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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56426645 No.56426645 [Reply] [Original]

What would you do with that money?

>> No.56426655

hes speedrunning bankruptcy

>> No.56426660

Retire in Maine

>> No.56426665

Post on /biz/.

Move next to this guy and steal his internet.

>> No.56426672

fake and gay

>> No.56426673

Start a factory in some third world shithole making computers or something

>> No.56426676
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>only subhuman retards who spend all their money on fucking houses without thinking of the taxes win the lottery
I would hunt down my favorite vtubers and make them my concubines.

>> No.56426681

Start going to Chipotle again

>> No.56426682

Not buy 3 mansions or go full regard.

>> No.56426683

Live in this guy's factory and steal the GPUs and electricity to mine bitcoin.

>> No.56426705

nigga needs to release a rap album 1st

>> No.56426722

Apparently pay sales tax because he looked up shitty old real estate advice.
Either that or he’s been informed about the repeal..

>> No.56426742

Never understood this. Maybe two houses max, in different fucking states at least, but he’s not going to make it five years

>> No.56426767

Someone said diverse folio.
He somehow heard 10% of his net worth into massively depreciable assets was the move.

Maybe he’s claiming losses to recover some of the billion the gov took? If he was to declare that portion of tax, but defer payment and then find a whole shit load of expenses and losses he may be able to reduce his burden..?
I’m spitballing as a foreign non-accountant. But no one is that fucking dumb right?

>> No.56426794

Btc now mined by ASIC NOT BY GPU

>> No.56426809

Poor people will always be poor. His family will be back to normal in one or two generations.

>> No.56426817

I'll buy half of West Virginia.

>> No.56426825

build a modest non-niggered house on 100 aces somewhere comfy like Maine or the UP. put the rest into dividends and never wage again

>> No.56426849

Start a family office with a badass name. Buy and sell financial assets, inevitably losing money because I'd have no idea what I'm doing. When, by pure luck, one of my trades worked, I'd publicize it and look brilliant.

>> No.56426855

The mansion appreciates in value, dumbass.

>> No.56426878
File: 3.40 MB, 1658x1658, Muscular-Jesus-Christ-boxing-against-jews-(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Win $2 billions
>Throw my weight around in the media, exposing the jew and its machinations.
>Never stop doing it with hard evidence.
>Make documentaries and publish books detailing how they're systematically ruining white countries for their own agenda.
>Don't give a fuck about being sued and having to pay fines.
>I have $2 billions, who gives a fuck?
>Leverage my status as white prophet to get a political career.
>Become household name.
>Most obvious candidate for next elections.
>Become Hitler 2.0.
>Save the world, this time.

>> No.56426906

Couldn't you just do a 50/50 split into S&P500 and real estate (rentals). Your family and future descendents would never have to work a single day for the rest of their lives.

>> No.56426929

There is no math that makes a tax offset in this method valuable. And the $2B isn’t even real, especially if he took the cash option. He probably netted $700M which is not a trivial amount but he’s already sunk 1/7 of that into fucking real estate and hasn’t even though about how illiquid these purchases are, how much they’re going to get taxed, insurance and just day to day upkeep. If he has a financial adviser they’re grossly negligent or criminal, and if he doesn’t and is yolo-ing himself, he’s gonna ruin himself. It just proves old adage that a fool and his money are soon parted; doesn’t matter how much that fool has.

>> No.56426946

not really
huge property taxes and maintenance
and at that price point, it's not a liquid market
look at what happens to those mansions owned by athletes who go broke, no buyers step in until it's massively marked down

>> No.56426950

not in LA.

>> No.56426965

more in one or two decades max, he litteraly spent 100+million in luxury

>> No.56426974

ye bro just keep a cool 2 bill in your bank account
what could go wrong...

>> No.56427014

after taxes, the lump sum was just under 1 billion
he's already spent more than 10% of it in a month
lets face it, with a name like castro, that pile of money is going to go quick

>> No.56427027

Where do they get Groceries?

>> No.56427063

They'd probably just kill you if you were that bold with lotto winnings. I mean if I took in ~$750M cash after taxes, I'd expect some Eyes Wide Shut tier letters telling me not to fuck around with the status quo. You're not one of them just because you gained their level of wealth over night. I'm just guessing though

>> No.56427068

all in on chainlink

>> No.56427095
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Why is his identity known? I thought lottery winners could stay anonymous, or is that only some states?

