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56414040 No.56414040 [Reply] [Original]

>30yo male
>500k student loans
>only 120k/yr income
>marries roastie with 500k student loans
>only 60k/yr income
why are married wagecucks like this?

>> No.56414050

i posted in that thread and suggested that he divorce his wife on paper and let the loans perma-default. of course the trannoid jannoids deleted my post.

>> No.56414066

behead usurers

>> No.56414084
File: 75 KB, 971x750, in my country.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In my country there is problem

>> No.56414094

ITT: spoiled privileged white incels who had mommy and daddy give them everything

>> No.56414106

because they're gullible and believe they're being risk averse when they just do what everyone else does in their peer group.
You always here "they said if I got a degree, everything would be ok"
Who is "they?"-
some loser high school guidance counselor?
Your loser parents who are constantly in debt?

Notice how this guy has the classic reddit grammar down pat, yet every detail he reveals about his life is worse than the last.

>> No.56414116

>debt counseling
>suggests moving in with parents
Gee how can you spot fake shit on reddit? Easy! Just look for stupid and inane comments like that and whala! You know it's some neet autist looking for up votes

>> No.56414117

Fuck off Reddit faggot kys

>> No.56414125

We should be asking... how the hell is this legal? Predatory lending is illegal. Letting a teenager rack up $100k+ in debt for an investment that won't return at all is insane.

>> No.56414143

>Tfw I paid off my student loans and married my wife who never had them in the first place because she went to uni in a much cheaper country


>> No.56414161

>Got two masters degrees
>Then went to medical school

>> No.56414176

I wish, my parents are financially retarded and I would be lucky to inherit anything.

>> No.56414192

college is one of the biggest rackets for the US government up there with guns and oil.

>> No.56414245

He's doomed

>> No.56414344

yeah i am blackpilled on every new age trend. traditions can be retarded and inflexible, but alteast they survived the test of time, and was accepted by each generation over and over. This shows overall strength of the idea when the meme is able to propagate. Even better when it occured naturally through disconnected civilisations and socities.
The problem with these retarded newage shit is that they hiralously fail each and every time when attempted by a group of people. Women really need to be put in check or they will ruin an entire family line, with retardation. I am not even talking about whores, the way make decisions some times is truely baffling.

>> No.56414436

>marry a woman 500k in debt who flunked out of medical school

wow. game over dude

>> No.56414495

if he was good at gaming the system he would work at a non-profit hospital to get the 400k federal forgiven in 10 years. Him and his wife default on the private debts and negotiate to pay it off for a fraction a few years from now.
Then they are only left with the 200k federal from his wife which is manageable due to income-based payment. The only problem is they will have to take a hit to their credit scores for a while. I bet their payment would only be about $1000 a month all the while they are making $180k per year.
get gud

>> No.56414524
File: 208 KB, 962x931, screenshot_20230629_205702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and now this bitch wants me to pay for it

>> No.56414581

With that much debt, Id take the hit easy. They have their house already too so they shouldnt be opening any new lines of credit anytime soon

>> No.56414615

So many guys i meet married women with student debt.

>> No.56414628

do petit bourgeois really

>> No.56414629

I have 45k in student debt but just got a job paying 120k/yr. I feel bad for these people

>> No.56414650

I make 125k year and have 25k student loans.
I don't feel bad for these people. They get what they fucking deserve.

>> No.56414663

non american here, what happens if you don't pay student loans at all? can they jail you?

>> No.56414669

>18 year olds are considered adults and can consent to- N-NO!! They can’t consent to THAT!!
So what are you suggesting? Move loan agreements up to age 21?

>> No.56414681

They can send the IRS after you and the IRS can go aftet your wages.

>> No.56414688

pretty much nothing, your good goy score goes down

>> No.56414722

Lol, I make just as much as them put together and only got a bachelor's and paid off my loans in full in September because it was so little. Hahahahahaah I didnt even work in college

>> No.56414723

>500k student loans
do npc's really?

