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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56468423 No.56468423 [Reply] [Original]

convince me why i am to be held morally accountable for the interest in my loans other than semitic greed

>> No.56468541

If you sign the contract to take the loan only to renegade on it, you're not only a retard but one without scruples.

>> No.56468567
File: 222 KB, 1500x1000, student debt 14 years later.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So judaism then? Gotcha.

Most debt is held by women and they deserve to suffer. However if you were a person with a good payment history I would be made to reconsider, or someone in a useful profession like STEM. This of course would unfortunately (lol) filter out all the women.

>> No.56468582
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I'd like to start off with little things like: Honor; Code; Integrity.

>> No.56468608

What would be an acceptable interest rate?

>> No.56468697
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Slaves asking, why they are slaves.

>> No.56468718

The interest rate offered by the Fed directly from the Fed. Letting banks profit off students is corruption. Make them pay it back, but give them a low rate. Also certain degrees shouldn't be eligible for loans.

>> No.56468751

Opportunity cost.
Whoever let you have THEIR money thought that you would be responsible enough tto pick a good major and COMPLETE the degree, and pay them back later with interest. Since you faggots are lazy tards who can't even bother to cheat to secure easy mode for the next 40 years of your life.
It ain't judaism YOU FUCKING FAGOT, your only achievenment in life is that you where born in the USA. NIGER try to get out of of generational poverty IN ANY OTHER SPAWN POINT in the FUCKING EARTH YOU SPOILED CRETEN.

what the fuck is an 18 year old good for then?, what did you learn after age 9 you fucking retard?
HOly shit.

Some how yielding in shitcoins and returns on equities isn't JUDAISM, IT IS ONLY WHEN it affecting ME IT IS JUDAISM. MY HYSA ISN"T JUDAISM, OONLY STUDENT LOANS IS.

>> No.56468808

Because you're an NPC that went to college because you were told to, you studied a major because it was easy or you found it "interesting". If you realized sooner that college is a communist indoctrination center developed to grift midwits, you wouldn't have gone or you would've already paid off your loans because you learned a real skill.

>> No.56468821


>> No.56468844
File: 482 KB, 1024x403, Snickers-broken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound hungry.

>> No.56468875

They made a bad investment then. Who would invest in an 18 year old that heavily. You have no idea how their life will turn out. They could end up dead or sick and unable to make a lot of money. The economy could shit itself. They could be irresponsible themselves. It's the bank's bad investment and they get bailed out for making it. No one bails me out when i make bad investments.

>> No.56468894

Stop your thirdie rage for just a second to realize that Americans are brainwashed into pursuing a degree, ANY degree, since the day they enter kindergarten. They are led to to believe they will find a high paying job even with useless degrees like gender studies, african american studies etc. This assertion is never challenged and only further entrenched by their peers and teachers in universities and their online hugboxes. It isn't until they graduate with a 100k loan and a lifelong prescription to Zoloft that they realize they might be royally fucked.

They might seem spoiled to you, but in no world is it just to groom kids their whole life into taking a huge loan when they are 18 and then charging them exorbitant interest rates on it. It's got Judaism written all over it and would only fly in that Shabbos goy country.

>> No.56468912

>muh teenager
it doesn't matter if they were 20 or 25. Maybe 30 it might make a difference in maturity

>> No.56468931

Why do some people seem to think that old bankers are entitled to just scam the young with impunity, and that it's as simple as simply declaring it's all their fault and that they deserve it if they "fall" for it and the world can just keep right on turning? Newflash, retard: If people of average intelligence who listen to their elders (see also: Most people) cannot make their way through life without getting scammed into indentured servitude by the institutions around them, then your society is in a death-spiral and nobody but a handful of schemers and their pet golems (that's you) is going to miss it when it's gone. This is simply not a sustainable status quo. You think you're having a discussion about who's in the right. You're not. This is a discussion about civilizational survival, and your contribution to it is, "Fuckem, I got mine, just keep letting shekelstein drive us all off a cliff."