>> No.56427112

ye bro just keep several hundred million in your bank account
what could go wrong...

>> No.56427121

whole foods
or mcdonalds

>> No.56427124

I’m only speculating. Either he’s a fool or has insider information on the property tax decisions that cause investor flight.. there may be a compelling reason in near future for the celebs to return to their mansions in cali. In which case this dude just made 30-70 percent on his investments.

The tax offset wouldn’t work as his loses came after the owed portion. But if those properties were valuable in future it may be good to lose some millions there for 2 years.
I’m inclined to agree and say he retarded. But it’s hard to believe a family office or advisor would direct him to do this..

>> No.56427129
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Own half of everything on kitenix, specially

>> No.56427136

yep, i'm sure the new lottery winner has inside info that old billionaires don't have

>> No.56427145

Yeah.. so cali luxury real estate during peak pricing and an investor panic is the go then?
Not bonds and dividends (that would literally return millions per year)
It’s a portion of his fortune that could suck more money out of other investments.. should’ve made an llc company and bought them through that.

>> No.56427151

where in westwood? I would't go there if I was rich

>> No.56427167

Most of the time your money in other countries is automatically managed by the same bankers as the elites. Except in the case of bin man, who was so volatile the English banks rejected him.

But yeah, you get to talk to the same money managers as the billionaires. Because they’re the only ones licensed to service uhnw individuals on a professional level with liabilities covered. You probably also believe most lottery winners go broke, which is a cope myth.

>> No.56427183

same thing I do every day. shit post on 4chan, but now with no financial worries.

>> No.56427190

>buy a house for 2mill max
>put some in rentals
>hire vangard to advise me
>keep working my normal job

>> No.56427198

oh if I open up a nice cafe as well

>> No.56427268

>normal job
I think I'd do this too.
The key element is staying anonymous though. If the media get hold of your name you're definitely getting kidnapped

>> No.56427298

There's some really expensive grocery store on Beverly Glen somewhere. They also obviously have everything delivered from Erewhon or some shit.

>> No.56427307
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(((powerball winner)))

yeah like that's totally not some glowie who wins the rigged lottery (taxation)

>> No.56427320

Just dump everything into VOO and use the dividends as dry powder for other investments as well as living costs. I don't get why people struggle with this.

>> No.56427326

Mega mansions specifically do not appreciate in value

>> No.56427330

>some Eyes Wide Shut tier letters telling me not to fuck around with the status quo
Has there been and instances of this actually happening?

>> No.56427336


>> No.56427339

100% in chainlink
It's also obviously rigged, ever wonder why the biggest winners are always in California?

>> No.56427350
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I'd save $50MM for myself and whatever family I'll end up having, and use the rest of the money to influence the world. I know /h/ wants some old OVA's to get localized and uncensored, so I'd probably spend some of the money on that.

>> No.56427369

keeping your feet on the ground is half the job
Also I think the op guy is pay well over 100k in property taxes while having no income

What about the whole epstein saga
If you want to learn about some real EWS shit then look up the Dutroux affair

>> No.56427380

>Dutroux affair
I read about this, truly absurd stuff. But what I mean is, has there been any actual instances of newly rich people getting malicious messages?

>> No.56427427

Fuck that I’m not working for anyone if I’ve got hundreds of millions.

>> No.56427468

Best post

>> No.56427534

don't get on a helicopter

>> No.56427576

Why do you want to marry a fat, smelly, ugly woman?

>> No.56427600

The previous owner / real estate developers-investors must be laughing so fucking loud at this clown. Lmao


>Your family and future descendents would never have to work a single day for the rest of their lives
That depends on whether they get educated. If they still remain lowlifes in mind, they will make terrible financial mistakes and lose everything, especially given that everyone will want to trick them into losing their wealth.

>> No.56427615
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Personality and willingness to swallow for money.

>> No.56427622
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However I have a problem with your post- I explicitly said concubine not wife.

>> No.56427726

>buy 500+ of acres in Alaska.
>build a huge log cabin with internet.
>then buy 150k new truck
>shitpost all day like I do now.
That should be around 1.5 million max

>> No.56427759
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put it all in US Treasuries

>> No.56427783

Shit, this nigger will be broke again in a few years and the parasites will have sucked him dry.

