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56415035 No.56415035 [Reply] [Original]

>Get married
>Work hard to give us a good life
>Have house, never worry about money
>Not enough
>"You work too much"
>Takes 3-4 trips a year
>"I want to travel more"
>Spend 12 hours a day together
>"You don't spend enough time with me"

Don't do it bros this shit is awful. Literally everything good in your life a woman will come in and ruin it for you. Everything you provide they'll just throw in your face. They're worse than kids.

>> No.56415067

Like Adam and Eve.

>> No.56415082

You need to find a slightly autistic girl who loves to cook and take care of children and hates traveling. They are out there.

>> No.56415090
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that why you need to thoroughly discipline her
kind of like a dog

>> No.56415100

that's her shit tests
tell her to shut up and live your life
who is the man in your house?
i refuse sex to my gf like twice a week because i fap a lot
i also slut shame her saying if i can't creampie i don't want to fuck (she is not on pills)

>> No.56415105

kys toxoplasmosis ridden faggot

>My Dog killed an African cat in our Garden!

>Cats, Parasites and Toxoplasmosis

>> No.56415123
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dogs are unironically low iq niggers who literally eat their own shit
only an inferior man would choose a creature that retarded

>> No.56415141

> hates traveling
there's no one
everyone has been corrupted by instagram mind virus

>> No.56415157
File: 707 KB, 496x472, toxoplasmosis 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have brain parasites called toxoplasmosis that is making you adopt an anime for soiboys that is scientifically proven to not love you

>> No.56415203
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>proven to not love you
kek this is how i know ur pathetic lonely little faggot
im happily married for 12 years
i dont need the love of an animal to substitute for the love of a woman

>> No.56415207

Pussy > everything
Cope incels

>> No.56415227

find a Jehovah's witness.
Bitches don't even want birthday presents.

>> No.56415233
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I accept your concession cat cuck

>> No.56415253

Yep, power dynamics where you are not only a provider but a lead. But most men simp for their wives.

>> No.56415313
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ok buddy well at least ur heckin doggo loves you kek
and youre clearly a very happy and mentally sound individual so i wont waste my time any further

>> No.56415798


>> No.56415810

I've found one. But she's chubby and 27. I don't want a girl day older than 23.

>> No.56415825

oof so she’s actually fat and only going to get fatter

>> No.56415827
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dog plebs in shambles

>> No.56415836

She's getting married soon.

>> No.56416054

Congrats, you chose poorly. I wouldn't choose to be away from my wife if I had the option to be near her always, and that feeling is mutual. We have 3 perfect children who remind us why we're alive. We were each other's firsts which means we're pair bonded as fuck. Plus, she's totally on board with TND.

Picking a wife is like choosing an investment -- if you choose poorly, you can lose everything; but choosing wisely ensures you make it in every respect that matters.

>> No.56416065

Sounds fair to me, and honestly I wouldn't wanna spend that much on another human being, my only concern currently is getting as much kava as I possibly can

>> No.56416098
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As a matter of broadly stereotypical generalizations, women will never stop complaining. Rather than responding rationally to their complaints as one would a man's complaints, give them the big hard dick as best you can, and kiss them on the cheek a lot.

>> No.56416128

Did I already get poisoned this afternoon?

>> No.56416210

kek okay pal. Keep telling yourself that. Im sure she doesn't have 3 social media accounts with hundreds of male followers. Kek. Hope she lets you check her DM's. Chud

>> No.56416229

Kek, misanthropy in here? Who would have told

>> No.56416231

Stfu faggot, not a single soul cares

>> No.56416234

you fucking wish, you simping nigger faggot

>> No.56416241
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And how about a female tells you pic related?

>> No.56416250

>> want GF after being single for 5 years
>> Get a GF
>> One year later, am tired and don't want a GF anymore

why does this always happen?

>> No.56416257

Marry a girl from outside of the USA…

>> No.56416268

my mother is HR manager and she told me about a guy that was performing bad and hey got called into HR and started crying. he recently found out his wife had been sleeping with his best friend for his entire marriage. and that his two children are actually not his but of his "best friend". yeah they were happily married and he was so proud of her and his happy family. lmaoo

>> No.56416325

Women's subconscious ability to come up with all sorts of ways completely by instinct to attempt to absolutely fuck up your life and make them miserable in the process is pretty insane. Almost everything they say and do is a test to make you less attractive to them if you listened to them. This means the majority of your interactions with women needs to be putting them in line or resisting whatever it is they say otherwise you end up trying to be sensitive and listen to them and they end up being repulsed by the end product of your obedience and you almost certainly end up being reduced as a productive male. The whole dynamic is retarded.

