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56433196 No.56433196 [Reply] [Original]

Was Marx right?

>> No.56433218

I wouldn't say that.

It's just that the system has been tweaked to massively favour the already rich. The top 1% and 0.1% get ever richer, while the rest gets poorer.

This is not meant to be like this with capitalism. Everything is meant to become cheaper, but we have a leak in the boat so to speak.

>> No.56433230

>Was Marx right?

Good question, let's ask some of the Venezuelans flooding the border

>> No.56433232

Wow that pic has it all
>fat goblina
>shitty car

>> No.56433240

Folks. Things are better than ever.

>> No.56433245

Unironically yes.

I believe this system only has a few years left before it becomes so intolerable that the normies finally break and overthrow it.

>> No.56433246

The end game of unchecked capitalism is 1 person ends up with everything and everyone else with nothing. Communism and capitalism are both inherently bad for everyone, which is why some sort of hybrid is the optimal system.

>> No.56433257
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In what way?

>> No.56433283

>fat latinx spic
lol don't care
>doesn't qualify for gibs

>> No.56433292

We are in late stage capitalism fellow redditors

>> No.56433307

It's because the goverrnment became obsessed with unemployment, which is something anybody in the former soviety union can tell you was a massive focus of that government.
"There is no unemployment".
If you going out of business is interpreted as unemployment going up, we will print money and manipulate the cost of capital (interest rate) lower to help you.
The government is far too powerful it needs to be prevented from picking winners and losers.

>> No.56433310

No, high house prices are due to artificial restrictions on supply especially in California, and excessive immigration from South America

>> No.56433329

Capitalism is fine when companies are allowed to fail
It's when non-essentials are subsidized that it becomes a cuckfest

>> No.56433368
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> About Capitalism
> "It's NOT Capitalism!"
> The Total Annihilation of Stefan Molyneux
> Comment to "The Total Annihilation of Stefan Molyneux"
> The Decapitation of a Two Headed Beast

>> No.56433404
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> "A World Without Jews by Karl Marx speaks about religious prejudice specifically against Jews"
Meaningless jewish drivel.

>> No.56433849

slave phenotype. it probably has 50 subscriptions

>> No.56433943

that doesn't make sense. capitalism is just arbitrage. if there are opportunities for capital they will be pursued. there will never be a situation where one entity controls all capital. there will absolutely be situations where capital produces excess material as a form of arbitrage, and when that opportunity has been exhausted the material remains as residue. what we call "wealth inequality" is both a symptom of overproduction and an opportunity to productively leverage what is currently waste material, for whoever figures out how to do it

>> No.56433978
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Marx was more or less right in his description, but absolutely poison in terms of prescription. He served the same Jews who have put many of our fellow men in such desperate straits.

>> No.56434027

Stop wasting your time arguing about words, everyone has the definition of capitalism that suits their agenda better, the smart thing is to say that everything is shit and follow extremely simple rules and make those rules clear

>> No.56434038

that's retarded

>> No.56434058

Is this shopped or is the NYT really THAT on the (((nose))) these days?

>> No.56434096

"This is why the med-nord alliance is so important and so powerful"

>> No.56434098

And astrology.

>> No.56434114
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“the breaking of the interest slavery of productive work in all professional fields will grant it the primary position due to it. Money will once again be returned to its sole appropriate role of being a servant in the enormous enterprise of our national economy. It will become once again what it is, an indication of performed work and therewith the way will be paved to a higher goal, the rejection of the frenzied financial greed of our age.”

― Gottfried Feder

>> No.56434122

Keep wasting your time then, you've been warned

>> No.56434379

what does the average right wing link investor think about this? should this situation be improved and if so, how? without increasing government spending of course, because that's evil

>> No.56434452

I'm tired of this lie. High asset values are self-perpetuating in a system where you can leverage property. Prices won't go down because they can't go down or everything else collapses, no matter how much you build.

>> No.56434498

kek, good eye anon.

>> No.56434506

No it wouldn't lol, the supply of housing required to bring about a meaningful price reduction is just larger than most think.

>> No.56434521

>with a shitbull
A car is too much for xir.

>> No.56434524

Those weren't Marx's ideas


>> No.56434550

>Things would be better if all power was government instead of corporate

Different side of the same Jewish coin

>> No.56434557

You: Optimism
Me: History
The only thing that brings about meaningful price reduction is a contraction of the economy.

>> No.56434562

so wait, is it legal to rent a parking lot out to homeless people?

>> No.56434621

the weak should fear the strong

>> No.56434641

Kek, no it isn't. Why do you think the goblina in OP's pic has a bunch of useless junk like a shitbull and an iphone?

