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56458517 No.56458517 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>work for the government as an environmental regulator.
>for the past year my boss keeps telling me that we're getting more employees in our section to help with the work load
>a month ago my boss tells me and my female counter part that the commissioner wants to fill the new senior role before hiring more people.
>manager basically makes us apply
>I apply because to not apply would be detrimental to my career (management would think I'm happy in my current position).
>desu I am happy with the status quo, and I was hoping to start a small business next spring, due to the low stress/availability I'm granted with my current position.
>My female counterpart has less experience than me in our section, but 2 more years of regulatory experience.
>I have twice as many duties as her, and my experience in the field absolutely dwarfs her
>however when I asked about the position and its new duties, my boss described duties that were a more complex version of what my counterpart was already being trained to do.
>aka it almost seems like they made this role to appease her/give her a 5k raise (she was bitching about having nothing to do)
>I also feel another intended purpose is them showing me the door/you'll never advance in this section (if they dont pick me that is)
>they did something similar to my predecessor , he ended up moving to another department

I dont know what to do anons, if they give the position to the girl, I'll refuse to work for them out of pride. However, due to the nature of what I do at the department, I would never be allowed to work in the private sector (I curate the certification tests, so they would never let me take the test to get certified)

I also really dont want the job, but I would be stupid not to take it. The title alone could land me a better job down the road.

I've been applying for other jobs, but my prospects aren't great and I have to support my wife and I, till she graduates and start making big bucks next spring.

>> No.56458571

>didn't want the job because wanted to keep current job
>if I don't get the new job I'll quit my current job

>> No.56458600

i know.... its a retarded pride thing.

But I'd rather find another job than do my managers bullshit work for another halfish year.

>> No.56458736

Look up mimetic desire. It seems like you only want the promotion because others desire it or believe it to be desirable

>> No.56458745

woah nigga... do u expect me to read all Dat bulllllshitt nigga?!?!?!

>> No.56458771

Since you're not white I'd argue you couldn't read it if you wanted to.

>> No.56458827

Congrats OP you discovered why you shouldn't work hard for people who don't care about you.

Every man who works for a government is a company eventually learns this.

They don't care about you. They don't care about your pride or your feelings. You may consider yourself irreplaceable but they don't care about that either. If you are they will still dump you then use it as an excuse to get less done officially.

You are in control of your own happiness.

>> No.56459149
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You work for the govt. Hard work isn't rewarded there. Just slam it into underdrive and milk it til retirement like all the other midwits working there.

Also, fuck you for being a govt control bloat regulation fag

>> No.56459348

I genuinely appreciate all your comments. My interview is Thursday. I'll be sure to make another thread to let you know how it went.

>> No.56459361

fucken kek