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56432093 No.56432093 [Reply] [Original]

>$33.6 trillion national debt
>$2 trillion of that came from the last 4 months
>"it's fine, don't worry, there is no problem, debt is good!"

Everywhere I go it's like the entire subject has been ignored and censored. No one wants to talk about why perpetual unplayable debt is good and questioning it is like you've committed the worst evil.

What's going on and why?

>> No.56432130

perpetual unpayable debt is good because it keeps everyone working. the debt doesnt have a physical meaning its just an incentive system and can go towards infinity or until people stop working for some reason

>> No.56432211

The system is literally why to crack and freezer, enjoy the bull run before it does, they'll probably blame the chaos to ww3 or cyber pandemic or other bullshit

>> No.56432225

Is literally about to crack and freeze*

>> No.56432264

Look up the yearly US trade deficit. Brrrr is literally required for the economy to function

>> No.56432568

Right but how about the inflation, stagnating wages, and increasing prices? Those are growing and that's not sustainable. No one has an answer to it and it affects everyone.

>> No.56432815

Cool it with the antisemitic remarks

>> No.56432953
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Modern monetary theory has moved into the mainstream and it's basically just Keynesian economics on crack. The ideas are just absurd but liberals eat that shit up. No one cares about fiscal responsibility anymore from the household level all the way up to national level. Just accept that you live in a clown world, say honk honk, laugh at the absurdity and buy Bitcoin.

>> No.56432961

>questioning it
you have as much ability to "question" it as the covid vaccines
because you're a retard
if fed and statistics say we're cool, then we are
trust the science
verification not required

>> No.56433098

If you look at the US income tax, it's significantly lower than in other HDI countries..

Not saying higher taxation is good, neither for the citizens or for long term growth. But if you raised the income tax by 5 percentage points, the US would run a surplus.

>> No.56433714
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>> No.56434753

Indeed. Trump was responsible for the largest money printing operation in US history. Did you expect good fiscal policy from someone who declared bankruptcy like 5 times and ran every business he ever owned into the ground? Dems and Republicans both do the same shit, cuz Republicans are not actually conservative. They're only slightly better cuz they at least they acknowledge it's irresponsible instead of spouting modern monetary theory bullshit.

>> No.56434799

It's become clear that debt is needed to keep the shitshow running to even the common man. Which at this point means you either agree to ruin the future alongside everyone else on behalf of perpetuating society (regardless of the consequences), or you're a threat to society by definition and must be eliminated.
Scary times.

>> No.56434822

Just got back to my comfy innawoods retreat from visiting some family in Seattle. Everyone to preoccupied with the extremely important uphill battle of transgender rights to even understand that the national debt has some kind of connection to their life.

>> No.56434878
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People just want a common goal to persue with friends and there isnt a better one

Just decide what the world needs and go and contribute all you can, choose death over doing anything else if the money doesnt find you. people are wired to slavery, you dont have deserve to have to live amongst them

>> No.56434900

Neat schizo pic, thanks

>> No.56434914

Why is 33.6 trillion any worse than 15 trillion?

>> No.56434932

Electing trump was boomers last fuck you.

>> No.56435001

Exactly. Thank god Joe Biden is making everything better.

>> No.56435055
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No problem, the location of the house of the nets is unknown

Perhaps were in it

>> No.56435072


>> No.56435109

>what's going on?
That sounds like a big number until you realise that GDP is 25 trillion. How panicked would you be if your mortgage was just a little more than 1 year's salary? (answer: not at all)

>> No.56435112

This anon gets it.

>> No.56435889
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>total us gov revenue: $4.5T
>deficit: $2T
5% of 4.5T is 2T?

>> No.56437423

>your mortgage goes up 25% of your salary this year
>no problemo, I earn a lot of money you see
big tard

>> No.56437489

The average joe is just trying to live their life man. What do you expect them to do or say with the information?

>> No.56437519

> Those are growing and that's not sustainable.
so? youre saying people will eventually starve and riot? of course they will it happens all the time. you can get rich via leverage and plan ahead though to avoid this fate since you understand the game

>> No.56437526

It's economics like you've never seen before!

>> No.56437670
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Write their representative on why article 1 section 8 clause 5 has been allowed to be violated for 110 years

Ask why all the extra complexity is needed in creating money from debt instead of minting coinage

Actually understand what fractional reserves are before they make a deposit at a bank

Create lobbies and sign petitions to end the 3rd bank

Demand gold backed or silver backed currency

You know, learn at least 1 or 2 things about what they dedicat 1/3 to 1/2 of their lives to chasing

Its so preposterous this doesnt happen its easier to believe in dark wizard mmind control or bot theories

>> No.56437689

Normies will continue to be priced out until they do something about it and so far they've proven they simply do not care and will accept more hardship

>> No.56437698

The US will declare bankruptcy in our lifetimes. Which basically means culling the military and government gibs all around.

>> No.56437746

Kek-ing at that landspeeder

>> No.56437812

none of it ever mattered

>> No.56437859

A combination of expense cuts and tax raises seems inevitable. But not next year.

And then it is going to be another 30 year bull run.

>> No.56437868
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Toys of the king of upper and lower egypt

>> No.56437877

Also Conservatives (aka neocons).

>> No.56437891

>Right but how about the inflation, stagnating wages, and increasing prices?
these are barely even related.. for a simple demonstration of this, inflation has essentially affected the entire world over the past 2 years, not just in the US. ameribrained people have a really hard time detaching certain realities from their own national politics and fiscal policy because in their mind anything that happens in the world, good or bad, happens because of america. this is why you get the midwit "thanks obama" analysis, liberals blaming covid on trump and conservatives blaming the ukraine war on biden (lol)

>> No.56437919

>2T is 25% of 25T
>GDP increased ~10% YOY 2 consecutive years
catastrophizing the national debt stuff is a midwit trap. the interest payments on the debt don't even make a dent in economic growth and the deficit spending is partially responsible for that economic growth. not everyone needs to have an opinion on stuff like this, if you don't know what you're talking about just worry about your video games and anime or whatever it is you do

>> No.56437928

I think it's silly that you expect the average guy to know about these things, much less do something about them

>> No.56438006
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(Fist page)

With that logic how did the republic even form in the first place- they're better off in chattel slavery

>> No.56438053

They call this populism. Populism is appealing to what people want. Fake populists like Trump exist, but those who called him a populist. It's also funny that the 1% and everyone else is also populist rhetoric, but no one disagrees with that. Actual populist tendencies are bad because doing what the masses want is bad. That's what the control freaks say.

>> No.56438102

Lol now look how much the debt payments will be in 2024 and 2025 at 5%.
Especially when they rerate a lot of debt.
They are forced to reduce interests rate, thus more inflation
Or reach a debt spiral where they issue more debt to pay interest payment of previous debt.
>or reduce spending
lmao even

>> No.56438142
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No different than a reality tv show then

Why i say make ones own job and if the money doesnt find its way just go starve in the woods, because its all fake and not worth spending conscious energy on

>> No.56438396

>$2 trillion of that came from the last 4 months
4 months, thats one third of a year
2 trillion * 3 = 6
yes 6 is roughly 25% of 25 trillion
oh geee the math checks out oh damn
and we didnt even calculate the interest rate on that debt yet, this is just the principal
oh nononono
better ad-hominem up this bitch to make ME look competent even tho I fail at basic math, reading comprehension and cant even check my sources in a directly quoted post

absolute fucking state of posters these days

>> No.56438505

buy now anon. Bear ended start of the year. Recent bottom finished 2 weeks ago. Get in now