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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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56400331 No.56400331 [Reply] [Original]

Why are there no dapps builders actually using ccip on mainnet

Where are the mainstream bridges to move stables etc?

>> No.56400403

They are holding off as long as they can because they know as soon as they open the floodgates the tokens go right to 3 digits and they need to keep that from happening for as long as possible

>> No.56400451

As soon as CCIP is released everyone's liquidity is probably going straight to arbitrum.

>> No.56400466

That doesn't really make sense...
Would Chainlink Labs help to develop and test the first mainstream dapps internally, so we wouldn't see them on a public testnet before they're actually released and live?

Also, who's the woman in the photo?

>> No.56400530

yup. they're really hesitant to send yet another group into millionaire status. hoping people sell their stacks is all they have, so they delay and delay

>> No.56400536

Turns out nobody has come up with a dapp that doesn't revolve around insiders and early users dumping worthless tokens to zero

>> No.56400573
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>They are holding off as long as they can because they know as soon as they open the floodgates the tokens go right to 3 digits and they need to keep that from happening for as long as possible

>> No.56400582

they are building it now, remember this is brand new
80 projects are currently building
stake.link is estimating q1 for their ccip implementation and that is relatively basic

>> No.56400592

Right because for the btc,eth,doge,matic,shib + 1000 other shitcoins that made millionaires it wasnt a problem.
But god forbid le epic protaganist link marines who will heckin fight da NWO with their based superpowers and massive fortunes, get a hold of a few millions.... It would be game over for every rothschild stooge if our little 200 iq epic mommies special little genius chuds became heckin rich.

This is one of the funniest copes linkfags ever came up with, you can really tell these neckbeards watch too much anime

>> No.56400600

the first time you will see the market actually take notice of ccip is when sushiswap's implementation goes live:
>The integration is set to go live in Q4 2023.

>> No.56400606

Yeah that's not happening

>> No.56400706

remember when ccip was supposed to go live with an aave implementatiom in q4 2021? this is the same shit

>> No.56400812


>> No.56400987

WTF 2021 is in the future..

>> No.56401136

the better fud is that celsius was going to be the launch partner:
but yeah that was weird with marc zeller hyping it back then
he's still a big chainlink bull, shills it on ct