>> No.56427797
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start a hentai game development company, tis a dream of mine

>> No.56427803

I would live like a neet and post on 4chan

>> No.56427804

Yeah cos that real estate hes snapping will just crash to nothing -_____-

>> No.56427837

Probably buy a house with very high walls, a gym a pool some mega office/pc setup, some nice clothes. 5-10 motorcycles a cpl of cars, give my parents 10mil to retire in some picturesque countryside/beachfront home, a cpl of mil to my brother and sister so that they can buy their own property, pay off any loans that they might have and start families. Get my grandma something similar with a personal trainer and nutrionist that helps her get better in shape (shes 81 and too fat for her own good, walks alot tho)

dunno what else. Money is kinda boring beyond security.

>> No.56427851

security through obscurity
just live in a regular house and don't buy stupidly expensive shit

>> No.56427865

This is a great point. The real estate will still have value, even if a reduced one, and since OP got money literally for free, it's just a win-win. There's no real loss.

>> No.56427874

big houses have big upkeep costs and big property taxes
and if/when he sells, he'll take another huge haircut on the realtor costs
dude went out and bought himself three gigantic money sinks

>> No.56427900

Wouldn't buy stupid mansions that's for sure

>> No.56427908

Ah right. Sorry, I thought we were talking about commercial and residential real estate, not useless mansions.

>> No.56427922

lottery is a true scam. the government always wins in the end . has there been a lottery winner that actually did something substantial and good for society with their winnings? all you see are them dying or going broke(then dying)

>> No.56427927

>The nearly 14,000-square-foot mansion sits on a 0.58-acre lot and features an infinity pool, five bedrooms, seven bathrooms and other common spaces. The main room is on the third floor and has its own balcony.
>Most of the house, which sports an outdoor infinity pool and fireplace, is made up of glass walls, photos show.
Imagine paying $25M for only half an acre, only 5 bedrooms, and 80% glass house. What a fucking scam.

>> No.56427960

That’s why PoolTogether was invented. Cuts out the lotto companies, while users don’t lose their principal.

>> No.56427970

There are few rich people in the world, so the few rich people built that useless mansion in order to sell it to the other few rich people.
It is sad that the rich would rather spend their extra money building useless mansions they will sell to their cousin or friend, instead of helping society or the world.

>> No.56427974

>he's talking to the money managers of billionaires
Yeah, he's buying their bags. Thanks for playing haha

>> No.56427983

It is ironic that rich people have massive houses with all sorts of spaces, but they have small families and few friends they can trust, while poor people have massive families and lots of friends all packed like sardines into a tiny house.

>> No.56428000
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i would hire top youtubers to consult me and id start a mr beast like show where i randomly fix peoples lives with 10,000. but the catch is they dont get money, they get a michael douglas cvs like experience. id basically do really fucked up philanthropy. hopefully the views pay it off. id also get a nice house and security in places that have hot women and drain my nuts to the point of exhaustion.

>> No.56428005

Build a laboratory to do longevity research

>> No.56428017
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Harem, would include some men too, I'm bi. There would be no question, I'd build a castle in the mountains and live out my hentai dreams. It would have a massive library too. I'd work really hard to become one of those ancient world intellectual emperor types.
The day would basically go.
Wake up, get sucked off by a beautiful girl.
Go for a good run or some other hard cardio excercise. Eat a modest breakfast.
Meditate in the woods because we live on 400+ acres of beautiful land.
Go study for a few hours.
Have lunch, then weight lift aggressively.
Tend the garden and the land for an hour or two. Completely losing touch with physical labor is bad for the soul.
Then I'd do something creative while the girls and boys make dinner.
After dinner we'd all go for a swim or horseback riding in the evening.
Wake up, repeat some variation of that most days of the week. Once every few weeks I'd take shrooms or smoke weed all day and play video games but not very often. Too much hedonism is bad for the soul too.
Honestly if I become a millionaire I'm still planning some variation of this but I'll probably only really be able to support 2 girls on a modest homestead instead of a full on harem.

>> No.56428019

Just buy your way into the game at that point, get multiple financial advisors, setup a family office, split the investments far and wide so no single person can fuck you, and go to town.

>> No.56428028

Would you want to be?

>> No.56428033
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Also fuck stupid ripoff mansion. When I mean a castle I mean a real historically accurate castle up in the rockies or something.

