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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 659 KB, 850x752, 1698112105412793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56447676 No.56447676 [Reply] [Original]

How are you coping with the fact that crypto will be regulated out of existence by an increasingly overbearing government?

>> No.56447702

You can't use Monero to transact because... you just can't okay!

>> No.56447732

Who does she represent? What is her constituency? Mommies against Bitcoin? I don't get it

>> No.56447747


This is bullish

>The government wants to kill something that can't be killed

They tried to ban alcohol once and now everyone is a drunk, banning crypto will just make it go stronger than it ever would for a few years, until it returns to normalcy

>> No.56447755

What if I told you this is all a facade? All a farce?
I, for one, don’t give two shits about Pocahontas or her anti crypto army.

>> No.56447763

I don't care about a puppet's fundraising slogan.

>> No.56447773

You can't regulate when your government rapidly loses legitimacy. She is just another lunatic commie who wants to hold everybody's finances hostage in her central bank MMT shitshow while masquerading as a reformer. She is a powerless old bat.

>> No.56447780

She represents old white liberals in Massachusetts. Boomers need to fucking die.

>> No.56447787

She is native you bigot

>> No.56447908
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/biz/ btfo

>> No.56447907
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>> No.56449073

sounds like you're the one coping anon

>> No.56449456

Boomers are brain dead white niggers. Where's Isaac Chroner when you need him?

>> No.56449487

I hate her so much if you're from mass fuck you

>> No.56449532
File: 109 KB, 847x1024, 1698026344744282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder that SAM BANKMAN FRIED and his mother BARBARA FRIED were some of Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren's biggest backers.

>> No.56449565
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Stop the cap nigga. Pocahontas ain't doing shit. The Bitcoin Army is too strong

>> No.56450067

findom with extra steps

>> No.56450105

>Who does she represent? What is her constituency?
I’ll give you some hints. They wear tiny little hats, and almost always have big ugly hook noses.

>> No.56450117

Gosh I hope she succeeds. I hate coiners so much bros...

>> No.56450162

Now is a great time to buy shade.cash at https://spooky.fi

they fact they are trying to stop anon relays show they are worth something

>> No.56450167
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when you let a defecating pedofile piece of shit steal the elections shit happens

>> No.56450194

keked hard at this

>> No.56450199

Genuinely though, what is the rationale behind this? "We cant let people be free" used to be a vote loser. What the fuck?

>> No.56450203

it wasn't him. youre pretending like he doesn't have handlers, like the ones Trump was begging for 4 years

>> No.56450263
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>like the ones Trump was begging for 4 years
>They are ALL THE SAME!!!1!!1!
Please, explain in detail which Trump policies favored the "handlers", because I can clearly define which Pedo Joe ones are helping his satanic handlers

>> No.56450270
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By joining the Jews and buying Scallop

>> No.56450271

remember that by 2028 the average i.r.s employee will garggle cups of shit and piss and suck you off for .0000001 btc.
there will be no enforcement possible against those holding btc.
btc is literally Gods money. all satan worshippers fiat supporters will have a degrading experience.

>> No.56450357

lmao that fuckign retarded boomer photo angle. Boycot anyone who joins this literal unironic mongoloid.

>> No.56451992

>Trump tells Mnuchin to look into banning BTC

Shut the fuck up retard

>> No.56452149
File: 20 KB, 427x549, 4c85380f-3ed5-45b7-8b28-d907b130dde5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, this is impossible to happen, these regulations will usher in more adoptions. It's glad to see that Projects like SpoolFi is embracing legal compliance, it'll help bring in more institutional players into web3.

>> No.56452200

I don't think people get this. I know people like to say that "other political party is stupid and don't know what they're doing". That is not the case at all these people are smart and know what they're doing. And what they're doing is lining theirs and their allies pockets with money.
I'm not commie but Chomsky pretty much said it best when he said America has one party, the business party, and that party has two factions

>> No.56452228

>Elizabeth Warren
Nothing burger. She's virtue signalling. She never gets anything done.
The bad guys always win, and we will, again and again.
Nature of government.

>> No.56452244

We're the good guys tho

>> No.56452962
File: 38 KB, 1400x1000, Patrick-Stars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao, yeah right.
Please, anon. She's a green party candidate old lady who wants the sun to shine and the cars to fart harmless bubblegum vapor.
Crypto is propped up by right-wing agendas, scam artists and big money grifters. Of course we're the bad guys, lol.
At least be aware of it before you do any morality checks.

>> No.56453064

Liz is a bank shill, the question of who she is representing with her continued lobbying against crypto is a very good question - considering all the big banks and hedgies are firmly moving forward with blockchain infra.

>> No.56453124

You can, and should, but that's not what anyone on this board cares about. They want to see the number go up, and the number only goes up when institutional investors run their pump and dumps, and the more they do that the more call there is to regulate, and eventually it will be regulated into oblivion or a state similar to where it started (only actual crypto usage is Monero or other privacy chains, maybe BTC, and strictly for illegal stuff).
Any other "usage", like Defi, is really just an extension of the institutional pump and dump.

>> No.56453395

Jidf spreading fake news as usual