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File: 162 KB, 1024x1024, man losing half of his assets in a divorce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56454089 No.56454089 [Reply] [Original]

I dont want to get divorce raped. prenups arent a sure thing. Still, girls want commitment before they have kids with you. If i meet the right girl im thinking I could just offer to buy her a house. It would be in her name, but there would be no legal marriage to worry about down the road. Its a relatively small commitment compared to losing half of my assets later.

any better ideas?

>> No.56454097

do a financial contract like UBI
$1000-2000/month for xx years

>> No.56454110

You go to a lawyer. You get a prenup. You pay him to write it. You don't "print one online" or "get one from a friend". You pay him a few thousand dollars to write something that holds up in court.

No sunset clause.
No "cheating" clause.

Simple as.

>> No.56454152

Marry woman that has more assets then you and then if you get divorced you get half the stuff instead

>> No.56454272

If that would be possible, rich hollywood people wouldnt get raped in divorce court

>> No.56454313

Long sex robot futures

>> No.56454322

Don’t get divorced in a cucked blue state

>> No.56454324

These threads keep being posted.
>they want commitment
And now you know why 45% of millennial women will die childless thanks for playing.

>> No.56454358


The state ruined marriage. There is no incentive or trust. Now no one wants to partake and there is mutual misery. I'll probably just stay engaged to my fiance for a long time and continue having kids, commitment is in the heart not a state contract.

>> No.56454492

>Omg judge he said he wouldn't marry me if I didn't sign! I was like, totally coerced!
>Don't worry my queen I'll throw it out. I'm actually a male feminist btw and would never treat you like that haha

>> No.56456381


>> No.56456395

Hope you're not in a common law marriage state.

>> No.56457801
File: 122 KB, 1004x1024, 1697420564287048m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you know a man you can trust with your assets? Like your dad? You could just give them to him and then you dont have anything to take but still have access. Obviously you need to set this up years in advance so that it is unrelated to your relationship with your pseudowife. And dont let her pay for anything related to the assets.
>your honor this is my father's house and car, he was just kind enough to let me use them and paid an allowance since I'm a manchild who will blow it all otherwise

>> No.56457821

This or marry a career woman with a high income on her own. But usually if you marry a woman with money she won’t be as hot as a woman without money (all else being equal), the women who are good looking AND hot want a rich gigachad

>> No.56458034

Prenup is a meme, it can be thrown out in court easily
Modern women are a joke so it’s best to avoid marriage and just pumping out a couple bastards

>> No.56458091

If you have assets before you get married a prenup could work to protect them, but any assets you get after you're married probably won't hold up with a prenup. Depends on the state and court though. If you don't have any assets right now then it doesn't matter

>> No.56458093
File: 1.90 MB, 292x292, 1644452389418.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Put all of your assets in a trust before you get married.
Keep your fucking mouth shut, and never tell her about the trust.
If you get divorced, she'll only get half of any assets acquired after the marriage.
No prenup is needed.

>> No.56458204

Don't get married but impregnate her anyway. Also liquidate assets and hide them in XMR as a precaution.

>> No.56459187
File: 1.84 MB, 3000x4500, 1696207314462568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would you guys recommend I do to protect my finances in a divorce when I intend to get married with full intention of being a serial cheater?

>inb4 don't get married
It's gonna happen. Homewreckers are my type.

>> No.56459289

A lot of them never sign a prenup. Deadass. Hollywood types are retarded

>> No.56459306

You should marry a swinger like I did. EZ

>> No.56459340
File: 508 KB, 1756x3001, 354b72d0cc20947d9ba5c70f60485de7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not as fun if the wife is aware or consenting of it.

>> No.56459620

Fair enough

>> No.56459719

Just go to wherever all those wetback border jumpers go to spend their money buying cheap cervesa and dances with girls. I used to live with this girl from Chile who was here illegally (she overstayed her childhood visa -- relax, anon, she was in her twenties while I was shagging her). She used to work there. Work involved this: a latino comes up to a latina, and offers her a dollar to dance for the next song with her. They dance, she collects her dollar, and this repeats over & over. Some guys want to dance with every girl in the room, but there are many who want just one. Nonetheless, the ladies make money... laughably small filthy immigrant laborer money, but hey.

So, I told that girl: "you don't dance for dollars there anymore; now you dance for dollars here at the strip club my ex-girlfriend works at." She made a lot more money at the strip club, but those chintzy little spanish dance clubs are real, and you can find them across America, in any town with a large population of illegal laborers from s.america.

So, you go to one of these clubs with your wad of two hundred single dollar bills, a knife (gun recommended, derringer preferred due to close work), clean (but not too nice) clothes, the right attitude, and basic Spanish comprehension.

Some might laugh or wonder why the gringo is here, and some of those day laborers may try to sucker you into a fight outside, and some of those ladies may try to pickpocket you, but stay cool, stay frosty, and maintain awareness without appearing on edge.

You'll find a pretty spanish girl who can dance, or several, likely. Now, just pick one. Remember: she's here illegally, doesn't speak English, is afraid of police, and has no effective family here, and her friends are all losers anyway, so nobody will notice that she's missing.

After inviting her outside for a smoke and some better beer than they're serving inside, she really can't say much once you've got her in the back of your soundproof van. :)

>> No.56460289
File: 33 KB, 480x360, 333d13f40b841e335a430601d1632f38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it gay if i married my best bro to get us both a xora card bros? am i also going to be divorce-raped?

>> No.56460382

I looked into that, good call. Thanks anon.

>> No.56460512

>full intention of being a serial cheater
I recommend suicide.