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56467227 No.56467227 [Reply] [Original]

Why bother with tinder roasties when you can just pay whores? Financially speaking this has to be the /biz/ approved way assuming you're not yet ready to build out a family

>> No.56467240

what about STDs?

>> No.56467249


Flip a coin.

>> No.56467255

depends how sloppy you like your seconds to be

>> No.56467264

use condoms and get tested regularly

>> No.56467309

sex with condom is horrible
and you can still get one using a condom

>> No.56467311

You can build a relationship w someone, over time it strengthen, there is real value in the loyalty and trust. With a good partner, you can end up feeling/knowing you will never be alone, there will always be someone there with you that cherish you.

But then again.. let's see what the Tesla robots scheduled to hit the market in 2025-27 can do. maybe a bio-bot is a poor investment for a long time partnership and the attachment you develop backfires and makes you keep her instead of a fresh 3D big tiddy anime gf.

>> No.56467318

>Why bother with tinder roasties when you can just pay whores?
I already do this. Escortmaxxing is the way to go for incels. Both the female and the male get what they want and both parties go home happy. Unfortunately escorts in the US are ugly and expensive but it's better than using your hand sometimes.

>> No.56467328
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>make tinder
>5 likes from fat mothers
>change location to bangkok
>100 likes overnight
why dont european girls like me?

>> No.56467338

Because I don't want to waste thousands of dollars to have sub-par sex with mid whores who don't even want to be there.

Anyone who says paid sex is the same as sex with a date or gf has never had non-paid-for sex.

>> No.56467348

thrill of the hunt

>> No.56467361

you're not supposed to kiss them

>> No.56467384

so instead you pay thousands of dollars and your time to have sub-par sex with Tyrone's leftovers who have nothing better in their lives than fucking your monkey ass.
You're a fool if you think any girl (anybody in this world for that matter) "loves" you and "cares" for you.

>> No.56467403

Its different. If you fucked your ex and now are fucking someone else, are you a stacy leftover?

>> No.56467408

Have you tried darkening your skin and follow the Quran?

>> No.56467415

A steam deck costs like 300 bux used...

>> No.56467467

This is the way, can speak from experience here the risk is minimal. Rich neet here fucked 800 hookers never caught an STD. legit
this is the way for young males. fuck whores and settle down when you *truly* made it. You need power and status to secure a high quality wife, you won't be getting that shit in your 20s.
Maybe you're just repulsive. Normally the whores like the sex and it's usually very good.

>> No.56467486

Ive met dozens of girls on dating apps in the past few years, some great ones too, so fuck you. Ive literally met a few virgins, as well as some SUPER roasties, you get a blend of everything. There's nothing like having a woman extremely into you which a prostitute cant match.

>> No.56467526

Getting tested doesn't prevent stds, it just let you know. Some of the tests are also extremely intrusive and disagreeable.

>> No.56467543

Trust me, nobody is super into you. They just use you to feed their narcissism and inflate their ego and subdue their insecurities, it's self serving. If you have ever been stalked by an ex, you will know that the easiest way to get rid of them is to torch their ego and make them question their self-worth. It has nothing got to do with you as a person

>> No.56467559

Imagine being this demoralized.

>> No.56467592

Yeah people always take things to the extreme. He is right that you shouldn't waste your time seeking validation from dumpster sluts, your goal should be making as much coin as you possibly. However, it is possible to have a good relationship and be loved, but there has to be a *reason* for them to love you, and as a broke, retarded loser in your 20s, there really aren't any reasons, so get to work.

>> No.56467600

Sorry she hurt you, anon.

I'm repulsive and you're delusional.

>> No.56467658

what if you're not an incel, 6'1, average face, fit, well dressed, well off? but you just don't want to settle for average looking chicks and dealing with all their bs?
building relationships is usually my go-to. Since early high school always been in LTRs, but in between I usually just do nofap for a week then visit an AMP. That or I'll pay someone to find me dates off tinder/social media with some good photos I already took. I show them how to find local girls, screen for them, and then I'll take over if it looks worthwhile. Ethically I know it's probably wrong but I do this on the side with a fake name too sometimes. It's just exciting to fuck new chicks sometimes, but I enjoy having a real relationship with someone i care for and share hobbies with as well
yeah in my experience some of these whores are really great at sex and willing to do anything, some even offer suggestions and will mimic porn videos if you want. With most chicks it's usually boring in comparison
yup it's always transactional one way or another. Life is a single player game