>> No.56428036

Same. I will also add experiences, stuff that people can't easily do.
Stuff such as travelling the world, flying on a jet/helicopter, eating all sorts of food, starting businesses, dedicating myself to art or science, etc.

>> No.56428066

You don't "get into shape" at 81, that would just kill you and what would you gain? Make healthy choices but do not try and lose weight at that age.

>> No.56428067

I think it's impressive that many anons here readily recognize that the smart and ethical choice is to buy land, not to fall into debauchery, and to help family/friends/society. How come these lottery winners never thought about it? It makes me think they either get deceived as soon as they win, or get drugged and used as a puppet of other rich people.

By the way, there's a grave mistake in your fantasy: women. One or more of those women will most likely start some drama and ruin your harem with infighting. It sucks.

>> No.56428088

I was trying to make an argument that tail risk means there’s way more rich people in that wealth category than you would think, but apparently there’s not.

Based on what I was able to find, as of 2018 there was only 6,610 people worldwide with a networth over 500 million USD. So you could pretty much pack everyone with a networth similar to this guy into a small stadium. That’s actually really not a lot of people, I would be interested to see how lotter winners like this are viewed in these circles since it happens every so often.

>> No.56428101

>Once I'm a billionaire I will meditate
>Once I'm a billionaire I will exercise
>and so on

> not to fall into debauchery
The guy you quoted plans to start his days with oral sex and finish them with a gay orgy. I guess in between he'll "tend to the land" and "do something creative" lmao

>> No.56428103

That ethereum buyer got drowned in the Bahamas after calling out some glowies

>> No.56428110

>I would be interested to see how lotter winners like this are viewed in these circles since it happens every so often
I imagine they first try to find out if the lotto winner is open-minded enough to adopt their culture/mannerisms.
If he's willing, then they accept him as part of the group. If he isn't willing or able, then they either shun him or scam him into poverty (which OP seems to be suffering).

>> No.56428116

The lottery was for 1.9 billion but after taxes in California and federal it's like $900 million and it's not even a year yet and he's already spent $100 mil on homes. I'm guessing he'll get killed because all the weirdos live in the area

>> No.56428119

>Get shot
That one is missing somewhere in there

>> No.56428128

1b real estate
1b $link

>> No.56428138

Everybody knows the FBI and CIA's real job is to protect millionaires. Obviously they're going to vaporize with satellite lasers whomstever durst to harm anon.

>> No.56428162

>they have small families and few friends they can trust, while poor people have massive families and lots of friends all packed like sardines into a tiny house.

Rich people have to protect themselves and their assets. Poors have nothing to lose and it shows

>> No.56428206

>keep working my normal job
Did you sign your soul to the SWEAT pledge wtf

>> No.56428230
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I already lift, meditate, read and do photography. This isn't like I'm planning on changing for the better once I'm rich. It's more that I'm going to enhance my current life dramatically. The thing I'm missing, like a lot of us here, is intimacy really.
It wouldn't surprise me at all. The lottery is a stupid people tax and they use it as a false incentive for sure. I'm glad anons here are generally more aware too.
Yah I mean, most women are a challenge to manage for sure. I'll be very selective and establise clear bounderies, prenups that prevent them from stealing my wealth, etc, But ultimately, I am attracted to them and having some in my life is worth at least trying for. Worst case scenario I end up like I am now but at least I tried.
Honestly I think part of the secret is to find high-functioning slightly autistic girls that are mostly content to obsess over whatever thing they're into at the time be it video games, some obscure fandom or something else and don't have many expectations like most women do.

>> No.56428232

Buy a house with fucktons of land another cabin setup somewhere else
Glowie proof it as much as possible

>> No.56428236
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Pic related for some of my work.

>> No.56428247

I would fund synthetic waifus

I want a synthetic waifu plantation where we harvest cacao beans and make chocolates

>> No.56428273

Maybe keep 100m or less and do something CRAZY with the rest, like donating it.

>> No.56428293

>What would you do with that money?
Found a company/lab just researching and inventing cool stuff without having to worry about profitability.

>> No.56428296

Because he won in calisonia I know it's stupid

>> No.56428430

There’s been a bunch.
Same with all the young bankers dying in American cities, drowning, stabbing, falling from balconies etc.. oddly fuck all heart attacks or ODs. Funny that.

Interesting how old mate bill changed stances and came into line when they killed his son in a traffic accident.