>> No.56414724

So then you will be discouraged from working and become poor or kill yourself. What's the endgame?

>> No.56414725


>> No.56414732

more debt

>> No.56414755

Tax slaves.

>> No.56414776

garnish wages for Federal. Private will have to sue and get judgement to then drain your bank account.

>> No.56414791

if they were real min-maxers, they would get divorced and the wife's federal payment would drop from $700 a month to almost 0 because of her low income.

>> No.56414823

If you are poor and have to finance, then yeah, you should go to junior college to get the two years of general education out of the way while paying cash. That puts you at 20 years old. Maybe take a year off between HS and College, so that would put you at 21. Then go to a nearby state school and live at home or as cheaply as possible. No dorms or other crap that has risen in costs over the past 10-20 years. If you cannot live at home, then you will have to work to pay for rent/utilities, etc.

>> No.56414824

>"own" house
>mortgage payment increases $600 due to property taxes
>will go up more as inflation hits insurance policies hard

>wife fails out of med school, half million in loans, at a time when interest rates are skyrocketing
ooof, it's literally over for them

>> No.56414830

>Ain't living about our mean\
>Drowning in debt
>Need to spend 80$ for a gym membership though

>> No.56414851

That is not to much money, but they should be able to find a $10-20/month gym. But that is obviously not gonna to help them.

>> No.56414853

Unpopular opinion. Join the uniformed service. USPS, NOAA, or one of the armed services that falls under the uniformed services.

Their student loan forgiveness program is excellent, and their bonuses for retaining doctors, dentist, pharmacists, etc is high. Really if he wanted to escape he’d have to make a hard choice. Plus his marriage is going to fail anyway lol

>> No.56414898

teenagers used to go to war or even command a whole fucking country, anon. Them being dumb as rocks is a relatively recent phenomenon of our idiocracy.

>> No.56414910

That is because it has been true for the last 100 years, not so much for the last 10. Same story as stocks only go up

>> No.56414936

Those teenagers could pay for private college after picking peaches during the summer. That was all before the collapse of the Breton Woods monetary system and the marching path to stupid inflation. Which only got worse after 2008.

>> No.56414939

the gym membership is the least retarded of their decisions.
>a fucking car loan

>> No.56414962

>What's the endgame?
I've posted this in multiple threads
>Yield curves uninvert
>Jerome POWAH doesn't pivot the Fed. likely no more jack-ups, but rates stay fairly high
>liquidity is vacuumed out of the markets, they crash, people getting laid off, housing crashes
>we deflationary recession now
>every retard with student loans has no liquidity and start defaulting
>every retard that debtmaxxed forced to pay back debt with strong scarce dollars
>every retard that bought too much home, HELOC'd, ARM'ed, or CORF'ed gets fucked on both sides by high interest, decreasing value, and scarce dollar to pay back big debt
>people getting financially murdered by debt puts banks at risk
>banks default, but because they've all restructured, they play a shell game and just shuffle assets
>bankruptcy made illegal because of "extraordinary risk to the financial system"
>banks start repo'ing assets and selling them, giving them nice fresh liquidity and sucking in strong dollars
>suddenly, war
>gov announces that you can do "national service" which will "most likely be non-combat" where you sign a contract for at least two years and in return, you are given $15-20k/year in debt forgiveness
>debt prisoners forced to go die

>> No.56414963

Ditching that car for a fully paid off beater would still not solve their problem.

>> No.56414974

I think in this situation I would probably just flee the country or get a federal job somehow to get forgiveness or something. Jesus christ

>> No.56414982
File: 367 KB, 960x960, smoking kitty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've met people like this. All they know is school, they've never worked a real job. They almost always have a breakdown once they figure out what the workforce is like, that's assuming they can get a job at all. Whenever I see the resume of one of these 'forever students' I dump it in the trash.

