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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56398967 No.56398967 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.56398990

Going long on gutter oil and cancer research.

>> No.56399005

in how many weeks?

>> No.56399036

the demography that underpinned China's rise will vanish in the next 10 years and China didn't get anywhere near rich enough to escape the middle income trap. Chinese moves up the value chain have been very inconsistent and they largely have not broken into the highest echelons of the global economy like Japan and South Korea had by the time they hit their demographic walls.

It's moronic to argue like Zion out there that China is just going to collapse catastrophically without a war or whatever but its economic weight is most likely to peak in the late 2020s-early 2030s. Their real estate market is also in ungodly bubble territory and will probably fuck the entire world when the musical chairs stop and they realized they built enough housing for 2 billion people in a country of 1.3 billion and falling.

>> No.56399198


Also the chart doesn't reflect the radical changes in trade that have been made over the past few years and how they're supposedly going to be a counterweight to China.

>> No.56399232
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Think you mean India, China is in the downturn

>> No.56399233

What's even the point of modern countries?
>be born
>exist to make someone else more money (yay my red country is better than your blue country)
>die single and childless as a genetic failure

>> No.56399240

Imagine offshoring all of your manufacturing to another country to the point that they literally build the fundamental parts of your telco and military equipment, and thinking that will all be just fine and never turn around to bite you.
The policymakers who oversaw outsourcing should be tried for treason.

>> No.56399408

>be usa
>moved all your productions to china to profit off chink slave bugs
>sell your products straight from china because why the fuck would you take up more expense to move them back to us
>china reported all of these revenue to their trade records

>> No.56399682

>American branded goods sold through China is the metric for global hegemony.

>> No.56401385
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India will unironically be a superpower by 2030

>> No.56401397

Peter Zeihan

>> No.56401406

Reagan is dead anon. The solution is tariffs and industrial policy. Collective punishment is just a cope for crippled neoliberal government - meaning it's part of the problem

>> No.56401437

Cope. Post sources

>> No.56401442
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by thanking god i’m not a mongoloid

>> No.56401448

>he thinks a company that manufactures in China and banks in the Caymans is "American"

>> No.56401568
File: 304 KB, 828x674, im getting so much pushback.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shareholders are international
>manufacturing is chinese
>b-b-b-but the company was FOUNDED in america!!!!
explain to me why this matters

>> No.56401753

because the American branding is the only value given to goods. If it was a chinese company they would be worth next to nothing.

>> No.56403712

>ukraine exists

>> No.56403725

The same thing is now happening to China with even cheaper exports from the rest of Asia

The moment you develop, you are no longer the cheapest option. It's a Catch-22.

>> No.56404137

i welcome the disappearing and state sanctioned murder of billionaires that rape the public so hard that even the CCP has to reign it in and do something about it.

>> No.56404225

China still has a better demografic and more births than USA by quite a big margin. USA only has way more immigration, without it US births would be in the shitter. That means the chinese stay culturaly pure, meanwhile USA imports third worlders to be able to pay US tax one day. Pro tip, most immigrants are a net loss so China will even in 30 years stay better as the US

>> No.56404249

It's about to happen.
Only one more week, add another.

>> No.56404255

also consider that chinese births are high quality (ethnic chinese) while mutt births are extremely low quality (obese muttoids with an IQ in free fall.)

>> No.56404343
File: 346 KB, 668x349, Crazy-Chinese-Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>China birth only highest qwarity peepr

>> No.56404358
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i'm white and have blond hair. i'm willing to bet you're a fat seething retard muttbeast.

>> No.56404378

You have brown eyes don't you?

>> No.56404475

hazel. hazel eyes are fairly common among ethnic germans, especially in the bavaria region.

>> No.56404550

Immigration in the US is great for the economy. Everyone expects to get paid so much, but those spics are willing to make lots of value for 10$ an hour.
Well, it's great minus the extra crime and instability. But the riots in minnesota weren't from hispanic immigrants.

>> No.56404587

Sorry not white. You must have blue eyes like me. You probably have Moorish admixture. That's ok with me but the Fuher said one drop rule. Sorry nigger :/

>> No.56404603

>Immigration is great!
Fucking kys moshe

>> No.56404637

I'll bite my tongue off when it happens

>> No.56404790

>Chinese culture of gutter oil

>> No.56405612

Yep. Any farmer that has a lot of manual labor would be out of business without illegal workers

>> No.56405638

How does Nebraska and Iowa do it? Did they invent the tractor and combine harvester and not share it with california?

>> No.56405646

>explain to me why this matters
It doesn't, that's the point. China being the world's largest trading partner means nothing when manufacturing will leave for the next cheap labor pool.

>> No.56405681

Nebraska is like 3% illegal immigrants my dude.

>> No.56405723

I wonder what significant trade exists between the US and Chad, and US and Botswana? Rare metals, perhaps.

Afghanistan as a trading partner: after we just spent 20 years fighting them? What's that about?

>> No.56406749


>> No.56406763

Its actually only a matter of seconds.
1,209,600 seconds to he exact.

>> No.56406779

This. Their values, such as they can be called, as a people are dogshit and backwards. They're nothing more than barbarians, yellow monkeys in suits.

>> No.56407023
File: 1.50 MB, 2560x1709, Cassidy-BitcoinElonMusk-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

China lost the moment they banned Bitcoin mining. After that it showed that China didn't have the foresight to lead and would always be too cautions to reach for greatness.

>> No.56407054

With $XUAN:

We have a few swinging jeets, but apart from that, if you cash in right now it's solid. Active in the shitcoin community and just started off.

>> No.56407254

>After that it showed that China didn't have the foresight to lead and would always be too cautions to reach for greatness.
You're pretty stupid if you hadn't notice after the great leap forward, one child policy etc etc etc . They will keep fucking up and shooting themselves in the foot because that's what commies do

>> No.56407270

>i'm white and have blond hair.
No you're chinese diaspora and it's pretty obvious. Nobody else is that delusional about China except very rare low IQ cases.

>> No.56407460

Nebraska and Iowa don’t go many labor intensive things. I like to eat fruit and vegetables, not processed corn syrup

They also have a lot of migrant labor so your premise is invalid.