>> No.56428439

You’re a moron. Pure and simple.
Since you say the contrary is so common name some folk?

>> No.56428445

build a hospital

>> No.56428479

I can't understand your question. Maybe you've made a mistake in your post.

>> No.56428488

It’s not a mistake on my part to accomodate your illiteracy.

>> No.56428513

Literally me

>> No.56428515

Since you're such a contrarian maybe you should name some common folk?

>> No.56428551

Why? It’s got nothing to do with either of our points. What don’t we talk about gravitational constants?

I said. Industry standard fund managers.
You said LOL SCAM reeeeeeeeee.
I said name one.
You said name anything else.

Homie. Those pictures and words in your head that hurt sometimes. That’s called an idea.
Remember to breathe anon.

>> No.56428555

at least he'll have a fun couple years

>> No.56428590


The lotto is a fucking scam. I've never seen anyone win more than $100 bucks on any of it. No way in fuck they're giving away 7 figures to blacks mexican goblins from ghettos like that. Shit is money laundering for jews 100%

>> No.56428598

>Manage assets of billionaire families
>Generational relationship
>New guy comes along
>Is dumb and unlikely to stay a HNW client for long
Do the maths. It's a great chance for the real billionaires to make easy wins, which is something they're very experienced and good at.

>> No.56428634

>You probably also believe most lottery winners go broke
Most lottery winners dont win nearly as much money as this guy

>> No.56428645

I’d invest in my business. Not going to tell you what I do

>> No.56428650

>Shit your pants while talking about LE JOOOZ!!
>Everyone laughs as they realise n*zi chuds are diaper wearing shitty pants bigots
>No one wants to deal your racist shit anymore
>Get your face smashed in and suffocated with your own shit
Die you fucking loser

>> No.56428651

With that kind of money I'd just put a big chunk of it into dividend paying big dick stocks and buy a portfolio of real estate to rent maybe. And after securing the financial wellbeing myself and my family... I don't even know, I guess I would not bother much about money issues that much. Would have to find some other hobby

>> No.56428655

Cry harder, Shlomo

>> No.56428656

Ever heard of forensic accounting?
He’s a normie not a fucking sponge.

Besides, realistically he’ll need to tie his wealth and secure some kind of assets to establish a HELOC against so he can gain a liquid credit line and have the wealth invested. So there. I spoiled the thread. That’s why he did it. And yes it makes sense. Even in a downturn his ability to tie up his wealth in investments and live on interest free loans means he wins both ways.
Do you know how money works anon?

But seriously, look up lottery winners just google lottery winners debunked, this isn’t my opinion. It’s just cope my boy.

The truth is if you win the lottery. You’ll be happy. For the rest of your life aside from some sad times. Which are made better by money.

Easy enough now?

>> No.56428732

so damn sick of jews

>> No.56428770

lottery winners are always the dumbest motherfuckers alive

>> No.56428782

>especially given that everyone will want to trick them into losing their wealth
I was already aware of this tendency of society but thanks for rekindling the absolute disgust I have for the rest of humanity.

>> No.56428813

>Tie up your liquid cash so you can access liquid credit
Also in that case why would you buy assets that lose money and require attention?

>> No.56428930

So you can tie the cash in investments long term. Claim whatever benefits your situation allows and then live off 3 seperate multimillion dollar 0.06% credit lines against a dope asset that your company bought and you can utilise?

I mean, it’s a cheaper way to prevent early movement of investments prior to their completion or vesting. And avoiding the tax on capital gains when you need to access liquidity.

It’s future planning. But look into why the wealthy buy yachts, or art. Seemingly and historically bad ideas. Yet.. all of them have the silliest of things. Turns out the system is in their favour. I fudged the explanation it’s like past my bedtime or something

>> No.56428932

As it turns out cash is not king.
But greed. Greed is good.
The boomers had it half right.

>> No.56428941


>> No.56428986

None of those things apply to a lottery winner.

Why are you cycling through IDs and why are you posts so often nonsensical? Are you a bot?

>> No.56429019

Oh they don’t?
Ok anon.

>> No.56429097

realistically, i would probably do a lot of philanthropy - mostly fixing up infrastructure of my home town and maybe build a community of people who subscribe to my views as well. building an indoor ice rink and owning a beer league hockey team also sounds nice. i have tons of ideas that i would like to realize but it's only really worth to think about them once you acquire the capital. i would definitely not spend that money on some shitty mansion lmao.