>> No.56414998

they're legitimately just fucked
student loan debt is baked into your fucking DNA
their best option is to find a 501(c)3 or federal work to discharge their debt after 10 years

>> No.56415003

it should absolutely be legal but if these 18 year olds wind up not being good for the money the lender should be forced to deal with that risk.

>> No.56415038

two years older than him with only about three years left to have kids before risk factors start piling up too. this guy isn't great a decision making.

they need to join the military. that is their only real way out, aside from just defaulting and fleeing the USA.

>> No.56415059

there's a very easy way out.
>divorce her on paper
>let loans go to collections
her wages will be garnished at 15% and her social security (when she retires) will be garnished at 15%. her credit will be trashed but they already have a house and he can buy her a car in his name.

>> No.56415060

for this amount of money? they'll sue and get wages garnished.

an actual financial planner tasked with solving this mess will try and solve the private loans and expect that to free up enough monthly income that the federal ones will be manageable. you don't want to default on the fedreal ones.

>> No.56415069

that's fraud. all that does is take their civic debt issue and multiply it by a federal crime.

>> No.56415083

fraud would be taking out a loan with no intention of repaying it. she made a good faith attempt at passing medical school. if mr. greenblatt wants to take it to court on grounds of fraud then he's welcome to do so -- it won't go in his favor. caveat emptor, practice better risk management skills.

>> No.56415087

of course what were you expecting

>> No.56415130

My brother in law just got his first real job at age 38. His parents paid for everything though. He calls up my wife and bitches about working 60 hours a week.

>> No.56415131

you're young until one day you wake up and you realize that you aren't young anymore. there are two types of people
>people who realize it before it happens
>people who realize it after it happens
and the hard part is its not the same age for everyone. some people don't stop beng young until they are 40, some people stop being young at 22. there are inherent disadvantages and advantages to entering middle age at different times, one is not distinctly better than the other.

this is what people mean when they say life comes at you fast. she woke up one day, looked at the debt she racked up and what she had to show for it, and all at once she was in middle age with a situation she isn't equipped to handle.

>> No.56415149

>this guy isn't great a decision making.
Yeah no shit, I’m making around $3500/mo after taxes in an expensive part of the country and I’m still able to live within my means, this guy’s a fucking retard. The car loan and credit card mininum payment are huge red flags that this guy has no clue how to manage money.

>> No.56415182

do you know how the criminal justice system works? the state presses fraud charges, not lenders.

the feds come down on people all the time for shit like this. the reality is that any divorce attorney in the country would get wind of this scheme and dispel them of any notion they have of its feasibility. there are three outs to mountainous student loan debt
working a job that includes forgiveness. usually this involves something in the federal govt or military
extreme austerity lifestyle until its paid off.
fleeing the country

>> No.56415263

>do you know how the criminal justice system works?
yeah i do. it doesn't meet the requirement of criminal fraud. "the state" press charges in criminal matters. it's not criminal fraud. the jews can try their best to make a civil case but it will go nowhere as well.

>> No.56415273

Is there anything that would stop them from simply leaving the country and not paying?

>> No.56415279

and since we both presumably understand how US law works, go find evidence of this being criminal fraud. here's your starting point: 18 U.S. Code Chapter 63

>> No.56415332

Where TF does he live where his bills are so high? And what school and degree did he get where it put him 500k in the whole?
I get students loans are harsh but this dude kinda sounds like retard

>> No.56415337

it is. when you use the mail or courts the perpetuate some scheme of getting out of your debt its fraud. you have made the govt accomplice and they don't like that.

your 4chan-tier retarded idea of going through a sham divorce to avoid getting repo'd is truly the most retarded idea. it would be the worst course of action.

>> No.56415357

like i said, it doesn't meet the criteria for being fraud. she never entered into the contract with an intention (let alone a provable intention) of not repaying the loan. your good goy programming is showing itself.