>> No.56468952
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And with maturity, out blows the dream of humanity.

>> No.56468995

>> Who would invest in an 18 year old that heavily.
BRUh what?
An 18 year old should be investing himself like his fucking future depended on it. (LITERALLY). He is not some fucking fawn that just got birthed in the savannah a minute ago. Aparrantly investing in 18 years olds as a demographic is as risky as shitcoins. THis says more about of our shit society than anything. WTF is this shit. if you can't rely on the youth to be ambitious who the fucks is going to do anything, the fucking geriatrics?

You are basically against choice at this point, and for free access to capital. IMAGINE if you HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL 30 to get educated, your potential is SO severly capped it is fucking insane.
>> groom kids their whole life into taking a huge loan
you are just infantilizing people at this point.

No wonder you fagg0ts get mogged by jeets of all people. Imagine getting murked ecnomically by someone is willing to take the RISK and make something out of themselves despite leaving their family and being mocked by everyone in shitter. EVERY fucking dominican fucker delivering food on his ebike in manhattan is braver and have more test than you.
RISK AND OPPORTUNITY ARE THE TWO SIDES OF THE SAME COin. WHat you are advocating is for mediocrity. YOU just don't know it.
/biz/ being unironically being/pol/ is fucking sad. When you blame all of your failing on the system, you cripple your self into making no action.

>> No.56469031

>continues to seethe like the thirdie he is instead of trying to understand the point
Good luck on that ebike bro.

>> No.56469034

>They are led to to believe they will find a high paying job even with useless degrees like gender studies, african american studies etc.
And in your specific examples, they're right. The afro-gender-studies majors now clear six figures running HR departments and deciding which people who signed up for all the other majors get to eat. Is this all fine and dandy, because everyone involved signed all the contracts that said they agree to it?

>> No.56469055

Normies are destined to be slaves, have always been and always will be. Economics is PvP, learning how to minimize jewish tricks from fucking you over is the only way to combat this short of total kike death.

>> No.56469061

Satan can not exist in this realm long before he must return.

>> No.56469065

I am not a thirdie you monkey. I WENT TO SCHOOL HERE.
if you didn't reliaze that old people weren't full of shit by the age of 15. you are a lost cause.
Making mistakes is fine, but to blame your entire life's situation on high school brainwashing is peak cope.
I guess mids be middling. Where is your fucking edge? The Uniqueness you bring to the table? Are you fucking automaton?

>> No.56469072

Most people with loans didn't have Google or youtube gurus when they took out the loans anon

>> No.56469074

that's only 7k a year for 30y, for someone expecting to make 100k+ a year

>> No.56469083

You don't have to, throw everything into a pond bag and forget about it for the next 7 years, move to a different country, change your number, delete your social media and disappear, that's it, in 2 or 3 cycles sell everything and you're set for life

>> No.56469086

They're pieces of shit. Old style justice. We used to fuck up people for behavior like that. It's Jewish behavior as well. If you lend money like that, prey on people, show such cold emotions, and even take joy in it, why are they surprised when someone kills them. No one cares when people like that die. Also, who chooses to make money like that. It's such a piece of shit way to make money and outs you as a piece of shit. That's why people in the West dislike those in banking and law. It's such a piece of shit profession. We respect professions like craftsmen.

>> No.56469097

You bring no points to the table, all of this thread is peak cope. Winner eat losers for lunch.

be repsonsible for your life and understand risk, atleast you will have some control of your life. Instead of whining about the system.

Please keep dismissing by points as Rage, when you have none. Your favorite estreamer daddy is going to soothe you.

>> No.56469098

>18-20yos are teenager
lmao zoomers are never ever going to grow the fuck up
slave mentality to the bitter end

>> No.56469112

>chart bottoms out at 70%

>> No.56469127

Millennials were a generation of optimistic, hard-working people, who got dealt one bad hand after another until they finally gave up on the dream. Higher education was supposed to be route direct route to advancement, like a guild system. Until it turned gigantic scam. Zoomers learned to not even try and are very much wiser despite being less educated.