>> No.56467668

Empty rebuttal. Cope and seethe poorfag. Keep looking for love, I am sure someone wants to live with you in your trailer

>> No.56467736
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ITT virgins, underage virgins and broke ass niggas
Meanwhile chad is sleeping with your crush

>> No.56467795
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can't control winning the genetic lottery, but I can just not give a fuck and live my best life however i can

>> No.56467834

If you don't want kids currently and don't have a problem wearing a condom, go with escorts 10/10 times if you can afford it. If you don't want kids currently and can afford escorts and you choose not to use escorts, you will almost certainly have a bad time. This is because it means you have enough to afford escorts, you're attractive enough to not need escorts, and you don't want kids currently...This combination is means the worst the female hive mind can throw at you is going to be flung your way.

A woman will lull you into a false sense of security by going along with your stated desire to not have kids, she will see your wealth, she will see your physicality, and she will get to work scheming on how she can have a kid, get a piece of your wealth, and have a monopoly on your physicality. Good luck with that shit. It's always fun when someone is telling you one thing and then actively brainstorming strategies to completely subvert your desires to satisfy their own.

The only time you should date a woman EVER is if you are thinking about having kids within the next 2-3 years or so. Otherwise, you're better off keeping everything casual, using condoms, and using escorts as needed.

>> No.56467976

I unironically have enough money to fuck a 10/10 escort daily for the next year but okay buddy, call me whatever makes you feel better. Also I'm not even looking for "love", just a gf who is successful enough to go through life not needing to sell her holes for a few hundred bucks a pop.

>> No.56468078

>if you don't want kids currently and can afford escorts and you choose not to use escorts, you will almost certainly have a bad time
Hmm how casual would you keep it with girls? I've been seeing one girl for over a year now and I don't even call her my gf, but she comes over my place almost every day to workout, cook dinner and fuck. We don't use condoms. I'm taking TRT which i believe makes me almost infertile without adding in something else called HCG, so I should be good not having kids. Rather not have any kids until I'm set for life and can afford to raise them in a good environment (1-2+ acres of land, paid off home away from society)

>> No.56468130

Roasties are worse than brothel workers

>> No.56468272

you've got it so ass backwards, its almost insulting to explain it to you. a true business man will find ways to save money and boost profits as much as he can. escorts are a financially bad move because you're spending money when you could be getting it for free

dating apps are a reflection of reality, just intensified. so if you aren't getting some action as it is, escorts are fine

>> No.56468276

become wealthy and buy an eastern europe white beauty for a week or so, get her tested toroughly before, go bareback
they want it by the way

>> No.56468431

>I unironically have enough money to fuck a 10/10 escort daily for the next year
>for the next year
Exactly my point, you are a poorfag, unless you assume escorts are charging 2-3k a pop? They aren't. Also, your standards for a gf are incredibly low, but perhaps that suits you. Anyone can get through life without selling their holes. They do it because they are mentally ill and enjoy it, like I mentioned in my previous post. Nobody said to marry a whore, just fuck them.
Yeah if you find a roastie they will usually want to raw dog without knowing you/STD testing you. Definitely more dangerous.
Spoken like a true wagie, this is completely wrong. Time is more valuable than money and if you make $200/hour, 5 hours swiping and messaging on tinder is a thousand dollars lost, not to mention that's just the start of your time commitment. It's actually very distracting, and expensive, would not recommend.

>> No.56468507

This. Fuck condoms.

>> No.56468517

i just hire maids.

>> No.56468518
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I don't like women, I'd rather stick to my vidya all day long, actually, you know what? I'm gonna do just that, Imma speedrun building an empire on Blocklords

>> No.56468658

>He doesn't like women
So you're a fag

>> No.56468667

Based, Slavic women are the best of the bests

>> No.56468737

You should literally kys

>> No.56468745
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You, uh, you should probably rethink your priorities

>> No.56468748

O my lord, Parisienne are really something else.

>> No.56468750

How do they compare to nordic women or meds?