>> No.56415396

the biggest problem with that is that it seems likely the treasury market is going to blow up before equities
at that point its all bets off and weimar tier printing to fund the gov deficit and then yes almost certainly war
but if they were less retarded they wouldnt attack china which gets them nothing but start invading commodities exporters, ever paying the arabs real money rather than go in and take their shit was the second biggest mistake the us government ever made

>> No.56415423

not really, they'd have to start their lives over and he wouldn't have a pharmacy license anymore. It might be hard to get citizenship in certain places because they sometimes want you to show proof of funds to prove you're not a deadbeat. If they can get through it in a decade or so and strategic defaulting, it'd be worth it to stay in the US because they would have a high income if they manage to survive.

>> No.56415444

How are you that financially illiterate? Did his wife think even once about the money she was spending during her 12 years of college? I was lucky enough to get enough in scholarship money to only pay $3k per year. Always rented under $500/mo. Worked enough to cover rent/utilities, groceries, phone, plus took more hours over the summer so I went into each school year with some savings. Graduated with under 10k in debt. How do people not understand that their current actions will affect them heavily in the future?

>> No.56415496

>500k in private loans
Just don't pay lol, tell a judge you failed out of pharmacy or medical school and will never make enough to pay it back. Plus she's a woman so sympathy card.

>> No.56415541

Man, and I broke up with my gf because she had 30k in student loans.

>> No.56415563

I can’t feel sorry for this nigger at all.

>> No.56415571

> car payment
> gym membership
> mortgage

My god, people are retarded.

>> No.56415583

My brother didn't marry his long term GF until she paid off hers. Took her about 7 years, but it shows commitment.

>> No.56415584

Yeah, blue pilled normies suck. Who would marry a woman 2 years older?

>> No.56415638 [DELETED] 

How did he even get a mortgage with that amount of debt to income ratio?

>> No.56415653

You do not have to pay anything more than $10/month for medical debt. Simple as.
I "owe" $6000 and am doing just that. $10/month for 600 months lol. Interest free. And as long as I'm on a payment plan, it will never get sent to collections.
We hear a lot of talk about free medical care -- it's already here LMFAO.
You just call up and say that's all you can afford. Most of the time they write it off. I've had 2k written off already, probably will be more in the future.

There I just saved those faggots $290/month. If you want true accelerationism, stop paying your medical bills in full. You can accelerate consequence-free.

>> No.56415667

Funniest part is you can get a gym membership for like $10-15 here in the US. Guy literally just can’t budget

>> No.56415678

This requires women to actually like and trust her husband.

>> No.56415700

>Wife (32)
And he doesn't mention kids. LOL.
>Wife didn't expect to fail out of medical school

>> No.56415849

Some professions require huge school debt. The average for getting your MD is $400k. There are ways to reduce that if you go to cheaper medical schools like UT Southwest. People get hung up on going to certain schools, because they think it maximizes their earning potential. That is fine if your family is paying cash for you to go.

>> No.56415870

>There are ways to reduce that if you go to cheaper medical schools like UT Southwest.

you don't just choose where you go to medical school. it's extremely competitive. most people apply to 20-30 schools where they meet the academic requirements and where there aren't insane in-state preferences, and they're lucky to get a few acceptances. the acceptance rate for any one medical school is like 2-5%.

t. literally dropped out of a US MD school after a semester

>> No.56415895

Stop guaranteeing student loans so universities are forced to lower prices to levels that are actually affordable. The only reason they are so high is because they are backstopped by the government.

>> No.56416036

Every day I wake up happy that I have zero loans.
Being a rat race is stressful enough, I can’t imagine how stressful would be to be deep in loans, and also realizing you can’t never be free.
Man how can anyone function in this situation?

>> No.56416061

>$40 gym
Man that’s stupid already.
You need $20 and it can be your wife as guest.
Or just workout at home, for free.
I assume sex can be a great workout and you can do lots of strength training if left your wife.

>> No.56416071

WTF $80 for gym?’??!?

>> No.56416083

Man this is the smartest option in this jewy society

>> No.56416135

Drain people.
That’s the goal

>> No.56416180

People envy doctors but doctors make about the same as a manager/senior manager in a corpo when all things are said and done.

