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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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56412751 No.56412751 [Reply] [Original]

Can Ethereum really be considered a blue chip?
It has gone nowhere since 2020.

>> No.56412803

this is a bear market

>> No.56412828

But tech wise, it has been in a limbo. None of the promises has been kept.
And ETH isnt like BTC who just proposes itself to be a coin. ETH says it does a lot more - yet in reality we dont see any of it

>> No.56412866
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>It has gone nowhere since 2020.

>> No.56412917

Tell me, what uses ETH nowadays?
ETH 2.0 is an illusion.Since the last bull run, nothing has changed.

>> No.56412933

>rollups flourishing
>account abstraction
>danksharding around the corner

>> No.56412950

By Crypto standards it is a bluechip

>> No.56412965

Its just THE smart contract platform, but yes, dont buy, sell all, buy back at the btc top in 2025!

>> No.56412988

probably a btc maxi, when these are popping up its usually the ethbtc bottom, UNIRONICALLY!

>> No.56413045

I still prefer some alts over ETH

>> No.56413525

You don’t need to make post about it. In fact, you don’t need to even have any thoughts about it. Just sell

>> No.56413534

>Tell me, what uses crypto nowadays?
>crypto is an illusion.Since the last bull run, nothing has changed.

>> No.56413635

>It has gone nowhere since 2020.
As opposed to what? Other chains? Hah no, Ethereum has seen the most progress by far of any blockchain since then. The monumental task of switching to proof of stake was completed, L2s appeared and by now has more transactions than the mainnet, we saw many new technologies built on Ethereum go mainstream enough to create their own hype cycles, like NFTs.

>> No.56415365

I just refuse to accept this "eth does nothing posts are real thinking people, " literally pulling market froward since 2016..(icos, defi, nfts etc) whiteout it we would b stuck on btc forks/clones forever, and this is coming from long time eth hater converted...

>> No.56415759

permissioned chains and ccip are the future. eth not needed

>> No.56415795

You can now theoretically use it as money. Store eth or usd or whatever token on eth, bridge to an l2 to make payments at like 0.05 usd that's pretty cool imo. Far less power consumption than before probably more secure now under pos than pow.

>> No.56416287
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>2nd largest project by market cap
>has the most volume on a daily basis
>generates the most fees, making poorfags seethe in the process
>still widely used thanks to its ERC-20 smart contracts
Ethereum is the king of layer 1's and whoever says otherwise is still coping really hard. It's the reason why other ecosystems (matic, kava, etc) rely on them so much, for instance.

>> No.56416304

Kek you're retarded if you can't figure out the fact that most dapps are written in solidity.

>> No.56416313

It is no matter how hard "ETH killers" pop up. Look at how avax/sol/ada and others have failed miserably in dethroning them as they're down by about 80% while eth is only down by about 60%

>> No.56416315

Matic and Kava are two co-chains. They don't rely on it they *depend* on it.

>> No.56416322
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anddd where's all that volume going then? don't things work like that more volume = higher price because the project has higher valuation and tvl?

>> No.56416327

Yeah it's a glorified algo stablecoin at this point to be honest No movement and if there's any movement it's only to dump (or depeg as I like to call it). That's it.

Kinda fucking gay.

>> No.56416356

>blue chip
take a guess