And they're so fucking good at it like nature itself fine tuned them to be this way for some reason. Your muscles and fitness are what draw women to you? Your girlfriend will find a way to start fights over you going to the gym. Again, she'll get creative with it. I can't even tell you how, but she'll find a way. Your socially intelligent and get invited to parties, events, etc. all the time and this made you appealing and alluring to the girl you're with? Don't worry, she'll find a way to make it so that those invites suddenly vanish into thin air. And so on and so on. It's absurd.

And the worst part is, they have unlimited energy to dedicate to this task. Again, it's like nature just crafted them to be this way. No other purpose but to bare children and break shit. They effortlessly attempt to fuck up your life like a sailfish swimming in the ocean. It's impossibly alien to be that fucked up as a person to a man the same way swimming 60 mph is alien to a human.

>> No.56416419

Based if not a lie.

>> No.56416420

Wish it wasn't the case, but you're absolutely right anon. I lost so many friends and family because of my damn ex. Ass and pussy was good, but she was fucked in the head and made my life miserable despite being a source of inspiration in my early 20s to go out and make money.

>> No.56416435

What's wrong with the retards marrying women they don't love?
You're NOT supposed to do that.
You're supposed to do the OPPOSITE of that.
What are you, retarded?

>> No.56416443

Fuck off chud, go reproduce using artificials wombs if you don't want to touch grass.
Only losers reproduce industrially through artificial wombs.

>> No.56416460

Losers have only ever reproduced through unplanned pregnancy.

>> No.56416492

You can literally see if the child is yours based off of what he looks like.
If he don't look like you then he isn't yours.
I would pick up the phone when it rang and some guy would start talking to me like I was my dad because I sound like him. Obviously that takes until after puberty but there are signs without requiring a blood test. And a good woman who loves you would understand the desire for a blood test.

>> No.56416512

I’ve had 2, they do exist. They’ll probably like travelling but if you aren’t a poorfag you should like doing that too. The key is they’re autistic so they don’t care about going somewhere to flex, you just have to find cool and unique places and they’ll have a blast. Women are a lot less complicated than many make them out to be on here

>> No.56416562

No it because chuds marry women with incompatible views or are narcissistic of themselves.

I went back home to marry and my wife loves me. The values are completely different. I won’t get into details but no westernized girl here would sacrifice like her, but it was the only way to build wealth.

I’m on that track now and having two people and taking advantage of the marriage incentives were the best way to do so.

>> No.56416623

Anyone getting married in current year deserves it. You're willingly involving the government and giving a woman power over you because of it. Financial and mental cuckoldry.

>> No.56416631

These posts all hit close to home as far as my recent ex-fiancé never being pleased and always wanting to travel and flex material wealth.

I’m still in the stages of figuring out how to proceed but I have been reading a lot to figure out which course of action I will take.

All I can say is financially I am recovering and everything should be getting better. I feel better and less burdened without her in my life. I would not get into a relationship again where everything is contingent upon endless acts of service, ingratitude, and spending.

As someone else in the thread mentioned, the greatest irony of all is that the women/girls who are like this (I refuse to generalize an entire gender) suffer from their own consequences. They actively push for a lifestyle which makes them poor, with debt, and no future. It’s pitiable as long as you’re not in it with them suffering.

>> No.56416656

>most animals and humans are losers
>you're alpha for being a voluntary rat in a cage

>> No.56416672
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Obviously, you doubt your own ability to choose wisely, so maybe you're better off alone. Nature's good at culling unfit genes

Hope you find the same, fren

>> No.56416762

you wanted what was in your imagination and not reality?

>> No.56416794

Automated woke bot reply

>> No.56416936

is sleeping naked good?

>> No.56417447

It's awesome, but the novelty wears off eventually. Such is life.

>> No.56417925

aw what a cute cat what's his. name?

>> No.56419031

do females like to be a exhibitionist?

>> No.56419529

>choosing wisely ensures you make it in every respect that matters
Good stuff anon. This is what it is about.

>> No.56419546

>These posts all hit close to home
Unfortunately, agreed.

>> No.56419559

what did u really just post a pic of your wife on a message board, lmao why.

>> No.56419561

>that is scientifically proven to not love you
are we talking about women or cats?

>> No.56419758

>throw stick in front of squirrel
>squirrel stares at you then leaves
Whoa, truly a godly being

>> No.56420026
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>> No.56420284

This is a good thread, can anons who had girlfriends or experience with women break down the green flags and the red flags to look into a woman before spending time with her.

>> No.56420374

>I don't want a girl day older than 23.
Im 36 and refuse to date anyone older than 25.