This includes interest on those loans, not to mention they don’t start earning serious cash until their mid 30s which means they’ve lost out on some serious moolah.

Many doctors are not financially literate so they’ll buy porsche suvs to satiate their consumption.

>> No.56416282

I rather be free than rich.
I just paid for a pc with around $200 0 interest Pay per month and I am stressing since I don’t want to miss a payment.
I can’t imagine how fucked their mental health is right now
I bet the guy can’t even get hard anymore

>> No.56416989
File: 795 KB, 498x466, spurdospinde.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just paid for a pc with around $200 0 interest Pay per month

>> No.56417698

>my wife 32
is he genuinely retarded? why would a 30 year old man have a wife in his 30s?

>> No.56417733

>600 HOA

>> No.56417763

$200 payment , zero interest rate, per month.
I think I needed to clarify that

>> No.56417937

for how many months goy

>> No.56418041

t. spoiled privileged white incel, paid off student loans, car, and house and now getting rich off high salary and no debt

>> No.56418834

"my family was not wealthy"
Classic redditor socialist type.
>It is rich peoples fault that i am incapable of handling money

>> No.56418865

Not a burger, but has racked up millions of debt for an academic title been the american norm in the past 100 years?

>> No.56418878

10 months and it will be done

>> No.56419521

You can actually consent to taking on student loans before you're even 18, even without a third party like a parent.

>> No.56419534

How about something simpler.
>Standard of living crunch and steady inflation for the next 15 years.
>Nothing ever happens

>> No.56419538
File: 198 KB, 500x698, goyim-were-born-only-to-serve-us-jews-without-that-4418969(2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's the endgame?

>> No.56419542

The issue isn't the student loans, because they have income backed repayment. The issue is the private loans that don't have that, which similarly wouldn't be covered.

>> No.56419558

This anon gets it

>> No.56419572

Would it really be though?
You're trading tax deductions for separation of assets. That isn't really fraud, it's more like a tradeoff that you're exercising.

>> No.56419591
File: 284 KB, 650x581, 1689100676953017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Update 5: for those bashing me about living above my means….I bought a new car that I paid 25k for and it’s almost paid off (4k left) — because I have to rely on transportation every day because if I don’t show up, my work doesn’t open — and a house that is modest at best that I paid 275k for. Every house I bid on below that either didn’t pass FHA inspection or sold for 50k over asking. My monthly payment was reasonable ($1800/month) and I was told it would decrease in 2 years, instead of increasing to $2200. My rent for a 2bedroom apt, shared with another couple, was $1,600 and it was money I wasn’t getting back. My parents live four hours away so moving in with them is out of the question.
Holy kek he got a variable interest rate mortgage. Why.

>> No.56419593
File: 87 KB, 1463x761, student-loan-balance_wnt4cf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, that much student debt is an outlier. Median student debt in the US is about $17 thousand. The majority of those who do rack up more than $100k are doctors (or those who fail out of med school), with some complicated reasons why med schools can charge so much money.

>> No.56419594

MD's do this because they gave up their youth to be in med school and residency. They never got to be young and free and try and buy that lifestyle back when they reach middle age. This is why its fun to have doctor friends in your thirties and forties, you wanna go to Greece for a three weeker? He's gonna be in, fuck what his wife says and fuck what the kids want.

>> No.56419647

his update says half the medschool failed their licensing exam, so it sounds like his wife went to one of those caribbean med schools.

>> No.56419655

>Who is "they?"-
>some loser high school guidance counselor?
>Your loser parents who are constantly in debt?
A society where kids listening to every influential adult in their lives gets them fucked over for life is a society that will die, quickly. Are you the fastest rat on a sinking ship?

>> No.56419656

It may have been a covid shakeup though.

>> No.56419684

he makes it sound normal that lots of people failed, but did something like this ever happen at US schools during covid? His wife was also asked to pay 20k in full to continue, so that also sounds like something a for-profit caribbean school would do.