I paid off my loans instead of buying Bitcoin in 2017. I could have been set for life, but I did the responsible thing. No, you should not pay them a dime.

>> No.56469130

I don't think I will

>> No.56469133

How about just paying that garbage?

>> No.56469136
File: 115 KB, 618x725, gettingcallednazi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am genocidally antisemitic and even I think you're retarded.

>> No.56469141

They are, even if they grow into 30 y/o

>> No.56469143

You're a fucking jew aren't you

>> No.56469181

Actually true. The company I work at almost flew out some American woman for $6k speaker fees to preach to our employees how they are all racist and sexist. I managed to block it but what the fuck were they thinking. Luckily most of the roasties who okayed this madness are now gone. Upper management is feeling the heat now interest rates are so high and cut a big part of the useless eaters.

>am not a thirdie you monkey. I WENT TO SCHOOL HERE.
Going to school in a first world country does not mean you magically stop being a thirdy. Look at the rage you are displaying here for no apparent reason.
>Making mistakes is fine, but to blame your entire life's situation on high school brainwashing is peak cope.
You are blaming all hardship in life on the geographical place of your birth, which is also cope. If you're smart enough it literally doesn't matter in the end, as is evident by all the poojeets in CEO roles at big tech firms.
>I guess mids be middling. Where is your fucking edge? The Uniqueness you bring to the table? Are you fucking automaton?
Even as a callous 4channel.org poster, I still feel for my fellow human beings when I see them getting shafted by literal Jewish practices. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth, which ironically makes me the human and you the automaton. It seems empathy remains the white man's burden still.

>> No.56469262

who said anything about scam? They were told the numbers, they signed on the dotted line. Interest equations are public knowledge. Are you telling me these kids were too dumb for algebra 2, but thought they were smart enough to gamble tens of thousands of dollars on *potential* future job prospects? I get schools propagandize kids into thinking it's either college or living in a trailer park but kinda sounds like a skill issue desu

>> No.56469313

>muh young
>muh teens
Those people used to marry and kill by age 16 a 100 years ago
Biology didn’t change, did it?
They are responsible
No I don’t like usuary
But people who allow Jews to cuck them don’t get my sympathy
It’s like hating simps and thots

>> No.56469336

>> You are blaming all hardship in life on the geographical place of your birth, which is also cope.

It ain't cope if you don't have the opportunity to fully actualize your potential.
People always OVERVALUE thier own talent, but never understand the structure and institutions required to support and AMPLIFY that said talent. Also the the complete ecosystem that is required for this force multiplier. Only retard narcisits would overvalue talent to such degree.

you put elon musk in uganda, he ain't doing shit, even if his dad was a warlord. He will be a run of the mill autist.

>> I still feel for my fellow human beings when I see them getting shafted by literal Jewish practices.
you are misguided and are enabling shitty sheep behavoiur for your fellow whites, who ARE UNABLE TO make a CHOICE WHEN IT IS SO FUCKING TRANSPARENT.
your mistake is that you have put a group of people soley responsible for the demise of your group, which is prettry retarded, when whites themselves have used the credit system to amass untold wealth with terrifying speed and precision.

What we need is more honesty towards the risks of life itself. Whites are duped into thinking, doing the bare minimum is enough for the BEST Lives they see on tiktok on youtube.
In capitilistic system understanding risk and time is the only way you make it.

>> No.56469483

>you are misguided and are enabling shitty sheep behavoiur for your fellow whites, who ARE UNABLE TO make a CHOICE WHEN IT IS SO FUCKING TRANSPARENT.
Teenagers are being loansharked by banks, which is fully sanctioned and supported by their own government while the educational institutes that should be educating them are profiteering instead. It's hilarious that you would blame someone calling out this corruption a misguided enabler. High interest student loans in combination with ever rising tuition fees in a society that markets higher education as the end to all life's problems are simply evil. No ifs or butts about it.

