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56385893 No.56385893 [Reply] [Original]

>CS degree top 25 uni
>laid off earlier this year
>2 years experience
>grinding leetcode all day
>send cover letters and resumes out the rest of the day
>literally hundreds applications to absolute shit companies, not a WORD except rejection emails.
Learn to code they said. Major in CS they said. It was nice for a while I guess. Problem is everyone in the world found out and decided to do the same job.

What are some alternative careers?

>> No.56385909

>top 25 uni
it's over anon, not reading the rest, better luck in the next life

>> No.56386023

My brother is getting burned out as a COBOL developer at a major American bank. He's about to quit his job with nothing else lined up.
How do I convince him not to jump ship at least until he has other work lined up?
It took him 2 years to find a job after college.

>> No.56386082

Tough scene. I applied to those legacy jobs too. No answer. Tell him how many experienced people are fighting each other over his position, then maybe he’ll realize.

>> No.56386091

It sucks to have to make a trade between money or health. Maybe he could do FMLA.

>> No.56386125

just do something more specialized that is easy to pick up like mobile (iOS, android, flutter, react native) or web (only really with react). Don't do machine learning/ai stuff unless ur a smart boy. Don't do stupid general shit like Java or C++ expert. Maybe specialize in Rust if you are smart.

Make up everything on your resume, companies want an expert in 1 thing (like 5 years with react or 3 years with flutter or 8 years with Android and/or iOS). I don't even have my school on my resume anymore because nobody gives a FUCK. Wasted 4 years honestly, but at least it was easy and I skipped a lot of classes.

Pass the interviews and ur fine. Good luck buddy it is a fucking grind but as long as you are interviewing you will hit a cycle where a certain company/companies are hiring.

Eventually a company will need you more than you need it, and then you got a job.

>> No.56386193

Rust? Seriously there is no market for it maybein 5y

>> No.56386276

Yeah I agree, right now it is still too niche. Just threw it out there

>> No.56386307

I have a job that I want to quit so bad and the market sucks rn I fucking hate it. I almost hope shit gets REALLY bad for a while so people stop majoring in CS and we have a tight labor market again. Fuck bootcamps and fuck women in stem shit trying to dilute our profession. Normies always ruin everything

>> No.56386373

working in IT can be soul crushing. I did support a cobol mainframe as a devops for a while. it was literal helll. i only worked at that company for 6 months but it broke and chattered my dreams and my idea of a "dream carreer" I would literally want to kms doing that job everyday. its worse than being the garbage collector man

>> No.56386413

>Eventually a company will need you more than you need it, and then you got a job
I appreciate the spirit but there’s no guarantee of that happening. It seems to me there are an order of magnitude more software engineers than positions required. It has quickly become the most oversaturated field in history. It seems inevitable that over half of unemployed CS grads will be forced to switch careers, like factory workers after WW2.

>> No.56386437

you can start doing drywall tomorrow its rough but will pay the bills and there's usually no hr to deal with

>> No.56386452

Where? I don’t speak Spanish.

>> No.56386458


>> No.56386476

The problem is that for over 10 years the number of SWEs has been growing at an enormous rate every single year, and the only thing stopping it from becoming oversatured has been the industry growing even faster due to loose monetary policy. As soon as things contracted the slightest bit, the pipeline is still churning out massive numbers of new grads from CS programs and bootcamps. It’s not as bad at the senior dev level but still a lot tougher than before.

What should happen is these new folks will be unable to find a job and will give up after a year or two when faced with the reality of needing to pay bills and having no real career prospects in CS. They won’t grow or maintain their skills and all the shit they learned in their education will be forgotten so when the industry bounces back most of them will have left it permanently.

The AI shit is mostly overblown and shouldn’t ever become a real threat but it does have the positive effect of scaring people away from CS, which I like. The industry will bounce back but it could be a few years, the whole world runs on software and this isn’t going away any time soon. Even if you can find things to automate, there will always be new technical challenges within the space that require humans to solve.

>> No.56386489

CS/IT was the biggest industry victim of the post COVID 0% interest everything bubble. Shit just got too hot. The weak hands will get shaken out, software will continue with business as usual, things will recalibrate.

>> No.56386505
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The problem is that this happened. The industry was moving at a fine pace before. Every bubble begets a crash.

