. She admitted slowly over time that she fucked guys for that.
- Her parents flew her places for family trips.

>> No.56478813

>I don't know why normal men don't just kill themselves.
For the few friends I've made along the way and watching out for my little sister I guess. But they probably would be fine without me in all honesty. I'm considering it.

>> No.56478884

That’s fine.
Society forego its contract with men, and men will forego their responsibilities toward society
It will crumble down
It’s already happening
Look at Sweden

>> No.56478971
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>> No.56479041

>learn to talk to people
I can't go to a party or go sit down at a bar by myself without my heart rate getting faster and faster just sitting there. I have been to 20+ parties where I spent the night at someone's house or apartment. I went to 4 or 5 of the dances in highschool. I have asked a girl for her number IRL. I am 27 and still haven't gotten over social anxiety. I sometimes still get nervous talking to like cashiers or barbers or tailors. I always get nervous and uncomfortable talking to people at my 9-5 desk job. Conversating doesn't come naturally to me and I can't quickly come up with the correct things to say.

Some people just have autism so they can't communicate naturally with other people, and have deeply ingrained social anxiety that has followed them their whole life. That is me.

I don't complain about women because I don't hate them but I do go and post "I am 27 years old and I..." just to commiserate with my other romantic failure bros.

I could have had casual sex one or two times but I really didn't want to due to feeling intense dread/anxiety around the whole situation and also fear of STD's.

I just wish that I could actually click with a girl and have a genuine relationship.

>> No.56479052


>I traveled the world alone
>Every video is her partying with dozens of people

Fuck off. Please.

>> No.56479065
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You sound based to me Anon.

>> No.56479078
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I don't know how these people expect to meet a 16 year old that is thinking more than 6 months into the future, it's fucking retarded. I have NEVER met a woman that cared about my career at all. Most of them don't even want gifts or some shit, and none of them view themselves as potential mothers; the few that do certainly don't somehow correlate to the SMV of some guy that's rich.

You basically just get your pick of sociopathic status climbers and exclusively right-brained "women", who would make terrible mothers because they're overly logical. You do not want a woman that sees a guy's paycheck and thinks "he'll make a good mate". That is determined by physical and social attraction.

If you aren't turning money into social status specifically, by networking with people and affording trips to meet people or minmax your clothes or whatever, it's not going to help you. It has literally no value on its own. Especially to girls in their prime.

>> No.56479127

The video doesn't show the monthly trip to Dubai to get literally shit on by some Saudi oil princes.

>> No.56479359

You’re the product of your parents. What are you trying to say here?

>> No.56479442

We both know you don't have sex. Also, I'm not defending women, I'm just saying that it's funny that these incels are projecting their sexual insecurities onto a video and asking a question that has a very obvious answer: "She has rich parents". Rich kids do this shit all the time, it isn't exclusive to women you retard. I would love for the quality of this board to go back to what it was during the Bogdanoff days when things were actually funny and discussions weren't derailed by whiny incels.

>> No.56479452

It's a lie, Rankesh

>> No.56479469

they aren't
they go on one trip a year, hit three or four cheap, close together countries, then stagger their social media uploads throughout the year so it LOOKS like they're always on vacation

>> No.56479481

God, these threads make me feel so much better about myself. Yall are some fucking losers.

>> No.56479487

seethe nigger

>> No.56479549

Yep, they focus on young beautiful girls living on easy mode and forget that once those girls hit their 30s, or for ugly girls at any age, the switch flips to nightmare mode if they don't already have a good life locked in.

>> No.56479607

Yep, I know several that basically never work. They're in their 30's with houses and cars that their retired parents spend their pensions on, along with kind of goofy but wholesome bf's who work all day while they walk the dog and shop.

>> No.56479627

Generational wealth or selfmade or something in-between

>> No.56480111


I'm a virgin at 23 years old and even I'm getting sick of other anons complaining of getting no pussy. I'd prefer it to stay on /pol/

>> No.56480180


>> No.56480245

>the tragic nightmare mode women suffer through is the regular life of 90% of men
Please stop being a simp.