>b-but they could've chosen a better major!
Literally doesn't matter. Getting a well paying job after finishing university in the USA makes it easier to pay back the predatory loan, it does not make the loan savoury. Further up in this thread you mentioned that 18 year olds should be invested in, because they have all the potential in the world. You have to understand one thing very clearly: investing in the youth entails creating a system where young people can easily pursue education (both in academica and the trades) no matter their social background. It does NOT entail exposing your future workforce and backbone of your society to usurious parasites in order for them to have a chance at higher education without being born rich.

>> No.56469520

cuckservatives aren't against globalism

>> No.56469527

Interesting arguments about who's right. Whoops! Down goes your society anyway, because an unsustainable house of economic cards run to maximize returns for a syndicate of userers, as it turns out, is still a house of cards no matter how self-righteous you feel about this or that. Thank you for playing!

>> No.56469560

Interest is the price you pay for having x amount of money today vs having it in the future. When the interest is set by the free market, everyone can lend (unregulated), with real money (gold, bitcoin) without any fiat kikery (fractional reserve and what not), and every loan is collaterized and doesn't depend on the legal system to incarcerate or shot people to get the money back THEN the economy works for everyone and not only for selected members of the tribe.

TLDR: interest is something necessary for the economy to function. The current state of the lending game is corrupted beyond believe through state intervention to favor the chosen ones. Read Bastiat if you want to educate yourself more

>> No.56469683
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because you're not a nigger?

>> No.56469695

you sound like that archetype of satan where he gives demonic contracts to innocent people

>> No.56469860

Jews are cool now chud. Get used to it.

>> No.56469900

If there were only select schools you could go to and get your degree and few majors that made money I would agree.
But your argument falls apart, with the existence of
1. community colleges.
2. Online colleges.
Going out of state is retarded as shit.
Even going to a state school is prefered.

>>Teenagers are being loansharked by banks,
Nope they literally get their loans throught the fed portal. With resonable interests and NO INTEREST ACCRUDED WHILE IN COLLEGE + 6 months.


>> High interest student loans in combination with ever rising tuition fees in a society that markets higher education as the end to all life's problems are simply evil.
These only happen after they exhausted all other reasonalbe options, such as pell grants, scholarships and fed loans . Again as a reminder THESE LOANS only accrue interest after the degree is done.
The only thing going for you is that these loans can't be dismissed.
I am calling you misguided, beause you don't have an alternative to credit system. Do you want the government lending for education without interest? In my opnion this will only inflate tuitions even more. Interest is the COST of MONEY, the lifeblood of an economy. Without payment everyone will just hoard money and no one will risk lending out their money with no reward. Everything has a cost, but lending out money shouldn't? that doesn't make any sense.

In a free market, the poor person has to make the hard choice of going to a shittier no brand school and saving money and getting the outsized return of a full college education.

>> No.56469927

>a debt you can't declare bankruptcy for
>evangelical boomers complelty forgetting that god said unpayable debts should be forgiven after 7 years
>ahhhhh why do the youth hate me so

>> No.56469944

evangelical just means you love jews even more than the typical boomer

>> No.56469968

Society going down anyway.
Becuase it refuses to give its due to men, a family. Like it was in the last 6000 years or so.
It refuses this and so as a result men stop caring
There goes the society, just like Ancient Rome, just like sweden

>> No.56470027

elliot is that you?

>> No.56470570

The money lender is to be held morally responsible because he committed the sin of injustice. That is selling something that does not exist aka interest.

>> No.56470596

you are paying him to incur risk

>> No.56470670

>Opportunity cost
Not a real thing. Just because you could have made money elsewhere doesn't me you would have, if anything you should be paying the person who loaned to interest because they are keeping your money safe..

Opportunity cost is a jewish meme. You could have easily lost that money, a potential thing is not a real thing. That's like saying oh I imagined having icecream that means I ate icecream.

Opportunity cost is not a real tangible thing. It is nothing.