>> No.56386511


I mean you knew it was bad when every other retard was picking up a job as an "IT Recruiter" literally making $100k+ by just pairing people up with a job. Absurd

>> No.56386514

>What should happen is these new folks will be unable to find a job and will give up after a year or two when faced with the reality of needing to pay bills and having no real career prospects in CS
I’m afraid this will be my fate. And I actually enjoy CS. It’s pretty much all I ever wanted to do. fuck.

>> No.56386601

If it’s what you truly want to do and aren’t just a bootcamper looking for a get rich quick method like so many others, there’s nothing stopping you from keeping up with software engineering skills while working another job

>> No.56386668

it auditing at big 4, you’ll have a job but hate your life even more

>> No.56386712

Shit, I’m about to go flip burgers so anything is better. Thanks anon. I’m looking into it auditing.

>> No.56386809
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When will this shit filter through to software development jobs? I feel sick hearing that there’s “more jobs than workers” while I can’t find shit.

>> No.56386835

The majority of jobs being added are part time retail work. Full time jobs have actually been decreasing since the FED started raising rates

>> No.56387002

Former COBOL developer here who quit in early '22 (still no new job thanks to shit job market). I gave it my all for 6 years and my burnout was so severe that I couldn't even think about anything labor related for a solid 10 or so months. Problem was, once I got over my burnout, it was already too late and Powell fucked us horribly with rate hikes. I never realized how sensitive the tech market was to rate hikes, and I'm really regretting my CS degree now.

Either way, I'm completely finished with coding. Not tech overall, but coding, yes, that's a thing of the past for me now. The market is hypersaturated to hell, and almost every job has some out of touch asshole boomer manager that ruins everything.

>> No.56387076

yeah theres a limited market for junior devs since its oversaturated and people only really want senior or staff developers because its the only competent tier that can do the work needed when they downsize teams

>> No.56388337

Story of my life is oversaturated. Literally everything I do ends up oversaturated.

>> No.56388351

Tell him to do FMLA and get over himself.

>> No.56388434

>It took him 2 years to find a job after college.
Anyone else ever look at linkedin and notice that every single female was always hired before they graduated, then moved up to midlevel within 2 years? Meanwhile men have 50 certs and it takes them 5+ years to get to midlevel.

Makes me think.

>> No.56388459

Having a roast is a cheat code for life.

>> No.56388493

I mean Are you applying as a Engineer II or mid level engineer? might as well wont hurt ur chances otherwise/// maybe just bs it and apply as senior anyway

>> No.56388845

>Be a spic
>CS degree, bottom 5 uni.
>no experience
>Get an internship at AWS.
>Get promoted to tech leader in 2 years.
>Get paid 185k a year
feels good man.

>> No.56388917

Going to uni and then not using your degree is a financial disaster for most people since the price of a 4 year degree in the US can easily run into the upper 5 figures. A lot of people are betting everything on finding a CS job. There is no other option.

>> No.56388978

>whole plethora of IT shit to do
>all anyone and their grandma can focus on are being glorified codemonkeys
I will never understand this. Unless you are an actual hyperautist coding is easily the shittiest part of anything tech related.

>> No.56389130

I was working in the trades pre-covid, using my spare time to learn python and offensive security protocols. Made a lot of money trading during covid, quit my job and also stopped trying to learn anything. Now I’m back working in the trades with a desire to go back to learning but I doubt I’d be able to find a job even with lots of lying on my resume. There’s more job security when you do real tangible work and solve real problems, but the salaries really are reflective of the amounts of money being thrown around in different areas. My gf makes nearly 3x my salary as a #womaninstem

>> No.56389316
File: 59 KB, 1300x678, 6CC11E2E-17BE-47D6-9A91-45CEBCFB690C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no such thing as computer science unemployment to be honest

>> No.56389342

literally just say youre not white and dont include gender. then paste buzzwords for job listings in white font somewhere on the resume.

>> No.56389373
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Well done, son.

>> No.56389378

I'm getting burned out as a legacy configurer in health tech living in a Nordic country.
Should I jump ship or stay on my job? I'm about to start applying to other places because I need another salary bump but should I or should I stay?
I'm feeling like the tech sector getting wrecked was just an American problem.
Is it also a Scandinavian problem?

>> No.56389765

I went from general support to full stack web developer at the same company in the course of a year and a half. The jobs are there, you just have to hate yourself enough to do them. For example I am the only developer in a building full of brown or female customer service reps.

>> No.56389795

>muh code
You have no idea what a software developer even does. You have this vague idea of typing really fast and “hacking into the matrix.” It’s the same for every retard who refers to it as “coding.”