>> No.56480755

women definitely arent people. The only thing that matters to women is your social standing either way whether you just trying to fuck or you're trying to get a relationship. So stop being a faggot and learn how to dominate social scene you insipient fuck. Women don't give a fuck about your degree or money

>> No.56480862

Source: I had a gf with old money parents
Thats middle class white women. The rich girls or ones that utilize their looks either go on Dads dime or "Daddys" dime
great minds think a like I didnt even see that before I wrote my own version
Yeah buddy not everyone wants to STAY in a trailer the rest of their life thats why they stay home and work. Many peoples jobs dont allow them to go on tons of vacations especially if u are in a college internship or u just got ur first job

>> No.56480941

They are people just infantile USUALLY, especially the overly emotional ones. Some women are very mature and are aware of primal instincts. Also degree and money are huge status symbols so yeah they do care. Its mostly when they talk about you to their parents or in their professional life. Remember u also can be a dumbfuck and still slay as long as u are a badboy. It depends where women are in their cycle. During ovulation a successful nice guy is gross and vice versa. Ofc this doesn't apply so much if the woman truly loves you which is 100% a possibility.
Stop trying to flex, anybody can use a fucking thesaurus to seem smarter.

>> No.56481011

>Yeah buddy not everyone wants to STAY in a trailer the rest of their life thats why they stay home and work. Many peoples jobs dont allow them to go on tons of vacations especially if u are in a college internship or u just got ur first job
So theyre making a choice and should stop bitching.

>> No.56481083
File: 33 KB, 427x300, d59thgc-4ae760ca-7936-4ee4-a786-90ca72d955d5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is unironically the secret to happiness.

>> No.56481304

henlo fren, seems you got lost on your way to plebbit, r/ihavesex is awaiting your legendary stories

>> No.56481320

Hold on out for a bit longer. In a few years, we'll begin to see a post-work world when AI begins to automate non-trivial jobs.

>> No.56481436

You only need like 20k to travel the world with medium luxury. If your parents arent losers it should be easy

>> No.56481487

>Trust is, if you’re not fat and well groomed girl, life’s on ez mode.
imagine being born with the opportunity to have an incredibly easy life, never pay for a single meal, never get a single speck of dirt on your hands, and all you have to do is not get fat, and then not even being able to accomplish that.

>> No.56481495

if she's done a solo tour of Europe you better add 20 to that bodycount

>> No.56481516


A) Dad

B) Men who want to fuck them pay for things

C) They leverage debt to fund this lifestyle and when the problems catch up with them, they turn to A and B

D) All of the above

>> No.56481519

basado, brownoid manlets on /biz/ won't understand this

>> No.56481527


>> No.56482528


>> No.56482641

they can get things by spreading their legs or sucking cock, some guys will pay just for their presence, young dudes are comparatively worthless

>> No.56483554

You know what would be funny? That girls in college were actually like that, but none of them liked you enough to fuck you on the first date, so all of them fucked your friends behind your back and pitied you the entire time.
And here you are, judging and browbeating because you married some whore after she fucked half the football team.
You think you look cool, but you're pathetic.

>> No.56483642

your dad

>> No.56483655
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>> No.56483756


>> No.56483776

>Oh no, it's so hard to leave my family to get assfucked by men and taking drugs 24/7 :(
Goddamn whore

>> No.56484025

>Asked for a phone number once
You have to ask hundreds of times to diferent random girls, that's how you get over anxiety, it worked for me, still khv tho.

>> No.56485245

Lmao look at the mental gymnastics on display here. The second you realize I'm right and begin to change yourself for the better, the sooner you'll realize that all of this misery existed solely in your head.

>> No.56485327

Sorry you're dumb then
Im 26, work from home, and have a completely dependent woman pregnant with my son living with me (not married lmao)
Was going to be a doctor but fuck that shit now

>> No.56485329

fucking BASED

>> No.56485423

>waaaah I cant get pussy

Biz is so fucking pathetic.

>> No.56487701

Extremely based

If you use social media at all you've already lost, it only exists for vain shallow women to mog eachother with displays of luxury and create an arms race over who can waste the most of daddy's money in order to bait poorcell women into debtmaxing to try to keep up.