Ex gf was 18 when we met 4 years ago and im dating a 19 yo now.

What totally baffles my mind is that now most women < 25 openly say they look for something not serious, while virtually everyone > 28 says they look for something serious. Its as if they just think their life exists in a vacuum where they can flip a switch and pick any chad guy they used to fuck for a ltr. And it's not even an subconscious thought, they openly indicate that this is how they think the world works. Like when they are old, ugly, not skinny anymore, wrinkled face and have been rizzed by dozens of guys they'll find something similar (*or even better*, as he now needs to have money too unlike these STR guys) and enter a ltr. I'm shocked. Just shocked. I know there'll always be a young hot chick for me (even though its getting more and more difficult), but these women. Epidemic of spinsters is an understatement

>> No.56420761

The problem is that for the majority it's never enough. They're never content with what they got. Even if they manage to snag a "high value" man, he'll need to improve in her eyes.

>> No.56421179

Travelling to women isn't actually travelling, it's going somewhere then getting drunk and riding the cock carousel
Actual travelling is fantastic I imagine
t. poorfag

>> No.56421181

>tfw fell for the "you should be more open with your feelings" meme

>> No.56421183

You sound very beta.

>> No.56421199

>my mother is HR
I'm sorry.

>> No.56421204

Now that she's gone do you have more internet cat tokens?
Name something actually better.

>> No.56421208

>it's not about the nail

>> No.56421210

>get married
thats where you fucked up retard you are supposed to fuck them for pleasure and keep them around

>> No.56421211

You have never made money on internet tokens I can tell.

>> No.56421229

This is true. I used to have money for almost anything I wanted. Now I’m $20k in debt my house is always trashed. Had to sell my car to stay afloat. The only good thing out of this is my kids, and the crazy thing is, my kids more than make up for it. I love them so much it hurts.

>> No.56421232

Brainlet alert. Indoor cats don’t have toxoplasmosis.

>> No.56421368

Kek, that's not even true. Looks like the brainworms have finally destroyed your sense of reason.

>> No.56421410

How do you think cats get parasites? Do you think they magically appear? Are you literally retarded? Too much /pol/ rots your brain.

>> No.56421428

i went travelling for the first time last year at 25 and while i understand why people enjoy it, planning everything, not understanding anyone or anything, splurging a lot of money in two weeks, and constantly stressing about things going wrong either on the trip or at home made it not worth it. i'd rather just explore my own city before i travel again.

>> No.56421434

There are billions of ways, dumbass. If your cat comes into contact with any animals, like a mouse that could be living in your apartment, it can get it. Too many parasites have rotted your brain.

>> No.56421466

Disgusting rentoid subhuman. I own a house and mice don’t live where cats live. My cats don’t eat mice because I feed them and there are no mice in my house. They aren’t exposed to other animals because they stay inside my house. Two digit IQ subhuman detected.

>> No.56421469

> 1 Post by this ID

don't fall for it bros.

>> No.56421511

>cat owner
>owns a house

>> No.56422360

So do cats

>> No.56422375

being with a woman is a never-ending exercise in discipline. they are innately retarded and every decision they independently make is one that is retarded.

>> No.56422583

I just got into a relationship with a cute, 24-year-old latina weeb girl that grew up with based, strict parents. She is very shy and seems to pretty much do whatever I tell her to. Sounds like you just need to find a better lady anon.

>> No.56422768
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Women are for breeding, mom orientated labor and being submissive around you.
If she is not that; she is a pseudo-male and must be beaten.

>> No.56422820

Says you, I went out of the USA to marry. Family introduced me to her, she knows i’m the highest she’ll ever get and if she dares to divorce her family would shame her the fuck out of the family.

>> No.56422880

I'm not from the US. Also I wrote "majority", not all women.

>> No.56422922

Idk where you’re from but bitchyness is a western thing, i’m from SEA and my wife was not like that.

>> No.56422999

I think I dated a slightly autistic slavic girl once
on the first date she did a 40 yard dash to the trash bin to throw away her gum and sprinted back to me
on the second date she would increase and then decrease the pace of her walking speed to see if I did the same (I know because she told me after I asked why she's walking like that, she also stared at my legs the whole time)
her date suggestions were going on walks and watching shows together while cuddling

I miss her so god damn much

>> No.56423033

please, the correct and polite term is American

>> No.56423071

>I miss her so god damn much
W-what happened, anon? unironically speaking

>> No.56423126

the war happened and her parents told her to come back to russia

>> No.56424281

>Women are for breeding, mom orientated labor and being submissive around you.

>> No.56426292

What's the difference between spinsters and roasties?