>> No.56470710

If the banks are keeping "your" money safe, then why does it keep losing value.

>> No.56470720

Furthermore, recovery of “opportunity cost” or the “time value of money” as something in itself has been explicitly condemned by the Magisterium:

[The following proposition is condemned as erroneous:] Since ready cash is more valuable than that to be paid, and since there is no one who does not consider ready cash of greater worth than future cash, a creditor can demand something beyond the principal from the borrower, and for this reason be excused from usury. – Various Errors on Moral Subjects (II), Pope Innocent XI by decree of the Holy Office, March 4, 1679 (Denzinger

Opportunity costs are not ontologically real assets. When a mutuum lender attempts to sell his “opportunity cost” to a borrower in exchange for interest payments on the loan, the thing that he has attempted to sell does not actually exist. If it actually existed then when the borrower defaults the lender would be able to foreclose and retrieve his property, or the property in which he has purchased a claim. The fact that he cannot do so demonstrates St. Thomas Aquinas’ point that charging interest on a mutuum loan (usury) involves selling what does not exist.

>> No.56470740

Because they keep printing. Also do you think people should get taxed on unrealised gains? What about the opportunity cost for the tax department?

>> No.56470741

Lending is an act of charity where the lender incurs the risk. The lender trusts that the money will be repaid. Selling that incurred risk is an unjust business that exploits value from the poor. Selling incurred risk is usury.

>> No.56470769

Yes. A usurer charges for something that does not exist. It's also like a poor man asking for bread and you give me poison. He is worse off than he was before.

>> No.56470777

I don't know what tax policy is good for what group of people with different outlooks anywhere in the world. Don't know why you would think that is a capability I possess.

>> No.56470797
File: 328 KB, 2048x1243, Fi0IhUiXgAAw_Cz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was pointing out how opportunity cost is not a real thing. Just a cope. So I asked if the tax department should have opportunity cost on unrealised gains?

>> No.56470814

Based and redpilled.

>> No.56470815

It's such an obvious scam that you fell for. They don't want the money back they just want the monthly income it's all fake garbage anyway. I can't help you. You got screwed but you bent over and spread your cheeks because you had no other option, welcome to Amerika.

>> No.56470891


There's no bank lmao. 90-something percent of student loans are originated by the federal government. The money loaned out isn't coming from banks like Chase, it's debt that the US federal government creates and then gives to students. And the Department of Education is literally required by law to give these loans out to students for educational expenses regardless of their creditworthiness, how retarded their degree is and likelihood of it actually ROI'ing, etc. The servicers for federal student loans like MOHELA are just that, they're loan servicers. They collect the payments for the federal government and then give the money to the Treasury, they're just a middleman that the government pays a fee to track the balance of loans given out by the federal government and collect when it comes time to pay them back.

Banks are far, far more discriminating when it comes to handing out their own money and private student loans, which are a pretty small minority of those given out (mainly for people who aren't poor enough to qualify for federally subsidized loans). For example, it's basically illegal for federal student loans to require a cosigner, the law forbids it. But private student loans that don't require a parent or someone else to cosign is basically unheard of, nearly all of them do. Which is the way it should be, because nobody in their right mind underwrite a $100k student loan for Shaquanda at 18 with a 500 credit score to pursue a degree in African American studies so she can graduate and make $35k/year as a barista. But denying her $100k to flush down the toilet would be raycis because she's black, ergo retards in government created the federally backed student loan system.

>> No.56470900

Why do you feel entitled to free money?

>> No.56470908

>>if anything you should be paying the person who loaned to interest because they are keeping your money safe..
I can keep it in a safe, or hire goons to protect me. both of these are less riskier than loaning it out.
What kind of retarded logic is this.
>> Pope Innocent XI by decree of the Holy
The pope can SUCK MUH BALLS, he was a whore to kings who paid him the highest.
ARGUE with logic, instead of appeal to authority.
Le pope nigga dick ridges current trends to get biggest clout possible. MUH POPE.
YOu are right maybe common people should n't get any loans, becuase if they are as retarded as you then education is wasted on them. They should all be MCDICKs workers, atleast they avoided dem loans and work till the day they die.