It's brilliant really. Imagine being the marketing exec who came up with the idea: an ecosystem for stupid people to convince each other to spend money on shit they can't afford.

And you poorcells swallow it right along with them instead of ignoring it.

>> No.56488055


>> No.56488083

My business and financial advice is to spend lots of time online discussing what bimbos do on vacation. This is really productive and profitable.

>> No.56488127

>go to 10 years of college
>highly qualified
>still have to get quarterly clot shots or they fire you for not believing in the science enough
i didn't blow in from /pol/, you just unironically described my situation except for that last part i added. I almost died from an allergic reaction and still got shitcanned because vax exceptions go against the medical neo-religion
i guess i'll keep my tech job and stay rotting in six figure hell.

>> No.56488183

anon i do genuinely hate to say it but something happened a few years after your generation
i am married, but i'd say about 80-90% of the SWEs I work with (younger than you) are single
there's a pretty sharp dividing line - the older engineers (compared to us) are consistently married with families, and got married young

>> No.56488829
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My ex, who looks like pic related, will sell pictures of her ass to coomers for $75 a pop whenever she needs money.

You don't even need to debase yourself that much if you already havn't posted hole. She just keeps teasing them and they keep giving her money.

>> No.56488875

Yeah this is true.

>> No.56489020

Nothing what she’s doing looks fun. I’d rather be at home with my cats.

>> No.56489112

>incel whining thread #41954

>> No.56489156

>I could have had casual sex one or two times but I really didn't want to due to feeling intense dread/anxiety around the whole situation and also fear of STD's.

>> No.56489163

>that chin

Lol…lmao!!! It looks like it got caved in from sucking so much dick. Lmao!!!!

>> No.56489251

Why do you post this rage bait? Why...

>> No.56489472

Your home stinks and you cats will eat your corpse when you die.
I would kick your ugly useless cats, if youre gonna get a pet at least get a dog (mid to big size ONLY, never the little dog those are shit), but not before getting some kids.

>> No.56489671

>How do young girls afford their lifestyle?
That's the funny part, they cant!

>> No.56489697

I know a 25yr old f in my family who still lives with their parents, makes 20 an hour while getting a useless degree and has been to a country in south America and Spain. They really do value different things.

>> No.56489701

This. Fuck love and all that feely intimate shit. Just want to be left alone with my mooning portfolio
>t.has sex often and it's mid after a while

>> No.56489789

As I guy who travelled a lot. These girls are fucking the 6'4 Ozzies and Dutch. The charming British and Irish guys with accents.

>> No.56489802

He is right, retard.

>> No.56489824

>I'm a virgin engineer so that means you are too

Why does this field attract mid-wit losers and also total Chads only? Half the people I studied with were either dysgenic losers who believed "studying" would help them live good lives. The others were naturally intelligent Chad's who played rugby, partied and had women all over them

>> No.56489854

>marriage all time low
Lol no in ur fucking dreams. No one is marrying sluts.

>> No.56490232


It shows you were right and everyone else was a faggot non believer.

>> No.56490249

>frat house
>unironic example

Lmao most of those faggot are 1st or 2nd years. By the time 3rd year rolls around vast majority have already switched their major to humanities. Kys disingenuous Jew

>> No.56490657

i hate women

>> No.56490670

They fuck dudes on SA for money

>> No.56492389
File: 7 KB, 250x248, foxfact.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true on god fr fr

>> No.56492445

women only do stuff to show off on social media (to people who dont care)

let that sink in. you probably have more fun as a man with your autistic hobbies than a woman will have in her soulless lifetime

>> No.56492480

> wahh i have anxiety ;_;
*faps 10 times a day*

> I really dont know why, i just cant get over it
*plays videogames 9 hours a day*

>my social skills are really bad! i try so hard and got so far..

*spends 6 hours daily on incel forum*


yeah i had these same problems and then got a job where i do nothing but talk to people (hell at first, you get used to it after few years), workout, got in good shape, did some sports. got a nice girlfriend. now im no longer a whiny /r9k/ incel like you. git gud

>> No.56492483

can this be the board banner pls lol

>> No.56492491
File: 25 KB, 540x360, 360_F_281353409_ziT1uVEzTFSPONuL8IBXhi2oExas91ey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't go to a party or go sit down at a bar by myself without my heart rate getting faster and faster just sitting there.
You're welcome.