>> No.56468825

woman like that is more expensive and also can break your heart if you dont have money for her confort

>> No.56468835

You have them compete in various unexpected challenges like chess, quizzes, weightlifting, and even tasks like feeding the chickens.
It would be good TV.

>> No.56469279

Imagine being Camille's neighbour in the upscale Parsian neighbouhood apartment you both live in. You have a well paying respectable job, you dress fashionably to impress people and want to make the best impression possible on her. When you see each other come and go, your eyes meet, and her warm smile makes you think you have a chance at something even though you are apprehensive and trying to find the right moment to say something which always seems to elude you.

Then one day you see an out of place character standing in front of her door. He looks like a West African migrant of some sort. His clothes look cheap and tacky, his face and demeanour have an unwlcoming quality to them, and he is empty handed.She opens the door and greets him with that same familiar smile you know. He glances at you before walking in. You wonder who could he be? A handyman? no, he didn't have anything with him. You go inside and lean against your adjoining wall, waiting and listening. First you hear low talking. Her laughs punctuating the murmurs periodically. Then a notable silence. You wait and wait, wondering what is going on. Then you hear it.

>> No.56469292

The rhythmic rocking of her bed accompanied by gasps of air from her. This picks up slowly into a more vigorous assault that you can soon clearly hear from the other side. THe sense of dread that fills you over realizing what is happening made sharper by the fact that you begin to feel your penis trying to break free from your trousers. You oblige it. The soft mellifluous voice you are used to has transformed into grunting primal wails as her partner next door responds in kind- calling her his "salope" and "chienne blanche" which receive enthusiatic cries of "OUI" from her. You don't know how long you remained that trance of listening and stroking your cock until finally he announces he is going to finish and she manages to gasps for him to do it "dans la bouche". After a second of delay, you hear the unmistakeable sound of a long intense male orgasm follwed by an out of breath whisper of "merci" from her. The knowledge that the demure beauty of your dreams has just hungrily swallowed the flood of potent seed from an African thug is too much for your nerves to handle, and the slightest touch of you cock begins to make yourself orgasm unscontrollably, shooting cum further tahn you ever have before. After a few minutes of lying in such a comatose state, you hear the door shut and footsteps leading to the outside elevator.

>> No.56469303

A few days later you are out wandering the streets of Le Montmartre and see a familiar figure in the distance by the outdoor market. It is her this time accompanied by a handsome white man who comports himself in a very upper middle attire. They seem happy and affectionate, holding hands as they browse stall after stall. Occasional pecks on the cheek and whispers in each other ear. When you get closer you begin to listen to them speak. The craft vendor they are buying a wood carving for asks where they are going to put what they are buying. The man says when they find a place together they will put it on their coffee table. The vendor asks how long they have been together and she proudly answers two years. You just sigh in resignation and and accept what it is. Such is life with the sophisticated Parisian woman of today.

>> No.56469660

dude just jerk off

>> No.56470364
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Why bother with women at all?
Even a whore will bore you after a while. I look at this woman and I see maintenance. She's pretty, sure. Gorgeous, even. But she'll know it. And she'll have another 8 years to exploit that,
so no matter what, you're stuck with a valuable asset with a very high volatility and a certain depreciation as soon as you know her well enough to decide to have kids or not.
I wouldn't blame her for it. It's normal for her to be demanding. She's in her prime. She's peaking in absolutely every department that men expect of women.
Unless you're ready to be competing with complete strangers 24 fucking 7 you're going to lose it all at some point.

Just ask yourself what the routine is here.
What does a day with her look like? What does she talk about? Is it worth listening to?
Does she make you laugh or give you a sense of purpose in life?
It's just a fucking skull with skin on it. The odds of this chick being anywhere remotely similar to you, or you being so attractive to her that she'll tolerate the differences are fucking zero.

Use her for a desktop background or fucking jerk off to her but don't be fooled into thinking that a life with a pretty woman is going to make you feel satisfied with yourself waking up in the morning.

This goes for you especially >>56469303
I appreciate the romantic sentiment but if you don't get laid by an escort that's at least an 8/10 so you'll at least know what that feels like you're going to end up killing yourself over some fucking strange(r).
Well written, though. But I write faggot poetry so what the fuck do I know.

>> No.56470396

Haha u sad bro?

