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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56402726 No.56402726 [Reply] [Original]

Honestly I’ve taken your advice and it’s fucking horrible. I miss having somewhere where I have responsibilities and people need me. Fuck you all who told me that this delusional lifestyle was ever going to make me happy.

>> No.56402733

Oops! Sounds like you're an NPC with zero interests and hobbies besides gooning.

>> No.56402742

its okay wagie, you can back to your cagie

>> No.56402748

Noone needs you

>> No.56402761

4chan has given me so much bad advice and i wasted years finding that out. especially regarding relationships.

>> No.56402764

Everyone who takes advice from internet strangers is a retard. Most of the people here telling "facts" are mentally ill, as online communication attracts those types. They are mentally ill people who just suffer in life in general and think that it must be because of other people and thus think social contact with other people is bad. You have to be mentally ill to even want to be a neet. Indeed healthy people enjoy responsibility, challenge, helping other people and being social.

>> No.56402787

The rule is simple
Don't take any advice from people here, unless the poster sounds relatively moderate. Even then, engage to make sure this is the case, and cross-check.
90% of posts here are made by mind-broken doomers trying to make themselves less miserable by ensuring you become miserable too.
Also fuck your bait thread :^)

>> No.56402797
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>4chan tells me that all women just desire to be cumdumpsters to the chad
>manage to attract my first woman
>i'm amazed that she wants to have a long term relationship with me and starts seeing me in a bad light when i want to be a "player"

Lmao i learned the lesson to not trust autistic internet virgins many timea.

>> No.56402802

Is this the famous reddit hivemind?

>> No.56402842

i am a defense contractor. I spent about six months of my year NEET. it is harder to be NEET and feel good about myself than it is working. you need structure, or else you fall into a pit of despair and time wastage. I'm actually in that right now (hence the fact I am posting on /biz/). luckily I deploy on sunday.

>> No.56402853

It comes down to the quality of the individual and their ability to entertain themselves. NEETs pursue excellence through aristocratic leisure, while wagies, descended from servant class, need to keep themselves distracted.

NEETs are satisfied with the contents of their own mind, pursuing their interests and expanding their intellectual horizons, while wagies who cannot stand their own inner voice desperately need the approval of authorities and peers.

Basically, servants seethe NEETs because they're jealous that they can find contentment in simple intellectual pursuits and wholesome hobbies, despite being "lower status" in societal terms.


And that? That's just the facts, jack.

>> No.56402883

>NEETs pursue excellence through aristocratic leisure
Fucking LMAO, that is some high quality degenerate ramblings. The point of "aristocratic leisure" has always been to expend your network and social status. Not to stay home to masturbate despite your social status.

>> No.56402934

This is how the over-socialized, servant-class individual displays his insecurity and attempts to rally others to his side through feigned ridicule (really, insecurity in the face of a philosophical perspective he can't properly digest, given his low disposition).

Simple dynamics like this are immediately discernible to the aristocratic NEET, with their incisive and efficient minds, but remain forever obscured to the servant wagie (who needs to get back to his cagie, posthaste!)

Also, note that he assumes the only thing one can do alone is masturbate. Pure projection by the filthy untouchable workhorse class! Tragic!

>> No.56402936
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This is only true if you work building something you're passionate about or at least the work builds and uses skills you are passionate about.
Perfect example with Terry and his OS as autistic as it was he was a fucking work horse, but you're not gonna get that feeling from random low-skill labor.

>> No.56402981

>i'm amazed that she wants to have a long term relationship with me
Is anyone going to tell him? Normalfags (people who are dumb enough to leave the house in the age of mass surveillance and social unraveling) are so comfortable in the warm bath of their own delusion.

Doesn't it stink? Isn't the filthy water of your own wishful thinking rancid? How do you not jump out of it immediately upon being made aware? Pearls before swine, I suppose.

>> No.56402989


>> No.56403017

What kind of subhuman cattle do you have to be if you require an employer to provide structure for your own life? What the hell are you even doing on this board if you can’t figure out what to do with your own life without a task-master telling you what to do? You’re scum. Go back to r/Jobs or whatever shithole you crawled out of.

>> No.56403046

Case in point, a mentally ill person whose cognition has already lowered. "Aristocratic leisure" is a centuries old subversion the king used to transfer the power from the aristocrats to the king and his bureucrats. Aristocrats were descendants from warriors and by making them useless neets with "aristocratic hobbies" the king was able to neutralize them.

