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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56398783 No.56398783 [Reply] [Original]

How do I become a millionaire in 2 years

>> No.56398804

DCA your disposable income into Chainlink - $LINK every week

>> No.56399011

I want to exploit the 3rd world for cheap labor, but I don't know what I should get them to do.

>> No.56399021

Why would you want to exploit your friends and family :(

>> No.56399024

so i could get rich dumbass

>> No.56399027
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>> No.56399707

buy 21 Bitcoin and wait.

>> No.56399764

Idea 1:
>get black man actor, signs NDA contract
>get white woman, signs NDA contract
>have them get in a public argument over some confusion where both could be at fault
>have black man call white woman a cracker
>have white woman respond calling black man a nigger and calling the cops
>post to x/twitter, leddit, 4chan, other social media
>rightoids mad white woman was harassed, called a racial slur
>leftoids made black man was called the n-word, seen way worse than cracker
>create go fund me for both
>rightoids donate hundreds of thousands to white woman
>leftoids donate hundreds of thousands to black man
>pocket it all

Idea 2:
I'm guessing you are a low-T manlet, if so you can basically get thin and do squats, no upper body stuff. Put on a wig and make up and be a "trap". Post on leddit and x/twitter to get a following. Monetize on those sites, have a patreon and onlyfans as well for the true pay pigs.

I came up with both of those in about 5 minutes, if you really think about it I'm sure you can think of something.

>> No.56399905
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in 2 years global warming will be three times worse than it is today
I wouldn't worry too much about the future, I'll even settle for duck race if it at least lets me get my shit together in the short term

>> No.56399911

Buy $10 million of stocks

>> No.56399939

That Sonic Obama token. Ape in to shitcoin country already, I don't see anything else booming in this market right now

>> No.56400205
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Buy as much LINK and SDL as possible

>> No.56400336

Buy joining by super elite insider traders club. $499 annual membership.

>> No.56400472

Accumulate 200 eth, sell Q2 2015

>> No.56400968


>> No.56401805

>be a billionaire
>invest all your money in one of the shit that has a “general” on /biz/

>> No.56401867

Buy SonicObama

>> No.56404364

>How do I become a millionaire in 2 years

Listen up... nobody tell him. Tell me instead.

>> No.56404557

2 years? Gambling. With $1 you just need to double it 20 times.

Good luck!

>> No.56404633


>> No.56404737

Simple really.
>buy a house in the ghetto
>make it really nice
>beg the city to put in le protected bike lanes and other stuff white urbanites love
>sell to californian couple at 775% markup
>fuck off to naples

>> No.56405491

2 years? if you had asked for 2.5 i could haven given you an easy 10 step plan that is guaranteed to work. what a shame

>> No.56405498
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Do the opposite of me

>> No.56405532

Start a buisness by getting hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt and then Chaim Noseburgstein from GoyaRus bank will value your buisness at a million dollars. Congrats you are now a "millionare".

>> No.56405538


>> No.56405551


>> No.56405654

Buy FGC asap now on Dextrade at a cheaper price before and thank me later, bags will get filled

>> No.56405699


I only have 100K SDL which is nowhere near enough to actually make it.

All these sistas with 25k stacks singing about stLINK rewards are starting to piss me off with their propaganda. LINK staking is a joke and they are actually believing it and causing FOMO in newfags preventing the dump. I need to make it to 300k before NOPs having on chain reputation for fucks sake. SDL is only going to $1 max. Right now I might make some money before tax on that, but tax will take a big chunk out of that then inflation will fucking ruin me over the next decade.

Even if I chuck the 1MM into a dividend stock that pays out well and I get 70k a year of it, it's not enough to beat inflation unless I basically live in poverty as a neet and keep my wagecuck job in the meantime so I don't have to unlock any SDL. In 1/2/4 years that 70k a year will feel like 20k a year. You need a minimum of 2MM, but more likely 3MM to make it. The upper predictions for sistas were about $10 but that was made during the bullrun of last year, and it assumed that the overall crypto market cap would still be expanding and BTC would go on to 1MM a Bitcoin and that we would be in a full blown crypto FOMO hype bubble. All of that isn't going to happen anymore.

pooling LINK is essentially cancelled. Now we will have a slow growth to $1 at best. And the sad but ironic thing is most people on this chat will hold from 10 cents, to $10 and then hold all the way back to sub $1 again because you all believe the stLINK 1K apy% memes, and just like the retards who held BTC and didn't sell at 69k, you will do the same with SDL at $1. Looking at the current charts depresses the fuck out of me when I know I only have 100k SDL, nowhere near enough to make it.

At best I will have 1-2 sweet years, and then return to wagecucking after that. But it will be worse because I will have tasted freedom and know what I am missing out on.

>> No.56405980
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You don't, kek, if you didn't get born rich, and you don't have millionaire ideas, you're gonna remain poor, only think you could do to avoid that is perhaps shorting bitchcorn on Kinetix

>> No.56406077

You can suck 500k dicks a year for a dollar each.

And do not pay taxes or you'll have to suck twice more

>> No.56406889

Kek, nobody here will escape the rat race

>> No.56406891

Kek, based, that's the only way

>> No.56406908

At this point I dont even know if this is bait or entirely delusional.

>> No.56406909

Poos and Brownoids are the only ones that are gonna make monies in the next years

>> No.56406918
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>> No.56406919

Buy 10,000 LINK tokens ($75,000~)
Wait until LINK hits $100

>> No.56406923

Trust me you are not exploiting them, youre probably giving them better living wages.

>> No.56407008

Pick 10k flax