>> No.56435162

That does make alot of sense, but you need capital and enough room to maneuver to in order to innovate. Entrenched interests will hold on to the very last breath to keep from being displaced.
That being the case, the only place to move, to really innovate, is the path of least resistance: people. Once the private individual has been completely innovated out of existence then and only then can the detritus at the top begin to be cleaned up.

>> No.56435179

No. I get banned every time I explain why, because the jannies are all marxist mouthbreathers.

>> No.56435196

This woman lives in the Seattle area and has a state job that pays 72k per year.

>> No.56435220

Why are people wasting their time arguing on a Bangladesh weaving forum?

Either you are under 18 or you are looking for the heckin upvote button ACK!

>> No.56435222

A monarchy with a strong judicial system is perfect

>> No.56435259

Perhaps some type of "national socialism"? This would be the final solution? Sounds compelling!

>> No.56435267

guess he wasn't right

>> No.56435334

Marx was the ultimate midwit, he saw the obvious signs but his solution just created the perfect conditions for the most disgusting slav-chinese hypercapitalism. Atleast he hated both Slavs and Chinese so he kinda won.

>> No.56435363

Nope, she can still hodl bitcoin and make a decent rainy day fund. Also
>wanting to own overpriced shitty cardboard illiquid "assets"

>> No.56435579


He was 100% right. You need an underclass living in poverty to sustain capitalism, and the gap between those people and the elite widens every second

>> No.56436034
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>> No.56436080

No he wasn't. The average person no longer understands capitalism and as a result they allow for the worst elements of it to come out. Because one, they don't understand or adopt their responsibility in this system that is necessary for them to regulate the market by being informed and educated about their purchases, and two because they don't understand how to take advantage of the benefits that it affords them.

90% of people are woefully uneducated about capitalism, and therefore their ignorant criticisms of the system because self-fulfilling prophecies.

They don't understand value in any sense, so they don't purchase the right things and they don't have their priorities in the right place either.

People spend a grand every year on the same phone with a slightly different shape and size. That's a good example of what I'm talking about. People buy shit and then complain that it's shit, that's another example.

>> No.56436451

>Doesn’t understand how trade embargos work.

>> No.56436483

Is the pit bull shopped in or what the fuck is going on? Either that's photoshop or that goblina is huge

>> No.56436604

hehehe yes good goy continue paying higher rent on fewer houses while guatemalans cram 8 on a studio yesss good good goy

>> No.56436631

>I live in my car, better get a dog!
Jesus Christ

>> No.56437344

Marx was a kike surrounded by other kikes who did kikeish things and the kikeish system of communism still has a central kike bank of parasites leeching of the labor of the host nation so no the kike marx was not right. The solution to one jewish problem is not to adopt another jewish problem it is to rid ourselves of the jewish problem once and for all and for real.

>> No.56437360

No, because real capitalism hasn't been tried yet

>> No.56437420
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>> No.56437441
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No he was

>> No.56437608


Did anyone read the article?

>> No.56437691
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>This is not meant to be like this with capitalism. Everything is meant to become cheaper, but we have a leak in the boat so to speak.

This. In an actual free market economy anyone with ambition and an idea can open up shop and get as rich as their skill and determination will allow. We lived in such a system until 1913. Nowdays we live in a centrally planned economy run by the Federal Reserve where all of the old money has blocked out the masses via regulation preventing them from opening businesses for themselves and getting rich. Normal people are only allowed to wage as employees for Amazon or WalMart now.

The gig economy like Lyft or Uber is a good example of this. For a time the average person was able to just hop in their car and start making money by driving people around, but the government didn't like that they weren't getting income tax from giggers, and the taxi cab companies didn't like the competition so now Lyft and Uber are regulated and taxed like a normal 9 to 5 job in most states now. At some point the cycle will repeat and a new gig model will appear and get popular for a few years until the government notices it and destroys that window of freedom as well.

The government is the problem, free markets are the solution, and the government will stop at nothing to make sure that people never realize that.

>> No.56437714

And rent in Seattle is like $2500

>> No.56437737
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Jury is still out on the tendency for the rate of profit to fall, but otherwise yes.
Whether or not you think a dictatorship of the proles or labour theory of value is value is workable is separate to his actual analysis of capitalism.

>> No.56437775

Capitalism and Communism/Socialism share the same fundamental flaw, they are materialist ideologies.

>> No.56439227

Wealth inequality is exploitation driven by threats of violence, what are you talking about?

>> No.56439233

MMT is Marxism.
So you tell me, was he right?

>> No.56439260

This would be true if Uber et al. had paid drivers the majority of the fare minus a nominal fee for the app, but it was the opposite. This kind of thing shouldn't be an app, anyway, it should be a protocol with client and payment processors that you can plug in. I don't shed a tear for the app companies because they got their pound of flesh.