>>Opportunity cost is a jewish meme.
>>a potential thing is not a real thing.
NIGGA what that is the most anti/biz/ thing i ever heard. We have been invaded by illeterate coomunist retards.
I can plant potatoes or rice in my plot of land.
Assuming if the both of them have the same maturation period, and one is costlier than the other. I am losing money on each cheaper crop I am planting.
Granted both of these crops have different levels of risk and labor associated with them. In THERE comes the RISK.
Depending on the risk tolerance of the farmer, they choose to farm one or the other.
this is cost of opportunity. The differences in rewards tends to stack between the farmer who is reliably able to reduce risk and gain the most for his time and plot of land.
Even merchants in 1500 understood this, the fuck are you talking about.
>> Opportunity cost is not a real tangible thing. It is nothing.
Because you are A fucking tard. A neet who does not have to manage is risk with his responsibility. A person who's life's edges is all smoothed out, you don't have to worry about it becuae it doesn't concern you, this is fine BUT I WISH YOU WOULD STFU about things YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND.

>> No.56470912

And because the Universities know the government will sign off on any loan they know they can hike tuition to obscurity

>> No.56470933

>The money loaned out isn't coming from banks like Chase,
um.. Anon... you do know who the largest shareholder of the NY Fed is, right?

>> No.56470941

>The pope can SUCK MUH BALLS, he was a whore to kings who paid him the highest
Nonsense. It is also logical to appeal to authority considering that God Church was given authority by God...

I'm am going to read the rest of your post because you are unhinged and cannot articulate yourself like an adult. Usury is a grave sin and you are trying to justify wickedness. If you don't want to be charitable then don't give people loans.

>> No.56470944

Because a human, like all life, deserves access to resources. To have shelter. And you forced them into this system.

>> No.56470966

>Depending on the risk tolerance of the farmer, they choose to farm one or the other.
>this is cost of opportunity
The risk is on the risk taker. A person doesn't owe you money because the risk you take. Paying interest on a personal loan is usury. Trying to justify it by (((opportunity cost))) is jewish.

This is /biz/, we hold link and are anti-khazar.

>> No.56470984

>> Lending is an act of charity
No lending is a business. I want a cut of your future profit for supporting you with capital in the beginning.
The rate of return is depended on how risky you are. If you are an established player who returns the principle with interest all the time, you get low rates.

No it is like giving the poor man the money to buy a pickaxe, so that he can pay you back in week the principle with interest.
After a week the worker gets to keep ALL OF HIS PROFIT. I grew my money by a certain percentage.
Now having known the person is able to use my money with prudence and give me a return I am safer to give him money again for less interest, and the worker gets to increase his production IF HE FEEL LIKE HE FOUND AN OPPORTUNITY he can Capitlize on.
the worker has to weigh his risks, the lender also has to weigh his risks and opportunity costs. The lender has the choice of deploying his capital to other less risky ventures in his town, and the worker needs to understand the terms of the loan and his OWN capability.

YOU DON'T BORROW FOR SUBSISTENCE period. BORROWING IS ONLY FOR INCREASE OF output. (productivity) If this doesn't happen, then your act of borrowing was a mistake, and now you should pay the interest regardless.

>> No.56471002

>No lending is a business. I want a cut of your future profit for supporting you with capital in the beginning.
>The rate of return is depended on how risky you are. If you are an established player who returns the principle with interest all the time, you get low rates.
This is nonsense. The risk of business venture has nothing to do with the loaner. You are not entitled to someone's labour.

You the ususrer did no work, you are only owed the principal amount. If you want to put your money to work you invest in companies not personal loans.

>> No.56471030


I will explain it in terms you understand.
If you held etheruem after LINk mooned, you could have made lot more money, Instead you where stuck with fat ass sergey (bad borrower) who wasted on some HR WHORES (bad investment, absolute disrespect to your capital)
Unless you think buying link is a PERSONAL LOAN TO sergey, then go right ahead.