>> No.56390281

Those are getting just as competitive as software development. Where do you think the first stop is for CS grads who can’t land a dev job?

>> No.56390300

>Where do you think the first stop is for CS grads who can’t land a dev job?
IT Support / Help Desk shit, unironically. Think the guy you call or chat to you when you're having trouble with a product or software service you purchased. It's basically durgasoft, but there are also a lot of young non-jeets working there too. A lot more than you'd think.

>> No.56390308

Honestly thinking of pivoting from CS to becoming an electrician, HVAC or something similar with a test.

If interest rates stay high for like 10 years…might as well frontrun the stampede out of white collar jobs.

>> No.56390378
File: 30 KB, 400x400, IMG_6226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are paying to train plumbers right now. Seems like the best time ever to get in. What if plumbing in 2023 = SWE in 2013? Takeoff phase.

>> No.56390397
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nobody hire people with no job. I will reject an CV of jobless people....why i would like someone that get dump by someone else ?

>> No.56390426
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i wish i could change and become plumber. too old for me. if you re below 30/35 it s a really good advice. or HVAC

>> No.56390435

Plumbing isn't even that hard, is it? You just connect tubes.

>> No.56390450

you do it for the state certification mainly. it s kind of scam but you need 1Y of training

>> No.56390461

I work as a printer. Don't become one.

>> No.56390481

I did accounting. It felt good actually getting a job after graduation, but holy shit the salaries are stuck in the 90's.

>> No.56390519

I’m the head of Human Resources at a major tech company and I make sure I do not hire any programmers or devs who are white males

>> No.56390816

Going on 4 years unemployed for me

>> No.56391085

Holy fuck. CS? How did you stay unemployed during 2021? That was much easier to find work.

>> No.56391110

At least you got the job. Imagine if you took CS, law or pharmacy instead and ended up floundering for years after graduation jobless.

>> No.56391132

Its oversatured sure but doubt for cobol devs, its all JS codemonkies

>> No.56391149

Jeets are taking all the coding jobs and I mean all.

>> No.56391223


This, but unironically.

That's why you should go into tech-adjacent jobs where soft skills are important. Engineering Management, Program Manager, Product Manager, etc. Your tech skills go a long way and jeets cannot fake competency like they can with coding.

>> No.56391232

>COBOL developer
Is your brother like 60 years old or something?

>> No.56391269

Playing with poop tubes on some job site with apes gets old fast. Hope you have aspirations to be an alcoholic. Don't know why everyone with a CS degree thinks they need to be a software dev.

>> No.56391340

Anon, you can’t get those management jobs without being a software developer to begin with.

>> No.56391371

idk your first impression probably sucks dick
>sends CV to thousands of places
you're probably blending in to every other application, or worse, are deterring people because you clearly don't give a fuck about their job
they want to hire people who actually want to work there and will do a good job and not just jump ship the second they get slightly more money
this is the problem with all these autistic zoomers
their apathy and nihilism literally makes them unhirable then they blame colleges or the system or some other shit when its really just their dogshit personality and complete lack of effort

>> No.56391401

Boomers like you will be killed soon.

>> No.56392284

It did take me like a year to get a job out of college, but that's probably because I'm really fucking bad at job hunting.

>> No.56392311

Come to germany if you’re white.
We need code monkeys and it’s very well paid for a job in europoor terms.
>t dropped out of uni halfway because companies are desperate for code and I didn’t like uni

>> No.56392385
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Take the non-binary pill.

>> No.56392439

Be me

> almost a year without work
> many rejections cause my algo skills are a bit weak
> prepare myself harder by grinding leetcode
> apply for a software dev role
> get asked about statistics and linear regressions because I worked on that shit before and did some courses
> did not prepared that shit at all
> fail interview miserably

I asked a friend to refer me to a regular shitty job at a startup because I'm running out of money.

> never had gf

Is it life worth living?
Is my only purpose in life to invest to maybe retire before 70 alone?

I know people in palestine or other places are way worse than me, but this loneliness, feeling of rejection, of not being enough and everything becoming so expensive... This is like modern day slavery

I hope crypto booms again next year and we can have a chance to make it bros.

This is so exhausting and humiliating....

>> No.56392866


Learn to clean pools bro.

