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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 38 KB, 1000x646, Algo-couv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56441223 No.56441223 [Reply] [Original]

yet it's the best chain according to both BlackRock digital asset research & Amazon AWS. Best tx speed & finalty, never had a double spend, never had a downtime. Literally meant to tokenize eveything from stocks to real estate.

Yet ALGO is sub $0.1, sub 1B market cap.


>> No.56441300

They've lost a lot developers and now they are working on rebranding themselves. No doubt some whales are going to pump this to high heavens or whatever during the bull

>> No.56441316

> They've lost a lot developers
I don't think so, TravelX, gems & cie are still on there. Maybe scam devs, yes
> No doubt some whales are going to pump this to high heavens or whatever during the bull
I doubt about the high heavens, but indeed a lot of whales are stuck behind this coin, and now that it's 80% distributed, pumping is possible

>> No.56441935

> best chain according to both BlackRock digital asset research & Amazon AWS. Best tx speed & finalty, never had a double spend, never had a downtime. Literally meant to tokenize eveything from stocks to real estate
>what’s up
The problem, anon, is that literally none of that is true. It is factually inferior to Hedera in every metric, especially the metrics that matter

>> No.56442137

As we explain to you baggies again and again, muh tech is all smoke and mirrors and doesn't matter at all when it comes to the price. What matters is that VCs control the vast majority of the supply and they have been shamelessly dumping on retail for 2 years to keep making profits in a bear market. That's why your coin is down 90%+. Nobody gives a fuck about "transaction finality" and TPS lmfao. ETH and L2s are good enough for most use cases.

>> No.56443807

it was never alive

>> No.56443996

bro algorand was a pump and dump

after the vcs pumped it for their accelerated vesting coins, they've been dumping it ever since

nobody gives a fuck about your speed or any of that other bullshit LOL. we're here to make some money and algorand has already been milked dry

>> No.56444864
File: 30 KB, 640x640, 1690694910480413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And kava quite literally fixed cosmos' shit by bringing in liquid tether for the first time since its fucking inception, practically fixes all the problems present in ethereum by trespassing silly gas fees and shitty transaction times and is a fertilized on steroids field for an entire defi garden to grow and yet it's taking it's time to get "there".

... Meanwhile linkies are getting wasted and snorting coke over finally breaching $10 after like a year or so of being the butt of the joke.

The kicker is that these "underwhelming" alts have a better chance at performing ludicrously well later down the line while we all know that link and avax hitting $10 will last for a grand total of a month to three months, tops. if you got the patience, keep holding aptos, buy kava, and buy kaspa. if you don't swing.

>> No.56444872

So is it too late for me to get into the algorand bandwagon?

>> No.56444883

>ETH and L2s are good enough for most use cases.
This is the blackpill most altcoiners aren't willing to swallow because it doesn't fit their retarded narrative. It's that simple.

>> No.56444969
File: 21 KB, 379x511, 1691440453588573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brand recognition. There's a reason why BASE netted so many fools despite offering nothing but a pathetically mediocre product, you know? Coinbase was behind it. People know Avalanche because two years ago it was en route to $300, Chainlink was supposed to make it to $100 etc. These were the poster children for altcoins.

>> No.56445004

Every single blockchain says the exact same thing while there are only a handful of them that actually do have mainstream adoption (ETH, BSC, SOL, etc).
The rest are all vaporware scams

>> No.56445005
File: 10 KB, 225x225, 1691236519387725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If transaction speed translated to volume then LTC would be $1k a coin.

>> No.56445013

I will never understand all the kaspa hype. Never seen a single important dapp that's actually worth using, so I'm not touching this stuff with a 10ft pole

>> No.56445021
File: 317 KB, 512x512, 1691158865465203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know both are going back to ath next year
oh no no no fuddies fuddies fuddies... when will you learn...

>> No.56445032

this. in reality no one can beat ETH's smart contracts no matter how hard they try

>> No.56445045

This is the same shit killing off Avax and ICP and people ALWAYs seem to leave it out of their shitty gay "WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME" arguments, for sooooome reasooooon....

>> No.56445054
File: 70 KB, 1169x1235, 1691249198438944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do most l2's completely suck dick and get no feedback then?

>> No.56445065
File: 168 KB, 2047x1233, 1679433165203381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like all the ALGO memes although nothing beats monero chan

>> No.56445073

It's time to let it go anon

>> No.56445085

applies to most other so-called altchains