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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56391391 No.56391391 [Reply] [Original]

It's over

>> No.56391423

The only ones left are the cult members who probably won’t even sell after it goes past 1b. This shit has bottomed

>> No.56391841

I told you guys it was a slow rug

>> No.56391882

Friendly reminder for d0baggies that the sniper whale still has tens of million to on your asses

>> No.56391883

*to dump

>> No.56392002

>This shit has bottomed
Every sucker says this after there's a major sell off, yet it continues to drop.

>> No.56392011

Imagine having a relaunch like 10 times and every single one of them lost money

>> No.56392014

Did the devs run off with the community funds again?

>> No.56392438

Right now they're begging the community to donate to the dao.

>> No.56392505
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I was only nine years old. I loved Shrek so much, I had all the merchandise and movies. I'd pray to Shrek every night before I go to bed, thanking for the life I've been given. "Shrek is love", I would say, "Shrek is life". My dad hears me and calls me a faggot. I knew he was just jealous for my devotion of Shrek. I called him a cunt. He slaps me and sends me to go to sleep. I'm crying now and my face hurts. I lay in bed and it's really cold. A warmth is moving towards me. I feel something touch me. It's Shrek. I'm so happy. He whispers in my ear, "This is my swamp". He grabs me with his powerful ogre hands, and puts me on my hands and knees. I spread my ass-cheeks for Shrek. He penetrates my butthole. It hurts so much, but I do it for Shrek. I can feel my butt tearing as my eyes start to water. I push against his force. I want to please Shrek. He roars a mighty roar, as he fills my butt with his love. My dad walks in. Shrek looks him straight in the eye, and says, "It's all ogre now". Shrek leaves through my window. Shrek is love. Shrek is life. (TICKER : SHREK)

Website : https://shrek.app/
TG : @shrek_portal
CA : 0x5ebc6afa7f247fd358ad4ff046f9321048fc2332

>> No.56392562

I´m a whale, and still losing money until 1B MC

>> No.56392575
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it's a rug

>> No.56392679

You don't know what a rug means, jeet.

>> No.56393080

i know it's over

>> No.56394531
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>> No.56395204

does this confirm bsc dog bat is superior?

>> No.56397021

Yep... It was never a contest lol bnb dogbat has always been superior this is the second time they tried relaunching on eth and failed miserably bnb dogbat 50b eoy

>> No.56397066

As it is burned it will increase in value, then everyone will want to buy it. There is a reason kikes banned it from here.

>> No.56397279

>then everyone will want to buy it
Sure bout that?

>> No.56397909

Why did I sell my beautiful bsc bags for this scam? will you lot have me back?

>> No.56398052

holy fuck can i just get ONE fucking scam right? jesus fucking christ

>> No.56398224

we invested in the wrong community. should have been hp 0s10i. their devs are competent. dog bat tg is full of simpletons.

>> No.56398236
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Retards. You were warned. pic rel

>> No.56398294


>> No.56398474
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The few times I've dabbled in memecoins they always went to 0 in the end, this coin is no different. I remember both this and hpos being released at the same time last cycle. The hpos devs LEARNED from their mistakes and didn't just rely on bull mania to carry them. It's obvious now that the devs got lucky with timing last run to push it to $200M mcap and are just another incompetent shitcoin team without bull market mania, getting mogged hard by hpos. The tg is completely unorganised and they've introduced a fucking DAO of all things (lmao), showing they have no initiative and don't know what to do now that the coin is floundering. Pack your bags and leave, this shit is going to 0.

>> No.56398651

what's the contract for the bsc version? I need a play on that chain

>> No.56398742


dumped my eth bags. i'll be joining you shortly

>> No.56398876

Had to dump sorry dobros
team hates each other but are paid to be jannies and hang out derp meganerp guy sendin their secret chats to everyone Amy flipped AGAIN (woman) an now shes anti dogcoin it's so over

>> No.56398904

no ghostbro no buy
told you so

>> No.56398980

Ayyyyy Lmao
Where are cocky telegram d0b0niggers?

>50bil eoy
>rug me daddy

Eat shit plebbit fags

>> No.56398988

Nothing of this is truth.

No one hates each other we are all dobros who been around each others for last 2 bloody years.

Derp is not even around lately or sending anything. If he did post it.

Amy is here and bonking as always.
Anything more?

By the way chart just bottomed and its only up from here. Presale fud is gone so pull up a chair and watch bonkening during Nov.

Much stuff is being built behind the scenes + we just got invited to be in the documentary.

