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56406736 No.56406736 [Reply] [Original]

>women 30 and single and under make more than there male counterparts
>married women make more than their single counterparts

Why is this? Is it because successful marriages involve women being the general caretaker of the house but big macro investment decisions are made by the men?

I know women 30 and single that are 5 figures deep in debt.

>> No.56407036

>*men focuses on his career at 35*
>Ok, good for him
>*woman focuses on her career at 35*

>> No.56407048

Women were never supposed to have jobs, preddit-kun. Their only job is to be good mothers.

>> No.56408357

>Women were never supposed to have jobs
says you, how are women supposed to be financially independent without a job?

>> No.56408369

This is actually a good thing. Things are better than ever!

>> No.56408403

A woman is property of her father until she marries at which point she becomes property of her husband. Marriage is a property transfer.

>> No.56408407

Have a husband, faggot.

>> No.56408422


>> No.56408438

>how are women supposed to be financially independent without a job?
why would society want this

>> No.56408453

>Why is this?
Because companies are incentivized to hire minorities and women over white men

>> No.56408534

It’s women with radiated eggs who pressure men to “marry” them (where are the good men) and bitch and moan about sex bots and old men dating young women.
No one cares about irredeemable eggs of old women anyway.
It would be nice if they stop bitching and instead start living like the “cool wine aunt” they were planning to be

>> No.56408751

denounce the talmud

>> No.56408773

> man sacrifices precuous family time so his wife cam be with their kids, the ultimate and final blessing
> noooooo this is just like slavery im going insaaaaaaaaane aaaaaaahhhhhh

>> No.56408775

Women are not supposed to be financially independent

>> No.56408786

you're in the wrong neighborhood motherfucker

>> No.56408788

Jewish favouritism with the objective of destroying male to female relations. Most successful career women have high pay ing bullshit jobs that are subsidized by men

>> No.56408808

>financially independent
>can’t find a man
They chose this financial independence route.
Why are they bitching for then?

>> No.56408890

>how are women supposed to be financially independent
They're not. We've seen what independent women do: cock carousel + niglet baby + no father + state subsidized degeneracy.

>> No.56409095

If almost half of women arent in a relationship or having children thats a collapsed society isnt it?

>> No.56409169

nah, you're being replaced just fine. you can go extinct yourself with no worries.

>> No.56409544

>63% of men <30 are not in a relationship
>compared to 32% of women <30
holy shit, does this mean that by 2030, almost 80% of men will be single <30?
are we going to revert back to the old days were only the top % of men were fucking and having offspring with most of the women?

>> No.56409665

feminism means "modern women" will only sleep with 6ft chads
but chads know they have infinite options so there will be tons of single moms

>> No.56409703

They don't work real jobs it's just grifting and passive aggressiveness and state enforced nepotism

>> No.56409717

Women are fast tracked to jobs to fight racism. Women who marry rich men can usually secure good jobs alongside their husbands without having to fuck around with that noise.

>> No.56409727
File: 222 KB, 1500x1000, student debt 14 years later.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women are unironically not financially independent, women are in massive debt from student loans for 22 years on average because they expect their husband to pay it off (being a 40 year old woman withlots of student loan debt makes it hard to get a husband).

>> No.56409732

That “old days” were synonymous with before the civilization, so cave men time.
If we get to that point, civilization would be no more.
We would just have enclaves of people living like cavemen (modern style) in their own homes and have sexbots , VR entertainment and food delivery, who never leave home nor interact with anyone who doesn’t belong to their own enclave cave

>> No.56411226

Upperclassmen and royalty always fucked tons of women. They had concubines and mistresses. Nobles and landlords would take a peasants soon to be bride to fuck, then give them back to raise a bastard child.
And that's not counting pillagers that came and raped all the women in a destroyed village

>> No.56411277

>Civilization is reverting back to cavemen principalities
tfw progressive and regressive are synonymous

>> No.56411280

>intentionally omits the part where this task would be forced upon 50% of society because suddenly it sounds a lot more like slavery

>> No.56411305

Fairy fucking tale anon.
Story of Gilgamesh was about how gods sent someone to kill Gilgamesh because he banged his subjects women
Rome created because a king forced himself on woman of his commander.
Society obligated to provide the contributors a woman and a stable family.
That’s an unspoken contract between them. Whenever society ignores its obligations, war and revolutions and extreme apathy happens.
>pillages and rapes
Yes, those men were also part of the societal obligations, to provide them with a pussy either through war or peace.
They fought and defended and attacked for pussy, and society obliged and provided them per their mutual contracts.
Pre civilization cave men didn’t have such a contract. Alpha took all.
So yes, if it’s the new rule of the society, society will fall.

>> No.56411400

Because women despite being inferior collectivize (are shepherded by the kikes) veto and vote for and only for their own gender over the benefit of their family. They also control 80% of the spending. The current economic system is literally a ponzi, women are consumption driven npcs. Therefore the state owned by zog corpos is transferring as much money and power from men to them so the corporations and therefor state profit more.

