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56412309 No.56412309 [Reply] [Original]

It seems like if you didn’t build up a reserve of cool stories and interests by the time you leave college you’re fucked. Is it possible to leave that social hole?

>> No.56412322

You could always steal other people's cool stories and interests and frame them as your own.

>> No.56412329

stories are worthless

>> No.56412344

i like to talk about this time i got SO DRUNK i got in a fight with this annoying guy and his head hit the pavement and he got a concussion haha started convulsing

>> No.56412355

STFU nobody cares about your stupid life

>> No.56412362

Keeping up with all the lies seems impossible.
No theyre not. There are basically social currency. It’s how you differentiate between the background characters (me) and the people others want to be around.

>> No.56412364

Make them up. Practice them though and don't make them too ridiculous.

>> No.56412370

a guy i work with got into a bar fight with my garbage man and knocked him to the ground. he died and the guy went to jail. sad! many such cases!

>> No.56412394

stories are what you end up doing, because you are in a bad environment
you tell stories when in jail because there is nothing to do

if you environment requires you to put yourself trough that nonsense you should seek change of environments ts

>> No.56412409

Bullshit. I literally met my current wife while lying about my age, name, and marriage status. I steal stories all the time. Never failed a STAR interview in my life

>> No.56412579

Cool story bro.

>> No.56412614

a friend of mine I used to work with got into a barfight and one punched this dude nearly killing him! He got an attempted murder charge, but it got exponged after he had to served in the military. Crazy times

>> No.56412672

My drunk college story is a bar took my flask (was broke and cheap but wanted to be social). Being drunk I wanted vengeance so I stole a painting that was screwed to the wall of a bar and ran out the fire escape. The fire alarm went off basically killing a hopping bar. Apparently the bouncers were sprinting after me but I was on some Ussain Bolt blackout white boy shit and was way faster than them. Hid the painting under a car. Cops were looking for me so hit up a chick walking. My idea of playing it cool was the cops are looking for can you walk with me. She said some cunty shit fair enough I was basically being a nigger. My friends catch up with me in an hour all mad. I tell them we gotta go get the painting they tell me I'm retarded and that I lost my friends favorite hat in my daring escape and push me in the car. On the way home realize I've been drinking too much and my life is spiraling out of control but I had fun which is more than most people can say. Rather one day as a lion yadda etc.

>> No.56413014

>stories are what you end up doing, because you are in a bad environment
Like standing around at a bar filled with fat retards and normies.
Once I gave up my drug addictions the only remaining outlets are going out and doing real things.
Also people that lie about stories, you only fool strangers, and even then only sometimes. We know and think your a lying faggot.

>> No.56413051

Sir, this is a world controlling Kabal info-hive utilized by the proud Mongolian people

>> No.56413058

No and I wouldn’t fucking 50 girls, having 2 threesomes, and endless parties in college for making it.

I love reading anecdotes about some fucking loser that made it off bitcoin with millions but they don’t leave their house and their a virgin in their late 20s

>> No.56413150


Idk man I'm 30 and forgetting everything cool I did, and also am in no position to do anything cool bc I didn't make it, and nobody cares about anything cool you DID if you can no longer DO. So idk I'd trade that "cool" shit for a better today. Maybe none of this matters by my logic. Can jerk off to old gfs I guess? Very important to lose virginity before you're a boomer dating ugly ass boomer chicks tho lol


This. Holy fuck. Liars are always thinking they're getting one over on you but it's like nobody is going to "call you out" they're just going to think you're a nigger brain and avoid you in the long run. It's not Patrick Bateman it's like desperate female attention seeking behavior. It just isn't worth it to call out every cocksuckers fake narrative. Pure delusion

>> No.56413178

just go experience some stuff

>> No.56413374

>Very important to lose virginity before you're a boomer dating ugly ass boomer chicks tho lol
Yes. I’m 32

The only thing I could do to improve my life is get a remote job so I can add to the 170 Thai hookers I’ve fucked at a faster rate. Otherwise, I feel smug and content because I had a wonderful childhood, youth, and young adulthood.

I absolutely cannot imagine completely missing out on teen love, sex with girls in hs and college, etc. me and my first gf in hs were so in love that we’d make out at every red light when we were driving somewhere. Some girl was so pressed on my cock that she left her prom date at an after party to fuck me on a lawn chair under the stars.

I wouldn’t trade that for a million dollars. These dork faggots can rot with their money. They’ll NEVER get that time back. NO AMOUNT OF MONEY CAN BUY IT BACK.

Look at that fucking loser Jeff bezos with his UGLY tranny granny gf

>> No.56413498

a lesser version of that teen love is still possible at a slightly later age, but this is mostly true. no amount of money can compare to the feeling of a cute hs/college girl being completely infatuated with you, especially if you actually like her. would MUCH rather relive ages 15-24 than be jeff bezos or some other unfuckable billionaire

>> No.56413661

My coolest stories are from a summer 3 years after I graduated college. I went to Alaska to work on fishing boats, got my heart broken, and had a rebound fling with a swedish girl. Then I went to grad school, covid happened, and I kept getting older. I'm now 30 and I realized recently that I haven't had anything storyworthy happen to me in literally years. I moved into my current apartment 2 years ago and it feels like I've been there only a few months because absolutely nothing has happened in my life. The time just evaporated.

>> No.56413673

Anon is working on a fishing boat worth it?

>> No.56413766

>it feels like I've been there only a few months because absolutely nothing has happened in my life. The time just evaporated.
this is the worst part - how fast the years fly by if there are no noteworthy moments to anchor the passage of time to. on a day-to-day basis life can feel excruciatingly long (especially when wageslaving), but on a macro level it goes faster than ever

>> No.56413941

>Keeping up with all the lies seems impossible.
not if you're a sociopath like so many people

>> No.56414090
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What you need is a big fat stack of money to slap around everyone's faces, that's pretty much it, I'm currently balls deep into kava and expecting some major leg up once bull run is resumed

>> No.56414249

Money doesn't solve being socially retarded

>> No.56414267

Lmao that sounds unreal, I've never lived something like that

>> No.56414270

I was looking around all the thread, but guess what, couldn't find who asked nigger faggot

>> No.56414275

where can I short it?

>> No.56414346
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