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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56395930 No.56395930 [Reply] [Original]

You need to buy a house right now!

>> No.56395937

>woman that makes money selling houses says you should buy her bags

>> No.56395940

I'll just wait for the day of the pillow

>> No.56395953


>> No.56395971

She isn't wrong. Interest rates will sooner hit 19-21% than go back.

>> No.56395978

Good. I want a $90k shitbox at 15% like my daddy did.

>> No.56395980

I'm not going to take advice from a woman who looks like she survived being sucked up by Cell

>> No.56396035

if interest rates stay high then prices will drop

>> No.56396048
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>> No.56396055

it should be legal to attack people like this. straight up wailing on her face as hard as you can with a claw hammer.

>> No.56396070
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I don't really care about price at this point. I just want a place to live that isn't crawling with [people who annoy you] so my kids can go to a decent school without [people who annoy you]. This isn't an investment property.

>> No.56396075

>I'm not going to take advice from a woman
anon this is where your sentence should have ended

>> No.56396121

It's not an investment property for me in the sense of flipping, but obviously nominal value has detached and rolled about 10 miles down the line from real value. I feel you on not having to hear my neighbors' every move. I hate them all so much it's unreal.

>> No.56396124

Yeah, I'll buy a house in 3-5 years when they are 20-25% off. The generational bottom.

>> No.56396370

I'll just kill her and take her home.

>> No.56396385

fine, i will buy a house
first you just have to pump crypto 10x
your move, boomers

>> No.56396414

Ngl I think it's going to keep going up for the next ten years or so but at that point we'll be at a generational housing top and the housing bubble which has been building since the 80s? will pop for good

>> No.56397321
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>Its different this time

>> No.56398842

She's not totally wrong if we're talking about people who are liquid and can buy outright with no loans.
2-3% rates will come shortly after we're officially pulled into the Holy War.

>> No.56398867
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>pump my speculative investments right now!
I don't wana, you cant make me!

>> No.56398926

>19-21% than go back
Unironically home prices would tank so fucking fast home owners would get whiplash. A $400,000 house with 20% down would cost $5,347 a month vs $2,348 right now.

>> No.56399090

no, i dont think i will :)
ill see you again after -70% corrections arrive

>> No.56399106

Top signal. We going to make it frens, cheap real estate is coming

>> No.56399201

>[people who annoy you]
Do you mean [troubled teens]?

>> No.56399612
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I think he means [NIGGERS]

>> No.56399635

every year the number of places free from jogging scholars decreases and the prices increase. forever.

>> No.56399655

It’s a South Park reference , zoom zoom

>> No.56399660
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Fuck off Boomer.

>> No.56399701

I already have a 2% interest rate. I’ll probably die in this house

>> No.56399743

Rates will be 3% in 2025 stupid bitch.

>> No.56399784
File: 76 KB, 1241x596, usda loan info.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone who qualifies for a USDA loan and isn't taking one out is literally missing out on free money with 30 year treasury bills at 5%

>> No.56399807

>Interest rates will sooner hit 19-21% than go back
are you like the dumbest fiatcel in the board?
that's gotta be a record

>> No.56399864

>take out a 4.125% mortgage on a 450 thousand dollar piece of shit while you have low income
yeah you're a retard

>> No.56399870
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Housing only goes down in real terms under fiat, as Fed funny money preferentially flows into more liquid assets. The illusion of SFH appreciation is just a byproduct of labor being an even more illiquid than housing

>> No.56399886

fuck off kike

>> No.56399931
File: 194 KB, 940x1265, usda loan limits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it never ceases to amaze me how horrendously ignorant renters are in regards to mortgage qualification

>> No.56400186

>low and very low income borrowers

>> No.56400194

Those are loan limits, not income limits. Retarded nigger faggot.

>> No.56400196

Ok but what if I decided to just work until I have 80% of the cash I need to buy a house?
What if...I don't try to live beyond my means?

>> No.56400228
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Let's think about this for a second, logically.
People have 30 year fixed rate mortgages, so the issue won't be with the payments. By and large that means these guys are stuck with these houses/appartments because frankly they couldnt even afford to buy anything else even if they wanted to.
The raw end of the deal is the banking system, which is insolvent. The whole nation is insolvent but wtv.
So the Federal Reserve is going to need to continue monetizing and doing all that magic behind the scenes, devaluing the dollar.
The bond market is shitting the bed as we speak, and the nation's liabilities are skyrocketing because of it.

All of this to say... okay, they get to own that house in Manhattan... but there aren't a lot of neighbourhoods int he USA that are going to be better off with massive inflation and economic strife.

TLDR: the actual value of real estate, at least in the major US cities, is a function of the actual economy, which in case people have not noticed is not about to magically get better this decade.

>> No.56400343

If you use case shiller housing vs gold it gives you an idea of what happened, which is that the credit market being structured the way it was made real estate a scheme that gave free lunches to people that understood the transfer from creditor to debtor w/ inflation.

>> No.56400375
File: 108 KB, 1460x525, usda income limits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>renter doubles down on ignorance

only retards rent

>> No.56400388

So like the 80s.
>never low again
You bought over-levered long term assets owned by someone else.
You’ll just need to hold for another 3 decades.

>> No.56400424

Don’t you need to pay the subsidies back in full before you can sell out? Including via a remortgage arrangement..?
Say you buy into one of these ghettos.
What’s going to keep you there for 34 years?

>> No.56400479
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>real-estate investing

>> No.56400531
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>Realtor telling people the that have to buy NOW

>> No.56400565

buy a rotting house so we can rug pull your ass.

>> No.56400579


Hmmmm… let me think.

>> No.56400586

Like I said, you posted loan limits not income limits
>5 person household on $115k
Extreme poverty.
>real estate a scheme that gave free lunches
No. Housing has fallen in real terms. A boomer buying in 1970 could have literally buried their down payment in gold and they'd have more value now then their house is worth. Money creation works like electricity, it flows to liquid assets regardless of where it's injected

>> No.56400604

>2-3% interest rates
>on a mortgage
>on what is likely being underwater on a mortgage for the duration of a 15 year mortgage taken out today
>in a job market that might be about to liquefy
>in a neighborhood that's going to change over when half of the neighborhood loses their homes to the job market

I feel a creeping horror that I haven't felt since 2008, and to be honest if we go in annual cycles it's so overdue that I'm a bit afraid of it.

>> No.56400611
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>> No.56400658

Yeah, no shit.

>> No.56400663
File: 429 KB, 1060x1496, only retards rent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>renter #1: "people are getting 500k loans"
>actually, loan limits are 400k
>renter #2: "you posted LOAN LIMITS"
>yes, here's income limits

only retards rent

>> No.56400671
File: 102 KB, 1750x644, median household income.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>renter things incomes go down


only retards rent

>> No.56400676

Your perception is too white room analysis based.

>> No.56400701

Median incomes have not kept up with the median house price at all. Something's gotta give, and it'll be the bag holders.

>> No.56400836

>>renter things incomes go down
Nice reading comprehension, retard.

>> No.56400842
File: 7 KB, 800x635, historical-median-monthly-rents-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your rent is going up

>> No.56401038

You seem legitimately panicked. This actually has me spooked on housing.