>> No.56392871

I was only nine years old. I loved Shrek so much, I had all the merchandise and movies. I'd pray to Shrek every night before I go to bed, thanking for the life I've been given. "Shrek is love", I would say, "Shrek is life". My dad hears me and calls me a faggot. I knew he was just jealous for my devotion of Shrek. I called him a cunt. He slaps me and sends me to go to sleep. I'm crying now and my face hurts. I lay in bed and it's really cold. A warmth is moving towards me. I feel something touch me. It's Shrek. I'm so happy. He whispers in my ear, "This is my swamp". He grabs me with his powerful ogre hands, and puts me on my hands and knees. I spread my ass-cheeks for Shrek. He penetrates my butthole. It hurts so much, but I do it for Shrek. I can feel my butt tearing as my eyes start to water. I push against his force. I want to please Shrek. He roars a mighty roar, as he fills my butt with his love. My dad walks in. Shrek looks him straight in the eye, and says, "It's all ogre now". Shrek leaves through my window. Shrek is love. Shrek is life. (TICKER : SHREK)

Website : https://shrek.app/
TG : @shrek_portal
CA : 0x5ebc6afa7f247fd358ad4ff046f9321048fc2332

>> No.56393075

If you don't speak german, you are in a disadvantage.

>> No.56393087

You are correct.
It's much easier to go into a tech role in a non-tech company.

>> No.56393742

Market is so dry they will take you if you speak english. Have a friend from
France who pulled it off and he doesn’t speak any German except for Guten Tag

>> No.56393774

So more job offers than applicants?
If so I might give it a go to germany.

>> No.56393811

I’m so glad I spent college fucking tight teen girls and majoring in polisci

>> No.56394501
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and just bee yourself

>> No.56394751

>literally hundreds applications to absolute shit companies, not a WORD except rejection emails.
Are you demo-maxxing? I've been logging my response rate for job applications based upon the demographics I input and it's night and day. I'll leave you guys to guess what twentysomething blond latte liberal HR girls want to see.

>> No.56394816

Union plumber chads stay winning. We've got work lined up for the next 5 years. If shit gets bad, I just work in the union hall or as an instructor. Degreelets will arrive at the day of the rope in those 5 years when the economy tumbles and make work positions are gutted. The only people left in tech will be mongoloids from around the globe working for 15/hr, and roasties in middlemanagment/HR. For all the speculation biz does, it amazes me how nobody has extrapolated our current position out five years. Basically, every light is flashing and warning of a degreelet purge. When the master plumbers in my union retire, we can only replace 20% of them. The economy is going to have to switch to manufacturing/skilled labor like it was in the 50's/60's. There's not enough skilled labor, and no, Juarez doing roofing or punching nails into plywood homes isn't skilled labor. Medgas, steam fitting, and plumbing are. Add the competency crisis, geopolitics, and globalism into the shit trough that is our economy, and the picture gets pretty clear.

t. son of a VP working for large oil/nat gas company on the programming side who has to wake up at 6am and work till 8pm because the majority of her team is in India or China, and the ones she works with in america are from India and China

>> No.56394895

>They are paying to train plumbers right now

>> No.56394906

His brother doesnt exist. I know COBOL is le funny cs meme, but unironically we finally ported most of that junk to actual useful languages a half decade ago.

>> No.56394949

Something I noticed recently is that jobs that got away with paying below the market rate 3 years ago when they were remote are trying to pay the same shit now but demand in-office work. No one seems to be working for them though.
>offer bad pay
>why no takers
I'm sick of this boomerfied fuckhole of a country.

>> No.56394960
File: 10 KB, 673x65, more people are hired when HR is afraid theyll lose their jobs for being lazy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makes you think.

>> No.56394998

>didn’t make connections at work
>you had 2 years
>4 more if you count uni


>> No.56395026

Based. I do the same at a fortune 100

>> No.56395043

I'm currently in my third year of my union plumbers apprenticeship. If you have a local union by you, I'd highly recommend you go that route. You have to go to class two times a week, and the program is four years. You get paid for everything and paid while you work. Starting pay sucks, and you're essentially a goy for your journeyman for the first two years, but it's honestly really great work. You'll also graduate with your journeyman license and a "degree", but I doubt the degree will help you get a job anywhere other than as a plumber. You get great health insurance, a pension, a 401k (optional), and double ot every hour after 8 or 4, plus double OT all day on Sundays. Work starts at 6am and ends at 3am, you can stay later if you want that OT pay. 25 days of vacation guaranteed. Journeyman are making 42/hr where I'm at, and that's after dues. Assistant forman hit 50/hr and drive around town all day. If the economy gets rough, you can just sit in the union hall or be an instructor and get paid for it. You'll be dealing with concrete so wear a mask and if anyone calls you a faggot tell them that you'd rather be a faggot than die at 45 due to silica inhalation. Its a boys club, lots of retards, and lots of really bright guys, so it balances itself out. You'll meet some fucking incredible men who you will want to look up to and emulate, and scumbags that you want to see hanged. There's maybe three blacks and two spics, but they're tolerable and aren't retarded like the rest of their kind. If you get a female journeyman leading you, I pray for your sole. If you're single maybe try to fuck her to keep her from sperging out. Hope this helps.

