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56399039 No.56399039 [Reply] [Original]

I currently have low 6 figures 100% in BTC. I quit my job 2 months ago and could NEET myself for years until the next bull.
However, I have an itch to create value or educate myself, no waging. How can I leverage wealth as NEET? College? (I have some credits in my Math degree, dropped out) Start a bussiness?

>> No.56399052

Currently spending 15k a year, so there is no rush, I could neet for years and years.

>> No.56399172

How do you live on 1250/mo? That's about what my rent is alone and I live in a 2nd tier city. Plus utilities, insurance, food/clothes/hygiene products, phone, internet, car gas/maintenance, I'm looking at $2200/mo minimum before I even get to entertainment or depreciation.

I'm a bit more risk adverse than you, I'd try to get the highest paying job I can get so I wouldn't have to sell BTC and keep buying more until I have enough to neet forever.
If we don't get a new ATH in 10 years and you spent all your BTC it'd be devastating to be at $0 and trying to get a job and build wealth again.

>> No.56399225

great, now ill never know

>> No.56399235

I do not live in USA. I live in a latin american country and currently have good standard of living.

Yes, you do have a point. Currently I have to sell BTC to live which is a bummer, and although the chance of not hitting ATH in 10 years is minimal, the returns I get from a pump diminish every year I have to keep selling BTC
I'm thinking of swapping BTC for ETH and starting a full node with a set of validators, but there is certainly more risk with being a node operator than just getting 5% APY

>> No.56399315

Lmao, made me kek.
>OHH NOOOO the image is too small, I can't read it! Now I'll never get a gf! I am so le sad now...

>> No.56400602

How's the rest of your life
Are you phiscally fit?
Potential for good face genetics
Got all your teeth and they arn't rotting in your head?

You're probbaly all good, you have no idea the spectrum of people until you meet alot of them through life. life can rise very high and can sink very low

If you want to make it, you gotto study practice and teach. usually the most straight foward equation
but its like saying to a obese person stop drinking sugar and excercise. its easy but highly doubtfull they can change their habbits

>> No.56400613
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I fucking hate working and also have low six figures in crypto and also spend very little month by month (less than 1k€)

I would love to chill but the thought of shrinking my only hope to live a wage-free live forever (a solid crypto bullrun) is unbearable. The only motivation I have left to do enough to not get fired is the thought of accumulating a little more crypto month by month. If I ever hit 7 figs I call it quits forever and leave this life behind. It’s a fucking miracle I haven’t killed myself yet. How do people do it?

>> No.56400632

You sound a type I'm familiar with
You gotto learn skills, skills pay the bills
Cryto's just insurance to make sure if the other things fail you'll still make it

you gotto change your mind set, wanting to kill yourself really says you're probbaly in the group i was saying about life sinking so low.
Learn skills, go to gym, learn how to meet girls you're into instead of settling for women you don't want and you'll probbaly have a brighter view of the whole life thing

Also the fear of waging is in alot of people. so don't stress, you gotto work on yourself, even with crypto it actually takes a skill set
it doesn't just magically happen as much as the no coiners like to make it out. you get me

>> No.56400798

>ulpoads the thumbnail

>> No.56401469

You sound like those types who become an Instagram influencers

>> No.56402027

Why don't you look for a less soul crushing job? you could just work part time even at something that's not so soul crushing like a chill small store retail job or something until you get something else going.. you have the money to have flexibility here you're just torturing yourself for no reason.

>> No.56402308
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OP is, as always, a faggot

>> No.56402415

I check the 4 boxes. Got a girl, fit and handsome.
However the desire to leverage wealth does not come from a psychological sadness/depression, It comes from an ambition/objective angle in which I need to get cash flow to maximize my crypto holdings for the next bull, but waging is not an option.

>> No.56402486

I'm writing a small report on my findings on this topic, on how to manage risk, expose myself and my crypto to some measured risks to profit (such as spinning up a validator subset) and how to avoid attrition of my crypto portfolio. I'll post it on /biz/ for you niggers to read when it's done.

>> No.56402757
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lets be real, nobody wants to wage, everyone wants to live a life of pleasure

even though you find yourself 'not waging', the only way to achieve this is by following your passion. Mine is making furniture of high level design, but its rare for me to make it these days as I just moved back to the US, and now that im earning more, I can invest in the app that im making. The lesson I learned was that if you don't multiply the way you can earn, and potentially digitally, you'll never truely stop waging as its one of the most profitable businesses for value/time. Thats if it takes off, but the difference is, im hiring professionals to do the work, instead of actually doing everything myself. I would do the same for the furniture but theirs still always a process where you create the initial seed.

my biggest problem is not having all the money to invest in myself, I'd love to be doing both, and the app is already more expensive than what I can really pay, its still not much, I got the whole graphic design for cheap but still of high quality (ty argentina) and now the software engineering is going to be pretty low as well, solutions do exist but they're just harder to find, also exposing yourself to finding these people.

I just wish I had an accelerator, VC's are too full of themselves, and probably receive hundreds of offers a day.

>> No.56405424

fuck you now I don't have an excuse