>> No.56492496

pretty much this. they suck old guy cocks.

>> No.56492509

>t.has sex often and it's mid after a while
you're not supposed to realize that until after you've created another slave. you didn't make another slave right?

>> No.56492510

you too can suck old guy cock for luxury if you're a twink OP

>> No.56492554

eating oil sheikh shit in dubai

>> No.56492556

This. Anyone who says otherwise is lying to themselves.

>> No.56492559
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What a shitty thread. All of you get the fuck off of my screen.

>> No.56492560

The answer is eady. They do sex works for mony cuz it is a simple way to do a lo of mony in the short of time. Poor boy pays money for the sex and a young girls becomes a rich girl.

>> No.56492568
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Sucking cocks obv, that's the only woman skill, being a cumbag, meanwhile being a mand implies more hardships and creativity, any way, bizbros, fuck wumz

>> No.56492680


>> No.56492689

Men are so jealous of women it’s pathetic

>> No.56492697

Having to subject yourself to sucking a cock like yours to survive is the worst kind of hell. Men live on easy mode

>> No.56492725

I see this post do girl. Doing this I mean you have the more money than a boy. Where you see pathetic stuff? Poor bor has a less money than a whore sucking dick girl resting at yacht drinking posh bevers living in a manson.

>> No.56492744

We can control women though.
And should.
Everybody misses Rome. Nobody misses giving women the right to vote.

>> No.56492748

Retard. Learn how to write properly. If only it was as easy as you type into your keyboard. You know nothing about the spiritual and mental implications of what you think is easy. Reconnect with your soul and come back to me. You have work to do son.

>> No.56492752

Women ruled way before Rome little boy. The goddess made you stronger than her to do her labor. If you take advantage in this life, guess what happens after. ~

>> No.56492768


>> No.56492773

And look who eats it up and seethes.

>> No.56492775
File: 2.86 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_1859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the girl in the video is doing is traveling. Not saying that lots of these women aren't going on the world tour of dick but this chick in particular isn't doing anything too unusual.
I'm a dude and I've hit up half those destinations (pic related is Istanbul). Turkey, southeast Asia, Mexico, and pretty much anywhere that isn't Europe, big city North America, Aus, NZ or Japan can be done for far cheaper than what it costs to live in those places. I got a lucky flight deal from Toronto to Bangkok for 800 USD and rented a stellar apartment on airbnb there for $500/month, which is less than I would've paid in rent in Toronto for a single month.
I suspect we're going to start seeing increased emigration abroad, especially for retirees, since they can still afford a decent standard of living in other parts of the world if they can afford the plane ticket. It's more a reflection of how obscenely expensive the west has become than what these women are doing, even if some of the ig "models" really are just glorified prostitutes.

>> No.56492785

Yep and who fucks these “prostitutes” ((you))

>> No.56492842
File: 164 KB, 1024x1024, 1696637132951080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The girl is jewish, the guy on the boat is jewish, there is a frame where she is standing on a platform that is a jewish star of david... so the real answer is that they have money and you don't. Don't ask too many questions goy.

>> No.56492843

Take meds

>> No.56492847


>> No.56492871

Rich men paying for them.

My sister was invited to a friend of her house in Corsica when she was barely legal, when she returned it seem the owner of the house was a bit disappointed she did not "return his favors".

So basically women are spoiled by richfags.

>> No.56492883

Frame is at 12 seconds. A star of david platform. Look at the semite body type. Look at the nose and jaw.

>> No.56492926

Yeah and what will you do? Pay for some 20 year old slut to join you who will put it on her social media.

>> No.56492930

is this webm supposed to be an example of your premise OP??

nothing in that video was particularly expensive and white girls have rich parents that subsidize them

>> No.56492935

Big facts rh. Especially this
> If you aren't turning money into social status specifically, by networking with people and affording trips to meet people or minmax your clothes or whatever, it's not going to help you.
Women want the aesthetic of riches. How that's achieved doesn't matter.