>> No.56395072

which is why I tick mixed race, non binary and HR roasty never knows the difference :)

>> No.56395099

Basically everywhere, unless you're one of the retards that goes to a community college to "learn plumbing"

>> No.56395126
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After all of my recent studies i've concluded that investing in crypto is really the make it or break it or my life bros. Cs degree didn't help me do shit, i never got any meaningful job.
Im going all in on Monday, i don't even care anymore

>> No.56395241

>they want to hire people who actually want to work there and will do a good job and not just jump ship the second they get slightly more money
>this is the problem with all these autistic zoomers
and why do think that is boomer? I bought FOUR bags of groceries last night and it cost me 90 fucking dollars. You come a generation where you could pay off college tuition working a couple of summers. It takes decades for our generation. What's annoying about boomers is they played there whole life on easy mode and then condemn others for being cynical and caring about money.

>> No.56395267

I have 3 years total exp as a fullstack web dev, 2 years at the same job, and I can feel my career prospects dwindling. I don't think I can get another job that pays like this one again. I also feel like the jack of all trades, master of none.

I really try to stay in the game and keep improoving and studying but man it's fucking tough. Hard to compete with the fucking nerds coding for fun on the weekends. I did that for a few months, literally programming every day until I got so burnt out that I'm barely doing my job right now.

I'm 30 and I feel like shit because in theory it's possible for someone younger than me to be my senior, thankfully hasn't happened yet. I guess you do make slightly above the average wagie but you do pay a price for it. This isn't the life I want, get me off this ride God please.

>> No.56395300
File: 64 KB, 831x510, kino2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are giving me hope, since graduating in Canada in computer science I have not got one job interview. My last name is German as my dad is of German blood so I am half German. Does this give me a advantage when applying to jobs in Germany, and also what is the locations you would work? Isn't all the German cities just shitskins now? Also what is the woman situation like there, I can't get a single woman in Canada despite being 5,10 and in really good shape from lifting. I have always wanted a German wife to make my children more German as I feel like my mother's Canadian genetics are really weak. Finally, I am 21 years of age, will this be a downside when applying for German jobs? Any help and info would be greatly appreciated, I want to get the fuck out of Canada there is nothing in this country here for me.

>> No.56395329

>t. son of a VP working for large oil/nat gas company on the programming side who has to wake up at 6am and work till 8pm because the majority of her team is in India or China, and the ones she works with in america are from India and China
If you are son, why did you put her in the sentence? Also if you son of the VP tell him to stop hiring chinks and pajeets.

>> No.56395391

Unfortunately you’re probably right. It’s sickening that I spent all this time on formal education and practicing programming just for it to be worthless.

>> No.56395422

learn to code meant that, learn to code. From what I've seen in interviews there is zero correlation between being able to write code and having a CS degree. There are so many useless fucks in tech these days the first thing people are required to do in person is a variation of the fizz bang loop and around half of them still fail. its pathetic yet sad.

>> No.56395428

Kek, pajeet code monkey detected. I put her in the sentences because I'm her son you non English retarded monkey.

>> No.56395449

>retard 20 something doesn't understand that contracts for "work lined up for the next 5 years" get cancelled ASAP if there's an economic downturn
hey broccoli hair, go talk to a tradesman who lived through 2008. residential, commercial, industrial, it doesn't matter.

>> No.56395458

>son of a VP.
that means you are son of the vice president. Are you retarded?

>> No.56395465

>physical work
>no dating life cause blue collar
>literal shit
>chip on your shoulder rest of your life cause deep inside you'd rather be some desk jockey
no thanks

>> No.56395466

Hey retard, go talk to someone who was in a union in 08. People always need plumbers you mongoloid.

>> No.56395500

>people need
residential customers aren't calling up union plumbers to snake a sink or install a new shitter, retard. like i said, go talk to someone who lived through 2008.
no, that job will go to the guy with 25 more years of seniority than you.
they'll expel you from the union the instant they find out.

