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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56456471 No.56456471 [Reply] [Original]

which gards are the best and msot truster? i have binance card and its awesome, but it will cease operations on end of december soooo? what are the options? crypto.com? i dont like crypto com its a bit gay, hows bybit? any good?

>> No.56456496
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>i dont like crypto com
not all of us can make it, they expect some of us in the wreckage

>> No.56456715


>> No.56456732

I'm in the same boat and did some research in the past couple of days.
Crypto.com requires you to convert crypto to fiat to fund it, it's not like Binance where you just deposit crypto and transfer to card and then you can easily withdraw it and do whatever you want with crypto.

On the website they state top up fee is 1% but it's not shown anywhere when you try to convert so it seems like it's free, BUT what they do is give you an extra jewish fiat conversion rate that's over 3% over the actual exchange rate so that's a turn off.

>> No.56456750

Crypto.com is easily the best one. You're a dumb nigger tho so don't buy it.

>> No.56456785

how it is the best lmao, its a fucking failed exchange. all crypto com arenas have been purged in eu

>> No.56456807

i still have the coinbase card but stopped using it since its no longer 4% rewards, my regular CC gives 3% back every other month

>> No.56456846

what if i dont care about any rewards i just want a debit card cuz its conveniant to cash out crypto to fiat with it, btw is bybit card any good? any other lesser known websites?

>> No.56456897

then get the cb card like me fren

>> No.56456926

Do you need a physical card?

>> No.56456941

not necesseseriraly but it has to be a debit card with number and crypto related

>> No.56457020

revolut has crypto but its eu only and you sound like a burger.

>> No.56457031

bro revolut is not crypto lmao, i need one that i can send crypto from my metamask to that card and convert it to EURo or cashout at atms

>> No.56457080
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no. ive spent 10s of thousands through CDC jade card and earned 1000s in profit through rewards and reinvesting CRO cashback into other cryptos. Never, ever paid a top up fee. Just etransfer from your back into your cdc account.

people have been calling them a failure and bankrupt for years. Still isnt true. just off the top of my head: they were the main sponsor of qatar world cup and formula 1, the LA staples center is now crypto.com arena, you also have the greatest fighter on the planet wearing their logo to all his fights.

I'll never understand why you guys ride Changpeng's tiny dick so hard when Binance isn't even available worldwide like Crypto.com. It's destined to overtake Binance in due time.

>> No.56457088

i simply dont fucking like it, their UI and designs are terrible fuck them, also i want my card to function exactly like binance debit card did

>> No.56457114

Look up Holyheld on Twitter.
It's a lesser known provider but I was pleasantly surprised by a different approach. Didn't have a chance to use it a lot just yet but I tried a couple transactions and it all went fine.
Great minimal UX desktop and mobile versions, unlike that CDC bloatware which is mobile only.
It uses actual wallets like Metamask/Ledger/whatever and it allows you to top up even random shitcoins on L2 chains using DEXes (like Uniswap, Sushiswap etc.) all seamlessly from their app.

I asked about physical card because they're starting to ship those next month I think so it's not available right away.

>> No.56457115

They're all trash.
Fidelity's card gives 2% back on literally any purchase that isn't a withdrawal.
Coinbase is 1% at most. Venmo is 2%>
>what if i dont care about any rewards i just want a debit card cuz its conveniant to cash out crypto to fiat with it,
Your fiat is your crypto is your fiat. Think of it all as the same pool. 3% to anywhere is 3% to you. Don't use crypto because it's cool. Use it to profit. You'll end up falling for memes and grifters if you boil this down to a hobby.

>> No.56457118
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You can lead a horse to water but can't make it drink

>> No.56457148

>i simply dont like free money

forgot i was on /biz/ my bad. yeah dont bother with cdc.

>> No.56457164

Oh and I forgot, again, the downside is that you need to top it up the same way like CDC (and others I guess?). Basically you sell crypto for fiat and only then it's funded.

I haven't found another card like Binance that doesn't require this, but I guess this provider is less annoying overall compared to others (UI and all the other crap)

>> No.56457200

i use debit cards to cash out my profits

>> No.56457209

yeah this holyheld stuff could be baka, bookmarked it. anybody have bybit card? they have one and seem to be one of the bigger exchanges

>> No.56457228

>i need one that i can send crypto from my metamask to that card and convert it to EURo or cashout at atms
you can do that with revolut, it only supports some cryptos for sending to revolut itself im not sure which

>> No.56457288

no you fucking cant, how do you send eth to revolut?

>> No.56457335

CDC literally lets you hold only crypto and pay with spending power. Just pay off the tab.

I'm telling ya man it's been wild seeing people on /biz/ explain to you that they hate free gains because "the ui is gay" while posting matt damon memes.

>> No.56457609

I think bitcoin ATM's are your best option if you want a straight fiat offramp, they are everywhere in America and there's a few in Tokyo and probably a lot in South America and places like that.

>> No.56457974

gnosis pay