>> No.56493034

The skin color is light but the girl is a semite, from the Lavant, got Neanderthal DNA brah

>> No.56493172

Women's value turn to dogshit once their beauty fades. Then they have nothing. At least men will always grow in value and have the opportunity to become valuable through hard work and competence. No one with a brain actually respects women, they view them as simple minded children in adult bodies and treat them accordingly.

>> No.56493184


>> No.56493733

Hope you get mad clout from incel bugmen for this bro.

>> No.56494494

Google "yacht girl". These girls get scouted out on Instagram, then offered free trips to parties on yachts and hotels around the world. I've met a lot of them through work, and where i live.
Once there, they'll eventually get looped up into some escort service to keep living the lifestyle, either that or get human-trafficked when their passports and phones are suddenly go missing.

The real cause of modern female degeneracy, is the failure of fathers being gullible spineless cucks with daughters that are given free reign to ruin their lives.

>> No.56494782
File: 149 KB, 738x1280, bluepill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for proving that normans and inceltear redditors are still lurking this board which could mean only one thing, that we haven't bottomed yet. Thanks for the free indicator anons.

>> No.56494826

Why is it the father's fault. She is a human that makes her own choices. If she puts herself in to that position that she takes the consequences of her actions

>> No.56495942

>No one said life is fair.
>how life works
Matriarchy works you mean

>> No.56495999

Most don't but they're in a competition with eachother on Instagram to make it look like they do.

>> No.56496922

Many normies were parroting the same lines just before the last bull run, and they ended up FOMOing at the peak. I'd wager that plenty of channers are echoing similar sentiments now, instead of seizing the opportunity to position themselves in tokens aligning with the hot narratives like QVM, AI, and RWA.

>> No.56497475

>Girls are constantly on luxurious vacations, owning boats, eating out in nice restaurants, have tons of fashion in their closets, always the newest accessoires etc., yet they are in college too, rarely have to study, never work etc.

It is weird because no women I know in real life has these things, maybe it's more a thing in the United States? I don't know.

>> No.56497490

>imagine being born with the opportunity to have an incredibly easy life, never pay for a single meal, never get a single speck of dirt on your hands.

Sounds horrible to me, where is the glory in that?

>> No.56497496

you're not getting it. "glory", "honor", etc are exclusively masculine concepts. this is fundamental to understanding the female psyche.

>> No.56497505
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Sugar daddies, multiple ones. Or an online presence with beta orbiters/only fans. Men are funding the behavior that which you just described.

>> No.56498755

>I don't know why normal men don't just kill themselves.
85% of suicides are male BTW

>> No.56498811

Not necessarily a yatch girl specifically, but it's either similar arrangements, or it's inherited money. Hardly any other options.

>> No.56498829

the girls that i know that travelled around the world have rich parents.

>> No.56498852
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Well said.
Thats usually true. Its possible in your late teens or early 20s, the high school sweethearts or pair of shy college virgins. But by nature both people are immature and inexperienced so it isnt easy especially without strong social enforcement. All the mormons I knew in hs who didnt become degenerates look kino. Very few are out there these days but most boys that age have the wrong priorities. I remember ghosting this sweet christian girl cuz she wouldn't kiss on the first date, we were 18 and I was an edgy hedonist. Dumb.

>> No.56498885

I actually think it's based because telling boomers who think you should bust your ass for a busted chick to fuck off and kill themselves is pretty satisfying.

If you wanted sons who would provide for you in old age and give you grandsons, should have been a little nicer. Womp womp.

>> No.56498890

>I don't know why normal men don't just kill themselves.
Because most of them don't think abotu women taking cock and the ones that do, they don't marry used up old whores.

>> No.56498894

>literally throwing a tantrum because no one wants used up whores

>> No.56498901

>call you a bitch afterwards because everything that happens in vegas stays in vegas
But everyone knows they do that so if a girl says she's been 'all over europe' you immediately know she's a slut. Perhaps less so if japan, just because american woman is 30 pounds and 5 inches too tall for the tastes of japanese men.