>> No.56395525

Kek, lazy tech fags are going to be liquidated in the next 10 years.

>> No.56395535

Talk to anyone who lived through 08, no industry was okay.

>> No.56395564

Better than the alternative. The alternative is apparently being a barista who’s permanently a temporarily embarrassed software engineer, apparently.

>> No.56395572

I get the feeling that you'll have no dating life regardless of where you end up.

t. married
The union I work for has a service side you absolute retard, keep your mouth shut when you don't know what you're talking about. You call the company, and they route a union plumber to you. Again, go talk to someone in a labor union during 08 instead of seething.

>> No.56395571

Tell him to quiet quit/work your wage/etc. If they fire him, he gets unemployment. If they don't, his workload stress drops. Win-win.

>> No.56395580

That's precisely why I said it that way you fucking retard.

>> No.56395581

>>laid off earlier this year
>>2 years experience
Sounds like you were shit at your job if you got fired as a junior. There are literally no expectations of you other than to have a pulse.

>> No.56395594

*dot com bubble*
>lazy tech fags are going to be liquidated in the next 10 years

>lazy tech fags are going to be liquidated in the next 10 years

>lazy tech fags are going to be liquidated in the next 10 years


>> No.56395597

Got a sauce to back that up?

>> No.56395637

The first two happened, the last one is a nothing burger. If you're already established in tech, then you won't feel the effects of all that. If you're fresh out of college, you're fucked. I know three friends who went for CS and couldn't find jobs for over a year. One is a bartender, one sells oil, and the other one is still looking. If op doesn't want to do labor or be a batista, he could always do sales. Oil sales make retarded amount of money really quickly until there's a drought for 4 years and your poor and your Aston Martin gets repoed. You forgot to mention interest rates too, debt is what keeps tech alive.

>> No.56395653

I honestly don't know why every white man isn't applying as a gay non binary native American. What are they going to do, check your DNA?

>> No.56395682

Thanks, anon. I'm trying to decide if I want to avoid having to deal with human-shaped crap like you or if it's worth it for the inevitable racial harassment lawsuit.

>> No.56395699

Are you a nigger?

>> No.56395721
File: 13 KB, 608x86, uppity negro words.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked. I am a black man. If you need me to be a nigger, then that's on you.

>> No.56395762

>The AI shit is mostly overblown and shouldn’t ever become a real threat
Every Sr Dev I know uses Copilot and GPT-4 at least in their personal projects. It's only a matter of time before they convince their bosses it's more cost effective than hiring juniors. It's going to massively cut the number of entry level positions to the point where the only in will be FAGMAN companies looking for that one in a billion brilliant 21 year old newgrad autist who will never job hop.

>> No.56395964

>burned out
>about to quit his job with nothing else lined up
That's the point dipshit.

>> No.56397958

>or if it's worth it for the inevitable racial harassment lawsuit.
they dont call it the ghetto lottery for nothing

>> No.56398118

I'm down south and a niglet got lynched recently for acting niggerly. The union is 100% going to side with the white guy. If you want to take the risk, then I would blame you, it's good money. Don't act like a nigger, talk like a nigger, or smell like a nigger and you'll most likely be okay. Good luck.

>> No.56398682

>What are some alternative careers?
There aren't any, besides IT. Enjoy being a help desk slave, I guess.

>> No.56398747

Haha Ive noticed this to but when I tell my parents they tell me Im spending too much time on alt right websites
But every girl I graduated with is employed and every guy is a fucking loser. I know one guy who has a good job and he was literally a 200iq 6'5 aryan god. And he lost half his hair in his first year working at jewgle from the stress. Class of 22 here

>> No.56398839

>anon says he only works with black people who aren't retarded
>(You) immediately get upset
Found the retard, kek.

>> No.56398863

>heh son stop noticing things
Good parents would agree with their kid, but I guess your parents didn't need grandkids anyway when it takes you 5 years to finally be making decent money before getting laid off in the recession of 2029 and then spending another 3 years struggling to find work in the 'booming' economy of president hunter biden in 2032.

>> No.56398878

Is it really that bad? I have been grinding out a CS degree at WGU but got a job as a construction project manager which pays like 90k but has good upwards mobility. Should I just pursue that?