>> No.56411433

> Pre civilization cave men didn’t have such a contract. Alpha took all.
If I recall correctly Hunter gatherers men and women had equal reproductive success meaning even back then they acknowledged that they need to be paired off

>> No.56411457

Anon its been well over 80 years of this. Most of the original american/european old stock is long gone.
Any people that welcomes jewry into their heart and societies, is doomed to perish.

>> No.56411487

there is a reason why women were forced to be baby makers throughout history and cultures: we see out it. give them the choice and they wont make enough children to maintain the
replacement fertility rate of 2.1 children per woman and prefer to be independent and fuck chads thanks to birth control. so now we have to import 3rd worlders because of it. feminism doesnt work with our economic model.

>> No.56411498

>we see out it
*we see it now

>> No.56411514

Yes but the land was big. If they couldn’t “pair up” for whatever reason, they didn’t see any reason to stand around anymore.
They would leave (stop contributing) and make another group were having women were possible (just like how beta wolves move away and make their own “alpha” tribe)
You can’t have that luxury in society. Losing able men meant death of a civilization so the contract was formed, that every man who contributed to the well being of his city, villege, tribe, were entitled to have a wife and family.
And so it was provided
Neo cavemanism can be stimulated by access to VR and sex bots were men don’t need to tolerate each other anymore, and they can just just go somewhere else if women are not provided for their contribution. (If you pay attention internet is a very soft form of this, but can’t be complete without VR)

>> No.56411530

Not working and taking care of the kids isn't slavery its retirement. Its what all men work for and women get it for free

>> No.56411811
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Preaching to the choir here. I started learning engineering solely so that I can help build robowaifus

>> No.56412368

Wdym "revert back to the old days" if we go back to the old days women wont even be safe alone in their houses. There will be gangs of men with their sole purpose being rape once law and order evaporates. I don't think women truly grasp what has been sown for them if this continues. Women without males in the future are going ro be targeted just like they were historically. A woman always needs a father or a husband protecting her.

>> No.56412958

Good job anon
Did women understand how their vote and their bleeding heart attitudes would cause ruination of Sweden and evaporation of safety in Sweden? No
They voted for Sweden this way and it went from a safe peaceful place in 2010 to a bombed out (103 bombing in 2023 alone) gang war Somali shithole in 2023
Same with them defending troons and GHC and myriad of other things
They will never learn

>> No.56412967

>>56412958(“good job” was meant for you)
The poster also gets my point as well

>> No.56412978


A woman is always attached to a man, father/husband/brother, that is looking out for her. Children are vulnerable too and yet part of a family unit and protected, there was never this incel fantasy of roaming gangs of men raping and marauding women at will.

>> No.56413005

Sure, until a bunch of men gathered together and kill father/brother/husband
Happened all the time during wars
Def happens in pre civilizations time too

>> No.56413009
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women are retarded and when they are "focusing on their career" they're still failing to make money. https://nces.ed.gov/programs/coe/indicator/cba/annual-earnings

>> No.56413021


The kind of guys who organize complex, strong societies don't tend to be the grug types who rape and pillage but rather the familial types. Even women as "spoils of war" only get abused in the worst instances of savage conquest. It simply isn't the way humans naturally work. Men have whiteknight syndrome encoded into their DNA.

>> No.56413314

The average peasant woman makes $40,000 in a glorified call center job. With $100,000 in student loans, $20,000 in credit card debt, $2,000 studio apartment rent, $600 Honda Accord payments, hundreds spent on Doordash food deliveries per month, and multiple vacations per year. The average peasant man is a NEET that never leaves the house and has all of their net worth in Counter Strike knife skins. It's a continuation of the education system where girls are "good students" because they follow the rules, do their homework, and get B's on standardized tests, while boys resist and are thus "bad students." They want you to "participate" in the economy which means put yourself in massive debt, then have a menial job that just barely makes the payments.

>> No.56413415





>> No.56413453

>He believes this garbage (((science)))
The earth is less than 10 thousand years old

>> No.56413475


Not only making less, they are typically in the most meme, useless, timewaster roles possible in any given office.

>> No.56413477

>Men have whiteknight syndrome encoded into their DNA
Because woman is from man, it's basically self defence

but for Adam there was not found a helper like himself.

21 Then the Lord God cast a deep sleep upon Adam: and when he was fast asleep, he took one of his ribs, and filled up flesh for it. 22 And the Lord God built the rib which he took from Adam into a woman: and brought her to Adam. 23 And Adam said: This now is bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called woman, because she was taken out of man. 24 Wherefore a man shall leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they shall be two in one flesh. 25 And they were both naked: to wit, Adam and his wife: and were not ashamed.

>> No.56413627

Lol nope
Men have “I will surely be rewarded if I follow the society guideline” encoded within them/
It was true for the last 6000 years and men did get rewarded for this
Not anymore I am afraid
Contributing members don’t get shit anymore