>> No.56399170
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The ETH version lasted exactly 2 months before falling below the presale price (basically zero) where the BSC dogbat still hasnt gone below its ATL set two years ago despite actually being rugged and completely abandoned. This wasnt a rug for the most part, it was being retarded enough to trust literal autists with running a crypto project that didnt learn from the last s-coin they launched. Throw bad timing (again) into the mix and the worst bear makret in history and this is what you're left with.

>> No.56399183

This is the same team that made that changzhao coin isn't it? The same coin that got straight up called out by CZ on xitter to be a scam. Fucking lmao.

>> No.56399197

this coin financially devastated me (the true dogbat not the eth ripoff)

i hate every single one of you and hope the eth ripoff scams all of you to hell

>> No.56399212

>He thinks its over.

No dobro recovery starts now weak hands are out and the chart bottomed out.

Stuff is still being worked on behind scenes.
This never was intended to be pump and dump or a rug cause its not one.

100/100 score on rug check btw.
Sellers will rope.
The game is being worked on and NFTs marketplace is there.

Those who panic sold by now they did already.
We can wait no worries. Remember BSC one and dumps.

BSC one dumped way more than ETH in reality if u consider starting MC.

>> No.56399219

>$2M mcap
>Dw bros chart has bottomed out!
>$1.5M mcap
>Dw bros chart has bottomed out!
>$1M mcap
>Dw bros chart has bottomed out!
>$500k mcap
>Dw bros chart has bottomed out!

>> No.56399223


No that was ghostberg. This team is OG BSC Dobro team.

If being in future documentary + game/nft marketplace is not bullish for you welp then I dont know what else to tell you.

>> No.56399230

The first time I called bottom.
It is there right now like it or not.

>> No.56399246

go back to your telegram

>> No.56399370


No, I don't think so.

>> No.56399389

It really is. Delete this.

>> No.56400300

Now that the eth scam is long behind us now I guess we can go back to the bsc version Dogbat bsc 50b eoy

>> No.56400311

That's what you get for not getting Happy Potter Obama Sonic. A bonk.
Jokes' on you, there is still a chance.

>> No.56400318

How the fuck did this meme get so stale

>> No.56400505

Err scam?
Check TXs and rug check. Devs are still working and updating the game and overall progress on anything else. No one got or is being scammed.

We still are here and bonking and always will be as it is started first and foremost as fun community project after BNB one got killed and everyone were robbed by Justin two years later.

The whole community is on ETH.
BNB one is what ended up scam and Justin taking out money for drugs and hookers.

There are no mods,shillers,anything being worked on.

BSC is dead as Justion pulled the plug so he doesn't need to bring attention to himself after everything.

Eth one is just warming up. The bottom is here.

There are no taxes which is bullish as hell for more CEX. Would we be invited to be on Documentary if it was a scam? Think people!

Everyone Fudded BNB one and the same thing is happening all over with ETH one. History repeats as always.

Scam fud is long gone.
Liquidity fud as well.
Fud about "no game is being worked on? Proven wrong.
Nover will get on any cex fud? We got CEX + Twitter blue checkmark (Soon on TG as well)

I am shaking my head cause half of you cant see what will happen during bull run. By the way November is around the corner and everyone knows whos month is that.

Who you think that pumped BSC one?
Same people who are on ETH.

This is not one of those copycats and prev pump and dumps as those people are not on this one.

>> No.56400646

TL:DR not buying your slow rugged pajeet scam sanjay
Say hi to rest of telegram baggies.

>> No.56401317

i bought back in.

>> No.56401869

I'm in the mod chat and unfortunately it's unironically over for now at least. There's no money to spend and the market is shit. Whales are mad and everything done to save the coin goes unnoticed. A lot of people who bought the presale are planning on selling today, this is the only place I can anonymously say it so interpret that any way you want.

>> No.56402058

>we invested in the wrong community.

This is what happens when you go hard into shitcoins, hopefully this rings a bell to rather invest in utility tokens.

If you probably held utility tokens like RIO, CYMI and TRIAS you won't be regretting rn.

>> No.56402084
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Based, Anon. I'm all about those utility tokens, like XTP, RIO, and DIMO. No regrets for me, unlike those greenhorns

>> No.56402092

all good. things are looking up. bringing christina chan in to market. 5b eo24

>> No.56402120

chart looks like it bottomed..
I think ill buy some and hold for the bull market

>> No.56402149

you guys buying these projects are retards and the fact you know all this gay drama between these scamming subhumans, YOU ARE NGMI. Literally kill yourselves you worthless pieces of maggot infested jew shits

>> No.56402177


I see this was immediately posted to the Telegram, nothing I said was wrong. The liquidity is too high and the community never stepped up while the devs were working on projects. There's just not a path forward unfortunately and anybody who says otherwise is just trying to save their bags.