>> No.56399295

i can't even fuckin graduate and i'm 33 and lost all my savings gambling with altcoins last year. I'm alive only cause my mother has a job

>> No.56399412

Yes. Why the fuck would you even trade that job to be a code monkey? CS is not going to get better, ever. It's over. Anyone that didn't make their money already is SOL (sh*t outta luck). CS is the most popular major at most universities now, it's going to be the next English major very soon. It's already well on its way.

I mean finish your degree because it won't hurt, but for the love of god don't try to change fields.

>> No.56399449

Yes it’s that bad. If you have a 90k job just stick with that holy fuck I would kill for that and I have a cs degree from a top school

>> No.56399465

it's all on purpose to destroy the middle class while childless woman will literally spend all their money on pointless shit

>> No.56399479

Shit is depressing bros. Just talked to a classmate I graduated with, looking for a referral, and turns out he’s now working the deli counter at a grocery store I shit you not.

>> No.56399570

I'm going to school for computer science. Spend 4-5 years living on student loans, smoking pot and cranking beers at hockey games. Get out with a degree with no expectations of being a software dev at some recognizable company. Work 40 hours a week in a comfy environment doing something tech related. How? I'm a well spoken, handsome white guy with work experience. Not hard at all guys

>> No.56399605

You can't even get your tenses right.

>> No.56399609

>white guy
thatll count against you when applying for jobs

>> No.56399646

>muh code monkey
You have no idea how many different types of jobs there are in the tech industry and from the way you type, I can tell you're not white.

>> No.56399658
File: 222 KB, 1500x1000, student debt 14 years later.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually think it's funny they're LITERALLY IN DEBT
>get the fast track to career city
>still manage to suck and fail because you are a spoiled woman with a warped view of how things should work
>confused that men are no longer materializing out of the woodwork to pay off the 300k in student loan, credit card, auto loan and other debts the average 33yo roastie has accumulated

>> No.56399662

There are 0 jobs. Over 100,000 FAGMAN devs got laid off this year, and most of them can't even find work.

>> No.56399681

Maybe they should apply to their local police stations. I got a decent offer for a database admin position, but turned it down because no WFH.

>> No.56399792

Shut the fuck up ESL retard

>> No.56399841

It was the plan all along. To destroy neb. Too much money and power in the hands of the men who invented tech. The men who made tech great. 90s was the golden age. During that time, the silicon valley business model was to empower people via technology. Nowadays, the business model seems to be "use technology to enslave people."

Women Jews and Parents ruined tech. I basically can't lose my job as a turbo CS autist, but even I feel like moving on as the walls close in.

Let's move on from this sickening environment and create the next big thing.

>> No.56399849

*To destroy men
*Women Jews and Pajeets

>> No.56399862

This is 4chan bud

>> No.56399873

If you apply to positions that require zero soft skills, then yes they'll take the poo skin with no charm over you.

>> No.56399942

Garbage collection man is actually a based job.
>zero mental stress
>get fit as fuck
>start early, done in time for lunch
>easy opportunities to hurt yourself and file a workers comp claim/start a long term disability case

I'm an office fag and garbage man literally is more appealing than this crap.

>> No.56399989

The only upside you listed was the opportunity to get hurt. Working outside hanging on the back of a truck does not beat a 40 hour a week office job kek

>> No.56400052
File: 204 KB, 1546x1155, 1670578034749401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hanging off the back of a truck for hours in cold weather
>oops some guy dumped his rotten milk and literal shit loose in the garbage can again
>smell like shit
>flies and mosquitoes everywhere
>cumulative hearing damage from the truck engine and compactor
>paid jack shit
>definition of replaceable labor(truck upgrade away from losing your job)
Fellow officefag here (but WFH), realize how good you have it and stop romanticizing literal trash tier labor.

>> No.56400074

Getting your first job out of college can be extremely tough and grindy. I’ve had friends for whom it took a year. It sounds like you are close, you need to get sharper with your interviewing skills. You should be ready to speak impressively on every point on your resume. And that’s just the behavioral portion of the interview

>> No.56400081

I guess that's true. Garbage men make like 85k/yr where I am though.

>> No.56400093

There's a management shortage. I hate meetings almost as much as office politics, but it's the meta right now. The bar is low, just read whatever book is trending in leadership circles and ai your resume.

>> No.56400118

Interesting, you might be looking at the driver jobs or something, not the fucker grabbing the bins and tossing it in the back. They make ~$10-12/hr here, south midwest area

>> No.56400136

Again, even if they made 100k a year why would that be something consider. Let's say your IQ is low enough to see that job as an option. You won't get it as your cousin or best bud doesn't work within.