>> A person doesn't owe you money because the risk you take.
If you want MY MONEY, you better pay me back with interest. why are you so retarded?
If you can get it for free, ALL THE POWER TO YOU.
>> I'm am going to read the rest of your post because you are unhinged
Nah you just don't have anything worthwhile to say other than muh bible and le jews.

>> No.56471041

>everything is 0 sum

>> No.56471047

Nonsense. Loans are are act of charity. You are not owes money because of 'privilege'.

And opportunity cost is not a real thing read >>56470720
>Opportunity costs are not ontologically real assets. When a mutuum lender attempts to sell his “opportunity cost” to a borrower in exchange for interest payments on the loan, the thing that he has attempted to sell does not actually exist. If it actually existed then when the borrower defaults the lender would be able to foreclose and retrieve his property, or the property in which he has purchased a claim. The fact that he cannot do so demonstrates St. Thomas Aquinas’ point that charging interest on a mutuum loan (usury) involves selling what does not exist.

>> No.56471062

Why don't you psy me $5k for wasting my time with your wickedness? For my opportunity cost I could be waging and making money but instead I have to educate you in basic logic. For my opportunity cost you owe me..

>> No.56471073

>everything is 0 sum

Ohh i like your types the most.
>> fuck fundamentals. bruh
>> We just print shit out the ass, nothing needs to correlate or reify back to reality.
>> 0 sum bruh, INFINITE VALUE BROS
>> I just white labled this sweat shop slop with some sleek marketing. Look at me creating dat dank value.

>> No.56471090

>I will explain it in terms you understand.
>If you held etheruem after LINk mooned, you could have made lot more money, Instead you where stuck with fat ass sergey (bad borrower) who wasted on some HR WHORES (b
How much link do you own?

>> No.56471097

I am arguing you with on my free time. Which I have because my money is making me money now.
If I didn't go to college, I would be roofing houses and be tired to even type a word on my compooter. I took a loan paid back with interest and got a degree, where I wasn't being paid, now I am being rewarded for taking that risk.

You see how this works??

>> No.56471107

please I want your savings, please be kind to me. I am just a poor boi, please do charity to me. I want money.

>> No.56471113

He who lends at usury sells the same thing twice”. usury is the mirror image of theft. A thief takes something without paying. A usurer sells the same thing twice.

>> No.56471116

Semantics. What you call lending, I recognize as usury. Ever lend someone a screwdriver plus interest?

>> No.56471123

apparently renting something doesn't exist in your world.

>> No.56471126

Rational people would say no to infinite money of course.

>> No.56471137

Renting is not the same as lending money. The house you rent is a real thing, the opportunity cost is not a real thing.

>> No.56471145

but rational people can't make rational choices to not get a loan if it doesn't increase their prodcutivity.


>> No.56471149

It exists, and it's called renting, not lending.

>> No.56471150

Sounds to me you got screwed over by Jewish scams and want others to suffer the same

>> No.56471156

Renting is not = lending...

Your opportunity cost is not a real thing, renting a room is a real thing..

>> No.56471163

The semantics is endless. Call it what you want, renting or lending. I can still recognize interest as usury. Over time usury results in the destruction of civilizations.

>> No.56471186

the goal is to not get screwed by loans, and accomplish your goals. Unfortunately only high iq people understand this.
Ahh yes the jewish man is trying to get to your paltry savings, it is not people's own greed.

you are the one bring it.

>>Over time usury results in the destruction of civilizations.
Need some proof BUDDY, all I see is the contrary, with bad actors being flushed out, while the good ones strengthening the civilization further.
If anything dumb people like you should have your access to credit cut, becuase of poor impulse control.

>> No.56471223

No certain groups import immigrants to keep making more money on insanely high school fees and (((interest))). Have you seen house prices and rent prices? Everything is completely f*cked.