>> No.56419697

Med school dropout rate is apparently like 18% normally. It's possible that it jumped up during covid even more, and it's possible she was at a specifically more difficult school with high grade deflation(and should have transferred). Combined it could actually be a legitimate claim. Maybe.

>> No.56419703

People like you should kill themselves. You call others stupid for not getting scholarships. What was yours for? Merit? Or fitting some dysgenic demographic? $500 rent doesn't exist anymore. You tell a nice story, but bad things will happen if you tell your tale to the wrong person.

>> No.56420015

that guy paid 1 million dollars to have sex with a used-up 32 year old moron. if the genders were reversed, people would be urging the woman to leave him. he is an absolute retard and probably deserves this. he could have worked through college or been financially responsible but it seems like both of them lived it up like the money spigot would never run dry and now have to face consequences.

>> No.56420312


>> No.56420370

Why doesn't the wife use her medical training to become a Physician's Assistant? PA Jobs pay around $150k which is far better than her current salary.

>> No.56420968

> I am 30
> My wife is 32

>> No.56420980

>That was all before the collapse of the Breton Woods monetary system
> He is blaming monetary system instead of immigrants
Bankshill bros? this exact post here.

>> No.56421019

a roastie or a beta

>> No.56421056

>blaming bankers
Do you wear a bib or just change shirts every few hours?

>> No.56421109

Link to thread? Can’t find it. Want to read the coping and seething.

>> No.56421170

As a dude unlucky enough to be born in a 3rd world country, I can't fathom all these self-inflicted lifelong problems that retarded 1st worlders tend to have.
Bitches and bros, you were born in a tutorial-mode country. please don't waste that. .

>> No.56421241

It's because modern people in 1st world countries have good life.
I think what separate kid and adult are sense of responsibility and independence. kids who have good life don't need to learn that.
In my country a lot of poor kids as young as 13 need to work to help their family earn money so they can eat and survive. those kids are more adult than most wealthy adults with peterpan syndrome in my eyes. Unfortunately, poor people can only earn money to survive, not to build wealth.

>> No.56421520

I got a degree in scotland for free a few years ago, too bad brexit means no more free uni kek tough luck for new students
But i think its just like 8k a year or something now so its not so bad, so its like 32k for 4 years thats not bad at all

>> No.56421554

Adults always give bad advice. Part of becoming an adult is recognizing that and doing your own thing. It's a shame we crippled so many people with what amounts to slavery before they learned the lesson that their parents aren't infallible.
In order to be a successful goyim it's necessary to receive both a standard college degree (sorry no bootcamps) and practical skills (sorry mathwiz) and an internship placement pipeline. Some colleges provide both but a lot are very averse because of muh prestige and they don't want to train people in industry skills and tools.

>> No.56421583

>turn education into ideological camps
>create mindless zombie who will die defending right to pedophilia while taking their entire wealth away from them
they deserve it

>> No.56421589

>just ignore millennia of accumulated wisdom
there are no adults, there are psychopaths, narcissists and their slaves

>> No.56421607


>> No.56421665

ive tried using reddit but my posts just dont show up. its crazy how anyone can use that website

>> No.56421687

lol, i bet yoy buy pizza on credit.

>> No.56421731

>your only way out of slavery is to die for israel
At least they don’t speak German lmo

>> No.56421754

Ban females from universities, shut down half the useless courses, now only smart people get a degree while the rest picks strawberries and raises kids

>> No.56421757

Wouldn't the optimal strategy be for the wife to just stop paying all loans, besides mortgage? They already have their house, so if her good goy score goes down it doesn't really matter. All they can do is garnish wages, but at that point it becomes more viable for her to just stay home and NEET it up (or god forbid become a mother). I think he'd be able to get by if her debts are ignored and he just pays his

I'm a pharmacist as well but I'm in a pretty good position. Best decision I ever made was leaving the hellscape that is retail pharmacy and working in a hospital. Much chiller, less bullshit, better coworkers, and you actually get shift differentials, overtime, etc. Retail jews just fuck you over every whichnway

>> No.56421780

or they can just go fuck themselves?
Try putting a billion people in prison for debt lmao

>> No.56421792

no, it’s because of jewish psychopaths

>> No.56421801

>at that point it becomes more viable for her to just stay home and NEET
no, she's a strong, independent woman and LOVES her career. children would get in the way of the that also.