>> No.56400148

Ngl anon. I’m getting older and I grinded so much as a teen that the idea of doing something like that makes me want to kms. Also a recent com sci grad.
To some degree, I fucked up taking a gap because I could have landed a way comfier job if I graduated earlier (and hopefully kept the position?)
Regardless, I managed to get a role at a small company that is paying me an okay salary to write some basic webapp and database (and some other hands on work). Ez portfolio builder, ez residuals from managing the server, ez networking, etc. try and find someone willing to pay a bit more than a McDonald’s wage and it isn’t so bad.

>> No.56400170

what do you do now?

>> No.56400176
File: 32 KB, 495x395, despair2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drink and design data lakes for oil companies in the south.

>> No.56400207

> be me
> spend 3 years writing concurrent services for big data processing
> interviewer: what is the time complexity of using radix sort on a map of string,string?
> mfw I should have learned to code

>> No.56400210

>CS dropout
>Webdev, gamedev for some years
>Found crypto
>Made $400k shitcoining

My entire perception of money and hard work went right out the fucking window in 2021

>> No.56400217

>> interviewer: what is the time complexity of using radix sort on a map of string,string?
lmao I learned this shit in Community College while working as a code monkey with a sociology degree.

>> No.56400230

How is anyone even making money off of shitcoins?

>> No.56400233

They make money selling them to idiots who think that they will moon.

>> No.56400838
File: 145 KB, 1146x614, jobs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the actual reason why.
you are not the race or culture they want. they don't like your race or culture. jews are included in the 6% figure btw. next time dont vote for trump or be such a chud


>> No.56400957

Thanks anon!

>> No.56401754

She DEFINITELY fucks black guys

>> No.56401764

Look at your local Walmart or other grocery stores hiring page
Now look at your financial institution or even engineering firms career page

>> No.56401884

Been a computer nerd all my life, still never studied anything relative like coding but chose to become merchant marine deck officer (needed money quick since CS jobs on my country are not many and don't pay well). Had started to grind Kotlin and Android development but seeing how in the sector junior work will be replaced by models like GPT, I've officially given up. I will be at sea forever, until I maybe throw some money and go to tourism sector by buying room to let.

>> No.56401903

Ah "trust me bro". Ok.

>> No.56401908

Also my team just hired 3 new software engineers while I saw a bunch of retail stores closing down. So trust me bro.

>> No.56401947

Plenty of codemonkey jobs here in Luxembourg as well

>> No.56402152

Nah theres better jobs with the same benefits and less smellyness.
Also you have no idea how that kind of job is gonna affect you long term, you may encointer some toxic waste, get some disease, work around rata and shit nah u cant convince me with garbage man

I could however be convinced to work in a logging area, its a bit more dangerous but i really enjoy chopping up wood, i know most is done automatically nowadays, but somethinglike that id sign up for, or maybe a chill demolition company, going arounddestroying buildings

>> No.56402209

Or be a barista, just sip covfefe and make it for ppl.
Usually people who get into cofffee shops have a good mood, and if its one of those where its rly chill all day i think thatd be just fine

>> No.56402248

>COBOL developer
my condolences

>> No.56402636

WSJ had an article about this a few days ago (no I don't have the link)

>> No.56404925

Then it didn't happen. Especially not for the wall shit journal.

>> No.56404969

>Anons fell for the anti-tech scaremongering so hard that they're seriously considering garbage man jobs

>> No.56407411

>Come to germany if you’re white.
don't you get taxed literally half your salary to pay for your own population replacement though? also you'd risk working at SAP.

>> No.56407448

life isn't fair and no one said it was. i have noticed that the standards for candidate in the real world are significantly different.

>> No.56407551

If you're too dumb to say I don't remember off the top of my head but it's really easy to find with a quick google I'd laugh you out of the room too. o*C*(n) is a pretty obvious guess for any sort algo, start there. Explain that string string doesn't complicate it so it's just a constant and the base sort that impact time complexity "I don't know." is not an acceptable answer for a junior level position let alone mid or senior. They're called weed out questions for a reason, you aren't expected to know you're expected to explain your thought process for what to do when confronted with a trivial problem.

Like I said half or more of candidates couldn't figure out how to write a working calculator even if they had an infinite amount of time. Maybe the boomers are right current generations do way more idiots that can't think critically than prior generations.