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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56474827 No.56474827 [Reply] [Original]

>mUh eRiC sChMiDt
Turns out he’s a disgusting person. Enjoy getting me too’d you financial cucks LMFAO

>> No.56474869

>Investing in your girlfriend's company makes you a bad person
Why the hell is this even "news"?

>> No.56474871


It’s another Celsius and Jessica Khater level scandal. It actually might be over for chainlink this time.

>> No.56474891


>> No.56474935
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>29 years old roastie

>> No.56474953

That's like me investing $500 in my gf's company.
t. $100K networth

>> No.56475001

ofc its bad news for incels

>> No.56475167

shes a pretty jewess, but 100MM?
bit much for sex

>> No.56475195

Why do rich guys always go for med girls or Asians? For me it’s Margo Robbie and Christian Hendricks

>> No.56475208

It's called good taste

>> No.56475245

Super richs always gor for jews, 100% of the time, and it's not their decsion to take.

>> No.56475272

Most expensive escort on the planet

>> No.56475287
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He's on the board.

I still don't know what this company does though.
Just a bunch of web3 jargon.

>> No.56475297

that is a dirty ugly jew

>> No.56475313

I bet the board meetings are like something out of Eyes Wide Shut where the main attraction is Eric leading this girl around like that one chick who pretends to be a dog on tiktok

>> No.56475319

She's an Unit 8200 whore for israel, involved in cybersecurity (read backdoorred by mossad) who comes from John Hopkins, like most NWO pieces of shit, Schmidt included ofc.

>> No.56475334

you can downplay all you want but here's the thing:

-he hasn't invested a single cent in Chainlink. Quite the opposite actually...Sergey pays him.

-$100M is a shit ton of money. It doesn't matter who you are. Even if you're worth $10B, this is still a significant chunk of change to throw around.

-him throwing this much at some shit company just because some chick half his age lets him hit shows lack of judgement and clear thinking. Therefore the value of his "alignment" with Chainlink is diminished.

>> No.56475337

nothing wrong with simping for girls, it's based actually. wagmi marines, not cringe

>> No.56475357

The steel perlot fud made it's rounds years ago when schmit was first announced to be an advisor. This is old news, is this even a real article?

>> No.56475358

it's king shit even!

>> No.56475367
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>> No.56475400
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>I thought it was timely, honest, and was pertinent to the crisis we are in concerning Eric Schmidt’s total sell out to China through advanced technology stolen from Google, Facebook, WhatsApp and other digital platforms that have come to aggressively control all Chinese. I believe Eric’s evil program, Dragonfly, has already been implemented in America.

I am calling him out for his lies and his complete control by the Chinese Communist Party. Eric has lied so much lately and has admitted that he created the Social Credit System now ruling China for a ruthless totalitarian government that has Eric controlled and manipulated by President Xi Jinping and his central committee. In May of this year, Eric said that he also bifurcated the Internet for China so that there will soon be two different Internets – one controlled by America and one by China. These things are immoral and wrong and must be stopped.

>> No.56475435
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>> No.56475454

>Turns out he’s a disgusting person.
lmao roastie detected

>> No.56476626

you are american

>> No.56476641

yeah the narrative has slipped from protecting literal children to age gap shaming. anything they can find to virtue signal on it's like purple haired flies on shit

>> No.56476682

why are they like this? why even shame two adults over 18 with what they do. what happened to consenting adults doing what they want?

>> No.56476740

>pick something other people do
>decide it's bad
>pat yourself on the back for having never done that
>tell others about it

i mean.. that's pretty much it

>> No.56476775

i'm sure jealousy has at least something to do with it in this specific case though

>> No.56476814


>> No.56476830

Pajeet confirmed

>> No.56476851
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>> No.56476856

Good analysis desu. I am a linkchad but never put much stock in individuals.

>> No.56478670

This implies Schmidit is Sergeys sugar daddy.

>> No.56478739

Real wealth is being able to fund your girlfriend’s cute unprofitable side hustle. Poor cucks will never get it.

>> No.56480003

sounds like you're just desperate for yet another one of your failed fudcuck talking points to stick
if you livestream your suicide ill consider selling a single link token at the current price, which is more than fair considering $11 is pretty expensive for the life of a third-world piece of trash like you lmao

>> No.56480024
File: 752 KB, 786x774, Screenshot 2023-10-26 at 6.23.21 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is what being a billionaire gets you

>> No.56480194

i was about to say it's kinda pathetic to show yourself in public with way younger hookers when you're a public figure, but then i realized he's keeping things private but paparazzi are leaking those infos

>> No.56480206


>> No.56480551
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it was so fucking obviouse after seeing her linkedin past experiences it's unreal.

greetings from kazakhstan.

>> No.56480560
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rorschachcrypto made a video about women in crypto. lost his youtube channel over it last year.

>> No.56480568
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there are better options

>> No.56480637
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I can smell her thru the picture

>> No.56480650

Jews go for Jews, it's that simple

>> No.56480754

did you ever heard about the lure of the Shiksa?