>> No.56403072

el em ay oh

>> No.56403154

>slave can't fathom a life without slaving away
it's not even funny, just straight up sad

>> No.56403188

I think the problem with being a NEET generally is you don't have coworkers or people who rely on your work, you nothing you do really gives you that satisfaction of being useful and productive

>> No.56403210

ask yourself, if these NEETs were as aristocratic and multi-skilled as they claim why wouldn't they ply these trades and skills for money?
>inb4 muh if you love something don't make it your job
bull-shit. that's a cope from people who aren't good enough to make it. which is what these NEETs are, its just antelopes who can't keep up with herd and instead of letting them starve we've reached out and allowed them to continue to merely exist.

>> No.56403223
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Being a neet will soon be illegal.

>> No.56403226

>these trades and skills for money?
Some do. Eric Barone, the creator of a video game called Stardew Valley, was unemployed for years while his wife took care of him so he could work on a project he genuinely cared about. Obviously it paid off.

>> No.56403241

In addition, many use that free time to learn and hone skills that they can later flip into a decent job offer.

>> No.56403254

You are describing probably <5% of NEETs, as a NEET that eventually did that but spent several years being the other 95%

>> No.56403291

Maybe. As the other anon said, it comes down to the quality of the individual and their ability to entertain themselves.

From all the posts I see in these threads it no longer surprises me and I can confidently say that the vast majority of people are just meant to be slaves, that's their entire existence because they have no ownership over their own lives and no initiative to do anything without someone else telling them to do it.

>> No.56403295

Something like the 80/20 rule. 80 percent of people are just worker-bee NPCs while the other 20% get to actually live their real lives.

>> No.56403299

Notice how the NEETs will tell you about what other people (who weren't even NEETs) did instead of what they're doing. Telling.

>> No.56403308

and I'm sure now when challenged the NEET will post whole slew of LARP, fantasy and delusion. None of which is even remotely true or grounded in reality, because if it were they would've led off with it rather than devised it as a response.

>> No.56403322

Don't you have a customer's ass to kiss right now? Those burgers won't flip themselves.

>> No.56403361

do you know how bad it looks when you just completely dodge the question and instead levy some baseless and lazy personal attack?

fact is if you were some sort of super NEET living a life aristocratic luxury honing a skill you wouldn't post on 4chan. those two things are totally incompatible. your lie is betrayed by the place in which you are telling it.

>> No.56403368

What's the question? You didn't ask a question, you just spewed a bunch of drivel.

>> No.56403375

>their ability to entertain themselves.
No, a lot of it is their ability/drive/necessity to work. If that work is even remotely adjacent to your passion/entertainment, great, you're a lucky one, but most NEETs are just lazy with poor work ethic and enablers who would at best half-ass their dream work even if it was laid out before them.

Even if you're free to do what you want it's still a shit ton of work, usually more than you'd face in traditional employment, a majority of which you don't always want to do, see: your stardew valley example or >>56402936

Terry had a cushy job that was almost certainly beneath him before he was a NEET and stardew dev probably could've done the same.

>> No.56403386

lmao from the guy who was bloviating about how he's an aristocrat because he basement dwells his entire living existence shitposting on 4chan, gambling on internet money and masturbating habitually to transvestite pornography.

>> No.56403396

You know this board has poster IDs, right? You can read the entire thread and see that I never said anything like that.

>> No.56403408

and you could have done the same to see that I'm actually not working at this moment have no customers ass to kiss.

>> No.56403415

I don't really believe you though, with how much you're obviously upset and lashing out at anyone who isn't living like a customer service ass kisser.

>> No.56403417

I'm >>56403254 and I'm literally at work(from home) in my underwear right now in my dream job shitposting here because I already finished my project that isn't due till the end of the month. I mostly agree with you though and I guess I'm not a NEET anymore.

>> No.56403430
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>Fuck NEETs

>> No.56403438

nah I'm just lashing out at a bunch of losers who would be dead if not for the magnanimity of the society they despise and feel shunned by

>> No.56403449

That's really ironic, because you are a loser who would be dead without a master employer to throw scraps at you.