>Furthermore, “Bob owes me principal and interest” is not a thing which actually exists. Charging rent for literally nothing, no thing, is intrinsically unjust.

The way to figure out whether a contract for gain is usurious or not is to look for contract terms which treat a personal guarantee as if it were property. It is morally licit for an owner to profit from the use of his property, or of property against which he has claims. But a borrower’s promise to repay principal which has been consumed is not property. A mere promise of apples is not itself actually apples. And the historical fact that there used to exist some apples which were consumed or money which was spent is not — the historical fact is not — actual apples or money.

If a mere promise to repay in kind actually were property it could be alienated from the borrower and repossessed by the lender, in case the borrower stopped making payments. Charging rent or levying profits from a mere promise to repay – charging “rent” for “property” which does not exist independent of any particular person – is usury. The fact that what is owed under a mutuum cannot be recovered from reality, but must by definition be recovered from a person, demonstrates that it does not exist in the pertinent sense required to justify rents or profits.

>> No.56471227

The proof would be every civilization built on fiat and usury ever. I can tell that you are intelligent and industrious, or else you wouldn't be here. When you communicate snarky or profane, you loose credibility. Just a tip. Our system is plagued by interest (I think that term will avoid semantic confusion). I use it, you use it. The difference is that I can see the evil in it. Maybe with deliberation, you can too. I am no smarter or holier than you, just honest.

>> No.56471235

Bro the world's (((debt))) is like 500 trillion, more is owed than what actually exists.... Do you not see the obvious problem here?

>> No.56471275

LAW AND ORDER, except for every other facet of civilized life of course which must devolve into anarchotyrannical statures

>> No.56471281

>you are the company you keep

My 0 sum comment was on your mention of winners eating losers. In a society of 10 people. Are 5 of them winners, 5 of them losers? Do the 5 losers simply exist on behest of the other 5. In modern economies it would look more like 1 person is the winner. The 9 others are losers. Do the 9 simply exist on behest of the 1?

>> No.56471285

fuck the makes, make them eat the loss. and seize the jews gold to pay for it.

>> No.56471293

abandon satanic fiat and return to gold, just as Allah and his messenger intended

>> No.56471303

God created the earth about 6000-10000 years ago. Since then basically every single civilization has considered being in debt a bad thing, because owing someone something makes you their slave in a certain sense.

In recent times boomers got tricked into thinking debt was a good thing™ and even convinced their children that debt was good....

>> No.56471319

The issue isn't fiat it's money printing. Fiat has advantages over gold, such as easy to transport etc. Gold also has inflation..

Jesus is God. God is the Blessed Holy Trinity.

>> No.56471330

In a proper society all 10 would win.

>> No.56471349

As a Catholic, I respect that Muslims retained non-usurous banking. We may not agree on everything, but I have to give props for that.

>> No.56471356

Ya surprisingly we all are better when everyone is better

>> No.56471371

I didn't loan anything to anyone and if someone wrote the terms of their own fraud contract to be too hard on themselves, that was pretty stupid of them. It wasn't stupid as going against me, but it was still pretty stupid.

>> No.56471453

Anon we will in a nightmare.

>> No.56471493

Yes that is one thing where credit is due.

>> No.56471509

My student loans are locked in at 30k 4% interest. If I apply for the ICR what is the likelihood that theyll overturn that decision and I need to start repaying my loans back?

>> No.56471951

Australia has 0% interest student loans

>> No.56471999


>> No.56472008


>> No.56472704

Best post in thread.
It's true. The culture now is to blame everyone and anyone else for life not being easy and just aspire to doing nothing. Perhaps this creates more opportunity for those able to see through it

>> No.56472847

It's a bad take. You can learn more stuff for free online without taking out loans. The reality is that school is a boomer meme. You are not going to get comfy going to school, simply working a job after high school or doing a trade and investing will make you much more money faster than racking up student loans before you even decide to buy...

>> No.56473009

Sweden also has 0-1 % interest on student loans, plus you dont have to pay tuition