>> No.56402500

everyone in that tg is cringe and coping, clear sell signals all day. the worst are bonkye and the roid tranny with a fart fetish.

>> No.56402556


Can't blame the guy for trying to make it work, but it's futile at this point.

>> No.56404074

We just need to survive the bear. 200M Mcap is programmed. Many will look back at this point in time with regret.

>> No.56404124

ETH goes down for a month and all the rats flee the ship
This is going to run with the bulls

>> No.56405051


Dogbat BNB is 50b programmed

>> No.56405316
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brothers forever

>> No.56405447

The telegram sucks so much. I feel like i bought a plebbit's coin.
the average poster seems like a normalfag cooper on roids+ a lot of pajeets as members. I'm only there because i'm a baggie waiting for an exit pump.
also try to complain about anything and if you don't get banned you get send to the cringe "bonk jail" or whatever
fuck me for buying this cringe jeet scam

>> No.56406023

>>admitting you're ngmi
i exit pumped at .0035 and bought back in at .00145. i'm now top 20

>> No.56407077

Investing in memes in a time like this is total bullshit.
I mean we have utility backed projects like PENDLE and SPOOL that will do great numbers in the bull cycle

>> No.56407102

What happened to $NGMI?

>> No.56407507

No amy no ghostbro no buy
Simple as

>> No.56407688

Those two are among my big bags

>> No.56407772


>> No.56409003

AMy is there tho, at least yesterday.

>> No.56410828

There’s only one dog bat

>> No.56411036

Oldfag here, just coming back to /biz/ as halving approaches. This coin has done $56 of trading in the last 24hrs.
Fifty-six United States dollars, gentlemen.

>> No.56411533

Dead shitcoin
Scammer devs
Jeet community
Simpul as

>> No.56411617

I'm unironically thinking of buyng back in. There doesnt seem to be much downside potential. Asymmetrical bet. The dump to 560k was mass capitulation. I honestly don't think they could go past 10m even in bull run, what with that retarded liquidity ratio, but gains are gains.

>> No.56411842

It's always disheartening to invest in shitcoins Fag. It's best to invest in projects with good fundamentals and utilities like XRP, YGG and RIDE. What and how the project is solving is the fuck I look at.

>> No.56412419

Anybody involved with this and its launch has moved on, I recommend keeping a very close eye on the chart if you want to at least not lose money if you bought presale. It's unfortunate but the community didn't seem to care and the markets beat us up.

>> No.56412569

It's ok little brother; we'll pump your bags.

>> No.56413189

I thought she started a duckass coin kek

>> No.56414052

I heard she started an eth pepeb0nk coin

>> No.56414297

It’s probably nothing

>> No.56415290


I mean, wasn't the name by itself a warning that the project was never meant to be worth shit?

Oh and the team had already scammed the community? lmao

You all realize that is this evident show of substandard intellectual capacity what invites others scammers to try? Why would they fucking not? You tards keep falling for them 10 years later.

>> No.56415921

Derivatives are fake and gay
Duckass is bullish

>> No.56415949 [DELETED] 

instead of getting dumped on by presalers trying to exit, be the the one that dumps a big bag for once and get in on something early.
get pepeb0nk instead

>> No.56416067

You streetshitters have no shame don't you?
So you scammed people with this d0b0nigger eth shitcoin and you want to do the same with a "frog"? Holy shit i didn't invest on this nor feel happy for the people who lost money but you mfs should just die

>> No.56416127

yeah dont bullshit me, you got dumped on buying the top of dog with bat. noone else would be this bored to frequent threads like these otherwise to voice their impotent frustrations.
just get frog with bat and stop thinking so hard about it, whats the worst that can happen - losing 50 bucks?

>> No.56416134

Did I already get poisoned this afternoon?m

>> No.56417147

You make this thread at least once every two weeks or so at this point. Kinda pathetic. Recoup some losses with blocklords and btc next year or something, if you are done with this newfag grift of yours.

>> No.56417297
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>> No.56419052

Memecoins have always been a way for newfags to lose money. I'd rather bag based gems like Egld and Ride with utility and potential for long term gains.

>> No.56419243
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If people have bought DUA, they won't throw a tantrum like a child over this memecoin repeatedly relaunching. Wake up folks.

>> No.56421132

I chose to focus on LUNAM rather than live in regrets. Its unique Engage-To-Earn principle is a top notch.

>> No.56421140

Fuck this shittiest of the shitcoins

>> No.56421234

>>we are breaking the conditioning