>> No.56421818

This is also why you see so many chinks and pajeet doctors nowadays. They do it because they (or rather, their families) see it as the prestigious/honorable thing to do. Even though it's actually not that good of a tradeoff in terms of time spent in school/residency and student loans.

From what I understand from the people I knew in medschool, failing out is very rare. It's one of those things where the hard part is actually getting accepted, and once you're enrolled you're set. You really have to colossally fuck up the flunk out after getting in. Again, from what I understand

>> No.56421881

that's why I'm wondering if it's a caribbean med school. If she had what it takes to get accepted into a US school then she's capable of getting into a lot of other programs and decent jobs. If it's a trash caribbean school, then it doesn't mean much.

>> No.56422063

This. I was always confused when leftists would be like uNiOnS aRe gReAT cuz kids don’t have to work at 12 now. Well yeah but this 13 year olds working had land and 3 kids by 22.

>> No.56422064

were you banned in the past? if so you need to change IP address and use a user agent randomizer and an HTML canvas blocker. they fingerprint browsers and users hard, but the aforementioned steps can get around it easily.

>> No.56422066

>be broke
>buy education with debt
>buy house with debt
>buy car with debt
>get operations with debt
>pls help i drown in debt
Yeah nigger.. financial darwinism ftw

>> No.56422952

I don’t buy fast food

>> No.56423236

Try 84 hours. It's the apu kiwikemart schedule. I'm on it. 7 days a week.

>> No.56423345

He's not lying. Many responsible people saw the insurmountable odds starting at them especially millennials. My parents ignored my scholastic aspirations because I didn't get any scholarship. They legit said if I was worthy of college I would have earned a free ride. They told me to kick rocks and work and go to college to pay for it. They would not even give me the 60$ per college application. In hindsight my narcissistic parents atleast put me into survival mode early on. I dropped out of college after one year and 5 classes. $4k spent out of pocket and 3k credit card bills that I ended up defaulting on(textbooks). because I saw all the degenerates from public school somehow brought their bullcrap to college. It was the big red flag. Joggers should be uncomfortable in college not have their culture catered to. Then I saw how the professors didn't give 2 shits about you or know your name. Another red flag. The college would email you casually that you would get kicked out of you don't maintain a 2.0 average. Books are crazy expensive. Most of all I was surrounded by npcs for classmates. The was the big red flag. I saw all the losers and decided I didn't want to be there. Been working at the family business getting my hands dirty all these years. But now I look at the blm loving shit world and I laugh. I used to cry about not getting a fair share at getting ahead in life and living under my parents whims. But now it's like wtf, never thought people with 2 masters and phd would be struggling the same as me with similar living standards. It's like the humiliation and indignity of college was not worth it let alone the fucking debt.... Drug dealers are happier than all of us. Life sucks lol

>> No.56423400
File: 12 KB, 640x180, IMG_8549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol sucks to be Murican, land of the Jews. My student loans are Jewish too since the rates can change on a year to year basis. Started out with 0% on 20k now have 2,5% on 40k. I have 35 years to pay them back. The fun thing is though that if I don’t make enough money I’m ordered to pay 0% out of my monthly pay check. So yeah I just loaned 60k without a sweat and I probably will be loaning till 2029 and dropping everything into crypto KEK. Fuck Jews, fuck the government and fuck wagies. I don’t care about the future anyways because I know it will SUCK ASS.

>> No.56423422

I’m 24 now btw and I can loan 1k until 29 and I will desu. This will make my debt like 100k and I don’t give 2 shits.