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56466885 No.56466885 [Reply] [Original]

Gentlemen, please join me in mega kekking the blood red bags of the GME reddit crowd who still pollute our fine board with their containment thread. Today is day 1,000 from the peak of the MOASS they are still chasing


>> No.56466914

They bought my bags 1000 days ago? Those dumbfucks. This will never be over. Every year their general shrivels a bit but in 2055 they'll still be there, the stupidest posters
>We must be beating the hedgies now!
>Ken Griffin's grandson must be running out of ammo!
>Ryan Cohen didn't sell his entire stake in 2024 that's FUD
>Physical games will come back one day
Kek baggies

>> No.56466974

I genuinely do find their collective delusion quite depressing. Imagine checking the news every second for some news item that will THIS TIME trigger whatever it is they expect will happen. Each paycheck they deposit into their failing stock only fortifies their mental illness even more. Is there a phenomena for people doubling down more and more on their idea the more evidently it is incorrect?

>> No.56466994
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god bless one of the most entertaining meme stock cults i've ever seen! when i see these cultists i imagine they all wear Nikes and are waiting for Hale Bopp to come so they can be delivered their salvation. their retardation knows no bounds. the only runner up may be the dipshits who somehow saw DD in children's books. lmfao fucking skitzos. i hope they never give up. diamondhands until the heat death next week bros, MOASS next week!!!!!!!

>> No.56467011

Almost as bad as BBBYQ - delisted but the plan is trusted more than ever

>> No.56467013

Imagine buying brick and mortar funko pop retailers, almost three years after the pump. Lmao.

>> No.56467063

What is your guys' favorite cope they have?
>the swap contracts
>a swarm of pajeets hired by Ken to keep the GME crowd demoralized
>Reverse repo numbers
>Some gay song that has lyrics about fire and ice being a GME prophecy

Take your pick, my friends

>> No.56467111

At least that was quick. GME holders have spent three years on that shit, you'd think at some point they'd figure out it was all shit?

>> No.56467135

Nice trips. Yes but like I said here
They put more money in and thus reinforce their willpower with each paycheck they waste on it. GME goes down? Good, we buy more. GME goes up 1%? MOASS is starting

>> No.56467272

just post in the thread instead of shitting up the board you you linkesque faggots

>> No.56467444
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Remind me, landlord, how much is rent? Oh right, it's free.

>> No.56467513


>a new 52 week low was set last week
They're here kek. Are the pajeets in the room with us now?

>> No.56467734
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Nice to see the tranny jannies aren't banning me for fucking with you, but for how long? How long before you crack and have your poojannies range ban me again?

>> No.56467775


>GME redditors have a gay obsession with pajeet curry monkeys coated in shit as their final cope.

Post bags

>> No.56467858
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Says the preddit spacing nigger. Surely you know these made here and not preddit, right?

>> No.56467892

Are you this upset that your GME bags made a brand new 52 week low last week? Sad! No clue what you're saying though but ok

>> No.56467957
File: 3 KB, 125x120, 1698112239671449s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite
DRS numbers went down this quarter because hedgies DRSed a ton of shares in the previous quarter and then un-DRSed right before this quarter to make it seem as if retail DRS is losing steam.


>> No.56467970

I thought they considered le hedgies their enemy that are short GME, not longing it? Either way it's all gay cope I'm sure

>> No.56467977
File: 124 KB, 1024x1024, OIG (39).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No clue what you're saying though but ok
Don't try to backpedal now, you streetshitting preddit mod.

>> No.56468074

Lol I genuinely have no clue when you said about them being made here but that's okay! You conveniently ignore the fact you're at new 52 week low just last week hahahaha

Are you the curry nigs in the room with us now, baggie bitch?

>> No.56468103
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You didn't understand which is why you asked your handler how to format your post. You can say "nigger" here, streetshitter.

>> No.56468125

Actually you can't :) Sorry I don't fit your curry fantasies ! GME shills are mad and won't ever address the price

>> No.56468168

Hahahahahaha holy fuck 1000 day baggies

>> No.56468172 [DELETED] 
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You going report me, poonigger?

>> No.56468192

You seem very upset by the fact your gay stock is down 88 percent from the MOASS peak. You have a lot of hate in your heart, I see.

Are you doing okay? Would you like some financial advice? Perhaps you need a balanced portfolio to help manage risk.


>> No.56468223
File: 111 KB, 1024x1005, 1697736331992035m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not angry that you have to reply to everyone of my posts to make rent money while I live in an actual house. Delighted, actually.

>> No.56468311
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>> No.56468316

Oh believe me, I do get paid one kek per post. Thank you for the bumps! Tell me more about this pajeet sneed matrix that you guys seem to be perpetually besieged by. Very intriguing piece of schizo gee-em-ee lore

>> No.56468350
File: 143 KB, 485x486, PepeSuit4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes please honey bunny, let's see how badly big boy Cohen jew is spanking you financially ;)

>> No.56468357
File: 148 KB, 1024x1024, 1697517885759688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you having a meltdown? A few pajeet posts in and you've become fucking incomprehensible. Are you too busy managing multiple threads?

>> No.56468415

Is that an image of reddit investors worshiping their Jewish god ryan (((cohen)))?

>> No.56468540

You are playing dumb all because I pointed out your investment is still gay and hemorrhaging all your funds 1000 days later :) stay mad
Indeed. They are the true pajeets who project their browness onto those who sneed their giga bags

>> No.56469916

easily the funniest group of baggies i've ever seen, i never get tired of their schizo theories, i truly unironically hope they all hold forever

>> No.56471139

Same. God bless them

>> No.56472296

Probably the denial that physical games aren’t dying.

>> No.56472364
File: 1.18 MB, 1658x1282, apu li.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Through the Fire and Flames Theory:
>Song begins with the line: "On a cold winter morning, in the time before the light"
>The sneeze happened on a cold winter morning back in Jan 2021
>"We feel the pain of a lifetime lost in a thousand days"
>1000 days after Jan 29, 2021 is Oct 26, 2023
>Coincidentally the VW squeeze peaked on Oct 28, 2008
>Fall market crash will lead to MOASS just like it did 15 years ago
Through the fire and the flames, we carry on

>> No.56472702

What's DD in children's books?

>> No.56472854

Kek baggies, kek drs maxxis, kek gme cultists.

How's the drs coming along? Locked the float yet?