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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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5641402 No.5641402 [Reply] [Original]

What exactly is his problem?

>> No.5641433

sweet. fuck eth. ETC going to $500.

>> No.5641471

he is much too mature for this space

just look at the size of his brain

>> No.5641557

Neo to the moon ?

>> No.5641597

>crypto is growing exponentially
This is great!

>people are having fun and making money as well

Fuck this faggot.

>> No.5641627

He's a scientist, an inventor, he's already rich.
Crypto /biz/twitter/reddit are sperglords in their mom's basements waiting their daily pump & dump so they can brag about their new lambo before they have to take it back to the car rental shop.
What could go wrong?

>> No.5641808
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>> No.5641829

Fuck this disgusting faggot and his coin, there's plenty of superior alternatives.

>> No.5641854

He literally fucks southeast asian kids

>> No.5641923

He's not got any better an exit strategy

>> No.5641971

Why does he think there's a "we", and why does he think there's something to accomplish other than growing and using cryptocurrency?

>> No.5641986

Like all rich people he wants YOU to not worry about money and probably donate to some dumb nigger while he takes all the credit for the solidarity concert... --I mean, the solidary tech.

>> No.5642022

Well, it's holding better than eth during this dip.

>> No.5642155

He should just focus on his own life.

>> No.5642187

Ethereum is a shitcoin.

>> No.5642211

Literally this. How much more autistic can you get?

>> No.5642221

Who makes sharting jokes though? I've never seen that here. Is that a leddit thing?

>> No.5642275

Just read his twitter feed. OP's pic is out of context. He spoke about the marketcap growing exponentially but no social objectives were achieved. No real mean of exchange (fast & cheap & decentralized), poor people are still unbanked and out of the system, volatility and speculation is killing projects.
the crypto scene only profited a few early adopters and its management is slowly shifting from the hands of cypherpunks and academics to the ones of corporations/banks/states.
His rant was about twitter retards and their memes. He said he will not leave ETH development, he's just angry at the ambient greed and ignorance

>> No.5642297

I think he's talking about making fun of street shitters shilling coins.

>> No.5642311

He's become a kind of leader of a sect. A lot of people worship him. He's probably told that he is a genius hundreds of times a day. When members of his sect misbehave, he gives them the worst punishment they could possibly receive: his departure from the group.

>> No.5642346

He's to inteligent for us all, just converted all my ETH to BZC.

>> No.5642373

>I WILL leave
Do it, faggot. Simple.

>> No.5642374
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But Vitalik is right. You're being consumed by your own greed. Half of the times you just buy a coin because you see green candles, it has a cool name or one of the devs is a cutie girl. It should be about more than just profits and bitches and cars.

>> No.5642376

Probably a juvenile wordplay between "sharding" and "sharting".

>> No.5642382

>He's to inteligent for us all
He probably reads comments like this hundreds of times a day. That's the problem. The kid is now convinced he's too important for dealing with mundane disagreements.

>> No.5642392
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this is exactly why I don't touch this shitcoin. Big king shitcoin, but a shitcoin all the same. He's too idealistic to be able to direct this project in the right direction. it can't scale and it is bound to fail.

>> No.5642483

Yeah, fuck all the traders and investors who made cryptos relevant in the first place.

>> No.5642487

Ofc. That's why Monero exists.

>> No.5642565



>> No.5642624


>> No.5642924

>one of the devs is a cutie girl.

nice just bought 100k

>> No.5642998

he is a baby

>> No.5643049

He’s already a millionaire, so now he cares about muh values and best world shit. Remember that he’s a commie.

>> No.5643054

Hey buddy, it seems like you made a rational and thoughtful comment on 4chan! Well, mistakes happen, Rome wasn't build in 1 day either! But next time, please shit post.

>> No.5643082

this. it's a lot easier to care about other people once you no longer need to worry about yourself.

>> No.5643159

fuck off racist

>> No.5643251

Vitalik quitting would probably be the most healthy thing that could happen to ETH. It might tank the price short term, but it's extremely dangerous for ETH that this commie nutcase has such disproportionate control/influence on the project.

In other words, DO IT FAGGOT.

>> No.5643728
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