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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 114 KB, 706x823, Screenshot_2023_1022_172945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56432390 No.56432390 [Reply] [Original]

Is he gonna rope?

>> No.56432405

To all the retarded Mexican schizo retards on /pol/ who think DuH EliTeS aRe HeCkIn EuGeNiCiStS mang dats why dey be pushin dat vaccine into us here's PROOF the elites are nothing more than retarded niggerlovers that got lucky with stupid children. Check out that roastie's paintings btw it is genuinely comical. 100% inheritance tax soon, heil the mikkagroyper

>> No.56432408

You just know that pot bellied little goon just squealed with glee when he found out his daughter was being "diversified"

>> No.56432414

The other one is married to some sandnigger kek, these people have no control over their retarded children and send their kids to the racial noviops that is the American higher education system.

>> No.56432424

>Is he gonna rope?
That's not how joggers operate. The question is whether he will rope her.

>> No.56432439

he was probably weirded out by bill wanting to watch or something

>> No.56432442

eugenics for thee but not for me

>> No.56432444

>100% inheritance tax soon
And then all the rich people leave the country. Good one idiot.

>> No.56432449

>Bill Gates daughter is a coalburner

>> No.56432457


it says he entrepreneur. What does he sell?

>> No.56432456

Poor reading comprehension spic spotted

100% inheritance tax requires regime change, read Mikka.

>> No.56432466

She looks like such a fucking hot slut, think she fucks autists?

>> No.56432488


>> No.56432489

he knows none of his children are his biologically

>> No.56432494

his BBC I hope (bull)

>> No.56432513

What is eugenic about marrying your room temperature IQ secretary and then you end up with two dumb whore daughters? It seems you don't understand what "good breeding" means

>> No.56432596
File: 40 KB, 580x386, bill gates blacked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bill has 2 daughters , 1 was BLACKED and the other was browned
>pic rel

>> No.56432881

Bill is a sperg weirdo. No way he could raise decent daughters.

>> No.56432929

yep. only gigachad has decent daughters. all weak techmales produce daughters only useful as cumdumps.

t. fucked dozens of techoid daughters despite being mediocre looking. i'd never marry a woman who's dad was a techworker though because it means she never had real male authority growing up. Basically the same as being raised by a single mom.

>> No.56434249

How hard should you spank your daughters growing up? Same as your sons?