Captcha: GAYDVA

>> No.56470461

Fauci invented AIDS for a massive payout.

>> No.56470853

holy shit, i spelled it out for you and you still misunderstood. ok retard, let me break it down to the atomic level for you

>dating apps are a reflection of reality, just intensified. so if you aren't getting some action as it is, escorts are fine
meaning, dating apps only work for attractive guys, they're the ones that actually get matches and get laid almost everytime they open the app. they don't spend hours/days/weeks swiping hoping to get a match, nor do they subscribe to any payment plans for more access. they simple get laid. more than likely they get approached in real life as well and just hit it off with most girls. if you are not him, then yes by all means get an escort.

>> No.56470887

actual female answer

>> No.56470903

get skyn condoms retards, very thin and works

>> No.56470931

>It's just a fucking skull with skin on it. The odds of this chick being anywhere remotely similar to you, or you being so attractive to her that she'll tolerate the differences are fucking zero.
>Use her for a desktop background or fucking jerk off to her but don't be fooled into thinking that a life with a pretty woman is going to make you feel satisfied with yourself waking up in the morning.

Based. The ultimate black pill that nobody can refute.

Nobody of any real depth or substance can be satisfied with the solipsistic and absurd creature known as a woman.

>> No.56470954

There is a very high chance, greater than 50% that a women will outright ruin your life and a 75% chance they will make it miserable

>> No.56470977

I like women and they're fun. 90% of posters in this thread are being cringe

>> No.56470990

Maybe even higher. Some estimates are that 85% of marriages either end in divorce or with at least one party in misery.

The legal system in the west is horseshit, it's meant to force men into accepting the raw deal of marriage instead of simply renting whores to as a substitute good to satiate their biological needs.

Any man of significant wealth who got axed in divorce could've rented a virtually unlimited number of model-quality whores but fell for the Disney love psyop instead.

It's all so fucking cucked.

>> No.56471312
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people never married "for love" (something that is meaningless in this context) until the kikes convinced them to do so a few generations ago, and now look where we are

you can probably get by with convincing yourself that love is real, but if you can convince yourself that it is something which lasts a whole year then you need to be in an asylum

you simply can't accept that your forefathers were retarded simp wimp pussy beta faggots who raised their daughters as literal whores, in accordance with the jewish plan, to make marriageable women scarce and feminist antinatalist women common

then they moved on the next phase, contraception and abortion (approxiately 60 million non-medically-indicated abortions in 20th century America, lmao), giving females the deciding role in reproduction and immediately crashing birth rates to below replacement

the goyim even blithely accepted the utterly novel concept, borne from the limitless imaginations of the most perverse Talmudic occultists, of "female consent," a true masterstroke in the history of cognitive infiltration - it is a category mistake, as the natural kind "human female" is not of a type that can "give consent," the age is wholly immaterial

next they moved on to crashing the reproductive fitness of the population genome (autism up infinity % and rising, pediatric cancer, endocrine diseases, psychiatric diseases, deformities, gastroenterological diseases, "autoimmune" syndromes, rheumatic conditions, allergies, and on and on and on)

after that they took things to the next level and began to make fertile reproductively viable women scarce and you didn't even NOTICE
you still haven't even figured out that hormonal contraception isn't just prophylactic, with long term use, IT EVENTUALLY RENDERS THE WOMAN INFERTILE FOREVER

and all that was before you were even born
now we're at the end-game with the birth rate rapidly heading below 1

tl;dr you were too stupid to survive, thanks for playing

>> No.56471316

i used one thin condom to try it and got a STI, condoms are a scam

>> No.56471327

you act like women on tinder are literally dating multiple random men.

>> No.56471412

Take 22 year olds dinner and then fuck their ass. Feels better than whores and it's cheaper too.

>> No.56471747

I took it to the extreme so men here stop living in hope, which is the equivalent of being a bag holder of a shitcoing going to zero.
If you try to please a woman, she'll always keep on increasing her demands. Also, whatever you offer her (attention, money, status etc.) you'll have to keep increasing the dosage, otherwise she'll start to burn down the whole relationship. ESPECIALLY if some other dude starts offering her that or if she finds a "better deal".
Yes, it is possible to build a family with the right woman. But you gotta approach it from a logical perspective, not from a sentimental one.
If you look back at how we got here as a civilization, you'll see that >>56471312 has a point.