>> No.56403576

it really is fucking sad tho. like waaah i need structure! tell me what to do! like good lord gain a fucking skill and hone it. really isnt hard to create your own structure, set your own goals. all you have to do is show up for yourself just like showing up for work. turns out cucking out to an employer is easier than spending your time and effort bettering oneself or your friends and family. if you spent even 20 hours a week practicing something youd be a solid amateur in 6 months. imagine spending 40-60 hours a week honing a personal craft for even two years. youd be insanely proficient. problem is nobody wants to overcome any personal hurdles or take on challenges. its easier to just do what yr told and not forge a personal path or invent new ways of doing things. and people wonder why they suffer, like bro you gave all ur life force to huge corporations who actively work to enslave and poison you. its the complicit wagies who literally create the dystopian condition led by the puppetmasters

>> No.56403581
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OP is a fag who deserves slavery.

Like any message-board it’s about filtering-out the noise (just like the rest of the internet and life in general)

First heard about Bitcoin on 4chan back in 2009 and even then it was a balanced opinion along the lines of “these bitcoins may just be a neat computer experiment , or even possibly the next big thing , check it out”. Guess what.

They were right.

>> No.56403623

This man is 400pds of pure lipids, the stench is incredible

>> No.56403629
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This anon gets it.

>> No.56403649

>took advice from NEETs

>> No.56403656

So the point of being a NEET is to get back work? I think we went full circle here
You made me laugh I'll give you that

>> No.56403680

No, the point of NEET is to get time to yourself. What you do with that time is up to you.

>> No.56403704
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I have a love-hate relationship with 4chan. On one hand this place can be genuinely funny and really is ground zero for legitimate internet culture. But on the other hand it attracts cynics, pessimist, and losers who spew their vitriol all over the place - and it eats away at your soul if you spend too much time here. However it varies from board to board though. Slower, more niche interest boards I've found to have the most socially well adjusted people. And they're outlook on life isn't nearly as negative, they're very chill. Places like /out/, /diy/, /xs/, are pretty cozy.

/r9k/, /pol/, and /b/ are no-go zones oozing with negativity. /Biz/ seems to be an intermediary

>> No.56403711
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>be wagie
>fuck life
>get money
>NEET away
>find purpose while NEETING
>self employed NEETING 90% of my time away while making more than 99% of wagies
it turned out okay

>> No.56403754

yeah, this place is unironically terrible if you're around average iq
but this begs the question: why come here if you're around average iq?
you've got facebook, twitter, instagram... literally endless places designed for your kind
as a high iq weirdo i found my wife as a direct result of being on here

>> No.56403796

this is a complete false dichotomy and exhibits a complete lack of understanding that there an entire ocean of nuance between the terminal edges of wagiedom and neetdom.

>> No.56403820

>I can't be happy unless I serve
Good. Go on and serve me, golem. "People" like you are exactly the reason why my lifestyle is sustainable. Purebred slaves, love to see them

>> No.56403862

What I'm doing is eating chocolate with a cup of tea while shitposting. I just finished watching some one piece and am planning to have a nice wank in my VR headset next, then I'll probably have a bath. Why did you need to know all that though?

>> No.56403902


>> No.56404776
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>i am a defense contractor.
The opinion of a welfare boot boy do not concern neetchads

>> No.56404917

>Go back to r/Jobs
It's worse I believe we are dealing with glowniggers who are upset they fired off their propaganda too early.


>> No.56405073
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Touch grass nerd

>> No.56405129

Isn't this the philosophical definition of jihad, though, inner war?
Nigga we all are jihading then, no need for that fucking book

>> No.56405656

You and everyone who thinks they need to be self-employed is trying too hard. I'm a doctor, why the fuck should i only desire to have my own clinic? Depending on my specialisation i might need an entire hospital to treat my patients.

>> No.56406499

>believing in medical institutions after the scamdemic and clotshot atrocity
That gets a big YIKES from me, wage-wage

>> No.56406735

Was your massa at least a virgin you retarded slave?

>> No.56406928

>. I miss having somewhere where I have responsibilities and people need me.
You sound like a normalfag. NEET is for antisocial autists who want as little interaction with others as possible and hate having to live up to the expectations of others.

>> No.56406944

>muh austism is muh superpower
come back in 5 years kid

>> No.56406969

Not only that, but they're the most persuading because they literally do nothing but internet. You're in their territory.

>> No.56407882

If work is so fulfilling why have so many normies quit their jobs during the great resignation, and unions are having a resurgence?

>> No.56408087

what do you think of /fit/?

>> No.56408319

Wagie absolutely shut down

>> No.56408733
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Based beyond measure.