>> No.56429273

Its for his family members you idiots.

>> No.56430181

based, I live in maine and will never leave here, even when I make it from LINK.

>> No.56430196

I think for $2B you could buy Phase, Idol, Vshojo, and pretty much any other small corpo you wanted

>> No.56430204

the worst part is that this chud is dead serious, some of you seriously dont realize how cringe you are.

>> No.56430214

>73 million dollar mansion
>15 cars parked outside

what's the point? of all the places you could live, why the fuck would you choose to live in LA?
I'd buy a couple of houses around the world so I could freely go to the kind of weather I wanted to. All of them would be in secluded places with beautiful nature. That's about it. With 2 billion I think I'd actually look to spend a significant amount on a passion project, making some actual change by funding some good research or something.

>> No.56430261

You can keep vshitshow. Froot is a whore.

>> No.56430270

Never understand why anyone would want to live in that shithole
>b-but mah beaches & weather
its an overpopulated shithole. I can cross the state in the time it takes to just get through LA because the traffic is so fucked.

>> No.56430285

but consider this
>kson sucking your dick cosplaying as coco

>> No.56430523

>the plywood warehouse appreciates in value as long as it doesn't rain

>> No.56430535

>3 houses in the same state
The world is big. Why would you do this unless you had literally 100s of billions?

>> No.56430574

>Win lottery
>Name gets plastered everywhere
>Now have a target on your head for people wanting to kidnap you or hold you hostage

I would buy a house in the middle of nowhere with a fuck ton of assault weapons

>> No.56430582

Why can’t you people even type the word ‘Jews’. Why is it always joooos? Are you that afraid of them to even speak their name?

>> No.56430602
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What a fucking retard...

That upkeep is going to destroy him. Btw, he won $2 billion BEFORE taxes. He probably took home around $800 million.

>> No.56430997

Not that. Property in Major cities that are affordable for small families. Lower the Prices of a whole bunch of homes in those cities by selling at a loss. Then short the housing market and make 7x my 2 billion.

All it takes is a few bad faith actors.

>> No.56431039

gtfo of California

>> No.56431107
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Just looked him up
>$47 million mega-mansion purchased in Los Angeles, California.
>purchased a $25.5 million home a month after claiming his prize
>He also purchased a $4 million Japanese-inspired house in Altadena, CA, his hometown.
>According to the lottery, he has been driving around in a vintage Porsche 911 since winning.
>paying well over 100s of thousands in property taxes for three houses in the same state

>Edwin Castro

>> No.56431146

Based and Shining-Hearst Castle pilled.

>> No.56431165

That's still only like 5% of his networth. Assuming he's found some way to generate revenue off that money he should be fine.

>> No.56431403

>Invest in diverse portfolio including dividends
>Set up niece with a Uni fund
>Pay off parent's and sister's mortgages
>Build Secret wizard tower made of local stone innawoods
>Become local Philanthroper supporting small businesses in and beautifying local towns and villages
>Set up trusts witch only I know about and physically store the paper documents for my absolute control
>Spend the rest of my life investing my perpetual free money into Genetic research and cybernetics, I wanna be a cyborg demigod that can punch boulders Chris Redfield style

>> No.56431465

A threesome

>> No.56431520

It wasn't JUST under a billion, it was ~630 million. Dropping ~77 million on mega real estate probably isn't the best move, considering he's likely paying well over a million in property taxes but if he invests even ~2 or 300 million wisely he'll be ok. If I won that money I would buy a nice place near my family, then a mansion in Europe and build a harem.

>> No.56431804

>Based on what I was able to find, as of 2018 there was only 6,610 people worldwide with a networth over 500 million USD. So you could pretty much pack everyone with a networth similar to this guy into a small stadium. That’s actually really not a lot of people, I would be interested to see how lotter winners like this are viewed in these circles since it happens every so often.
Most of these are some sort of lottery winner in some form or another as a part inherited their money, many took outsized risk and or had outsized luck to get to that level. Only a small minority of them took a smart absolutely calculating approached hustling themselves slowly up over the 500 million mark.

>> No.56431829

do you think he's the only rich person in the hollywood hills? lmfao

>> No.56431834

how can people be so dumb

>> No.56431850

It pisses me off that lottery winners do this.
If I won I wouldn't change my life style at all, I'd just quit work and focus on side projects/investments.
Of course I don't play the lottery.