>> No.56498933

How to make sure this doesnt happen to you?
What kind of girl does chad court then? Or does he never lock a girl down and just live his entire life alone with his mom always asking wheres your wife/kids?

Doesnt that mean that hes a failure in some aspect of society then? At least from a family perspe

>> No.56499166

>. men don't value experiences as much.
after you have mastered finance and by that i mean you have $10MM+ sitting safely and wholly risk free earning 5% interest the tendency is to no longer worry about money and live off compound interest spending whatever u want and living for the day and by that i mean fully embracing /trv/ (/makingit/) culture and actually going outside getting away from your trade station.
ive had to get 4 new passports so far bc i filled all the pages.

>> No.56499248
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>just take on massive debt

>> No.56499272
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so here's two more things to consider
Firstly, pretty girls get given things for free by men.
Secondly, have you been outside? I just travelled hundreds of miles and walked through beautiful mountains for 3 days total travel cost: about £40
equipment cost: £100 if you do it cheap, but i have spent about £300 because i like comfy spacious backpacks and good boots.
Stayed, for free, in a beautiful rustic cottage between hikes, where I met a bunch of hippies, got free LSD, free booze, on my way back i met a super cute girl dressed as a fucking elf (literally belle Delphine tier) on her way to a halloween party, and SHE started talking to ME, if i wasn't knackered and sleep deprived i probably could have joined her to the party.
Go the fuck outside, get a nice haircut and a shave, it's not expensive to just go places and meet people and do things.
pic rel from my trip; the rocks are on the top of a mountain and about 30 feet tall for a sense of scale.

>> No.56499286

>>t.has sex often and it's mid after a while
The fact that you use term “mid” tells me that no, you do not in fact have sex frequently. Or at all actually.

>> No.56499339
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>How to make sure this doesnt happen to you?
look out for the most basic of red flags in a girl:
>bi polar/emotional problems
>fucking stupid
>fat/unhealthy weight
>goes on holiday alone, without you
>goes clubbing without you
marry a christian girl, or a girl from rural places who isn't insane. i know, tall order, a girl who's not insane, but you did ask. you can find them, just meet lots of people.

>> No.56499351

Any pics of Princess Peach's butthole?

>> No.56499468

You know what is even taller of an order to that?
I wanna add virgin and not older than 21.
YEAH fuck me right?
But i feel like i couldn’t really know unless shes a virgin otherwise its not safe and i cant completely trust.
Just IMAGINE the feeling youre walking with your WIFE that you “LOVE” and you run into a person that drilled her, and or she sucked him off. Imagine how pathetic this is. I know because i let this one girl from my sisters friend circle suck me and later my cousin off, and after a while she got married to some chubby ginger dude.

Imagine how awkward it is for me to talk to him and her when theres a bigger event, maybe im not a sociopath because that shit just makes me cringe to the core whenever this happens.
And the worst part is, shes still being pushy and bitchy to this day, like in front of him she was asking me about if i have a gf or not and being weirdly flirty since i just said hi to her but she went in for a longer than normal hug.
Bruhhh pls i NeEED a virgin wife i can trust

>> No.56499662

>glory of being depressed in a make-work 9-5 job

>> No.56500121

Become an hero, that anon is 100% correct about the state of this board (and 4chan in general)

>> No.56500154

It's all bullshit, maybe 5-10% of all women get to experience that because they are in the upper middle class, they post about it on social media to disdain the plebs and the plebs put themselves further in debt to pretend they are upper middle class. Mostly it's just people pretending with debt or leaching off the wealth of rich family members. The cycle repeats.

>> No.56500202

Kinda based ngl

>> No.56500213

Kys normalcunt

>> No.56500805
File: 66 KB, 460x603, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, send me $125 bucks and ill give you one.

>> No.56502301
File: 445 KB, 891x1005, 1624373312899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, you're dumb. Your chance was when you were that age. And girls like that don't tend to like guys like you. Only after being with shitty women do you realize this, when its too late, just like a roastie. Get over it anon, you deserve eachother. Just put your money in a trust, fake the love, and try to raise your kids better so they dont make the same mistakes.