Honestly, it kinda saddens me that biz anons are this much delusional for love, as you fags can be pretty good at detecting how normies are impulsive and act out of their feelings from a financial perspective, but can't approach marriage and relationships the same way.

>> No.56471874

how long do you plan to keep doing it? I think still possible up to 50s but you gotta target girls with daddy issues and likely south america/eastern europe/south east asia, unless you're leo dicaprio, but at that point they're probably whores either way going for your money

>> No.56472022
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Because it's illegal in my country and my targeted place of employment does criminal background checks. But I do plan on taking the sex tourism pill. Although I'm torn on the destination. SEA is the mecca according to experienced coomers, but I'm a firstie who values safety (at least for my first few trips) so I'm looking at Europe instead of developing countries. Plus Europe doesn't have as much flak when traveling there as a single man. I'd consider LatAm too but again the safety thing.

>> No.56472584

I am wealthy, now how the fuck do I do the second part? Assume I’m a NEET with 0 connections.

>> No.56472602

how did you become wealthy in the first place if that was the case

>> No.56472607

did you do it tho or just a fantasy larp

>> No.56472610
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Dating app profile....its the same as having a good resume these days

Bio: FWB $$$

>> No.56472617

We’re on /biz/ take a guess. What other industry can make you 7 figgie while being an antisocial mess

>> No.56472621

I tried that and got banned in 3 days. I did receive more dms than I ever had before though.

>> No.56472624

how are you wealthy lol, how do retards like this even live, i dont believe the story

>> No.56472629

i've had sex with plenty of hookers and never got an STD. at this point im starting to think its a psyop to stop young men from being free and keeping them as slaves that will reproduce more slaves.

kind of a psyop to trick you into "making it count" or something.

>> No.56472639

Contrary to belief the more money and status you have the harder it is to find a wife who want marry then divorce you to take half your shit

>> No.56472647

get a new phone, create a new account with new number or email
also bumble, hinge, POF, Muzz, Meeff, Badoo

>> No.56472649

But that's the best part retard. I've been kissing escorts no problem l. You can't get anything from kissing other than a flu or hsv

>> No.56472862

Onlytoes? Teach me your ways nigga. Basic small basic guide to making it pre and during bullrun pl0x.

>> No.56472949

relationships with random women off dating apps for procreation isnt the ticket.
if u want to build a family, pay the $30k to get a surrogate mother with perfect DNA to be the mother.
its the only way u can be sure you retain full parental rights over the child as 70% of divorces occur due to parental issues.
every HNWI is going the surrogate route now bc women are shadier than ever.
if u want kids that are biologically your own, use a surrogate rather than just "settle for Karen" off tinder and risk losing half of your net worth to her in exchange for seeing your own kid once a month.
>use your head and THINK like a man

>> No.56473041

this is the opposite of what you want (unless you're a jeet)
the reason condom sex feels bad is because most condoms are too tight in width for half of the (white) male population
buy higher sizes online. with properly sized condoms you hardly feel a difference

>> No.56473233
File: 534 KB, 406x720, tinder.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every week a random guy fucks a tinderella raw while a whore do 10x but the whore always use condoms
I fucked 10 tinderellas, 8 without protection, 2 gave me stds years ago so expect much worse results nowadays
its ogre

>> No.56473256

Why bother with whores when you can either transcend sexual feelings and/or fap?

>> No.56473263
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Robowaifus are the future anyway

>> No.56473316 [DELETED] 

You guys unironically need to talk to girls in real life, internet women are not real. I've had multiple tinder dates, and every single time the girl paid half or I paid on the first and she on the second date.

>> No.56473319

How to have sex for money but without condoms? How much do you have to earn?

>> No.56473384

Frugalmaxx for 5 years, you’ll catch 2 crypto waves . Buy in when no one’s paying attention, sell when everyone is. Take like 20% out during the tops and diversify it into risky alts for a lottery ticket.
That’s basically it.

>> No.56473495


>> No.56473533

>never reproduces
>star wars memorabilia auctioned for 1/20th price paid upon death
You do you.

>> No.56473956

I wore a condom and still got an STD from one. I made her suck my dick when I came, and turns out she had oral gonorrhea