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56404442 No.56404442 [Reply] [Original]

>Admits that he wants to create a market collapse
How, exactly, does he think he will be remembered as the good guy? To hike rates, you need good policy accompanying it, but if you're hiking rates because of bad policy, I don't get it. What is the end goal.

They are creating wars all over the globe, which causes inflation, which they need to create a depression to suppress.

can someone redpill me on why there isn't a market panic over this yet?

>> No.56404536

>how will he be remembered as the good guy
It's not a popularity contest retard. He is our Fabius Cunctator

>> No.56404562
File: 1.19 MB, 808x1625, N26FabiusCunctator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He is our Fabius Cunctator
B A S E D B E Y O N D B E L I E F !

>> No.56404563

the call has been made, we need more troops to sign up to die in foreign wars, and that wont happen unless there is a financial collapse.

so yea powell will keep rates high until shit hits the fan and jobless people begin signing up for the army.

>> No.56404569

>can someone redpill me on why there isn't a market panic over this yet?
war is good for business. it costs a lot of money

>> No.56404577

>To hike rates, you need good policy accompanying it,

what policy? the fed isn't congress. lmao. their tools are extremely limited and crude.

>> No.56404672
File: 266 KB, 779x581, 1B8B9E70-B606-45C8-B6C5-15F9DBBAA3A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheers king.
>We thought about Rome today.

>> No.56404693

>does he think he will be remembered as the good guy?
I don't think he cares about that. I think he is just a plant and his whole reason for working there is to crash the market for his masters. If you could control the market, the way you make a lot of money isn't by just driving everything up forever. That is impossible and you can't make as much that way. The way to make money if you control the market is to pump and dump then buy - back and forth slowly forever.

>> No.56404799

Powell will be remembered as the retard that kept rates low for too long, and then high for too long. He is a midwit and his name is Jerome, double yuck

>> No.56404846

Khrushchev was forced out as Union Leader, he sat and wrote two letters to Leonid Brezhnev. He told him, “When you get into a situation you can’t escape, open the first letter, you’ll be saved. When theres a second situation open the other letter”. Brezhnev found himself in a pickle and opened the first letter. It said, “Blame everything on me”. So he blamed Khrushchev for everything, and it only went and fucking worked.
Anyways there was a second difficult situation he couldn’t fix, so he opened the second letter. It said, “Sit down, and write two letters”.

If what he's doing isn't better than that.. I'd welcome Stalinist China to come in and take a crack with their Mongolian pals.

>> No.56404874

He is a good guy. He's making us take our medicine, which is long long overdue. This is a forest fire, it's a necessary culling to stop a sickness. I can't believe he even exists in the year 2023.

Just like Volcker forced us to take our medicine and ushered in 20 years of economic prosperity, maybe we'll get a good run after things shatter and reset.

>> No.56404999

Volcker was managing us through a transition from a failing industrial economy into a FIRE and tech economy. That transition was financed by the selloff of physical capital and the gradual financialization of every part of the market. We now have a failing FIRE and tech economy and we can transition to...what, exactly? We don't have enough industrial capital to cannibalize. We already financialized everything, that well is dry. Where exactly do we rebuild to? I'm not saying we'll never rebuild but I don't think it'll take a few years like with Volcker. It might take five times as long this time. A lost decade or two.

>> No.56405116
File: 149 KB, 1440x907, paul-volcker-1986-gt-img.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The world doesn't need your stupid superhero marvel level of things like "heroes". The world is made up of men that have to make tough decisions.
>where exactly do we rebuild to
Onshoring back to physical capital now that automation can theoretically allow us to output more with less workers domestically. This will mean union busting coming back and there will most likely be Pinkerton Agents (probably robots at this point) breaking strikes violently which will either cause the country to implode in on itself or we survive and enjoy the fruits of disorganized labor.

>> No.56405187

>we survive and enjoy the fruits of disorganized labor.
Which is what we have been enjoying for the last few decades retard.
They would rather import more spices than pay people a living wage, those jobs will never be in american hands again even if they are on american soil

>> No.56405239

volker is remembered as a good guy.
he also played hard ball for easy money pussies.

>> No.56405275

Onshore your production, hyper-financialize everything through tokenization, as suggested by Larry Fink. The game is not over.

>> No.56405329

They aren't real wars. Nothing happening is chaotic or out of control. Russia vs Ukraine is just a way to kill as many slavs as possible on both sides while emptying out the land so jews can have their new khazaria. What's going on in israel is just the pretext they've been waiting and planning for to annex gaza.

If they want a depression to happen then it'll happen and if not then it won't. They'll probably reset the money system around 2030 with a digital currency. If you're rich you're gonna stay rich and if you're poor you're gonna stay poor.

>> No.56405357

more like faggus cucktator

>> No.56407659

This guy was worth $40 Millions before he was chairman. If you take on this position with so much net worth you have to be mentally ill.

>> No.56408329

This is the most based and redpilled thing I've read all year.