>> No.56431895

you literally can live off of interest and still live like a king
if he just buys tbills he rakes in 50 millions a year pretax

>> No.56431933

I'll join SUPRA public sales and buy some fortune with it, while I await the launch.

>> No.56431955

Part of me thinks that someone gets to these guys after they win and "encouraged" them to move property that otherwise wouldn't. Effectively threatened into transferring millions from poor people into the hands of a few rich dudes with decaying or overvalued mansions.

>> No.56431967

not liquid property and anyone with the money to buy it knows that. they won't buy at what he wants to sell it. they will wait for him to go broke.

>> No.56432001

I would buy a normal house and like $600million of t bills and immediately start buying political friends

>> No.56432131

Are you sure they're women?

>> No.56432202

Honestly the only real "luxury" I'd like aside from the usual "land and decent house" that everyone who's not stupid would do would be that I'd love to make an custom order of one of those fancy 1930s-50s cars with modern materials, none of that cringe "smart" garbage.

>> No.56432210
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>What would you do with that money?

>> No.56432257



>> No.56432269

-One decent house in the suburbs/hinterlands, one well-located pied-a-terre in the city
-a couple of multifamily investment properties in select parts of the city, + property management services of course
-body optimization stuff, investing a lot into fixing myself up a bit in a way that I don't prioritize at the moment with all the resources and time available
-obviously, money is no object for anything that serves to make my life more "frictionless" - location of housing is less important when there is a functionally infinite budget for top-tier private transportation, etc.
-basically whatever the rest is, just dangle it $2-3000 at a time in front of the faces of attractive college-aged women of all kinds. This would be basically my one true vice and raison d'etre, it's the one way I would live my life radically different with an infinite budget.
-probably some wish-fulfillment trips to see a bit more of the world

I think I'd live a pretty happy life.

>> No.56432284

The property tax is already going to be insane for that one mansion.
This nigga bought three.
He's going to lose all his money in a year, if that.

>> No.56432413

dudes better of paying for a finance/math degree lmfao. running a house like that is a huge a mount of money per year, you literally need employees to be there 24/7

>> No.56432752
File: 4 KB, 160x170, kurtsmiles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys understand/realize the powerball winner is a BILLIONAIRE?

3 mansions is a nothingburger in this tier

>> No.56432874

Enjoy your property taxes, retard.

>> No.56432952

>What would you do with that money?
Buy more link
>The mansion appreciates in value, dumbass
I mean is he renting it out? Probably not. It's going to cost a fortune just to keep the lights on. Calafornia property tax can't be great either.

>> No.56432974

>Calafornia property tax can't be great either.
Eh, it's like 1% of assessed value. By US standards, it's on the low side. In his case, that's 1% of a high number, true.

>> No.56432981

he's not a billionaire after tax moron. he was worth $628.5M after tax.

>> No.56432993

>Do you guys understand/realize the powerball winner is a BILLIONAIRE?
>3 mansions is a nothingburger in this tier
He's just got the money and he's already spent 5%. That's 5% of $2 billion. Just think about how retarded that is.

>> No.56433014

Oh so he has actually spent 16% on houses iff the bat. What a fucking retard.

>> No.56433020

I'd start a company to design bionic organ and limb systems. I think that's a less ambitious goal than "cure cancer" or "immortality research" for example and ultimately it could probably even help in either of those endeavors.

>> No.56433036

it's kinda retarded but at the same time he can afford being retarded. he still has 500M+ which is an insane amount

>> No.56433147

countdown to being poor again

>> No.56433228

>50% in long dated treasury bonds (deflation, economic crash play)
>40% in index funds, real estate, land, gold etc (inflation play)
>10% in degenerate assets like bitcoin, crypto, tech
Live off the $25 million in annual interest payments and put some of that into the degenerate position

>> No.56433423

>he can afford being retarded
For how long? And If this is indicative of of his other spending habits he'll be broke in no time.

>> No.56433982

exactly. gonna live on the coast when I make it

>> No.56434005

odds on him losing it all in a year?

>> No.56434206

That was my thought. I could rationalize buying $100m of real estate if you had $1b (yeah yeah maintenance and taxes, still reasonable) but I can't understand why they'd buy 3 homes all in the same area. Go buy a mansion in the Hamptons or Miami or the European city of your choice. Maybe it's all for family members.